Christmas Magic & Freezing Temps! Dec 10 TR (Upd 6/26, the last night!)

We were there Dec 12-17 and it was FREEZING!!! I think Monday was the worst. I love looking at the pictures. Looks like your daughter was having so much fun!
Welcome!! She was totally into Disney! Had a GREAT time! I see you are from GA. So am I! This Southern Miss thing is just for grad school!

Enjoying your TR so far.And looking forward to more:goodvibes
YAY! Thanks! I'm certainly gonna try to keep you entertained, if not a little informed! :thumbsup2
Subbing :thumbsup2 My DD will be 19 months and her 1st trip when DH and I take her Sept 2011 so I am looking forward to hearing about how much FUN LO had on the trip! BTW you are preggo, I couldn't even tell. Congrats! You look great!
Subbing :thumbsup2 My DD will be 19 months and her 1st trip when DH and I take her Sept 2011 so I am looking forward to hearing about how much FUN LO had on the trip! BTW you are preggo, I couldn't even tell. Congrats! You look great!

Guess who wins my FAVORITE post?? :lmao: I was right at 20/21 weeks while we were there. Thanks!
We walked over to ToonTown, and this was probably one of my bigger "regrets" for Cortlyn while we were at Magic Kingdom. I wish that we had spend some more quality time over in ToonTown. Knowing that it won't be there the next time is really sad. We only spent time in Minnie's House. I think I thought we would have more time to go back (we planned for another MK day) and it was really a time filler anyway, waiting for the other family we were traveling with to get to MK. Here are some pictures from the house.

Minnie's Mailbox.






This was cute... Her fridge is filled with cheese... heehee

Cortlyn LOVED the popcorn in the microwave. I was actually surprised she didn't want to try and EAT some popcorn!

This cake "baked" in the oven. It was fun to watch.

I'm not sure that I had ever spent any real time over in ToonTown, but at least we had fun over there for a little while! :sad1:
Around this point, we met up with Nita, Michael & Alyssa- The other family we were traveling with. They had flown in the day before and spent their friday in EPCOT. They had come to join us for the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party!!:banana: They were sitting out in front of the castle. Cortlyn was THRILLED to see her friend Alyssa and they enjoyed dancing to the music while we sat there...

(I should mention, that Cortlyn had a pink Minnie Dress that she REFUSED to put on that I had made for her to wear to the party... You can see Alyssa is dressed, but Cortlyn is not. Ah the joys of Toddlerhood! :rotfl:)


Here’s another tip for traveling with a group. Discuss ahead of time WHAT is important that you do together! The party was starting and we hadn’t really done any research as to what the schedule was. Michael was acting like the fireworks or parade were starting, so we sat there for about 30 minutes, then I looked at the schedule and realized there was NOTHING scheduled for a while longer....:mad: I didn’t really care about parades or fireworks. I wanted to see the extra characters and get the free snacks!popcorn:: We kinda had a little spat because we had a difference of opinion on what to do with the night. I wish that we had discussed ahead of time what we thought was important about the party. I knew our time at the Party was limited to Cortlyn, who had not napped at ALL that day. We had driven from Tallahassee to Orlando and been in Magic Kingdom all afternoon. She was doing GREAT, but a non-napped toddler is like a ticking time bomb!

We finally started off to find some hot chocolate and characters! We walked over into AdventureLand and we saw that Genie and Abu were in this little spot and got in line (the hot chocolate & cookies were actually right next door as well! Score!). Alyssa was excited, but Cort totally changed her mind and did NOT want anything to do with Genie and Abu. So, we got out of line and ate some goodies. Then all of a sudden we looked over and Jasmine was there instead of Genie! Woohoo, so we jumped in line and Cortlyn was excited! So, we were able to talk to Jasmine for a few minutes (super nice! Talked to Cortlyn about Aladdin getting in trouble for stealing ice cream).

The character spot

The place we got the hot chocolate & cookies- which were SUPER yummy by the way!


