Bl 7.1 purple team!!!!!

Hi guys! I was hoping to join this for the next challenge. I thought I understood how to... by PMing Eeyore? But it's been a few days & I wasn't sure if he's away or if that is not longer right or if I should wait until your 6 weeks is over.

Once I'm official, I'll come & introduce myself and join for real (whichever team I'm on.) Thanks!
Hi folks I did get to walk this morning . The rain held off even now as I am typing this the sun is still out and it was A Mild morning . I will not be walking next weekend because I am spending Mother's Day Weekend with my Mom. so I may walk durring the week after work if the weather improves. Have a great weekend. And before I forget week 10 weigh-in is being pused to Wendsday this week with the results Thursday. see ya then:thumbsup2
Good Sunday afternoon to you all! How is everyone today? I was going to spend the day doing yard work, but it is cloudy and cool and looks like rain at any minute... plus the mayflies are out of control! I did 30 minutes of vigorous raking today and yesterday (as vigorous as I could so that it could count as exercise), but now I have blisters as well as shoulder and wrist pain, so I am done raking for now!! I don't want to get into another outdoor project because it looks like rain, so I guess I will work inside for the rest of the day.

I've already done 100 minutes of exercise today (including my raking), but I hope to get in at least another 10-20 later. Too bad I can't do laundry aerobically!!

I'm making hamburgers on the grill for the family tonight. I usually make myself a Gardenburger when I make burgers for the family, but I am out of Gardenburgers and my little local store doesn't carry them. I was thinking of trying to make my own "light" burger using some hamburg, cooked brown rice, tvp, and minced veggies. Has anyone tried this?? I'm just not sure if it will stay together enough to put on the grill. If I decide to try it, I'll let you know how it goes. ........................P
Hi Everyone - I'm down 1.5 this week which feels great! Had a busy week so I hope to check in more this week. I need to PM my weight to jessi but wanted to stop in and wish everyone a happy Sunday
Just wanted to let all know that my homemade "Gardenburgers" came out pretty well. I used 4 oz of hamburg, one egg white, 1/2 C cooked brown rice, 1/2 minced onion, 1/2 minced green pepper, 2 Tb. unprocessed bran, 2 Tb. uncooked quick oats, grill seasoning, garlic powder. I ended up having to combine it in my mini-food processor because the hamburg was no incorporating well into the rice. It probably pulverized the rice but it blended everything nicely. It made three good-sized patties. I figured them out to be 3.5 pts each, for you Weight Watchers.

I cooked them on the grill and had it on an Arnolds Sandwich thin with a touch of ketchup and mustard. It didn't taste quite as "beefy" as I thought it might, but it was very good and moist and the texture was good. I usually eat the Portobella or Original Gardenburgers and they don't taste beefy either, so I didn't really mind. Some lettuce, a thick slice of tomato, and some pickle chips would have really topped this off, but I didn't have anything like this and I was already serving salad. A bit of mayo would have been tasty too, but I didn't want the extra calories tonight.

Just wanted to share that.................P
Hi BL 7.1 Purple Team

I have been reading this thread and am interested in joining when you start again. Will that be soon?

Please let me know how I join. Thanks.
Hi everybody! I had a busy but nice weekend. We got a new bunkbed for DD7 and DD4 and surprised them with it all set up including new princess bedding for DD4 and Tinkerbell bedding for DD7. :cutie::cutie: I was so busy this weekend that I did not do well with the eating, so now I'll have to be good and get more exercising in to avoid a gain on Friday.

estherhead and joy@disney: the way I understand it, anybody is welcome to join at any time, just PM your weight to Eeyore'sButterfly (Jessi). I know she's really busy right now and isn't able to get online too often. Some of the regulars on the BL7.1 Green thread may know more information.

pjlla - your gardenburgers sound good.:goodvibes

SpaceMtnFan - glad you were able to get your walk in this weekend. Did you try jumping jacks again?:)

njmom23grls - I see your post and it reminded me that I still have to pm my weight to Jessi. Thanks!:surfweb:

worfiedoodles - that's a big loss :thumbsup2
Morning all! It looks to be a nice day around here today.

For breakfast I crumbled up half of one of my homemade gardenburgers in a small fry pan and added 1/2 C egg substitute to make a meat omelet. It was very good, but I am missing my carbs at breakfast.....:sad2: but I am hoping that by having more protein (especially early in the day) and less carbs, that I will motivate my body to lose more weight!!

I did a stupid thing yesterday.... I walked on the treadmill for almost an hour WITHOUT SOCKS. Now I have these abrasions along the outside edge of my foot/heel that are sore, so I am not sure I will be able to do my outside walking .... stupid, stupid stupid! And I FELT the pain, but I didn't want to stop. DD swiped the last pair of clean socks from my drawer on Saturday and I didn't finish the laundry until Sunday. I put big bandaids over the sore spots and I will attempt to walk today.... but I will walk in circles around the school instead of heading down the road, in case I have to turn back due to pain. But I can do the 30 day shred without shoes tonight if I need to.

