Breakfast at Kona.....let's grab a table!!

Lesa...I can't imagine having girls and all the drama, and the BOYS:scared: I feel for you!!

Oh no...sounds like "one of those days" for sure. Unfortunately, we all have them once in awhile.
yeah, Kenny was born to talk alright. Mike says he gets it honest b/c both of his grandmothers are big talkers:rotfl:

Michele...OMG you made my stomach hurt from laughing so hard last night:lmao: I can just SEE her "mere Nick mere Nick":rotfl2: that is THE cutest thing ever! And she only does it to him:lmao: :rotfl: that is priceless. Someone needs to get that on video!!

I am so sorry you've been sick! :guilty: Hope you're feeling better soon.
The relay for life sounds great though, way to go Matt!

Good luck to Blake and his China trip.
Ohh what a cute picture! She is just so precious! I can't believe she's gonna be TWO!!! Time just flies!

ohhh Mike needs some attention, I'll be back!

Good morning:hug: know how boys can be, NOW he says he does want to wrestle this weekend:laughing: guess it means he's feeling well enough. I think he felt a little intimidated b/c almost all the kids his age are so much bigger/heavier than he is. I have told him it goes by weight, not age, so I think its sinking in. He just remembers one kid creamed him last year and doesn't want that to happen again:laughing: This kid was one of those that dad trained from the time he came home from the hospital ;)!
Guess there is good and bad w/away tourn. Good, no concessions, bad…driving somewhere else!
I’ll have to see if I can find Gary on Facebook!
Always the away team, bummer!

Sounds like the reversible jerseys would work out great:woohoo:

yeah, I did have a few appointments and a test. I didn't find out til the day before that it was a 3 hr test on math, reading etc. to assess your levels of education:scared1: and to study my fractions etc:scared: but it was all good, I ended up at a 12th grade level:cheer2: so she said I did great and no worries. Just to bring all my paperwork Friday(next week) of the schools/programs I want to do, when they start, my first born etc:laughing: they want a copy of all your act's, hs transcripts, diploma, dlic., soc sec card, you name it, but if they're paying for my degree.....NO problem, I'll be there and ready!!:woohoo: Next quarter starts Mar. 30:yay:

Hope you sleep better tonight, I remember dreading that alarm clock!!

Lesa...glad Britt had a better day:yay:
He was on yellow yesterday for talking:headache: but they had a substitute that he doesn't like, says she sleeps and don't pay attention to them, so I let him slide on that one. If he's on yellow today though, its double the punishment:laughing: I'm so mean!! I have to get through to him somehow! Good luck huh:laughing: Its a full time job in itself!
I think Mom will love her scrapbook. At the back of it it has a place for memories and he wrote something like "grandma, you've shown me old people can be fun":lmao: or something to that affect:rotfl2: She'll lose it!

OHHH 2x....where are you??? :lovestruc :cloud9: we miss you!!!

:laundy: calls....:headache:
Happy Birthday 9th Young Majesty!!!



YM...glad the cake tasted good, that is all that counts anyway ;)!!

you've had those issues too, w/the talking/attention/turning your work in.... yep, that is Kenny too! I think his teacher gets a little frustrated b/c she KNOWS he's capable of much more, he'd just rather socialize:rotfl2:

Maureen... its so great to see you. Yes, I agree we've had way too much snow! That is totally a four letter BAD word to me! People forget how hard it is for some people to get around in.:guilty: Good to hear Steve is feeling better now, no sick pay stinks!
I'd love to have a DVR:yay: I bet they're so handy! it takes Mike awhile to catch up w/technology. He doesn't get why we have mp3 players when we can just turn on a radio:rotfl: I'm somewhere in the middle, I agree save your money, but then again, some of these new things really are great to have!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful day and weekend! we'll have to celebrate this weekend not only Valentines day but 3 years ago today, Mike proposed! It was so cute, he asked Kenny (4 years old at the time ;) ) if it would be ok if he married his mom? and Kenny replies "well sure it would be":cloud9:
Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day!! We don't have anything special planned today, but Nathan has a tournament at a town about 15 miles away from here...not too bad. They play at 9am this morning and again at 1pm if they lose and 3pm if they win.