So, then, we headed back to be in front of the castle for the parade and such... of course, again, difference of opinion here... of course the Castle is where EVERYONE wants to be, so its gonna be stupid crowded and hard to find a good spot. My opinion is let's go further down the route to find a less crowded spot or just find other characters. But Michael wanted to be AT the castle, cause that's where the "best spot" to see was. :sad2: Oh well... Cortlyn was starting to melt at this point, since she had NOT slept well the night before, and now had not had a nap all day and it was past her bedtime. We were on borrowed Cortlyn-Time people! Corey decided to try to buy her one of the balloons to cheer her up, however, I knew this wouldn’t be a good idea, considering that Cortlyn has an issue with the balloon being secured and tied to her wrist or any other item. The wind was KICKING! The balloon was tied to 3 mickey ear weights, but I didn’t trust it, and so I was trying to get Cortlyn to let me secure the balloon.

The Balloon...

Anytime that anyone would touch the balloon she would freak out, but like I said, the wind was crazy. Well, needless to say, that the evening came to a close around that time. We packed up the little one and poor Corey picked up the girl and we headed for the bus. Have I mentioned that I bought a double stroller for this trip so that Alyssa and Cortlyn could ride together? Nita and Michael had the stroller with them all day in EPCOT, so my stud of a husband carried Cortlyn around ALL afternoon pretty much. His back was killing him, because Cortlyn... well, she is a HEALTHY 2.5 year old. ;) She's in the 90% for height and weight. I love my sweet husband.

Cortlyn LOVED the bus ride home...

But passed out before we got back to the room!
Am also sad that there will be no Mickey and Minnie houses soon...have never seen them and now never will be able to. Am glad you were able to visit one last time.

Sounds like you still managed to get some things done at the party on borrowed time! It's :cool1: that Cortlyn managed to meet Jasmine...they seem pretty engrossed in conversation!
Am also sad that there will be no Mickey and Minnie houses soon...have never seen them and now never will be able to. Am glad you were able to visit one last time.

Sounds like you still managed to get some things done at the party on borrowed time! It's :cool1: that Cortlyn managed to meet Jasmine...they seem pretty engrossed in conversation!

Oh! that wasn't Cortlyn with Jasmine! :rolleyes1 I forgot to take any pictures and I haven't uploaded the Photopass Pictures to Photobucket yet! Oops! But I wanted to get a shot of where Jasmine was for people to see! Sorry!
Oh! that wasn't Cortlyn with Jasmine! :rolleyes1 I forgot to take any pictures and I haven't uploaded the Photopass Pictures to Photobucket yet! Oops! But I wanted to get a shot of where Jasmine was for people to see! Sorry!

Duh! Was obviously not looking at the pics close enough as the kid in that picture has darker coloured hair! :laughing:
That is why I don't really want to travel with with friends or even other family members. Everyone has there own ideas, and I am so different than most I know. My one friend had talked about going in Dec when we were talking about going, and I told her right out that she should plan stuff on there own, because I am a crazed woman at Disney and have a certain way of doing things. :rolleyes1 They have decided to post pone a trip for a few years though.
Years ago I took Michae l and Paige with my mom, and my mom was pretty good with my plans, but she did say I was a little obsessed, even back then before I had any internet access to know all the things I know now. :yay:
The houses will be gone when we go down. Claire will be sad, so I am not even mentioning them to her.
I have a feeling our next Disney trip will be to DL ion the next few years, so at least she can see the houses there.
Awesome start!!! Sounds like your trip is off to a good start!!! Like you we had a BLAST!!! I wish it was a bit warmer, ok a LOT warmer, but we made do! :thumbsup2
Hi great TR. Taking my dgd for her 3rd b-day in dec (12-4/12-10) how did Cortlyn handle the cold weather?
Okay, so I didn't realize you had already started your report! I knew you had started writing one, but I didn't know you had actually posted and stuff...does that make sense?? :laughing:

