Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

Hmmm.:rolleyes1 What time is the breakfast cut off?

No idea. I think I had that Dole whip around 10? 11?

Depends. I am not in the Florida cold (50s and below). To me there is NOTHING like the cold in the south. Seeps into you and you feel like you will never get warm. Here, I'm fine. I am never ever cold.

Maybe because up here (ok, from my vantage point down there) you dress for the cold and in Florida you don't?
Grasping at icicles here.

I squisha his face. And I'm tall enough to do so Right. In. Front. Of. Him.

Lisa to my rescue again! :laughing:

Oh no, I'm so sorry for what I did. How can I make it up to him....

Reconstructive surgery comes to mind.

I LOVE old!

I read that as basically saying you love me.
And really, who can blame you?

Or mosquitoes. :stir:

Do you have to bring those up?

Actually, last few years haven't been too bad for those little blood sucking bast.... uh, bugs.

A beauty.

Thanks! :goodvibes

I have no idea now. Laughing. Did I say I love being old?

I don't remember.
Was that today?

Oh I know! I know! I know! I just LOVE the FP line at Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. In a totally evil, evil way!

"How long have you been in line? Two hours?
Oh, I know just how you feel, I've been standing here for three minutes already.
Whoops! Gotta go fill up all this empty space in front of me. Bye!"

And one of my FPs there hit Wishes at the same time. I can't even tell you how wonderful it was to do that ride with fireworks that you felt you could touch! Heigh ho!


Seriously? :rolleyes:


Seriously? I think you were wearing obnoxious clothes at this point. Maybe Cougar boots?

Cougar boots? No.
Bell bottom jeans?


(To whatever this was about. :laughing:)

It was about your undying love for me.

OMG, it so is.

I defy anyone who rode that as a kid to not feel the same way as an adult.
Well, maybe if you're a party pooper, maybe not.

I would give points just, sigh. I. Would. Give. Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next time you're in town, I'll give you a ride.

Not in winter.
Gorgeous shot. :love:

You're just saying that 'cause you're hungry.
Fill up on pasta and then tell me that!

I have no clue. :bored: I am old.


My favourite part - the mini ghost at the end. MY VERY VERY FAVOURITE. Well, the ballroom..... the knocking door....

Definitely a highlight!
Just when you think it's all done.... love it.

There she is. I LOVE HER.

You're welcome.
Hey, I think I actually caught up! I know I just jinxed myself with that.

I knew I should've posted another update yesterday!

Your real life car stories...:faint: I think you just convinced me to sell my car and never look back.

There is definitely something to be said for public transportation.
Unless you live here where it's laughable.

I think I'd be in the :sad2: group.

See? Toldja.

Actually, I can see the logic in that!

I am always logical.
Except for those times when I make a complete and utter fool out of myself...

Uh... Those times far outweigh the logical ones... so...

I am sometimes logical!

(Nope. Still too strong.)

I am occasionally logical!

I have been logical at least once!

Twice! Because that last sentence was!

Or they'll horn in on your spot after you arrived there first.

Grrr..... I did not arrive early for your convenience.

I can't say any of those things, because that view beats any view I had today.

I'm betting most people can say that!

That's ok. As long as it's not another IASW, we all come out ahead.

John Cleese, Fawlty Towers: "Don't mention the war!"
pkondz, always: "Don't mention that ride!"

Halfway through my career, this is still my dream job.

Get in line.... preferably behind me.

Seriously though, can you imagine just how fun that must be??
"All right folks, let's come up with something that'll really make 'em smile!"

Way cool!

It was more fun watching the kids get sprinkled than wondering whether or not you would.
(I didn't... and I was absolutely okay with that.)

Thank you.
That was.... refreshing.

Can't blame you in the least! Mine wouldn't have lasted that long either.

Funny how those things melt... yeah that's it, melt... so fast in that Florida heat. :rolleyes1

Yeah, that's got ax-murderer written all over it.

Beg to differ.
It's got axe-murderer chiseled all over it.

Um...yes. Every single word. :rolleyes1

I'm so sorry.
Are you all right?
Need me to call a doctor?

Oh, Lord.

