Can you help me get to the Poly for $1000?


DIS Veteran
Sep 7, 2000
If you read the USF boards, you've noticed we had a horrible vacation last week. Just bad luck, I guess.

I want to go back for my B-day during Memorial Day weekend. (just 3 days this time)

What discounts can I try for at the Poly for this time? Am I nuts to think we can go for $1000? I will have to find a deal on airfare, but I have a few months to try for that. I would like to stay as close to the $222 a night we just paid. (silly me) Is there anyway we can do this, or am I just dreaming? Would it be worth it to shoot for Concierge, or would that really blow the budget. (I figure concierge will get us our food for the weekend. I don't think I could live off of it for a week, but 3 days wouldn't kill us) Are there any other perks to concierge that I'm missing?

I know I'm sounding like I'm spoiled, but we've just had so much garbage thrown at us this last year and last week was such a bust. DH and I really need time to relax.
Just a suggestion, but couldn't you stay at a moderate for 3 nites, and the difference on the resort costs buy a couple of nice meals? Even if you could do the Poly for 3 nites with passes for $1,000.00, I don't think I would enjoy it much if I only got to eat the concierge food. But then again, maybe that's just me. Heaven knows that I love to eat!
Look on the resort board on the post about Memorial Day discounts. There are several post about upsells to the AKL at $179.00 a night. That may get you to WDW for $1000.00.

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