I forgot to tell you all that Nathan made me a special Valentine at school. the front says " Happy Valentines Day!!! Mom. Inside he wrote on the left side, Thank you for always being a great mom and loveing ME.(that's how he spelled loving.) on the other side...Roses are red, violets are blue, Honey is sweet and You Are TO!! (not, too:laughing: ) That's by boy!!pirate:

Linda::: Congrats on the 3 year anniversary of your proposal.:goodvibes That's just so cute that Kenny told Mike "Well sure it would be"!! That's our Kenny!!:goodvibes
I hope he enjoys the wrestling tournament today, if he goes. I can see where he might be a bit apprenhensive about going back.:sad2:

Have to finish my breakfast and start getting everyone ready for the big game.
How about a sticky Mickey for breakfast this morning? Maybe if we have it with milk or juice it may be a bit more nutricious.:rolleyes1 ;)


I hope you all have a Sweet Saturday!!:love: :love:



Happy Valentines Day!!

Thanks for a wonderful breakfast Donna:hug:

omg that card sounds too sweet!! I love things like that for the scrapbooks!!:love: Good luck to Nathan today:cheer2: :woohoo: Kennys tournament is actually tomorrow:confused3 the high school guys must have the gym today or something:confused: I think he's feeling more confident now that the coach (Doug, Mikes brother) brought over his shirt and a metal. And told him that he'll get a trophy tomorrow:cheer2:that sure changed his attitude:laughing: :banana:

We thought we'd beat the dinner crowd and eat out last night, good thing we went early, when we left Outback was out the door:eek: but they did give everyone a Valentines day gift, a $10 gift card to use during March-April:yay: cool!!!


ahhh, Donna's breakfasts!!!! how I've missed them and all of you!!!!! It's great to "see" you all again.

Let's see if I can catch up a bit.............

Donna:hippie: ----I wish I had the mac. pancakes right now!!! thanks, as always, for the yummy breakfasts!!! (and thanks for the memories:goodvibes ) I'm surprised someone hasn't requested jelly donuts yet.:rolleyes1 :worship:
Whenever you have a moment........please don't go to any trouble.........may I request eggs benedict??:lmao: (did I mention I had the king of all benedicts in Florida at Christmas??------LOBSTER BENEDICT---:lovestruc )
Aww, Nathan's card was soooo sweet!!!! I was going to say the same thing as Linda did----scrapbook!!!! I've been going to Michael's crafts a couple of times with my mom lately (she' planning a baby shower for a co-worker) and I've been browsing the scrapbook aisles. Wow, there's alot of stuff!!!! Maybe one of these days I'll have the time to get into it. I've saved my expired annual pass, just in case, to put on a special page.:rotfl2:
Good luck to Nathan on his tournament today!!!

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOUNG YM!!!! I hope he had a great birthday!!!
So, you brought out your mad baking skills, huh??;)
I laughed when you said your youngest got a bad mark for talking-----wherever does he get that trait????:confused3
Still haven't made my appointment with the dr.----I'm being bad.:headache:

Linda-----hey guuuurl!!!
Ahh, Kenny, Kenny, Kenny!!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: The boy cracks me up!!!! It's been how many years (???) and I can still hear his little voice!!
Your grandma scrapbook sounds darling!!!
I love Mike's proposal tactics.(I'd use a smilie here, but just had to go thru to edit---darn limits!!)

Lesa----how's Chicago(ish)land???? I saw a poster a while back by the name of luvdsny and had to take a double look. I really wish there was a way that someone can't do that, but I guess we can't control it. I say this, because I know there is a 2xcited2sleep on the boards, too.:mad:
Poor Brit-----her worst day ever. I'm glad things got better for her. Ahh, the teen drama!!!