Almost. I propose an improvement:

A Lapu/DW combo concoction. Served in the pineapple, of course. I'd have that for dinner, yes I would!
Almost. I propose an improvement:

A Lapu/DW combo concoction. Served in the pineapple, of course. I'd have that for dinner, yes I would!

Hmmm... I like the thought process, but unfortunately I'm not a rum fan.
But for those that are... good idea.

You're getting....closer. :scratchin

I didn't say to read it all in six hours... :rolleyes1

Well, that certainly didn't take long. Or cost much.

What can I say. I'm cheap and easy.
(And apparently have no pride whatsoever... like that's a surprise. :sad2:)

11 - sometimes 11:30. I know. Why? Cause I have zero problems sleeping in at WDW.

Grasping at icicles here.

They're cracking. It seeps into your bones no matter what. I have two memories of low temperatures stuck in my head and I will never ever forget them, even as a Canadian. One was at Christmas Town, Williamsburg Virginia and the other Magic Kingdom bus stop for Animal Kingdom Lodge -December 26, 2010, better known as Boxing Day from hell. Insert laugh and sigh. I have never felt that in Toronto.

I read that as basically saying you love me.
And really, who can blame you?

Who can. :sad2: :rolleyes:

Bell bottom jeans?

If you were wearing bell bottoms in 1978 :scratchin, well I say you were definitely bullied for it.

It was about your undying love for me.

It was, how astute of you.

Astute, reminds me of one of my favourite scenes ever. No, the boy is quite astute I really am trying to kill him. I love it.

Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. Summers in Rangoon. Oh man.

You're just saying that 'cause you're hungry.
Fill up on pasta and then tell me that!

Full and it's a really beautiful picture. Truly.
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Oh, I guess Pinocchio's Village Haus. Flatbread.

AND I was told over and over and over that you went to Pirates of the Caribbean. But I ignored my intuition as usual.

Bike ride. Heaven. When I was looking after my Dad, one of his friends took me on a ride. The best day ever. I hadn't been on since I sprained my ankle trying to get the Award of Excellence in public school - and failing, laughing, remember those Canada Fitness Awards? They were Canadian, right? Not provincial. I guess so since I remember the bloody name as Canada Fitness Awards. I'm so stupid, laughing. Okay, back on track. My brother picked me up on his bike and boy have times changed. You feel beyond secure on the newer bikes.
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Being kids-less is the perfect time to spend a butt-load of time in World Showcase. For me, preferably with a drink in hand. Or two. Often two....

53F is warm enough for my Pop for shorts and a t-shirt too. We're from Chicago. Not quite as cold as Canada, but we feel you.

I knew it was MK the whole time. :)

At least he was nice enough to move for you when you asked him to. Cause there are jackwagons out there that totally wouldn't!

I love your dream sequence. I HATE those things. Absolutely hate them. They're going to be enforcing not allowing them on rides. Now I want them to enforce just not letting them in the park. Especially with the fireworks.

Your comments on having a FP+ time and not feeling rushed is exactly the reason that I absolutely love FP+ myself. I'm just so much more relaxed knowing that it's all taken care of. It's my way of vacationing.

I really want to see the new PP queue! I haven't had the chance yet.

Did you sashay into the building with flair?

I'm going to guess that you went to Columbia Harbour House and got the Lobster Roll. Probably way off here, but you know. Gotta try!
I'm finally caught up on your TR! It's taken a while, but I'm here! HOW have I ended up 31 pages behind?!?!

There's a lot to comment on, but here are a few things:

That sweeeeet extra legroom. And you got crackers AND Laughing Cow cheese?! I would be so happy :laughing::cloud9:

I'm glad you got to see Finding Nemo the musical for the first time! Loooove that show :goodvibes

Zebra domes! I've never tried them, but I'm going to Boma in September, and you've made me want to try some :thumbsup2

UGH, the deconstruction of the hat is horrifying :scared: It looks kinda dystopian or something. I can't believe it looked like that for so long!

I don't watch the MK welcome show.
I never watch the welcome show.
I can't. I have to be as close as possible to the entrance.

