College Program Parents Thread...

My daughter is thinking about applying to the CP. Can anyone tell me how long the shifts are and what kind of breaks you get?
Well, my dd works at DHS (Jedi Training Academy) and gets about 6 hrs a day, with a 15 min break. When she works longer than 6 hrs, she gets a longer break for a regular meal.
DD going August 14th. QSFB..... Just made a Sunday night dinner ressie at 1900 Park Fair to celebrate with Cinderella .
My daughter is thinking about applying to the CP. Can anyone tell me how long the shifts are and what kind of breaks you get?

They are guaranteed 30-35 hours per week with apartment rent coming out of each check. People report a huge variety of working hours....from bare minimum to 60+. Our family is experiencing our third go-round now. First DD was QSFB and worked 35-45 hours. Second was Children's Activities and worked 37-60 hour weeks- usually in the 45 range. First DD is now a character attendant getting 35-45 hours but wanting more. We pay cell and car insurance but haven't helped otherwise other than occasional gift card surprises. They have lived in Disney housing and manage to have fun and save some.

They get 15 minute breaks and a 30-60 lunch if over 8 hours. Currently DD works shifts ranging from 4-10 hours.
my dd is QSFB too she is fall advantage and her check in is june 5.starting to try and make plans about when to visit ....her bday is dec and know it gets busy then too.Planning on going day before check in want to maybe do nice dinner night before at a resort. anyone done something special for your cp before they start?
My DD is also QSFB but doing Fall so she is not arriving till August 14th. We have reservations for the night before check in at 1900 Park Faire then planning on doing the Monorail Bar Crawl
we will be driving from pa when dd moves in...trying to decide best plan for arriving checking in her etc and then returning home....thinking to arrive saturday have sunday together,nice dinner then check her in monday etc stay monday night leave tues. am thinking she will have things scheduled.
That's basically our plan too. We will drive her down from Kentucky do she will have her car down there. Have Sunday as Downtown Disney day. I plan on flying out Wednesday AM. I probably won't see her much after Monday AM , except for a shopping trip to Walmart to get stuff for her apartment.
My daughter is thinking about applying to the CP. Can anyone tell me how long the shifts are and what kind of breaks you get?

It really depends. Some days you may have all 6 hour shifts and sometimes you may get a 14 hour shift (NYE Epcot for me). The breaks depend on how long you are scheduled and position. Each area kind of has their own rules based on what their union has negotiated so Characters and Character attendants have different rules then attractions and merch or food and beverage. I think in attractions we got 2 breaks of 15 minutes each if you worked 6 hours to 8 hours but if you were schedule for 8 working hours (so 8 and a half scheduled) then one of your 15s became a 30 so you could eat. That is the big thing getting use to is Disney works on "working hours" not scheduled hours for how much break time is given so your breaks come out of your scheduled hours.
That's basically our plan too. We will drive her down from Kentucky do she will have her car down there. Have Sunday as Downtown Disney day. I plan on flying out Wednesday AM. I probably won't see her much after Monday AM , except for a shopping trip to Walmart to get stuff for her apartment.

