coffee pots in rooms?


Earning My Ears
Feb 1, 2001
Does anyone know if there are in-room coffee pots at the HRH?? Also, are the garden view and pool view rooms the same size? (375 sq ft)?

Gardenview and pool view are same size. The deluxe next category up rooms are larger. I am also wondering if the rooms have coffee pots?? anyone know? Portofinos rooms do.

Yes they have coffee pots.

Standard Garden view and pool view and Club rooms are all 375 sq feet, while Deluxe rooms are 500 square feet.

I stayed in a Club room this weekend, and I would not pay for the extra for the smaller room to fight crowds to try and get the free food. Go with the bigger Deluxe room!
The coffee pots are quite small, only big enough for about one and a half to two of what I call "cups". And typically you will find one prepackaged filter bag of regular and one of decaf coffee. However, you can usually flag down the housekeeping staff and ask for extra coffee.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"‡


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