:scared1: This is one of my favourite things!!! I'm glad you got the opportunity to watch and enjoy it (after rightfully moving that guy from in front of you :laughing:)

"Selfish stick" - that is so good, I'm going to use that from now on :rotfl:how on earth did he think that it was ok to hold that thing up in front of everybody?! :confused3

Also, I loved your photos from the new line at Peter Pan! That opened after I was there, and I can't wait to see it this year. It looks like a lot of fun. :thumbsup2
11 - sometimes 11:30. I know. Why? Cause I have zero problems sleeping in at WDW.

Not me.
I've got places to go!
People to... uh... I've got places!!!

They're cracking. It seeps into your bones no matter what.

Sure for you southerners, I completely understand.


One was at Christmas Town

Well okay. That makes sense.

the other Magic Kingdom bus stop for Animal Kingdom Lodge -December 26, 2010, better known as Boxing Day from hell.

So..... Hell froze over?

I'm pretty adorable ya know.
Just don't ask my wife.

The truth is out there.

If you were wearing bell bottoms in 1978 :scratchin, well I say you were definitely bullied for it.

Weren't they still in fashion in the late 70s?
Maybe it was something else that was just as hideous.

Astute, reminds me of one of my favourite scenes ever. No, the boy is quite astute I really am trying to kill him. I love it.

Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. Summers in Rangoon. Oh man.

:lmao: Thanks for that! I totally forgot about that.

Full and it's a really beautiful picture. Truly.

Thanks! :goodvibes

Oh, I guess Pinocchio's Village Haus. Flatbread.

Gotcha. Pretty sure I haven't heard that one yet.

AND I was told over and over and over that you went to Pirates of the Caribbean. But I ignored my intuition as usual.

Doesn't matter. It wasn't in the first three.
Anyone guessing POC got.... nada.

When I was looking after my Dad, one of his friends took me on a ride. The best day ever.

Well, there ya go... or went, as the case may be.

remember those Canada Fitness Awards?


They were Canadian, right? Not provincial.

Uh... I don't know if they differed from Province to Province (how the heck would I????).

I guess so since I remember the bloody name as Canada Fitness Awards.


You feel beyond secure on the newer bikes.

It probably helps to have someone who isn't a reckless teenager driving.

Being kids-less is the perfect time to spend a butt-load of time in World Showcase.


It was never an option with the rugrats in tow.

For me, preferably with a drink in hand. Or two. Often two....

You'll see how well that turned out for me.


53F is warm enough for my Pop for shorts and a t-shirt too. We're from Chicago. Not quite as cold as Canada, but we feel you.

Well, sure. You get it then.

I knew it was MK the whole time. :)

You must be psychotic!!

Psychic! I mean psychic!

At least he was nice enough to move for you when you asked him to. Cause there are jackwagons out there that totally wouldn't!

I really couldn't get mad at him.
He was just as mesmerized as... well... me.
And as soon as I woke him up a bit,
he immediately realized what he was doing and moved.
Apologized, too!

I love your dream sequence. I HATE those things. Absolutely hate them. They're going to be enforcing not allowing them on rides. Now I want them to enforce just not letting them in the park. Especially with the fireworks.

If someone sticks one of those things in front of my face,
there'll be fireworks all right!

Your comments on having a FP+ time and not feeling rushed is exactly the reason that I absolutely love FP+ myself. I'm just so much more relaxed knowing that it's all taken care of. It's my way of vacationing.

It was a very nice change of pace.
And I couldn't have done it without the FP+ system.

I really get not wanting to pre-plan so far in advance...
but if you do?
Reap the benefits.

I really want to see the new PP queue! I haven't had the chance yet.

It's really well done!
Even though I'm a massive HM fan,
I do think that the PP queue is better.

Did you sashay into the building with flair?

Well, of course.


I'm going to guess that you went to Columbia Harbour House and got the Lobster Roll. Probably way off here, but you know. Gotta try!

You won't be the first to be "way off" if you're wrong.
And you may be right.

I'm finally caught up on your TR! It's taken a while, but I'm here! HOW have I ended up 31 pages behind?!?!

Pure laziness.
A lack of get up and go.

No? Oh, it's because the chapters are slightly... ok, much longer than War & Peace???

Whatever the reason...
So glad to have you here Katie!!


