Blackout dates on discounts?


DIS Veteran
Nov 19, 1999
This probably is a question I should know the answer to but I don’t so here goes….when discounts are listed and they have a blackout date if those dates are in the middle of your stay and you were able to get a discount rate does it change on those dates back to regular rate? I always thought that you could not check in at a discount on the blackout dates but once you were given a discount rate you got it for your entire stay. Can someone clarify for me please? :confused3
You can call resort that you want and see if there are rooms available. I got in POFQ during black out dates March 10-13, I know there is a cheerleading competition the weekend I am there and they are all probably staying in certain hotels, so that is why they black out certain days of the month that are high volume times.


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