Michele---okay, I was laughing so hard reading about Lily "calling" Nick!!!:rotfl: Oh my goodness!!! She sounds like such a little cutie!!! She sure looks like one----what a little baby doll!!! I can't believe how much she's grown.
I hope you are feeling better. Take it easy so you don't get run down again----but I'm sure you already know that.:idea:
That is so cool that Matt's team is doing the Relay for Life!!! and, wearing pink!!
best wishes to Blake on his trip to China. I'm sure it is hard on both of you.:hug:

Maureen---:hug:you are just too sweet!!! It is so good to see you!!!
Please, please, please be careful out in that snow/ice, even when you think it is melted!!!! I just had a client who slipped and fell on a tiny piece of black ice on her driveway-----and our snow has been melted for weeks now.
I am so sorry to hear that Steve has been ill, too. Tell him to take it easy (just like my advice to Michele)!!!

Let's see---what's going on in my world???

I have one more major project on my house before getting it on the market. My roof was finally finished at Christmas, so now just some plaster work on the inside. I have them scheduled to come on my next day off, which is a week from Monday. Hopefully they will be able to do it all in a day??!!

I am officially jealous of my niece------get this-----she gets to go on a field trip to EPCOT!!!!! Evidently they do this every year with that grade level. They take all of the classes from that grade, charter busses and head to Epcot for the day. They leave at 6am and will be back home by 9pm. They are studying international things and will just hang out in World Showcase for the day.:snooty: She has to do a report on any one of the lands that she chooses, so she was asking me the other day which one she should do. I told her Italy since she is mainly Italian, but when I mentioned that Morocco has belly dancers, she was all over that. (until I told her about the food----she is such a bread, butter noodles kind of girl)
My sister is trying her hardest to be one of the chaperones.
The other day (my sister told me), they were discussing the field trip and my niece told my sister that the best person to go to Disneyworld with is Aunt T.:angel:(melt my heart)

Well, I think I chatted to my limit for now----gotta run.

The salon that I work for is celebrating it's 20th anniversary and they are doing a surprise video for the owner to be shown at the party, so I have to go in to tape my "bit". I have no idea what I'm going to say. It doesn't have to be long at all, but I'm having a mini-anxiety attack over this.:scared: You all know how I LOVE (feel the sarcasm??) cameras, let alone a video camera.:eek: :scared1:
I guess I'll have to blow my hair out and put some makeup on.:laughing:
2x!!!!:woohoo: :yay: :hug: :cheer2: :banana: :hug: :cool1: It's so great to see you!!

Oh, I'm sure Michele and I can tell you...its VERY addicting! Of coarse Hallmark has the cutest Mickey scrapbook I've been tempted to get. The pages are complete, you just add pics!:woohoo:

Yeah, I bet you can still hear his voice, he has a way of talking peoples leg off, hard to forget. :lmao: I still think about when Nathan told Kenny Universal was better than Disney:rotfl2: I can't wait to compare for myself:cloud9:

I can't stop thinking about "mere Nick" either:lovestruc I can just see her doing that and trying not to let her see you laughing!! Too cute!

Your niece is soooo lucky!!! Yeah, you really are a great person to tour Epcot with! Must have one of those drinks too. Hmmm I have some pics of that around here somewhere:rolleyes1 :rotfl:

good luck w/your "bit"...we know you love cameras ;):hug:
Good evenin', everyone!!

Well, 2x2s, I'm glad you finally found your way to us!!:woohoo: Sounds like you've been pretty busy, too. I want you to know that just because I don't pick up the phone doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you.
Oh, my, your special taping for the salon sounds like....(cough) fun.:rolleyes1 I'm sure you'll do just fine; and remember, it doesn't have to be long.:thumbsup2
I hope your sis gets to chaperone the Epcot field trip; what fun!! How cool that Aunt T is the most fun to go toWDW with!!princess:

Linda:: Your Valentine's dinner sounds delicious!
Good luck to Kenny tomorrow!! and just a reminder that Nathan's opinion of Universal compared to WDW is his opinion, not mine.;) :laughing:

I hate to say it, but Nathan's team lost both of their games. they usually have rotten luck getting into pretty tough starting brackets. We play again tomorrow at 1pm.

Just heard the washer beeping at me. Had to get a ball uniform washed.