I hope that all of my teammates have a GREAT day and that everyone is working hard toward being a BIG LOSER!...............P
Okiedokie, I'm joining officially, kind of. I'll really wait till next week and whatever new challenge is decided. But I had such a great week I had to report to someone. I've been trying to dump 13 extra pounds since January with no success (I do WW.) Last week I came up with this idea to go back to eating how I originally lost my weight (I lost 40 lbs on WW 7 years ago) using the points range system instead of flexpoints. I did this and lost 2.5 lbs this week!!!! I know for some it isn't much, but for me it is HUGE!

So I'm now 10 lbs away from my goal and hope to get there by the time your next Biggest Loser competition is over (6-7 weeks?)

Thanks for listening and myabe next week my weight can be official and I can be the biggest loser.
Welcome esterhead! Glad to have you along for the journey! Mostly we are challenging ourselves to lose weight, but we also have weekly COW (Challenge of the week) where we earn points for doing specific things. I think that we are at week four of the COW. I will try to find the post for you from last week. If you don't want to bother keeping track of the COW points, you can just post about your weight loss. On Fridays you PM your weight to Eeyore's Butterfly. She is our team captain and she keeps track of our percentages down (and UP). Then she will come on a few days later and let us know who the BIGGEST LOSER is, both on our Purple team and overall.

Glad to hear that you were able to shake things up and drop a lot this week! I love the Weight Watchers plans.... but they just keep tweaking it and tweaking it and it is hard to keep up with sometimes! I'm trying to change things up this week and have a two pound loss. I am sort of "behind" on my plan of being at goal by mid-June, so I am trying to find some newer foods and try some new things to get me past this "two pounds off/two pounds on" hump I seem to be stuck at. Maybe I should read back through my LIBRARY of WW literature and see if anything sticks out.

BTW, are you named after Esther in the Bible? That is one of my favorite stories...............................P
Estherhead... here is this week's COW (copied and pasted from donac's post).......................P

Now for this week's COW


THis week's COW starts on Friday 5/1/09 and will run until midnight Thursday 5/7/09.

Please send me your COW point for week 2 as soon as possible(by Sun 5/10/09). I will be posting the winners of the COW points next Thursday when I post the next COW

This week's COW will add on to the COW from Week 4

YOu get 1 point for each day you follow the COW

For Week 5

Drink 8 glasses of water (1 point for each day)
Eat 3 servings of veggies (1 point for each day)
Eat 2 pieces of fruit (1 point for each day)
Walk 5000steps (or do 30 minutes of exercise if you can't walk) (1 point for each day)
Spend 5 minutes doing something you like to do each day: read a book, take a bath, meditate (1 point for each day)
Try a new exercise routine or tape (max 3 points 1 for each new one tried)
Add a new food (max 3 points 1 for each new one tried)
Write a note to someone. Email doesn't count! (max2 points 1 for each note)
Try a new thing to you (Take up knitting, go roller skating just something knew) (max 2 points 1 for each new thing)

On Friday 5/8/09 send me

XX days drinking water
XX days eating 3 serving of veggies
XX days eating 2 pieces of fruit.
XX days of 5000steps
XX days of doing something for myself
XX new exercise routines tried
XX new food tried
XX note written
XX new thing

Thanks and enjoy the COW
Hi gang happy Monday to all. Well it was A busy, busy, busy Saturday for me. I walked at a local park for an hour. Before I walked I did my stretching and did 50 Jumping Jacks. Before I walked. I was tired but recovered quickly. Just A Reminder; My weigh-in is this Wendsday with the results Thursday morning . See ya then.:thumbsup2
:welcome: estherhead :welcome:

I thought I'd go ahead and post another QOTD, just because I'm curious to see how people will answer. I'll try to keep posting QOTD until EeyoresButterfly is back posting or you tell me to stop ;):lmao:

MONDAY Question of the Day: Name a vegetable you have never prepared or eaten. If anybody else has eaten it, feel free to share how you prepare it. (I was reading some of the older Green thread pages, and thought was a neat QOTD, so I threw it out there).

My answer is eggplant, I've never even tasted it.
Good Morning Purple Team!

I had a really good weekend. I stuck to both my food and exercise plans, which is great progress for me! :yay:

LuvBaloo -- Hmmm. That is a toughie. My mom made it a project to have me try every vegetable known to man when I was a child :lmao: I guess I'll go with Leeks.

I have good news to report -- when I reported my weight on WW online, I had to recalculate my points. Now I get 2 pts less each day. I know this is a positive and shows I'm making progress, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around eating even less food :rolleyes1

I'm doing ok so far with it, I guess we'll see how this week shapes up.

Speaking of shaping up, SpceMntnFan you are really moving! :cool1:

estherhead -- I also had the revelation I need to change my eating, but mostly because I was eating way too much! :rotfl: :welcome:

pjlla -- I really hope your feet are feeling better. :hug: I cannot imagine working out without socks. I know you are a hurtin' puppy.

I hope everyone is off to a great start this week! :cheer2:

Maria :upsidedow
MONDAY Question of the Day: Name a vegetable you have never prepared or eaten. If anybody else has eaten it, feel free to share how you prepare it.