There's a lot to comment on, but here are a few things:

Hang on, let me grab a chair and a drink....

Okay, go.

That sweeeeet extra legroom.


I may... May have irretrievably soiled myself.

Spoiled! Spoiled! I meant Spoiled!!!!

And you got crackers AND Laughing Cow cheese?! I would be so happy :laughing::cloud9:

Here in Canada we don't have "Laughing Cow" cheese.
We have "La Vache Qui Rit".
Which is French for "The Laughing Cow".
Even though English is more common than French.

I'm glad you got to see Finding Nemo the musical for the first time! Loooove that show :goodvibes

I'm not a "show" kinda guy.
(Although I love movies... go figure.)
But I did enjoy it and I'm glad I went.

Zebra domes! I've never tried them, but I'm going to Boma in September, and you've made me want to try some :thumbsup2

You have to!
OMG, they're sooooo good.

UGH, the deconstruction of the hat is horrifying :scared:

When you say "horrifying", do you mean "wonderful"?

It looks kinda dystopian or something.

::yes:: Isn't it great???


I can't believe it looked like that for so long!

It did take a while to get rid of it.
And because of that, I'm wondering if it will show up again, somewhere, sometime.

:scared1: This is one of my favourite things!!!

Oh really?
I had no idea....
Well, maybe a little bit of an idea.
I believe this was you????

When I see that steam train coming into the station with all the characters waving,


I'm glad you got the opportunity to watch and enjoy it (after rightfully moving that guy from in front of you :laughing:)

Me too!

"Selfish stick" - that is so good, I'm going to use that from now on

I want full credit!
And any royalties!!!

how on earth did he think that it was ok to hold that thing up in front of everybody?! :confused3


Oblivious, stupid or uncaring.

Pick one... or several!

Also, I loved your photos from the new line at Peter Pan!

Thanks! :goodvibes

That opened after I was there, and I can't wait to see it this year. It looks like a lot of fun.

It really is.
I especially liked watching the kids react to it.
So I was googling the best buffets in Las Vegas and I found..... The 24-hour buffet pass! It's $55 on week days and $65 on weekends (if you have the players' loyalty card for Caesars Palace and Harrah's) and it's good for 7 casino hotels. What a coincidence - I will be in the city of Las Vegas for just about 24 hours! Lets see, brunch at the Paris, lunch at the Rio, and dinner at Caesars, then it's still good for breakfast the next morning. I just have to continuously walk at all times in between in order to fit into the clothes I have packed.
So I was googling the best buffets in Las Vegas and I found..... The 24-hour buffet pass! It's $55 on week days and $65 on weekends (if you have the players' loyalty card for Caesars Palace and Harrah's) and it's good for 7 casino hotels.

How much food do you have to scarf down to make it worthwhile, I wonder?

What a coincidence - I will be in the city of Las Vegas for just about 24 hours! Lets see, brunch at the Paris, lunch at the Rio, and dinner at Caesars, then it's still good for breakfast the next morning. I just have to continuously walk at all times in between in order to fit into the clothes I have packed.

Good Lord! :lmao:

My two favourite places to eat (so far... with limited exposure) are Jean Philippe Patisserie in the Bellagio
and Mon Ami Gabi (outside overlooking the sidewalk) at Paris.
We love love love Paris casino and its restaurants. The last time we were there the 24 hour pass was only like $25 on a weekday. We did dinner at Paris, breakfast at Caesars and lunch at Planet Hollywood. We might have went somewhere else for an early dinner but we had a wedding reception to get to. That was five years ago but it's doubled in cost and doesn't seem like a deal anymore.
We love love love Paris casino and its restaurants.

I liked Paris too. The room (I got upgraded though) was really nice.
Mon Ami Gabi was my favourite but the buffet was probably the best buffet type meal I had in Vegas.
Although that's not saying much because I only did the Rio and maybe one other one that I don't even remember.

The last time we were there the 24 hour pass was only like $25 on a weekday. We did dinner at Paris, breakfast at Caesars and lunch at Planet Hollywood.

I don't know if I could eat that much in a day.
If I have a big breakfast, I tend to skip lunch, or have something small.
Still, for $25, even if I only ate two meals (typical of me) it'd still be a good value.
But $50? Maybe not.

