Chicago area Diser's - check in here Part 3

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Here yesterday morning I thought Katie was doing better, but than last night she had a 100.7 fever again. Whatever she has is hanging on for dear life:guilty: So...I guess we are going to stay home again all day today.

Later tonight, Kevin and I are going to his works Christmas party :santa: (his parents are babysitting the girls). The party was cancelled in December, and was rescheduled for tonight. The party is just serving drinks and appetizers, so I guess we'll have to eat dinner before we get there.

geffric - Of course you can join the band ::yes:: Now we have a couple Clarinets, a flute, a trumpet, and a drummer - anyone else want to join?:cool1:

Mindy - You can be our lead singer in our band :thumbsup2

Bunchkin - I hope you have a great time this weekend :banana: You and Lauren will have a great time!!!!
**What a wonderful thing you are doing for Sue and Megan, you are an angel!!!! :angel:
**How sad about your real estate agent:sad1: I knew someone else that couldn't carry a baby, and than she finally did - it was such a blessing and a prayer answered. I sure hope the same happens for her. :wizard:

Sam - So many hugs to you!!! :hug: :hug: That is such a scary scary thing that happened at Megans before/after school care :scared1: I would be extrememly upset too ::yes:: Stephanie's before/after school care made me upset and nervous when she was in kindergarten, and she's not going to that school because of it. My experience was in no way as scary as yours, but I understand your upsetness :hug: I'm so glad Bunchkin is able to help you, so Megan can be somewhere you can totally trust.
**Question: Is the before/after school care part of the school, or an outside company that comes into the school? Stephanie after school care that she attends on Thursdays and whenever else needed is an outside company that comes into the school.

Kim - When my MIL and Stephanie was in a car accident (not her fault) my MIL was so sore too, so I can understand how your brother feels. I'm so glad they are okay - car accidents are so scary!!!! :guilty:

To everyone else - Hi there!!! :wave2:

Well, I gotta run and get Steph up and going for school.:teacher:
Have a good day today everyone!! :wave:
The sun it out!!! :sunny:

Happy Friday one and all!! :rainbow:

One of my favorite slow cooker cookbooks is "Fix it and Forget it" It's awesome!

I have that cookbook!! It IS awesome!!

I have been cold all the time too! :confused3

Bunchkin **How sad about your real estate agent:sad1: I knew someone else that couldn't carry a baby, and than she finally did - it was such a blessing and a prayer answered. I sure hope the same happens for her. :wizard:

She said to me right before we hung up "one of these days I'm going to call you with good news". :sad1:
She had called me a couple months after finding out she was pregnant last spring. She waited to call everyone for fear of something happening to the baby. So she waited to let everyone know she was pregnant. Shortly after that she lost the baby.
And this past time she got pregnant she didn't call to let us know.
It's so sad!!! :( I wish there was something I can do for her.

So sorry to hear Katie's temp is back up. I would alternante between Tylenol and Mortin to get it to stay down. Since she has had it a few days, I would consider calling her pediatrician if it doesn't go away for good by this weekend. :)

I got to run!! Lots of errand to go do today! :car:

Have a great day everyone!! :hippie:
Bunchkin said:
So sorry to hear Katie's temp is back up. I would alternante between Tylenol and Mortin to get it to stay down. Since she has had it a few days, I would consider calling her pediatrician if it doesn't go away for good by this weekend. :)

Luckily, for now, the Motrin takes the fever right down, and it stays down until it's about ready to wear off. I agree about calling the Pediatrician by Monday if things haven't changed ::yes::. The whole thing is just so weird, she's got a stuffy nose and a fever - that's it :confused3 I keep asking her if anything hurts her, and she just says her nose (from wiping it alot). She's had something like this before, but the fever didn't last this long - it's weird!! :confused3
I'm getting tired of the cold. I don't know if it's because it's just me at home, or what but my apartment seems colder. The heat comes on but the windows are old. :guilty: I feel cold everywhere, even at work, I have to wear 2 sweaters and drink hot chocolate. I'm ALWAYS cold! :cold:

On a happy note, I applied for a passport today! I've never had one and decided it was time! Not that I have anywhere planned to go where I'd need one, but still...:thumbsup2

I'm always freezing when most of my office feels fine. :cold:

And it's a good idea to get a passport, because you'll need it if you win a trip to TDL or DLRP or something. :thumbsup2

Thanks Sandy. I saw DNephew at school this morning - thankfully! - and Kelly & I went into his 8th grade classroom and gave him a big, embarrassing {{HUG}} and asked if he was all right. He said he was but, he looked very tired. :guilty: My Bro came to school at day's end to see if his son was ok too. Bro has cuts on his head and hand. He said his back was hurting him today also. :confused3 Otherwise, they're ok, I guess.

