Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

I put in 36 hours of work on my three days "off".

Last night was the worst, though.
After a second 16 hour shift,
I got home around 11:30pm
and had to shovel until 1:20am to get the cars
in the garage.
Fell asleep around 1:40am, up at 5am.
More shoveling, drive Elle to school,
race home, drive Kay to school
then race to work for a 12 hour shift.
:faint::faint:This makes me grateful I live in the south. Snow and I only get along well for about 2-3 days a year thats about it.

So if you'll excuse me,
I have 25 minutes left on my supper break
and I think I'm just going to stare
blankly off into space for a while.
Take a Nap!
Hey folks. Well I got a good solid 3 hours sleep last night,
so I'm feeling wayyyy better.
Thanks all for sticking with me.
It's been a bit... brutal.

Replies coming up!
Hello! I'm a little late to the party, but I see the new update isn't in yet, so I'm sliding into 2nd!

:laughing: Hi Tammie! :wave:

I was held captive by 3 cuties over the weekend from Friday night until midnight Sunday. They used their sticky fingers as weapons and their hugs and smiles to disable my reasoning ability. I think they were aliens, but I'm not sure which planet they were from.

Oh, no! Abducted by aliens!

Sounds like you all had a great time. :goodvibes

Anyway, love your 2DMT pic! Love your touristy cool calm camera pose while the lady behind you is screaming like crazy!

:laughing: Funny thing was, I didn't even notice her!

That ice cream sandwich is surprisingly large! I guess that's a sharable snack.

I couldn't even eat half of it!

I may have to see if DLR has it at Carnation Café. I'm sure those aliens could help me eat it.


1. Okay, fine. I'm leaving.
What method of transportation did I use?


2. How long is my wait this time?
3 min

3. I am going to a park... sometime.
Where am I going now?
a. My resort.
b. Springs.
c. Another park.
d. Another resort.
e. Other, because there has to be an other.
Springs - I'm thinking the Harley store is calling your name

4. Which park do I go to next?

5. Extra security? Yes or no?
No, the force is with you

6. I stand in line. I know. You're shocked.
How long? (it was long)
46 minutes

7. You know those jerks
who stand right in front of you
after you've staked out a spot?
Who was it?
a. CM
b. Man (guest)
c. Woman (guest)
d. Me
Me - you had a misstep and forgot your surroundings while taking a pic

8. Long day? Short?
What time do I get to bed?
Seems long with all of those places to go - I guess 11:15


Saw both, then had to go back and treasure the amazingness of it all because I forgot how awesome it was

Awesomeness.... pretty much describes me
wouldn't you think?
I did see it way back when. Not too bad, really.
There was no acceptable excuse for the sequel though.

I don't remember the sequel.... on purpose.

Given a choice I’d rather see George working with Gracie.

Never did see that. I've heard a bit, though.
I'd say we got pretty darned lucky to see him as much as we did.

(and actually there was that other time that John Denver was in a film which was more entertaining, oh and of course the times he worked with the Muppets.)

Other film? I don't know if I've seen him in anything else.

Not surprised…
Considering the proliferation of slasher films and the gratuitous amount of gore in general that has crept into so much visual entertainment over time, I can see where simple Hitchcock style suspense is no longer effective to such desensitized folk.

Yup. Kay went for a sleepover when she was...
Oh, about 12. The Mom of the house
let them watch Piranha 3DD.... :sad2:

So long as you aren’t planning of running for any kind of public office in the future.

And why would you?

No thanks!

I like to think I'm too honest
and not egotistical enough to run.

“My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay.
It was his true medium.
A master.”


Would perfect failure still be considered perfect?

You.... you.....


Not so far as I knew…
I try to comment before reading everyone else’s replies.

But I’ll concede the point (if any) to those that were quicker on the draw.

'Dems da breaks.

Think of it more as "Great minds think alike".... and then there's you.

“And you shall receive it. In abundance!”

Kay's fave movie at the moment.

I saw it as a pretty decent salvation of an otherwise dreadful pop song.
Besides, there can never to too much bacon.

This is a truism.
oh no! feel better Ponzi!,

I do! Thanks, Betsey.

better get my guesses in since I missed the last round. Then to catch up on the banter..

Good luck! (on the banter I mean.)

Oh and make our fast passes for our trip (that is now rapidly approaching, too much stuff not enough day it seems. also trying to figure in an evening visit to Disneyland to take lil miss Scarlett to see It's a Small WOrld holiday. They do a Christmas overlay that is really cute but they also do a great light show on the front of the building that is pretty darn awesome.

Huh. Believe it or not.... I'd see that.

(With earbuds firmly in place of course.)

We tried to catch it a couple of weeks ago. The weather called for rain but jeesh this is SO CAL and when does it really rain here anymore.

I'll guess.... once every 17 years?

well it did that night.

Or... maybe sooner.