That was five years ago but it's doubled in cost and doesn't seem like a deal anymore.

What? Things increasing in price in Vegas?
Who do they think they are? Disney?
Have a good trip dgthree!
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I checked the temperature and forecast.
Hmmm... currently 53F (12C) with a high of 65F (18C).
Great! I don't need a jacket.
Shorts and a T-shirt are all I need.
(Most Canadians are like this: ::yes:: All warmer climate folks are like this: :sad2: or possibly :eek:)
Pacific Northwestern folks are a bit this way too. I likely wouldn't choose shorts, but I definitely wouldn't be heading a jacket for temps like that! :laughing:

Well..... To heck with logic!
I can't wait three days to get to MK!!!!
Are you nuts???
Ha! I knew all those early comments were cover. MK it is!

Still, you'd think he'd feel it when my nose brushed the back of his neck.
This gives me the shivers. Personal space. PERSONAL SPACE!!! I don't do well with the crowds.....

I tapped him gently on the shoulder and glanced down at my camera.
He said, "Oh! Sorry." and moved over out of my sightline.
Wow - pretty great reaction there, actually. I mean, it would be much more likely that he would have just looked at you, sneered and turned back around. At least in my day-to-day experience..... :laughing:

I didn't notice it when I took the picture (I'm not that good)
but I just love some of the reactions here.
The woman holding the child with the green cap. (Replete with Mickey ears.)
Look at her face!
She's totally bonding with her child and making unforgettable memories.
Or how about the couple to the right. In pink jacket and grey sweatshirt?
Arm in arm, just happy to be here together.
Or even the girl up front, center. Waving to everyone on the platform.
The first thing I noticed about this pic was the crowd reactions! So cool!!!! We actually saw the MK opening show once - on our first day at MK ever in our lives. Perfection.

What stands out the most, to me anyway,
is the gentleman taking photos/video using a selfish stick.
:laughing: Yep - first thing I noticed too.

There's a truism when it comes to pkondz and MK.
Upon entering the park, pkondz will concentrate on getting to that first ride.
He will do so and spare no thought for anything or anyone.
Young children and the infirm have fallen by in his wake.
Castle? Yes, yes, very pretty, but I've no time for such frivolities.
I have a ride to get to!
And no mere castle can stand in my way!!!!

And all that went right out the window today.
I had a FP+
I had no need to rush.
Awww - former pkondz reminds me of Willow. I have my doubts that FP+ will have the same effect on her.....

Time for!!!!!!



:rotfl:Didn't see that one coming, didja!
What the WHAT?????? :faint:

Absolute. Bliss.
Pure unadulterated Disney magic.
That ride, more than anything else, cemented my love of Disney.
Awwww - that is so cool. The Alice ride at DL is like that for me. I just remember how amazing it was to me when a dark, indoor ride suddenly went outside and above the ground. It still makes me so happy! And the recent upgrades to that attraction just make it even better. :goodvibes

I sashayed into the building and continued down

I don't talk about George anymore.
I just zip it.
Good call! :eek:

Really the only woman who gives Ariel a run for her money.
And she's not even a real person.
Or even a real fish!

Well go back on HM of course.
That's our kind of touring right there! :thumbsup2

For bonus points...

Where did I go for lunch?
Extra bonus points if you can also guess what it was that I ate.
Okay, I'm really struggling here. I am convinced it's a CS place because it seems spontaneous (although that may be a trick). I want to say CHH, but I can't see you doubling back for that. But maybe? Which would lead me to Pinocchio's, but that seems like a weird choice. BoG? Possibly, but I can't see you waiting for it, and I don't think you have a FP for it. Hmm, you haven't hit Tomorrowland yet, and although you are avoiding Space, maybe you are inclined to visit Buzz's ride? So perhaps Cosmic Ray's. I'm going to go with that and guess the Rotisserie Chicken meal.
Pacific Northwestern folks are a bit this way too. I likely wouldn't choose shorts, but I definitely wouldn't be heading a jacket for temps like that! :laughing:

::yes:: My first thought was to say Canadians yes, Americans no.
But then I thought, "That doesn't make sense.
A large chunk of the US has winters as bad as ours."