As for the passport - how long are they good for? I don't have anything planned but, if I knew how long they're good for, I might just get them for all of us. Canada, Mexico, etc. It's something to prepare for now, for sure. ;)

I'm glad your DB and DN are ok. :hug: And I think passports last for 10 years.
Hi everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well…
Slo Sorry DD is sick.:sick: It stinks so badly! I hope she gets better soon. Unfortunately it’s probably some funky virus that needs to just run it’s course.
Bunchkin & SamIAm…have you tried out your new routine yet? How’s it going?
Bunchkin…sorry about your friend. Very sad!!! I feel so bad for her. I can't imagine.
Kim..I am glad your family is OK and recovering. Unfortunately, your DBs aches and pains can show up down the road. That’s the bummer of it! He will need to take good care of himself!
To all of you who are cold…you are just too skinny! You need to get some meat on your bones!
I HATE giving my money to Peoples Gas so I have been putting my heat all the way down to 65 at night and when I leave the house. I DO have enough meat on my bones so it’s not too bad and we have tons of sweatshirts and blankies around! My DH is the only one who seems to complain about it. I actually think it helps me sleep better.
Jedi..hope all is well on your end. Have fun with your passport!
Macraven....does WASABI end?
OH.....and I feel very left out!!!! I can't think of anything I can do in your band!!! I have no talent!

Have a great weekend everyone!
To all of you who are coldyou are just too skinny! You need to get some meat on your bones!
I HATE giving my money to Peoples Gas so I have been putting my heat all the way down to 65 at night and when I leave the house. I DO have enough meat on my bones so it’s not too bad and we have tons of sweatshirts and blankies around! My DH is the only one who seems to complain about it. I actually think it helps me sleep better.

OH.....and I feel very left out!!!! I can't think of anything I can do in your band!!! I have no talent!


I felt left out too. I'm also not talented. Hey, maybe you and I can be flag twirlers! :cool1:
Hi everyone! Well at least it sunny, but to top this week off so very nicely, Megan went to bed feeling yucky last night and woke up with 102.4 fever and its back up again to 102. After another dose of Motrin, she's riding it out on the couch. Took her to the Dr. today and she has a sinus infection. :sick: Ewww!!

Bunchkin great call on that Post Nasal Drip. That's what was causing her throat to be sore, the infection from her sinuses. Ewww! :sick:

Honestly though, although she's home sick, I am so glad to feel at "ease" today. Wednesday and Thursday were hard days to get through wondering what/if anything strange was going to happen at her Ivy League program. I called the Ivy League offices today and was very nice about everything because I hate to burn bridges. I just said I wasn't comfortable with Megan in the program at this time. I also noted that I thought the program could be a lot better. It's so much better at other schools in the area, schools that cater to the ritzier side of town. We are not exactly on the poor side of the tracks, but some other schools in the New Lenox area are far nicer, newer. The director and I talked about how they need to up the fun at that program. Rather than just being a "holding tank" for the kids. She is a really nice lady and I felt bad after I hung up, but I know I'm doing the right thing. Megan is very excited about riding the bus on Monday.

So, poor Megan with her sinus infection. One thing I did do today is bought one of those neato ear thermometers. I wanted for quite some time now and last night when I had to wake her up to take her temp, I felt so bad. She was whimpering because she just wanted to sleep and she was having a hard time doing that to begin with.

So, next week, we'll be back to health and happiness!

Stay warm this weekend friends! It's going to be seroiusly cold!

Slo: I just read about Katie. Sheesh, when it rains it pours. I hope she gets better really soon!! Big hugs!!

Yes, Megan's before/after school program is run by an outside company called ROL (River of Life Ministries). They call the program Ivy League. Up until this week, I was thinking that things had gotten so much better since the beginning of the year, when I had a multitude of small problems (like when they "lost her" the third day of school). Megan was making crafts from time to time, but this latest issue just tipped me over the edge.
Hi all-
Matthew has his Pinewood Derby car race tomorrow for Cub Scouts. Hope he does well and his car is fast!! :car: Don has been working on it deligently, carving and painting it.

I'll join the band, too. I love to sing! I was in concert choir in high school and I was in a choir in college for 1 yr too! I used to play the piano but haven't played in a long, long time.