Talk to you all later!!:chat:
I can't believe it's morning already. Thank goodness for my Dunkin Donuts coffee.:goodvibes

Nathan plays ball again at 1pm today.....I think they have a good chance of winning this one. Gary has to go to another town to coach a Pee Wee girls team. He is pretty nervous that all the players won't show up; they have exactly six.

Did somebody mention Eggs Benedict? I had better get my recipe book and special pans out to get to cookin'. I'm sorry, I just couldn't cook anything with lobster this time of the morning; and I do like lobster!!:thumbsup2


I hope everyone has a Sunny Sunday!!
mornin' glories!!!

I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day!!!

Wow, Miss Betts!!! Some fancy shmancy benedict there!!!! yum!!! smoked salmon AND caviar!!! :snooty: ;) We may have to have a mimosa with that----definitely a breakfast champagne is called for this one...........I'll have to run out and get the ingredients.
Thanks girl!!!!:dance3:

Good luck to Nathan today!!! Does Gary coach other teams often?? Hopefully all of the girls will show up.

Linda---good luck to Kenny in his wrestling today!!!

Michele----safe traveling for Blake!!!

I have to share a funny dream-----

I was waxing my neighbor's brows (who knew:confused3). Now keep in mind that I very rarely even talk to them, let alone waxing brows for them. So, my "station" was in the park about two blocks away, but I had to plug the waxpot in at another neighbor's house. So, I would have to dip the wax stick into the pot, run, run, run to the park, do one strip and run back to repeat the process.......and I had heels on (which I very rarely wear). Wow, if that's not a way to lose weight, I don't know what is.:lmao: :lmao:

p.s.---why do I ALWAYS dream about working??:scared:

I have to get ready for church since I can't go at my usual time tonight-----having dinner with my momma.(dad is out of town)

have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!!
oh poop-----almost forgot the ya go.....


sip, don't chug:cutie: ;) :lmao:
Mom called yesterday and asks if we'll join her and her bf at Red Lobster. We really didn't plan on going out in the crowd for V day, but for mom....we did. I had to give her the book anyway. She LOVED it!! Of coarse:cloud9: she can't wait to show it off:laughing: we got there at 4 and had to wait an hour and 10 min.:headache: and....Mikes son was there:eek: the oldest, and they hadn't spoken for well over a year. Thankfully there were SO many people there...we were on opposite corners and it was no big deal. I know it really bothers Mike w/things like this, but what can you do. I understand why he feels the way he does. When your own kids sue you....that would be pretty tough to swallow:sad2: thankfully, it was a great meal and we really enjoyed ourselves. They alway get a kick out of Kenny of coarse.

Donna...thanks for a wonderful breakfast:hug:

I can't wait to compare US and wdw myself:yay: I do love coasters and it looks like they have some good ones. I'm sure I'll probably still be a wdw fan more b/c the amazing variety that really touches all ages.:love:

Oh I'm so sorry for Nathan!!! Poor guy, I'm sure he played his heart out:guilty: good luck today!!:cheer2: Good luck to Gary too! Hope everyone shows up!

I feel so bad, I woke up w/a terrible migraine:headache: so there is no way I'm going to go sit in a screaming auditorium today:scared: Poor Mike has had his nose buried in the books all weekend...

I was waxing my neighbor's brows I had heels on (which I very rarely wear). Wow, if that's not a way to lose weight, I don't know what is.:lmao: :lmao:

I have to get ready for church since I can't go at my usual time tonight-----having dinner with my momma.(dad is out of town)

sip, don't chug:cutie: ;) :lmao:

hey there 2x! Wow, you poor thing! I can't do heels anymore. Bless your heart, you're such a sweet neighbor. Hmmm where are you moving again? I really need a good neighbor like you:hug: ;)... good luck w/getting everything ready to put yours on the market. I think I'm gonna get rid of my duplex this year too. Just not worth the headaches, w/me wanting to focus on school anyway. I'd rather get something in FL instead. Or maybe DVC ;)!!