Anyway, to anyone reading, I am the "Shelley" Christen refers to here and there. I may chime in every once in a while too :goodvibes I may even post pictures now and then too...once my photobucket resets itself next month for bandwidth used :rolleyes1

Let me just say, Christen and I communicated pretty beautifully about this trip. But, we've known each other for over 10 years now and have had our share of miscommunications in the past. So I think we've learned each other pretty well. I don't think we had many misgivings about how we would spend our time. We did quite a bit together...but also did a lot apart. Since Brian and I don't have kids yet, that definitely changes how we tour the parks. All I know is, I never got offended or irritated with Christen. I think the feeling was mutual...:confused3 RIGHT??? :laughing:

So, I don't think it's impossible to travel with friends. There just needs to be a lot of conversation about HOW you're going to tour. And it helps if you're both obsessed freaks, like us! :goodvibes
That is why I don't really want to travel with with friends or even other family members. Everyone has there own ideas, and I am so different than most I know. My one friend had talked about going in Dec when we were talking about going, and I told her right out that she should plan stuff on there own, because I am a crazed woman at Disney and have a certain way of doing things. :rolleyes1 They have decided to post pone a trip for a few years though.
Years ago I took Michae l and Paige with my mom, and my mom was pretty good with my plans, but she did say I was a little obsessed, even back then before I had any internet access to know all the things I know now. :yay:
The houses will be gone when we go down. Claire will be sad, so I am not even mentioning them to her.
I have a feeling our next Disney trip will be to DL ion the next few years, so at least she can see the houses there.
I think I will be more careful if I travel with friends (Other than Shelley, of course!) in the future.

Awesome start!!! Sounds like your trip is off to a good start!!! Like you we had a BLAST!!! I wish it was a bit warmer, ok a LOT warmer, but we made do! :thumbsup2
Why did you take the cold weather and leave it down there! I'm blaming you! :rotfl:

Hi great TR. Taking my dgd for her 3rd b-day in dec (12-4/12-10) how did Cortlyn handle the cold weather?
:laughing: Cortlyn did FINE with the weather. We had to BEG her to wear her jacket and later her gloves and hat. Seriously... she said "I fine!" everytime you asked her if she was cold. :confused:

TR are cool wish i had time to do one..
They are time consuming... But I work on mine when I'm not on the disboards and that seems to help.

Okay, so I didn't realize you had already started your report! I knew you had started writing one, but I didn't know you had actually posted and stuff...does that make sense?? :laughing:

Anyway, to anyone reading, I am the "Shelley" Christen refers to here and there. I may chime in every once in a while too :goodvibes I may even post pictures now and then too...once my photobucket resets itself next month for bandwidth used :rolleyes1

Let me just say, Christen and I communicated pretty beautifully about this trip. But, we've known each other for over 10 years now and have had our share of miscommunications in the past. So I think we've learned each other pretty well. I don't think we had many misgivings about how we would spend our time. We did quite a bit together...but also did a lot apart. Since Brian and I don't have kids yet, that definitely changes how we tour the parks. All I know is, I never got offended or irritated with Christen. I think the feeling was mutual...:confused3 RIGHT??? :laughing:

So, I don't think it's impossible to travel with friends. There just needs to be a lot of conversation about HOW you're going to tour. And it helps if you're both obsessed freaks, like us! :goodvibes
Yeah... we have some AWESOME communication skills...:lmao::lmao::lmao: You didn't even know I started?! Sigh... silly woman! But I love you! :hug: and of course we will travel with you again!

All caught up!!!!!!!! Great report thus far. Your trip will be valuable to me. And Cortlyn is gorgeous!!!!
Thanks! :love: I think she's pretty perfect myself!
Subbing in now! Trying to catch up on all my readings! I have been so busy I haven't even been keeping up on my own TR. I am getting better though! :lmao:
Hi! Just found your TR...had read some of your PTR and am happy to hear how it all turned out. Can't wait to hear more!
How are you doing? I haven't heard or seen you anywhere on here for quite some time.
I know!! I know!!! PLEASE forgive me dear readers! I'm here and think about this often, but I have had a lot of things pulling me in different directions (husband out of town, family issues, and this little thing called pregnancy!) that have slowed me WAY down! :worship:Please forgive me!!!

