Casey Anthony TRIAL thread #2

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2 things that come to mind

Hair that is forceably removed. - this doesn't mean ripped out. It happens when you brush your hair and the brush pulls hairs out.

And 2. Would all hair show signs of decamp as soon as it starts to die?
2 things that come to mind

Hair that is forceably removed. - this doesn't mean ripped out. It happens when you brush your hair and the brush pulls hairs out.

And 2. Would all hair show signs of decamp as soon as it starts to die?

I wonder if she has tested that?
2 things that come to mind

Hair that is forceably removed. - this doesn't mean ripped out. It happens when you brush your hair and the brush pulls hairs out.

And 2. Would all hair show signs of decamp as soon as it starts to die?

I understood it to be that decomposing hair is still attached to the head which allows the post mortum banding.
I understood it to be that decomposing hair is still attached to the head which allows the post mortum banding.

Oh ok. So there must be some kind of chemical reaction that occurs after death if the hair is still attached
2 things that come to mind

Hair that is forceably removed. - this doesn't mean ripped out. It happens when you brush your hair and the brush pulls hairs out.

And 2. Would all hair show signs of decamp as soon as it starts to die?

If I understood the explanation correctly, a hair from a living being is different than one coming from a corpse. It's not the hair decomp that is being explained, but whether the host was alive or decomposing.

oooops, too late
hln has too many commerccials too - seems they aren't looking at whats going on and just plop commercials in now.

case in point they just went to one while she's talking about how she compairss

I think there's some kinda law that dictates when commercials air. I'm in Texas 'n when our weather gets bad, they interrupt regularly scheduled programmin' 'n go on 'n on about the weather, but they always break for the scheduled commercials. We have a tornado touchin down 'n we'll be right back after this short break (commercial). :headache:

Good mornin' everybody. :)

They need to do what the Indy 500 did - cut to commercials with a box showing the race in the lower corner.

Family wants to do stuff today. I'll have to catch up later. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup2
A question for those on this thead. How did you first hear of this case? I'm certain that many went to webslueths once the case became widely known, but where did you get the facts prior to this?

We were in Orlando when this case first began breaking. At the time, a very, very close friend of mine's daughter was still recovering (and still is) from the after effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome caused by her babysitter. (I posted a LOT about that when it was happening.) Hannah and Caylee were the same age. (born within 4 days of each other) I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Hannah almost died because of shaking by a babysitter and here was Caylee who died at the hands of her own mother. We have never been able to let this case go. It feels very personal to us.
2 things that come to mind

Hair that is forceably removed. - this doesn't mean ripped out. It happens when you brush your hair and the brush pulls hairs out.

And 2. Would all hair show signs of decamp as soon as it starts to die?
I've kind of zoned out this morning so haven't been listening closely. But, when you brush your hair, I don't think hair is forcibly removed...I think it's already loose. I'm guessing forcibly removed DOES mean kind of ripped out?

I thought hairs showing decomp is when the person died. Hair itself doesn't show decomp unless it's attached to a person that's decomping.

Of course, I could be totally off base. Need to focus this morning. DD sent me a text: "Case Anthony trial is on in the bagel shop. Thinking of you!" Well, I'm glad she's thinking of me anyway!
Interesting though that there was only 1 hair

Would think there would be a few more - no?
i have to go back to the laptop streaming - i'm missing too much info with all these flippen commercials agrrr
I think there's some kinda law that dictates when commercials air. I'm in Texas 'n when our weather gets bad, they interrupt regularly scheduled programmin' 'n go on 'n on about the weather, but they always break for the scheduled commercials. We have a tornado touchin down 'n we'll be right back after this short break (commercial). :headache:

Good mornin' everybody. :)

Good Morning:)
buddy needs to take a Ricola or something for that throat LOL
Thank You, it may be because it is pouring rain here in ca. Its just weird

it's raining here in Toronto too :( dh was going to take dd to a fun fair at one of the schools - wonder if it will just be moved inside.

ohhhhh theres some thunder
Interesting though that there was only 1 hair

Would think there would be a few more - no?
Yeah, that's interesting. But I guess it could be anything. If Caylee was in the bags :(, was this a hair that was on the bag from when she was put in it. I don't know. Don't know what to think.
We were in Orlando when this case first began breaking. At the time, a very, very close friend of mine's daughter was still recovering (and still is) from the after effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome caused by her babysitter. (I posted a LOT about that when it was happening.) Hannah and Caylee were the same age. (born within 4 days of each other) I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Hannah almost died because of shaking by a babysitter and here was Caylee who died at the hands of her own mother. We have never been able to let this case go. It feels very personal to us.
:hug: That's just awful. Poor Hannah. :( And her family! How tragic.
it's raining here in Toronto too :( dh was going to take dd to a fun fair at one of the schools - wonder if it will just be moved inside.

ohhhhh theres some thunder

Weather is strange this year. Hope they get to enjoy it inside.
Oh darn...Bozo is doing the cross. I was looking forward to Cheney Mason accusing the witness of talking to the jury and not to him.
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