Hope you had a great time w/your mom.

ahhh thanks, I will sip for sure. I really did need one of those!:cloud9:

Hope everyone has a great day. I know Mike will be on the couch soon, the Daytona 500 will be on soon. And:cheer2: whoo hoo for Jeff Gordon winning the other night:banana:
I followed the french toast crumbs and they led me to you great ladies!!! Really it is so nice to see you all


Hi Maureen,

It's nice to hear from you too! I agree, winter has been long...I guess we have another month to go. Wish you and Steve good health the rest of the winter.:flower3:

YourMajesty: I'm just so proud that I remembered Youngest Majesty's birthday that I almost broke my arm patting myself on the back!! I'm sure the birthday cake was just fine.....remeber the drama over Christmas, but all turned out fine.

Miss Donna...hats off to you for the great memory...that is woth a BIG pat on the back.:woohoo: You even remember the Christmas drama...Santa better watch out at our house!!!! :santa:

YM...glad the cake tasted good, that is all that counts anyway!!

you've had those issues too, w/the talking/attention/turning your work in.... yep, that is Kenny too! I think his teacher gets a little frustrated b/c she KNOWS he's capable of much more, he'd just rather socialize

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful day and weekend! we'll have to celebrate this weekend not only Valentines day but 3 years ago today, Mike proposed! It was so cute, he asked Kenny (4 years old at the time ) if it would be ok if he married his mom? and Kenny replies "well sure it would be"

Hi Linda:wave: Man, we've had so many issues with youngest DS this year. He's just marches to the beat of his own drum. I agree, they are capable of so much more...I'm at a loss on motivation some days. Thankfully his does have a patient teacher.

Congrats on your three year celebration. That is so sweet about Mike asking Kenny...and of course what Kenny said is too.:angel:

I forgot to tell you all that Nathan made me a special Valentine at school. the front says " Happy Valentines Day!!! Mom. Inside he wrote on the left side, Thank you for always being a great mom and loveing ME.(that's how he spelled loving.) on the other side...Roses are red, violets are blue, Honey is sweet and You Are TO!! (not, too ) That's by boy!!

about a sticky Mickey for breakfast this morning? Maybe if we have it with milk or juice it may be a bit more nutricious.


Hi will have to frame the cute.:lovestruc Yum...I love sticky Mickey's. Did I tell you about eating them at our Christmas brunch at Chef Mickey's? Let's just say I may a few trip back for extras!:rolleyes1

[ how I've missed them and all of you!!!!! It's great to "see" you all again.

I'm surprised someone hasn't requested jelly donuts yet.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOUNG YM!!!! I hope he had a great birthday!!!
So, you brought out your mad baking skills, huh??
I laughed when you said your youngest got a bad mark for talking-----wherever does he get that trait????
Still haven't made my appointment with the dr.----I'm being bad.

My sister is trying her hardest to be one of the chaperones.
The other day (my sister told me), they were discussing the field trip and my niece told my sister that the best person to go to Disneyworld with is Aunt T.(melt my heart)

The salon that I work for is celebrating it's 20th anniversary and they are doing a surprise video for the owner to be shown at the party, so I have to go in to tape my "bit". I have no idea what I'm going to say. It doesn't have to be long at all, but I'm having a mini-anxiety attack over this. You all know how I LOVE (feel the sarcasm??) cameras, let alone a video camera.
I guess I'll have to blow my hair out and put some makeup on.

We miss you too little lady!princess: I saw that comment about the jelly donuts and agree that would be a great choice. Do you think Stephanie or Lula might make a special request?:rolleyes1 Yep, I had to bring out the cookbook and do some baking. I must say I look mighty fine when I bake...I have a specail apron for that.;) I usually try to do a little decorating or make things look festive but this year I flopped. I didn't even have nine candles so I took a number eight candle from last year and added a single candle to it.:scared: DS does have birthday party coming up this weekend so hopefully I can redeem myself! I have no earthly idea about the talking???Maybe my DH?:rolleyes1

Ahh...that is sweet about what your neice said about aunt T...:angel: Hope mom gets to tag along! Oh yuck...a camera? That is my worst nightmare. I was thinking about giving you seme advice...don't forget to blast you hair with some hairgel and an extra swipe of mascara will work wonders.;) Oh...and make your APPT!

