camping before we get to FW


Earning My Ears
Jan 20, 2001
We will be in Florida 1 night before we check in to FW, where is a good place to camp near the beach, and what beach on the Atlantic side is the best. Thank you !!
I found one in my Woodall book in Cocoa Beach. It's a 4 W. I haven't looked at any others yet. I've never been to any others in FL besides Topsail Hill in Santa Rosa Beach and FW. Personally, I'd stay away from Daytona Beach. Which way are you coming down to FL? Ever thought about the gulf side?

Check out Woodall's website for more info with ratings:

Oh, I just looked. I didn't see the ratings. Give me some time and I'll look.

check this one for ratings/campgrounds

Been there, done that, going back!

Check my site:

Off-site 87, 88
All Star Music 97
All Star Music 98
All Star Movies 99
Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01


[This message was edited by TinkerbellRules on 01-31-01 at 02:32 PM.]
We used to stay at Beverly Beach camp ground, just north of daytonna, right on the ocean. great little place.

Off site 86, FW 86, FW 88,FW 90,ASMu 98, ASMu 98, ASMU? 01


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