Slo- Sorry Katie is still sick :sick: Hope she does better and gets rid of her bug! :wizard:

Debbie- how was Disney Princesses on Ice?? Can't remember if you said anything about how it went.

Mac- how is WAPSADI going?? Is it over yet? How's everything else going?

Bunchkin- Sorry to hear about your realtor friend :sad1: :hug: I have a friend that had 2 miscarriages in between her 2 kids. Does your realtor friend have other children or is she trying for her first? I also have friends that couldn't get pregnant and had adopted baby girls from China. Another family I know adopted a girl from Guatamala. These women couldn't get pregnant for a long time. It's a lot of money for adoption, but well worth it. I went to a fertility doc back in 1995 b/c I didn't have my periods, thus not ovulating. After about a yr with the fertiltiy doc and hormone injections, everything took and pregnant with Chrissy and Matthew!! :cool1: Who knew I was going to have twins?! So anything is possible. Hope your friend keeps perservering for that baby!
Also, have fun with hte Brownies/ Girl Scouts camping this weekend, Keep warm!

Hi to everyone else :wave2:

Have a good weekend!
I am trying so hard to get the energy to get ready for this Christmas party:santa: It's hard to be excited about a party where you don't know anyone:rolleyes:

Thanks for the continued well wishes for Ms. Katie :) I sure hope she gets rid of this bug this weekend :wizard:

Debbie and Jedi - Don't feel left out :sad2: We could use some dancers to be one stage with our band. I bet you both can dance ::yes::

Sam - I'm sorry Megan is sick :sick: I'm sending lots of PD for her to feel better soon!!:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Rose - Good luck to Matthew at his Pinewood Derby Contest tomorrow :wizard: Let us know how he does :thumbsup2
**That's great our band has another singer :woohoo:

Leigh - :wave2:

Well, I guess I should go plug in the curling iron, pull out my make-up bag, and figure out what I'm going to wear.

Have a good night tonight!!! :wave:
Bunchkin & SamIAm…have you tried out your new routine yet? How’s it going?
To all of you who are cold…you are just too skinny! You need to get some meat on your bones!

OH.....and I feel very left out!!!! I can't think of anything I can do in your band!!! I have no talent!

Sam will start bringing Megan over on Mon. morning! :)

I have lots of meat on my bones and I'm still cold!!! :rotfl:

You can play a tambourine in our band!! Anyone can play one of those!!! As long as you can keep a beat that is! :rotfl: ;)


I felt left out too. I'm also not talented. Hey, maybe you and I can be flag twirlers! :cool1:

You get a tambourine too!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
You two will be the 'Davy Jones' of our band!!

Bunchkin great call on that Post Nasal Drip. That's what was causing her throat to be sore, the infection from her sinuses. Ewww! :sick:

I knew I was right......that will be $100 please!! Dr. Bunchkin's in the house! :rotfl:

Hi all-
Matthew has his Pinewood Derby car race tomorrow for Cub Scouts.

Bunchkin- Sorry to hear about your realtor friend :sad1: :hug: I have a friend that had 2 miscarriages in between her 2 kids. Does your realtor friend have other children or is she trying for her first?

Good luck to Matthew tomorrow!! :thumbsup2

Our friend does not have any kids yet. :(
I don't think they are considering adoption at this time. I think they are more concerned in finding out why she can't have any.
But I have spoken to her about adoption before.
Thanks to all of you who congratulated me on my new job. :grouphug:

The first week has gone so well that I don't even miss the old one. :cool2:

A new job and the Bears in the Superbowl. :cloud9: The only thing better is a long stay at Disney World. :banana: :banana: Big trip planned for 2008!
Ok starting this again.

Debbie jedi I am not talented. Maybe we can sell and collect tickets.:idea: I can't carry a beat even with a handle, so the tambourine thing is out.

Bunchkin I hope things work out for your friend. Has the drs looked for an allergy. I know someone who developed an allergy to the fetus. Her body looked at it like an allergen. It's somewhat rare but :confused3. Not being able to have a baby when everyone is getting pregnant left and right is not fun. Adopting sometimes is not the same as being able to have your own.:hug: Just give your friend an ear and a good shoulder. Your a good person.

Kim I'm so sorry about your Brother and nephew. I'm glad they seem to be on the mend.
Thanks to all of you who congratulated me on my new job. :grouphug:

The first week has gone so well that I don't even miss the old one. :cool2:

A new job and the Bears in the Superbowl. :cloud9: The only thing better is a long stay at Disney World. :banana: :banana: Big trip planned for 2008!

