Circus McGurkas Cafe

The kids will love it but for adults the food's merely okay.

The decor is great and they have live entertainment (ceck the schedule at the door). In the afternoons (around 3:30 I think) they have birthday parties for anyone who's having a birthday during their visit to IOA.

(Hmmm. Now that I think about it, I don't know if they check to make sure it really is your birthday. Anyone know?)

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Orlando: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"
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So I guess that rumor I heard of it closing down isn't true. Maybe that person just saw it on a day when there was a rehab of it, or just normal cleaning. Anyone know more?
By the way, Yes i've eaten there, and I love it. Really good spaghetti.

"There is no Fate but what we make for ourselves."
That`s great. I`ll add that to my must do list. Actually it is my sons birthday around the time that we are there ,just not when we are in Orlando,Iwas wondering if there was something special we could do.
I realize there are some things for if your birthday is that exact day, but are there other ways of celebrating.
Thanks for the information.


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