Ha! I knew all those early comments were cover. MK it is!

I'm getting too predictable.
Next time I'm going to do it this way.

Tomorrow I'm going to ride Soarin', Spaceship Earth and Mission Space with FP+.
Then spend the afternoon in World Showcase.
I have an ADR at Biergarten for six pm.

Bonus question?
Which park do I visit next,
what are the three rides I have FP+ for
and where will I eat supper?

And the answers would be everything but Epcot, Soarin', SE, MS and Biergarten
because it's too obvious!!

This gives me the shivers. Personal space. PERSONAL SPACE!!! I don't do well with the crowds.....

Piece of advice then?
Avoid Disney.


Well, good luck with that!

Wow - pretty great reaction there, actually. I mean, it would be much more likely that he would have just looked at you, sneered and turned back around. At least in my day-to-day experience..... :laughing:

Yeah, I couldn't get mad at him when he was obviously just loving being there
as much as I was.

:laughing: Yep - first thing I noticed too.

It's hard to miss!
(Not so hard to stomp under foot... Him or the selfish stick. I'm not picky.)

Awww - former pkondz reminds me of Willow. I have my doubts that FP+ will have the same effect on her.....

Not at that age.
They have to learn to take the time to smell the roses.

It took me a few decades, so I'll cut her some slack.

What the WHAT?????? :faint:

:laughing: Surprise!

The Alice ride at DL is like that for me. I just remember how amazing it was to me when a dark, indoor ride suddenly went outside and above the ground. It still makes me so happy!

:goodvibes Roni gets it!

Yeah. Like that.
I don't look as cute as her, but that's my arm motions down to a tee.


Or even a real fish!


I am convinced it's a CS place because it seems spontaneous (although that may be a trick).

Oh? So you don't know me so well after all?
You're questioning yourself?


I want to say CHH, but I can't see you doubling back for that. But maybe? Which would lead me to Pinocchio's, but that seems like a weird choice. BoG? Possibly, but I can't see you waiting for it, and I don't think you have a FP for it.

Someone's giving this a lot of thought.
Someone really wants chocolate.

So perhaps Cosmic Ray's. I'm going to go with that and guess the Rotisserie Chicken meal.

Ok. Got it.
Hi Pkondz!

I intended to write a message when I finished reading the trip report but I'm on pg 17 so I think that might be a while yet! I'm down with a cold and I've been using your trip report as entertainment. You and everyone who is responding are making me chuckle. Of course, everything's more entertaining when you're taking cold medication!

I'm really enjoying it (as much as I've enjoyed reading your other reports) so far...not that I'm expecting it to go downhill or anything!

Solo trips are great. I went by myself the last time I went to the World in 2011. I wouldn't hesitate to go again although you're right, there is something to being able to share the experience with other people.

Thanks again!
Hi Pkondz!

Hi! :wave:

I intended to write a message when I finished reading the trip report but I'm on pg 17 so I think that might be a while yet!

So... you're saying I'm long winded?
(Long written???)

Well, yeah. You're right. :rolleyes:

I'm down with a cold and I've been using your trip report as entertainment.

Oh, sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you feel ill.

That's a pretty common statement from people who read my TR.

You and everyone who is responding are making me chuckle.

Well that's good! :)

Of course, everything's more entertaining when you're taking cold medication!



I'm really enjoying it (as much as I've enjoyed reading your other reports) so far...not that I'm expecting it to go downhill or anything!

I don't expect it to go downhill either.
When you're already at the bottom, you can't get any lower. :rolleyes2

Solo trips are great. I went by myself the last time I went to the World in 2011. I wouldn't hesitate to go again although you're right, there is something to being able to share the experience with other people.

I'm not sure if I want to go back solo or not!
Lots of pros and cons, that's for sure.

Thanks again!

You're very welcome!
Hope you start feeling better and...

:welcome: to the TR!

One quick note.
If you're interested in the contest (still plenty of time and points available)..

Quick! Where in MK do you think I'm going to eat lunch???
Oh goodness...don't get me started on the contest...I'm too competitive! But I'll take a guess and say....Columbia Harbour House...only because that's where I would go. lol


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