Calling all Coaster experts!!!


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Jan 12, 2000
My friend who is going to orlando 3/3-3/10 called and told me her son broke his humerous and is now casted from the shoulder to the hand :eek: . she asked me to find out if you all think he can ride any of the "orlando" coasters (WDW,USF/IOA and Sea World). His MD said it depends on the harnesses and how jerky they are. since I am a coaster phobe I have no advice here can you help??
Unfortunately, you will not like the response to your post.

Although smaller arm and leg casts are allowed on the coasters, for safety reasons guests MUST be able to bend their knees or elbows in order to ride the bigger coasters.

In other words, he will not be permitted to ride the Incredible Hulk, Dueling Dragons, and Kraken. I will check on Unicorn and Woody's Coaster tomorrow for you.

I am unsure of Disney policies (to be honest they are a little "looser" on safety issues) - so you may want to post this on the Disney boards to see what their policy is in regards to RnRC, SM, and BTMR.

Again, I apologize, but a cast that doesn't allow a guest to bend his/her elbow raises a great deal of safety concerns. For them and the guests riding with them
It's not good news but at least they will be prepared before they go instead of finding out at the parks.



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