Considering add-on, but the deals don't add up


DIS Veteran
Mar 19, 2001
The deals are so different at the different DVC resorts, I'm having trouble figuring out which is the best dea for me.

50 points at Vero $69 per point
50 points at Hilton Head $74 per point
50 points at Beach Club villas $84 per point
25 points at any of these $84 per point

I don't plan to spend much time at Vero Beach, but the price is the least. I love my home resort of BWV, but we all know the likelihood of a small add-on there. BCV is expensive, and I wouldn't have enough points to really stay there for any length of time. I am not one to switch resorts during a trip. I like to unpack and stay put. Would I be wasting money there? I own only 35 points at Hilton Head, not really enough to stay there either. Well, maybe could stay there every other year for a couple of days.

In the future, I'd like to take one Disney trip, and one trip to another location. Some of the Concierge collection, etc, require so many points, I am not sure if I will ever be able to make a nice trip out of that.

I think maybe I should just get 25 points at HHI. Not too much money to spare right now, but wanted to take advantage of the buy back discount if possible.

What is the best use of limited funds for a small add-on purchase?
Buy where you want to stay. All of those prices are too high since you're really giving $84 pp but renting your first years points back to DVC. You'll also pay dues on the points you rent back. VB has the highest yearly fees so I'd discourage that choice unless you will stay there. Buy enough points to use for what you want it for, if you can't afford as many as you need at present, I'd wait. Still look at resale where smaller packages can be more but still less than through DVC most of the time plus you have other resort choices like OKW and BW.
I'm in the same boat.
I own at BCV and are looking for a 50-100 point add on. I toured HHI and VB and loved both. I am planning to vacation there, VB more often than HHI, but both less than BCV.

I have the ability to vacation when I want so priority dates are not that important to me yet.

Yet I am torn, where to buy? VB is cheaper, $65 versus $75 for BCV (I'm granfathered in at the old rate less MB) but the dues are greater so the savings would be eaten up after several years.

I don't know, but I got to make up my mind real soon as my grandfathererd rate status is about to expire.

I've never heard of this "Grandfathered Rate". What is that all about?

You could just keep an eye out on the resales. We recently got an OKW add for $62. I like the fact that even with closing cost I was still able to save some money vs buying from Disney and OKW has the lowest maintenance costs. We do plan to stay at OKW but also plan to try the other resorts out as well. I would have been happy with any of the properties at WDW for $62.

The "grandfathered" rate if for DVC members who showed interest in doing add ons before the rate increase last month-maybe you didn't even have to let them know you wanted to add on-I don't know.

Anyway, you can buy pts at $80 until January 14th I believe instead of paying $84 like you would today if you called DVC and said you wanted to join.

I hope this makes sense. I think it just encourages people to do any add-ons they may have been thinking about at a lower price.
Yep, just saying you were interested granfathered you in. My grandfather status ends the 14th.

Interesting. I'll have to call. I have OKW but want to do a small add-on a BCV.


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