So we grabbed dinner, stopped in the Main Street attraction that has the Mickey cartoons from the 30's playing for a bit and then made a mad dash for the trams, rain stopped as we were pulling out of the parking structure lol

:laughing: Of course!

after a 10 year drought we have pretty much learned to not get our hopes up when they call for rain out here.

I guess not. Wow. 10 years.

I think you take the monorail and wait 6 minutes
you go to the poly to check out the hotel and the beach etc
I think you are headed to Animal kingdom
no extra security
you stand in line for 40 minutes for expedition Everest
I think it is a cast member who stands in front of you
long day you get to bed around 11pm


again I hope you feel better, need to get to booking those fast passes for now

I do, thanks again. How did the FP picking go?
You can't get sick! I won't allow it! We need the next chapter! I was just coming on here to ask when the next one would be up.

:laughing: Sorry Carrie!
Actually, all the photos are uploaded
and I have a fair chunk written.
Just have to find some time.

I have a lot of bad teeth. I need two partials, one one the top and one one the bottom. Just don't know how to pay for them. I haven't been to the dentist for awhile. I have some anitbiotics and pain pills from another trip so I've been taking them. The pain has lessened. I'm waiting to get our insurance money for next year until I do anything major.

Ugh.... Why can't dentists be free?
Sorry to hear all that.

The last time, we had a Disney-themed potluck of sorts, cooked together, yacked with wine on the deck, and some spent the night. SUPER fun! Let me know... if others are interested we should get something cooked up.

That sounds like a blast!!

I don't even know how you can deal with this. Really. I would literally pull the covers over my head and cry. I am just that untough.

I ain't that tough.
I had to rely on talking with a friend to get me through it.

Please just fall over on your side and fall asleep! You need it!

It got much worse before it got better.
I'll spare you the deets.
Yiiissh am I late to the party.

Well, you're here now! :wave:

I haven't read anything yet, but it's quieting down at work so I'm gearing to start being, well, around here again. So here I am to catch up!

55 pages to go! :P

Just skip all my prattling and you'll be fine.

Hi Pokndz
You really need to schedule yourself some time off relaxing by the fire with a glass in hand.

Vegas. Four days from now.
Ummm, this is just crazy talk. How are you still functioning? I missed my supper break today on a regular shift and it was pretty dire. Never mind double shifts and no sleep. Ugh.

Sometimes I wonder how I keep going.
Needed some support on that last one,
ain't gonna lie.
Your schedule exhausts me! I don't understand how/why there would be a 16 hour shift:faint:
We never see this since that would be paid as: 8hrs-straight pay,2hrs -overtime and 6hrs-.double time. I think that's what would happen, actually I really don't know. Since that just doesn't exist in my world.
Anything over 10 hrs in a day is double time. When I work my day off (Fr) it’s an automatic 8hrs OT, if I go one minute over its double time. Just say that’s a big no no so you better punch out at the time clock correctly.
Now…..the rules change in December, there is NO double time ever. So the other day I did work 11 (most of the week was 10) and that meant 3hr OT. The only cut off is we can’t go over 60 hours.

Glad you got some sleep. Didn’t seem like very much but I know how it just is what it is. Lately I’ve gotten on a good night, 4 hours in bed. With the stupid time change and it getting dark so early, I do find myself falling asleep earlier on the couch though!

Vegas. Four days from now.
Just in case for some reason I don't get back I want to wish you a wonder trip! So hope you guys have a great time!!
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I got home around 11:30pm
and had to shovel until 1:20am to get the cars
in the garage.
That's a lot of shoveling! How much did you get? Do you have a long driveway?
You need a snow blower to park by that Harley! Maybe a few more shovels for the girls?
Here's a story for you. I had always gotten home from work before my husband and wanted to clear the driveway with the new snow blower. I would pull on the cord and couldn't get it to go. Mine you I never had trouble with the lawn mower. I'm only 5'3'' so I just didn't seem to have the arm reach to get a good tug. Told Weeb how I tried. He then reminded me that we had an electric starter!o_O So once he showed me how to plug it in and push the button, I loved using the snow blower! It was fun. So I would usually have it cleared when he came home.
Your schedule exhausts me!

Funny, it exhausts me too.

I don't understand how/why there would be a 16 hour shift:faint:

Because on the two days that I did,
I was working 7am - 3pm and sometime in there,
my boss came to me and said "____ just called in sick"
or "_____ is snowed in".
Which means I get to stay and work the next shift too.

We never see this since that would be paid as: 8hrs-straight pay,2hrs -overtime and 6hrs-.double time. I think that's what would happen, actually I really don't know. Since that just doesn't exist in my world.
Anything over 10 hrs in a day is double time. When I work my day off (Fr) it’s an automatic 8hrs OT, if I go one minute over its double time. Just say that’s a big no no so you better punch out at the time clock correctly.
Now…..the rules change in December, there is NO double time ever. So the other day I did work 11 (most of the week was 10) and that meant 3hr OT. The only cut off is we can’t go over 60 hours.

