Bus or Car from Epcot at 8:30pm?

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
We want to go back to our hotel from Epcot shortly before Illuminations. Last time I remember standing at the bus stop watching the buses iddling across the parking lot, then as soon as Illuminations was over, they came over to pick us up. There went our intended "getting back to the hotel early." Would we be better bringing our rental car (which we'll have, but were planning to leave at the hotel)? But then I'm concerned about other people with the same idea as us, trying to get their young ones back to bed, and the parking lot being a mad house. One reason we prefer Disney transportation is that we don't have to fight the crowds. It's just that we've seen Illuminations several times, and we do have an early entry in mind for the next morning. Which transportation option is best at that time?
I've done this plenty of times. If you have a car, use it. It's easy to get out of the Epcot parking lot right before Illuminations starts. It takes a lot less time to get back to your resort. You don't have to wait for a bus with a hundred other people with the same idea. You know you'll have a seat in your car. :D
Disregard this advise if the driver has been drinking his/her way around world showcase. ;)


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