Glad things are working out.pixiedust: pixiedust: for continued success
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is ready for the Extreme winter they are forcasting for next week.

I'm up earlier since the Satellite guy is coming this morning to install DVR upstairs. I need to do a quick clean up again. Does anyone else clean before repair people come or am I alone and strange? I hope they come early so not to ruin the whole day.

Ok off I go may check back later.
Hi all-
Matthew has his Pinewood Derby car race tomorrow for Cub Scouts. Hope he does well and his car is fast!! :car: Don has been working on it deligently, carving and painting it.

Our Pinewood Derby is today too! I've got 2 cars racing -- a Tiger & a Webelos I. It's always a long day but at least this year I ordered the pizza! :lmao: Every year they offer it & I've been too cheap to get it thinking we will just get snacks or go to McDonald's it will be cheaper. Every year we end up not leaving and I think it was last year, one of my kids ended up getting pizza from another family. :rotfl2: I think it was my daughter who was off with a friend of hers & they offered.

Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is ready for the Extreme winter they are forcasting for next week.

Yuck! I hadn't heard about any extreme winter but I'm trying to ignore the fact that we are still in winter. I'm freezing and am very, very ready for spring. As far as I'm concerned, I'm done with winter (as if I can control the weather!). :lmao: I've had enough.

As for the Chicagoland band....I'm in fairly deep trouble as I have no music ability and I don't think you would want to see me dance. :dancer: I could be one of the people selling merchadise. Merchandising, merchandising, merchandising (i.e. Mel Brooks).

I'm fairly excited as I think I've convinced DH that going to Disney in 2009 is a good idea. :banana: I'm not 100% sure yet but I'm trying to use my logic on him as our 6 year old will be 9 then and so if we wait any longer we will have to pay for 5 adult ticket prices, etc... where as if we go in 2009 it's only 4. Of course, I have to save my pennies because when we go, we don't go cheap. :rotfl: We went on the Premium plan last time and I think DH got spoiled because he wants to do that plan again this time. The funniest thing is because the way they changed the plan to our benefit, with now being able to choose how many day tickets & if you want the Water option (which we never used but required to get it last time). I calculated it out that it will be about $2,000 cheaper for us to go than it was last time and that is with having an extra "adult" ticket price. Last time we had 3 adults, this time 4 because my son just hit the magical 10. Works for me! Cheaper is good. I don't know if it will actually happen but at least we can plan so much better now that we have some perspective since we aren't 1st timers.
We didn't stay long at Kevin's work party - we left at 9pm. There was not a whole lot going on, and not many people showed up. They were suppossed to have almost 70 people there, and there was only 38 - some people in charge of the party were not happy :mad:

Bunchkin - I hope you are able to stay warm this weekend on your trip - have fun!!!! :cool1:

Joe - I'm so glad your new job is going well - that is awesome news!!!! :thumbsup2

HERSEY - The only area that I clean-up before a service person comes is the exact area that he/she will be working. Outside of that, I don't care:sad2:
**A ticket collector will be great for our band :thumbsup2

Well I'm off to make the poll of the day - I have to first think of a topic :idea:

Have a good day today everyone!!!! :wave:
Hi Becky - we posted at the same time!! :wave2:

Good luck at the Pinewood Derby race today - let us know how it goes :thumbsup2

Merchandising would be a great thing for you to do ::yes:: You can never have to much merchandise :)
Lead singer of the band! woo hoo!! :cool1: :banana: I am so excited!

speaking of singing, here is a little shamless self plug: On Saturday February 24 at 8pm my choir, the Rockefeller Chapel Choir, will be performing Bach's St. John's Passion with the METROPOLIS BAROQUE ORCHESTRA. It will be at Rockefeller Chapel on University of Chicago campus. Tickets are 10$. PM me if you'd like some-it should be a night to remember!

Becky and Rose - Good luck at the Pinewood Derby race today!
Sam I am so glad that you and Bunchkin have come up with a solution! I was so scared when I read your first email. That guy is out of his mind! :eek:

Slo So sorry to hear that Katie is still under the weather. I hope she feels better soon

Bunchkin: hugs for your friend. I am so sorry to hear about her troubles. I hope everything works out soon

Leigh and Jedi-I totally know what you mean about being cold all the time. I am so tired of winter-I hate to be cold! I don't want any extreme winter! say it ain't so!

too all Chicago-have a wonderful Weekend!
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