We get time and a half for anything in excess of a regular shift
(Because we work a modified work week,
our shifts are eight hours and thirty nine minutes.)
We also get time and a half for the first day of work overtime
and then double time for anything else.
Both Monday and Tuesday were already double time,
so the additional shifts that day were also double time.
Our overtime shifts are only eight hours though.

Since I had to come in on Sunday for a few hours,
that made my next two (which turned into four) shifts,
double/double, double/double.

Glad you got some sleep. Didn’t seem like very much but I know how it just is what it is. Lately I’ve gotten on a good night, 4 hours in bed. With the stupid time change and it getting dark so early, I do find myself falling asleep earlier on the couch though!

No it wasn't much... and at least right now,
I'm trying to not doze off when it's slow
(on a break right now.)

Just in case for some reason I don't get back I want to wish you a wonder trip! So hope you guys have a great time!!

Thanks! :)
That's a lot of shoveling! How much did you get? Do you have a long driveway?

I think we got 14 or 15 inches.
But it's not the amount so much,
as the wind that was piling it up.

Sections of the driveway were only a few inches deep.
Other spots were two or three feet.

The driveway isn't long (about.. 25 feet?)
but the snow was wet and heavy,
plus it'd been packed down over ice
so scraping it after shoveling was even worse.

You need a snow blower to park by that Harley! Maybe a few more shovels for the girls?

I'd love a snow blower. Just can't seem to justify the $$.

Actually I think Elle shoveled once or twice
and Ruby shoveled for three hours apparently.
Unfortunately, by the time I got home,
you couldn't tell.

Here's a story for you. I had always gotten home from work before my husband and wanted to clear the driveway with the new snow blower. I would pull on the cord and couldn't get it to go. Mine you I never had trouble with the lawn mower. I'm only 5'3'' so I just didn't seem to have the arm reach to get a good tug. Told Weeb how I tried. He then reminded me that we had an electric starter!o_O So once he showed me how to plug it in and push the button, I loved using the snow blower! It was fun. So I would usually have it cleared when he came home.


<tug> pant, pant, pant... <tug!> pant, pant, pant, <TUG!!> wheeze, pant, pant, pant, <TUG!!!> wheeze, cough, pant, pant, pant...

"Look honey." <poke>.... vroooom...
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The driveway isn't long (about.. 45 feet?)
but the snow was wet and heavy,
plus it'd been packed down over ice
so scraping it after shoveling was even worse.

This I find really funny/strange in several ways. First that you say the driveway isn't long. Then you say 45 feet. I'm gonna guess that cars are about 10 ft on average. This means you can fit about 4 cars in your driveway! That's a HUGE driveway! In So Cal, most driveways can fit two cars side by side in them in front or the garage. Older homes have only single car garages.

Then the description of the actual shoveling. It never really occurred to me that snow has different "properties". Wet, heavy compound ed with ice underneath. Sheesh! I can't even imagine dealing with that stuff! And if we had snow, you know I would be the one shoveling it!

I'd love a snow blower. Just can't seem to justify the $$.

How much are those things? All my friends in the North East swear by them. I had never even known what one was until someone in Jersey enlightened me.

Mandalay Bay. Just for three nights.

Nice. I'm sure you'll view it as a warm up, but Vegas is cold this time of year.
This I find really funny/strange in several ways. First that you say the driveway isn't long. Then you say 45 feet. I'm gonna guess that cars are about 10 ft on average. This means you can fit about 4 cars in your driveway! That's a HUGE driveway! In So Cal, most driveways can fit two cars side by side in them in front or the garage. Older homes have only single car garages.

Ugh. Typo. I fixed it.
I meant about 25 feet long.
We can fit four cars in our driveway.
But side by side.
Elle parks her car in the driveway
behind my car.
So when I leave, I back out
and then go around hers.

Then the description of the actual shoveling. It never really occurred to me that snow has different "properties". Wet, heavy compound ed with ice underneath. Sheesh! I can't even imagine dealing with that stuff! And if we had snow, you know I would be the one shoveling it!

It's no fun when you go to throw it...
and half of it sticks to the shovel.

How much are those things? All my friends in the North East swear by them. I had never even known what one was until someone in Jersey enlightened me.

mmm.... prices vary, but for a decent one
you're looking at least $1,000.

Nice. I'm sure you'll view it as a warm up, but Vegas is cold this time of year.

Define.... cold.

Right now it's warmed up a bit to -11F/-24C.

ETA I just checked the forecast. It's supposed to be hot. 21/22/19 Celsius (70/72/66 F) while we're there.
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ETA I just checked the forecast. It's supposed to be hot. 21/22/19 Celsius (70/72/66 F) while we're there.

I wouldn't call that "hot", that would be 95F+, but that's warmer than it is here. We've had highs of 65 all week, when I went in January it was in the 40s and the wind was blowing. We had no idea and I had to buy a jacket, gloves and a hat!


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