The day after check in is pretty boring and empty so unless she has traditions on Tuesday you'll probably see her Monday and Tuesday.
That's basically our plan too. We will drive her down from Kentucky do she will have her car down there. Have Sunday as Downtown Disney day. I plan on flying out Wednesday AM. I probably won't see her much after Monday AM , except for a shopping trip to Walmart to get stuff for her apartment.
That's pretty much what we did. Dh and I both have APs, so I bought dd a 5 day park hopper. Her checkin date was Sept 6 (Monday was Labor Day so she checked in on Tuesday). We flew down to WDW on Sat, the 3rd, and played in the parks for 3 days. She got to checkin, we moved her stuff in, went shopping. Helped her get set up a bit, and said goodbye to her around 2:30. She was busy with her roommates the rest of the day. The next day she had a house meeting, then met up with a friend and went to a park. We flew home the next morning...Wednesday. Sad to say, the kids don't want to see their parents after they get stuff moved in. My dd was lucky since she had two days left on her park hopper. Most kids don't have that.
That's pretty much what we did. Dh and I both have APs, so I bought dd a 5 day park hopper. Her checkin date was Sept 6 (Monday was Labor Day so she checked in on Tuesday). We flew down to WDW on Sat, the 3rd, and played in the parks for 3 days. She got to checkin, we moved her stuff in, went shopping. Helped her get set up a bit, and said goodbye to her around 2:30. She was busy with her roommates the rest of the day. The next day she had a house meeting, then met up with a friend and went to a park. We flew home the next morning...Wednesday. Sad to say, the kids don't want to see their parents after they get stuff moved in. My dd was lucky since she had two days left on her park hopper. Most kids don't have that.
See, I think it depends on the kids. Mine wanted to spend time with me until I left as she knew it would be awhile before she saw me again. 3 of the 6 had 'rents there and wanted to spend some final time with them. 5 of the 6 roomies bonded and are like sisters!! The 6th one was a bit different and she ended up self-terming after about 9 or 10 weeks...just didn't seem to be her thing. When I visited, the girls wanted to spend time with me. Mind you, I don't in any way try to act like I am one of the girls, but I also was only "motherly" from the standpoint of giving out hugs (if they wanted them...and they did!) and encouragement (no advice!). I also listened a lot. Sometimes it's nice to be able to vent... ;)

Almost all arrivals are Mondays, except Memorial and Labor day. Those arrive on Tues. Arrival day can be busy depending on if the get assigned to go to casting that day. If you arrive on Monday, it's check inand move in, and possibly casting. There is a mandatory housing mtg on Tues. And those who didn't get assigned to go to casting on Monday will go on Tuesday. Then Traditions start on Thursday and are usually wrapped up by Saturday early afternoon. Those who go to Traditions sooner start their work locations sooner. My DD was in one of the first Traditions classes and was starting her work location on Friday or Saturday when others were still completing Traditions. There is still a fair amount of free time the first week though. We had fun getting her settled in, shopping, eating out and going into the parks.
They can't get into the parks until after they have completed Traditions....that is when they become an official Disney CM and receive their ID that gets them into the parks. If you have time and can stay, I would but it depends totally on everyone's own schedule.
See, I think it depends on the kids. Mine wanted to spend time with me until I left as she knew it would be awhile before she saw me again. 3 of the 6 had 'rents there and wanted to spend some final time with them. 5 of the 6 roomies bonded and are like sisters!! The 6th one was a bit different and she ended up self-terming after about 9 or 10 weeks...just didn't seem to be her thing. When I visited, the girls wanted to spend time with me. Mind you, I don't in any way try to act like I am one of the girls, but I also was only "motherly" from the standpoint of giving out hugs (if they wanted them...and they did!) and encouragement (no advice!). I also listened a lot. Sometimes it's nice to be able to vent... ;)

Almost all arrivals are Mondays, except Memorial and Labor day. Those arrive on Tues. Arrival day can be busy depending on if the get assigned to go to casting that day. If you arrive on Monday, it's check inand move in, and possibly casting. There is a mandatory housing mtg on Tues. And those who didn't get assigned to go to casting on Monday will go on Tuesday. Then Traditions start on Thursday and are usually wrapped up by Saturday early afternoon. Those who go to Traditions sooner start their work locations sooner. My DD was in one of the first Traditions classes and was starting her work location on Friday or Saturday when others were still completing Traditions. There is still a fair amount of free time the first week though. We had fun getting her settled in, shopping, eating out and going into the parks.
They can't get into the parks until after they have completed Traditions....that is when they become an official Disney CM and receive their ID that gets them into the parks. If you have time and can stay, I would but it depends totally on everyone's own schedule.
Definitely depends on the kids!! My dd was 22, almost 23, when she arrived. She had lived away at school for four years, spent the previous two summers living with her boyfriend and his parents, in another state, so she could work, and had a semester abroad! She was perfectly fine saying goodbye to mom!!! Well, after mom spent close to $500 on food and stuff at Target!!!! Only one other parent was there...the other girls all arrived on their own. They looked to me for some advice on some stuff. And my dd was lucky because she already had friends as CMs!! So, she could head off with them for a day or so before going to Traditions. She didn't have Traditions until Sat, after arriving on Tuesday!! So, a fair amount of down time.
The kids sure do make it obvious when they're ready for mom and dad to leave!!!
Definitely depends on the kids!! My dd was 22, almost 23, when she arrived. She had lived away at school for four years, spent the previous two summers living with her boyfriend and his parents, in another state, so she could work, and had a semester abroad! She was perfectly fine saying goodbye to mom!!! Well, after mom spent close to $500 on food and stuff at Target!!!! Only one other parent was there...the other girls all arrived on their own. They looked to me for some advice on some stuff. And my dd was lucky because she already had friends as CMs!! So, she could head off with them for a day or so before going to Traditions. She didn't have Traditions until Sat, after arriving on Tuesday!! So, a fair amount of down time.
The kids sure do make it obvious when they're ready for mom and dad to leave!!!