Nathan plays ball again at 1pm today.....I think they have a good chance of winning this one. Gary has to go to another town to coach a Pee Wee girls team. He is pretty nervous that all the players won't show up; they have exactly six.

Hey did the ball games go today? Did Gary's coaching turn out ok? I sure hope Nathan's got a win. Thanks for the breakfast today...I guess someone should officially put in that request for jelly donuts...I just happen to enjoy them!;) :rotfl:

I have to share a funny dream-----

I was waxing my neighbor's brows (who knew). Now keep in mind that I very rarely even talk to them, let alone waxing brows for them. So, my "station" was in the park about two blocks away, but I had to plug the waxpot in at another neighbor's house. So, I would have to dip the wax stick into the pot, run, run, run to the park, do one strip and run back to repeat the process.......and I had heels on (which I very rarely wear). Wow, if that's not a way to lose weight, I don't know what is.

p.s.---why do I ALWAYS dream about working??

I have to get ready for church since I can't go at my usual time tonight-----having dinner with my momma.(dad is out of town)

Hey 2x.. What a dream I thought I was reading a Plum book when you threw in the high heels.:rotfl: Hmmm...why work? I think it's because you 'hear' and see it all there.:rolleyes1

How was dinner?

Mom called yesterday and asks if we'll join her and her bf at Red Lobster. We really didn't plan on going out in the crowd for V day, but for mom....we did. I had to give her the book anyway. She LOVED it!! Of coarse she can't wait to show it off we got there at 4 and had to wait an hour and 10 min. and....Mikes son was there the oldest, and they hadn't spoken for well over a year. Thankfully there were SO many people there...we were on opposite corners and it was no big deal. I know it really bothers Mike w/things like this, but what can you do. I understand why he feels the way he does. When your own kids sue you....that would be pretty tough to swallow thankfully, it was a great meal and we really enjoyed ourselves. They alway get a kick out of Kenny of coarse.
I feel so bad, I woke up w/a terrible migraine so there is no way I'm going to go sit in a screaming auditorium today:scared: Poor Mike has had his nose buried in the books all weekend...

Hi Linda...good you enjoyed dinner with your mom...that was a long wait. That is youngest DS's favorite place to eat. In fact he threw a little fit because we could not go on his birthday because it's to far from our house...and his brother had basketball practice.:rolleyes1 He settled for Cracker Barrel. Sorry Mike had to see his son...I would understand some pretty hard feeling over a son that sued his dad. How's the head?:headache: Hope you are feeling better.

A big thanks to everyone for the cakes and birthday wishes...DS loved seeing them.:thanks:

Oh, and thanks for the Valentine goodies...hope everyone had a good day!

Good morning!!:sunny:

I hope you all had a terrific weekend. Ours were spent at ballgames, I do believe.;)

Nathan's team won yesterday 50-2. I knew they would probably win, but not by that much. The kids even tried giving the ball to some of the kids that never quite got the grasp of the game, if you know what I mean. One almost scored a 3-pointer, but the Ref said his foot was on the line.:laughing:

The girls team that Gary coached was just a last-minute thing that consisted of the 3rd and 4th grade girls playing an out-of-town team. Our gals won the first game by 6 points, but lost the second by 2. There were only six girls and they were just running out of steam!!

2x2s...... I am gald you enjoyed the Eggs Benedict!! Thanks for the Mimosas!! I most certainly sipped mine, that's for sure!
I hope you enjoyed your dinner with your mom. Is this your dad's big weekend? Did he go to Vegas?
YIKES!! that is some dream!! I hate when I dream about work, but yours is a bit more glamorous than mine.princess: :upsidedow

Linda...... I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner at Red Lobster despite Mike seeing his son. I know that had to be hurtful and awkward. Red Lobster is Nathan's favorite restaurant, too. We only go there when Gary can't, because he doesn't like it.:rolleyes:
Did Kenny get to go to his wrestling tournament?
I hope your migraine went away.:hug:

Yourmajesty:: I was beginning to wonder where you went!!:rolleyes1 Hey, at least you get another chance at a cake this weekend. :thumbsup2
Am I understanding that you are requesting jelly donuts? A brick doesn't have to fall on my head!!:lmao:

Gary took Nathan and I to Chili's for dinner yesterday after the games. It was pretty good; we hadn't been there for awhile.

