Car Rental Codes????


Aug 19, 1999
I've read about discount codes before but never needed them, now I do. Where can I find car rental discount codes? What's the best way to get a good deal on a rental car? We are flying into Tampa in April.

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For National try 5007125 in the contract rate window, KISS in the promo code window is for Dollar, FRDM in the specific rate window is for Hertz. I know the codes are right, now where on the bleepin form to put them ?
We are also flying into Tampa(on 4/4) and I got a rate yesterday for a minivan from Budget for $199 a week. I thought that was pretty good. On the internet I used code ly and it worked. I also called Budgets 800 number and they are running a promotion right now for $199 a week so I didn't need the code. We are renting for 2 weeks and the total with tax and surcharges came to $503. They are located right in airport near the baggage claims. We originally had a ressie with Dollar for $209 a week, we saved $25.00 by using Budget. I used code kiss with Dollar. Hope this helped!

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