Completely agree it is individual. My DD was driving herself down until she found out we were doing a beach week and opted to go with us and then we all went to Orlando (she drove and we flew home from Orlando). Dad worked at his Orlando office, DS and I did park time and she did her check in with her roommates. She wanted no help moving in, the roommates all went shopping together for their needs and the only reason we saw her again was that she wanted to go to dinner with us before we left. I didn't see her apartment until my next visit.

She was a recent college grad, also had lived at college and in her own apartment alone ... so I think it might depend on their ages & independence experience, how much they had traveled alone, how familiar they are with WDW and surrounding area and if they had met their roommates online beforehand.

Agree that you don't know what their schedule will be until they arrive so my DD had to go to things every day after arrival, yet one of her roommates had nothing for three days. Had we included her in any plans, she would not have been able to come.


Regarding hours, I would expect future DCP to be working a more consistent set of hours with the new rules on giving away shifts. Have heard from inside that this spring since the rules went in to effect approx. 1000 DCP have self termed because they couldn't work minimum hours by giving away shifts.
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Completely agree it is individual. My DD was driving herself down until she found out we were doing a beach week and opted to go with us and then we all went to Orlando (she drove and we flew home from Orlando). Dad worked at his Orlando office, DS and I did park time and she did her check in with her roommates. She wanted no help moving in, the roommates all went shopping together for their needs and the only reason we saw her again was that she wanted to go to dinner with us before we left. I didn't see her apartment until my next visit.

She was a recent college grad, also had lived at college and in her own apartment alone ... so I think it might depend on their ages & independence experience, how much they had traveled alone, how familiar they are with WDW and surrounding area and if they had met their roommates online beforehand.

Agree that you don't know what their schedule will be until they arrive so my DD had to go to things every day after arrival, yet one of her roommates had nothing for three days. Had we included her in any plans, she would not have been able to come.


Regarding hours, I would expect future DCP to be working a more consistent set of hours with the new rules on giving away shifts. Have heard from inside that this spring since the rules went in to effect approx. 1000 DCP have self termed because they couldn't work minimum hours by giving away shifts.

Really? That many? That's crazy. I do know that my dd said a lot of kids worked the bare minimum!! Not terribly bright. And the sad thing is that there were a ton of kids that were rejected that would have been happy with that rule. Too many kids think it's a 'paid' vacation.
I ask my dd if she thinks she 'might' be available when I book ADRs for trips. She usually says no, but every so often she has hours that work to my advantage. And she seldom works past 7pm, so that's a plus. Although, I wish she would get more than 6 hrs a day!!!
Really? That many? That's crazy. I do know that my dd said a lot of kids worked the bare minimum!! Not terribly bright. And the sad thing is that there were a ton of kids that were rejected that would have been happy with that rule. Too many kids think it's a 'paid' vacation.
I ask my dd if she thinks she 'might' be available when I book ADRs for trips. She usually says no, but every so often she has hours that work to my advantage. And she seldom works past 7pm, so that's a plus. Although, I wish she would get more than 6 hrs a day!!!