Well.... I don't think I've every tried that broccoflower or broccollini stuff. And I don't think I have ever (knowingly) eaten arugula or kale. Honestly, I can't think of anything else.

Shannon, eggplant can be good, but it is one of those veggies that doesn't have a lot of excellent nutritional value, so I don't usually bother with it. I have added it to stir fry and tried making homemade eggplant parmesan (too much work IMHO). It is one of those things that doesn't have much taste on its own. We have grown it in the past, but since we downsized our garden, I hate to take up space with it, since we really don't eat it much.

Thanks for asking......................P
Thanks for welcoming me. I really do need all the help I can get as I :lovestruc food and can't eat very much of it when I'm trying to lose weight.

I'm kind of named after Esther in the Bible. Here's the story. My mom was absolutely convinced I was a boy so didn't bother with a girl's name. She also was determined to have me without intervention, which in 1974 was a radical thought. So she found a Dr. from Palestine who had just moved here & he said they believed very much in "natural" childbirth. So he was her doctor & he and my dad sat around chitchatting & guarding the room from other nurses and doctors while my mom labored in peace. Mom yelled, "She's coming," he grabbed me & handed me to her and she got to have her perfect alone birth. Except for the fact that I was confusingly a girl. She was so grateful to him, she asked him what his wife's name was and he said, "Esther." I'm the first and only child he delivered in America and he was my only doctor until I was an adult.

But my parents are Bible readers too so that, I'm sure, influenced them as well. I love my name. And I, too, like that story in the Bible. It shows that it's OK to be beautiful and it's OK to work within the current system to change lives. I just love how she respected authority but was certainly no pushover. Ya know? I think that takes more bravery than to be rebellious.

OK, as for the QOTD:

I'm a bit of a foodie so it was tricky but I've never had Celeriac. I think it might be like a parsnip, but I'm not sure. And honestly, if it is like a parsnip, why wouldn't I just have parsnips?

Eggplant is a good veggie to use as filler in dips (like instead of sour cream & mayo.) It's also good to do as your noodles in lasagna. But I do agree with the too much bother. It is FULL of water and if you want to do anything with it you have to salt it & let it ooze water or roast it. So for those of us who have 5 minutes to make dinner most nights, it isn't overly friendly.
Ok I am not a fan of Creamed Corn , I love Corn on theCob, Corn out of the Can and Corn cooked on the BBQ Grill but Im not a fan of Creamed Corn.
Hey.... anyone interested in sharing recipes, quick meal ideas, etc? I am so tired of the same-old, same-old that I keep eating. Oatmeal for breakfast, salad for lunch.... blah, blah, blah. No big complicated recipes necessary... just easy quick meal ideas and short recipes (of course, if you have a GREAT big recipe, feel free!).

I'll start by sharing a few quick things I like.

Snack idea: Divide 1 Laughing Cow light cheese wedge into 5 equal portions and spread on your choice of 5 cracker or 5 melba toast rounds. Top each with a 1/2 tsp. of peach/pineapple salsa. Yummy snack/light lunch for 2 points (1 pt for the cheese, 1 pt for 5 melba toast rounds, 0 pts for salsa if you use it sparingly enough).

OR.... same as above but top with guacamole (2 TB. divided) instead of the salsa. This adds another point, but it gets in a healthy fat/veg and is super yummy. BOTH of these are considerably better (IMHO) on the melba toast versus saltines.

Lunch idea: Large 1 pt tortilla (can't remember the brand.. Smart Tortilla Factory??)... spread with 2 Tb. guacamole OR 1 wedge of LC cheese. Top with baby spinach or a spring mix... add two grilled and chopped portobello Gardenburgers. Roll up and enjoy. (4 points... maybe 5... can't quite remember!)

Dessert idea: 1 c of prepared instant banana pudding, stir in 1/2 C crushed pineapple (packed in juice), topped with 2 TB. Cool Whip free. (3 pts.) HUGE dessert and very filling... plus you get a serving of calcium. I don't enjoy it too often though, due to the artificial sweeteners.

Dessert idea: (I got this from my WW leader many years ago.) Wash and dice one serving of fresh strawberries. Mash in a bowl (with a bit of Splenda if necessary). On a plate, place a Weight Watchers ice cream sandwich that has been split horizontally through the ice cream (cookie side down). Top with mashed strawberries and 2 TB. Cool Whip free. (3 pts.) I had this last night and it was "lick the plate" delicious!

I also have a DELICIOUS and VERY LOW POINT/CALORIE curried chicken recipe. It is not really complicated or too time consuming, but I can't type it from memory. If any one is interested I would be happy to get it and post it.

Anyone else have anything to share?...................P
I also have a DELICIOUS and VERY LOW POINT/CALORIE curried chicken recipe. It is not really complicated or too time consuming, but I can't type it from memory. If any one is interested I would be happy to get it and post it.

Please excuse me for bumping in on your thread but I would like the chicken curry recipe, please. :goodvibes

I'll share a recipe for mini frittatas from Cooking Light. They are super easy to make and very tasty with a salad for dinner.



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