Well, better start getting ready for work. Nathan and Gary are both off
today....yeah for them!!:laughing:

I guess it's time for our special request for this morning.................


I hope you all have a Marvelous Monday!!
Good morning!!:sunny:

I hope you all had a terrific weekend. Ours were spent at ballgames, I do believe.;)

Nathan's team won yesterday 50-2. I knew they would probably win, but not by that much. The kids even tried giving the ball to some of the kids that never quite got the grasp of the game, if you know what I mean. One almost scored a 3-pointer, but the Ref said his foot was on the line.:laughing:

Yourmajesty:: I was beginning to wonder where you went!!:rolleyes1 Hey, at least you get another chance at a cake this weekend. :thumbsup2
Am I understanding that you are requesting jelly donuts? A brick doesn't have to fall on my head!!:lmao:

Gary took Nathan and I to Chili's for dinner yesterday after the games. It was pretty good; we hadn't been there for awhile.

Well, better start getting ready for work. Nathan and Gary are both off
today....yeah for them!!:laughing:

I guess it's time for our special request for this morning.................


I hope you all have a Marvelous Monday!!

Thanks Donna...I always knew there was no grass growing in your head!:lmao: Glad that Nathan won his was a blowout. I've never seen a score that high! At least the finished on a good note. Glad to hear Gary's coaching went well...sounds like the girls played hard.

Well, I'm off today...but I always am of on Mondays. The kids are out of school and stayed with my mom last night...I'm going to get them soon. I'm sure they are ready to get home so they can run around the neighborhood and play! Hope everyone has a nice Monday.:)
A Belated Birthday wish for our Young Prince!!

And a belated Happy Valentine's Day

Sounds like everyone is keeping busy.

Donna...50-2 that is a heck of a win!!

Matt's team has won their last 2 games. The last one in double overtime. That was the night I had a meeting for the Relay for Life and didn't get there until half time. I still got to see a whole game;)

Blake has safely made it to Beijing. I expect to hear from him sometime tonight. Right now he is sound asleep.

2x..It is so wonderful to hear from you. I have been worried about you. Good luck getting the house together for your big move.

ARRGGHH!!! :laundy: I was just washing our comforter and discovered it got caught up in the sides of the washer and put large holes in it!!:eek: Had to throw it away!! It makes me mad at myself. I knew it was probably too big for my washer but I didn't want to take it to the laundromat.

YM...I totally understand about a child marching to their own beat. All our kids are like that in their own ways. No wonder my hair is so grey.

I was supposed to get my hair done last Wed but had to cancel because I was sick. I was going to try again this week but found out last night that her grandmother just passed away yesterday. I don't dare try and color it myself. Everytime I try that my hair ends up looking like Ozzy Osbourne:scared1:

Next week is Snowcoming at the high school. It is basketball's equivalent for Homecoming. They pick a court, one boy and girl from 9th - 11th grades and then 4 of each from the senior class. Matt was chosen for the 11th grade. He is most excited that now his ticket to the dance is free! So he only has to buy a ticket for his date.

We are off school all week. I need to get caught up with all of my chores around the house. Got the kitchen cleaned this morning.

Have a great day all!!
Well, it's back to school and work for all of those lucky enought to have yesterday off!!:woohoo: :teacher:

Michele...... I'm glad to hear that Blake arrived safely in China.
That's great that Matt's game ended in double overtime!! Nathan had a game like that a few weeks ago; they won by one point in TRIPLE overtime!!:faint: Nathan just about collapsed when the game was over and my Sis was happy she got her money's worth.:cutie: :upsidedow
Yippee!! You get the week off of school!! If you run out of things to clean you can always come visit me for a few days!!:laundy:
I have to tell you that on New Year's Eve I thought about Bree's birthday. Is she 21 now?