That is what is being discussed number wise because depending on where they worked, other DCP or full-timers have to pick up the slack. I know when DD was in she worked on average 8 hour shifts. Her first & second jobs were consistent hours but her third was all over the place. She hated the shorter shifts because it never failed she closed and had to open the next morning.

Yes she found many around her wanted to do the minimal work and maximum fun. By the end of the year she was burnt out but she went with the knowledge and acceptance that she would be working hard. She worked Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter ..... and we never expected her to get any holidays off. It's a great experience and so glad she went ..... and her plan to work there full-time ........ the knowledge she gained working and from managers pushed her to grad school.
Definitely depends on the kids!! My dd was 22, almost 23, when she arrived. She had lived away at school for four years, spent the previous two summers living with her boyfriend and his parents, in another state, so she could work, and had a semester abroad! She was perfectly fine saying goodbye to mom!!! Well, after mom spent close to $500 on food and stuff at Target!!!! Only one other parent was there...the other girls all arrived on their own. They looked to me for some advice on some stuff. And my dd was lucky because she already had friends as CMs!! So, she could head off with them for a day or so before going to Traditions. She didn't have Traditions until Sat, after arriving on Tuesday!! So, a fair amount of down time.
The kids sure do make it obvious when they're ready for mom and dad to leave!!!
Mine didn't have a "problem" saying goodbye....we are very close, we enjoy spending time doing things together. And I am happy that she looks to me for advice and that we have a strong bond. She is quite capable of spreading her wings and taking care of herself. We raised her to be very independent and self reliant but there is nothing wrong with missing your mother. I am 48 and miss mine often!!!
She knows WDW well as it is a regular vacation spot for us. And she was able to room with one person she linked with but the group that linked themselves were broken up into 3 pairs and separated.
Mine didn't have a "problem" saying goodbye....we are very close, we enjoy spending time doing things together. And I am happy that she looks to me for advice and that we have a strong bond. She is quite capable of spreading her wings and taking care of herself. We raised her to be very independent and self reliant but there is nothing wrong with missing your mother. I am 48 and miss mine often!!!
She knows WDW well as it is a regular vacation spot for us. And she was able to room with one person she linked with but the group that linked themselves were broken up into 3 pairs and separated.
Sounds like us!! Very strong bond, we're very close. I'm thrilled that she gets to live her dream, while figuring out the best way to 'adult'!! She has some wonderful friends there, and a terrific roommate. A roommate she met via her work study...a friend she made, while studying in the UK, told dd that she just had to meet her best friend at home. This friend, back home at a different college, in a faraway state, loved all things Disney and was applying to DCP too!!! Well, the girls got to be good FB friends, one started in August, dd started in they live together, in an off-site apt! Both plan to remain there permanently!! Spreading the wings!!! Have to love it.
Really? That many? That's crazy. I do know that my dd said a lot of kids worked the bare minimum!! Not terribly bright. And the sad thing is that there were a ton of kids that were rejected that would have been happy with that rule. Too many kids think it's a 'paid' vacation.

My DD is so anxious to hear whether she's accepted or not. Two summers ago she was a full-time 3rd shift CNA in a nursing home. Last summer she worked 40+ hours per week in a movie theater. This school year she is an RA at her university. I know we all believe this about our kids, but I can't help but think her work ethic will match up with what Disney is looking for. She's the sort who would pick up extra hours if they let her.

She's also still in the running for a professional internship at WDW, so I'm hoping either the CP or PI work out for her. Mostly the PI though because the pay is in a whole other category than CP. As of now she has a big nothingburger from Disney, but it will be great if either work out.
I know I'm getting way ahead of myself, but I'm curious about something. How do those who live far away/will be taking a plane deal with getting all of their stuff down to Orlando? And what about all the apartment stuff that obviously needs to be purchased once there--what do you do with it after the program? I'm watching videos of TVs, pots, toasters, white boards, closet storage organizers, and I can't imagine spending the money to ship them back and forth. I know it's a silly thing to think about it seems overwhelmingly expensive and wasteful for a few months. But I understand they need to split the cost of these apartment-type expenses or personal use expenses.


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