I promise I will havea REAL update with pictures from our CRT Breakfast in the next few days... I SWEAR! :thumbsup2
Hello??? Is anyone there??? :confused3

Okay... So... Here goes, day TWO at Disneyworld! This was the most exciting day for me! I was going to get to eat--- scratch that!:rolleyes: I was going to take CORTLYN to eat with the Princesses! princess:

We woke up early- because no matter how tired Cortlyn was the night before, she ALWAYS wakes up early! I had brought Cortlyn's Cinderella dress that we bought for THIS occasion. I was SO excited as I pulled it out of the bag and I hear "I don't wanna wear THAT!" WHA????? :sad1: Finally, I just looked at Corey and said, "if she doesn't want to wear it, then I guess she won't wear it" but I was crushed! We stuffed it in the stroller with HOPES that later she would change her mind.

Let me just say, that Cortlyn thought the bus was probably the coolest part of the whole week at Disney! She LOVED getting on the buses! I think part of it was that she is usually always in a carseat, so this was a new freedom for her. The buses were quick and we rarely waited at all (which I know is a concern with the Values- but seriously! We had amazing luck with the buses!).

We got to MK right after rope drop. I had wanted to get there FOR rope drop, BUT you know... with the whole I don't wanna wear my dress episode, we were a little behind. No worries though- there is always the NEXT disney trip! We we walked in- the FIRST thing we see is Daisy Duck! The line didn't seem that long, so I asked Cortlyn if she wanted to meet Daisy and she was VERY excited to do so!! YAY!! I just knew this meant we were going to be GOOD with the rest of the characters... :rotfl2:



We walk on down through Main Street and its pretty empty still- I mean, it was early, and I'm sure most of the rope droppers were out getting their fastpasses for rides.





I was SOOO excited to walk through the castle! Cortlyn thought it was really neat to be "in" the Castle- which made our breakfast later that morning even MORE exciting to me!!! I had to take some pictures of the mosaics:






So, we went back into Fantasyland... or what is left of it. I'm glad that Cortlyn is so little and won't remember all the walls and such, but there was a little sadness for me that so much was boarded up. But we were still in Disney, and Cortlyn will never remember the walls I'm sure. And I'm looking forward to going back and seeing all the new wonderful things they will be doing with it!!

Our first ride of the day was DUMBO!!! YAY!! I was so excited to take Cortlyn on this ride!


Shocking... My princess wanted the PINK Dumbo!


That was a big hit! I wish I had told Corey to ride with her after we got off, because the lines were so low. Anyway, we got a call from Nita that Alyssa was finished with her BBB appointment, so we started towards the castle to meet up with them. We just HAPPENED to see a character meeting- Cinderella's step mother and step sisters! We jumped in line and waited to see them. They were SOOO funny. If you see them, you should really take the chance to meet them. One of the funny things they talked about was that if the sisters HADN'T torn up the pink dress, that the prince never would have noticed Cinderella, and how they made her "fashionably" late for the ball. It was really cute.




So, right next to where the Step sisters were, was a little shop where Alyssa had taken some photo pass pictures after her appt. We went inside and Cortlyn saw this little Cinderella doll and asked for it. My husband is SOOO smart and said "You can have the doll, IF you put on your Cinderella dress." Next thing we knew, Cortlyn was taking off her shirt to put on her dress! WOOHOO!!! WAY to go honey!!!!

Next, we went to go ride It's a Small World. Cortlyn really enjoyed this the night before, and we had found out that Nita's family didn't ride ANYTHING. After we left they basically stayed right in front of the castle, and watched the parade and fireworks, but didn't do anything else... sigh. What a waste of park hours IMO- but whatever! It's their trip! After IASW, we headed to the Castle for our breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table! YAY! While we waited, I caught the girls practicing their Curtsies! CUTE!


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