Lesa...... I had to laugh, last week my step-nephew made Monkey Bread and brought it to work for our afternoon coffee. It was really very good!!:thumbsup2

Linda......Is Kenny's birthday sometime in February? If I remember correctly the Big 8 is just around the corner!!
Hope your migraine has disappeared and you're feeling better.:hug:

YM...... Are you having your son's party at your house, or did you rent somewhere? I know he'll have a wonderful time.:thumbsup2
Yeah, the score for the game was pretty high. I think the other coach told them to kind of cool it, but it's pretty hard to get that across to 10 year olds sometimes. :rolleyes1

Shucks!! I think my morning Dis time is about over. I think this time is the fastest 45 min. of my life. Have a fantastic day and I'll talk to you all later!!

...............and let's not forget our breakfast.;)


I hope you all have a Totally Awesome Tuesday!!:dance3: :dance3:
good morning all!!!

Boy, is anyone else as groggy as I am?? I am just exhausted today for some reason. Not like I've been working too hard.......yesterday at work I went from 94% booked down to 35%. I had FOUR facials cancel-----three due to illness and one from her writing the wrong time down. I called her 1/2 hour into her appt. time and she was just getting ready to come in. Uh, too late. If I would have known the rest of my day was going to fall apart, I would have had her come in later, but by that time it was too late.:mad: So, needless to say, I made no money yesterday. (well, I did alright, but it could have been soooo much better)

Donna----I see the donuts were served yesterday and yummy Mickey waffles today. You're on it girl!!!!!
whoa, you know I don't know much about ball games, but even I can tell that they smashed the other team!!! Way to go Nathan!!!!!:yay: :yay:
My dinner was nice with my mom, but we got up from the table and she could barely walk. She has had both hips replaced and the one has been giving her trouble the past couple of days. I thought I was going to have to take her to the ER, but she didn't want to go. I followed her home and spent the evening with her and went back over there yesterday after work to care for the dogs (so she doesn't have to do the stairs). She has a dr. appt. this morning to see what is going on.
No, not Vegas for my dad, but Florida. He had his annual remote control car race so he spent the week in Ft. Meyers. My sister, BIL and the kiddies drove over for the day on Sat. to visit with him. I think the kids had a blast, first of all driving over alligator alley, then seeing "Pops" race his cars. My grandpa was also there because he spent the last month with my aunt in Ft. Lauderdale, then is coming home with my dad. They should be home sometime today.

Linda---that's a looong wait for Red Lobster!!! I know I was running errands that day and noticed how packed all of the parking lots were even for lunch!!! Did Kenny have crab legs??:cool2: I'm glad you and your mom had a good time.
Was Mike's son dining with you, or just at the same restaurant?? I have to hand it to you and Mike!!!! That was hard, I'm sure.
Okay, I had to giggle------ I think you misread my post----I had a DREAM that I waxed the neighbor's brows in heels, not in real life.:lmao: You had a migraine, it's okay.:hug: Hope you are feeling better.

I thought of you, too, when Donna served the stickey mickey.:rotfl2:
Yeah, I suppose that dream could have fit into a version of Plum.:rotfl:

I didn't even have nine candles so I took a number eight candle from last year and added a single candle to it.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
at least he was able to brush up on his math skills.:laughing:

ym said:
Thanks Donna...I always knew there was no grass growing in your head!

okay, that has to be a classic, if I'd ever heard one!!!!:lmao: :lmao:

Michele----good to hear that Blake's travels went well. How long will he be there?? Sorry, if you have already said this.
ahh, no need to worry about me---I'm fine, but thanks.:hug:

Sorry to hear about your comfortor mishap. I guess I never realized that a washer could do that. I just thought that if you overstuff it, it will just overflow and not drain?? Little do I know!!:sad2: Comfortors are not cheap, either.:headache:
wow, you have the whole week off?? That's great-----don't forget to get some rest inbetween all of your cleaning. Don't want you to overdo it.

hi to Lesa and Maureen!!!!!

have a good Tuesday everyone!!!!

Time to get some things done before work.
Good morning!

Seems I missed a few important things!!!

Happy Belated Birthday to a very special young YM!

Happy Valentine's Day!



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