Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!


QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: water. how do you get your water in each day? drink glasses throughout the day? fill a water bottle? drink it by a certain time?

I drink a cup of hot tea after my shower, and then at work I drink a giant 24oz. mug of tea throughout the day. I usually have water/tea to drink in the evening as well. I have virtually given up soda, so I guess by making it my only beverage, I'm drinking my water.

Disney QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: When was your last trip to Disney? (WDW, DL, DCL, AbD) When is your next trip?? tell us a little something about it!

My last trip was also the Princess! This was my first solo trip, and I had a great time. I did lots of hanging out with other WISHers, and was able to visit the attractions I never get to see because my menfolk aren't interested. My next trip will be for the Princess 2012, and I have set a goal with myself -- If I lose 20 lbs from when I started a new push a few weeks ago, I get to upgrade to a Mod instead of a Value. This is all about comfort, people. I was fine at All Star Sports, but I missed the fridge in the room, more comfy bedding and mattress, and being close to DTD...I'm hoping that's enough motivation to keep me moving :thumbsup2

Off to read my brainless romance novel!.............................P

I'm with you on this one -- totally by accident I picked one up and started reading it, and realized it's centered around hockey, with tons of talk about the Vancouver Canucks. I thought that was pretty funny, it's been amusing me every since! :rotfl:


QOTD, Thursday June 30th: After dinner and before bed is a REALLY tough time for me. What do YOU do after dinner in order to stay on plan? Do you have a snack? What is it? A rule that you can't eat? A drink of water? How do you fight those little demons that say "eeeaaaatttt" when you're watching tv or doing whatever you do at night??

Well, my dinner comes about 3 hours before I go to bed, so that helps. What I've started doing is eating a more substantial dinner, so I'm just not hungry. I had a bad habit of hoarding points for "treats" at the end of the day, and then I would just keep eating and eating. If I fill up on veggies, protein, etc. and only have a small treat as a dessert, that seems to work better for me. I'd rather have 10 pts of treats, but I'm not doing myself any favors when I do that.

Disney QOTD, June 30th: What's that one thing that really makes you feel like you're at Disney? A ride? A special walk down Main Street? A treat?

Going through the front gates usually does it for me :mickeyjum If I have a great check-in experience, it can happen there. After that I would have to say my first visit to the gift shop at my resort. Then I get my first look at new merchandise, Disney treats, toys, etc., and since you can't really get those things other places, it makes me feel like I'm really here. I don't necessarily have to go into a park or eat a special food, but of course those are awesome reinforcements of that first feeling of anticipation.

Buffy -- Sometimes I feel like I can't find the wagon with a GPS, and that's my clue to fake it until I make it. Force myself to do the things I know I need to in order to feel good. Move again, even if it's only a walk or only a short distance. Put the Pringles down and eat baby carrots. Once you get the moment going again, it will become easier and require less thought. While it does require more, make it a priority. I have faith in you! ::yes::

Laura -- I don't like eggplant, but I think I might like that recipe, sound really good! :goodvibes

Kim -- Since you are a personal chef, you must not be intimidated by food ('cause I am :blush:). I'm wondering, do you find yourself making most of your snacks, or going with something that's already put together? I ask this because I tend to be willing to go to the effort for a meal, but unless a snack is fruit or veggies, it seems like too much effort to come up with ingredients and "make" something.

Pamela -- You have a fantastic plan for the holiday weekend, I know you will do a great job!

BronxNancy -- The story about your camping partners is really frightening. I agree with Pamela but I'd take it one step further, I bet diabetes is already happening for that entire family. Here is my challenge to you -- rather than let them drag you down, be an example to lift them up. You can be very matter of fact about the point that you just aren't that hungry, and only want to eat whatever you have set aside for yourself, rather than the eatathon every meal apparently is for them. :scared1: BronxBaby is not that hungry :rolleyes1

Tracey -- Hang in there! I know it is so hard, hard to be there, and it will be even harder to leave. :hug:

snowangel -- Cheeseless pizza seems like a great idea! When we make homemade pizza we try to use very little cheese, now we have a new idea to try :idea:

Kathy -- I absolutely agree, a Disney trip really does help my outlook :flower: I'm almost to the point where I want to take a trip that doesn't involve a race, so I don't have an early to bed night and soreness the next day, but that would be really hard to justify since I am the only one in my family who wants to go :rotfl: I'm turning 45 in 2013, my fantasy plan is to do Coast to Coast that year. I don't know which races, but I'd love to be able to pull it off! :stitch2:

Dona -- I am so envious! BLT sounds like a wonderful experience. :lovestruc I know this will be a special trip for you, and you will enjoy every minute of the planning.

Deb -- I miss Santa's Village! :santa: I think I loved it more than ds! I find it really relaxing, and just a great time for the whole family. I hope you have a fantastic trip!

Trina -- Great job with the snacks at the movies! I know the next one I see will be HP, and it's going to be hard to be restrained in that festive atmosphere. I actually don't think the popcorn:: is very good there, so that's one item I can avoid. The buttery pretzel bites are yummy, last time I ignored their siren's call for POTC4 and had grapes I brought from home instead.

Everyone have a great day, and do make a plan for the holiday weekend. I know we can report on Tuesday we did well, if we make a plan and a pact that we will get through it together! :thumbsup2

Maria :upsidedow
Morning everyone! :)

We made it home safe and sound around 930 last night. I immediately went to bed and caught up on DVR'ed shows. I'm not even sure what time it was when I fell asleep. I woke up around 930 and have just been putsing around the house. My cleaning bug usually doesn't bite til aroud 1, :laughing:. I need to eat something and get into cleaning clothes.

My plan for the day:
Throw all of our clothes that we took to FL in the wash

Figure out something for dinner

Clean out from under our bathroom sink

Start going through our closet and figure out what's going and what I'm getting rid of

Work on the two upstairs closets that mainly have Josh and Maddie's things in them and get that stuff packed up.

Work on the downstairs closet

Most of Maddie's big items (crib, crib mattress, bassinet, etc) I'm giving to my best friend who just found out she's having a baby girl. She was shocked when I told her that I was going to do this. She was afraid that it was going to be hard emotionally. I explained to her that I wasn't going to have the space in the new house and that I'd rather give it to her then a complete stranger. I know she greatly appreciates it because it keeps her from having to go out and buy everything.

She did ask me if she could have any of her clothes. I told her I had already pretty much gave away the stuff that I was comfortable with parting with. Most of the stuff I still have is stuff that has sentimental value or I just can't emotionally part with.

Alan asked me last night on the way home if I was okay with giving Maddie's stuff away. He kept reassuring me, "You know you don't have to do this. We could find a way to make it work." I told him that I was okay with it and just looked at it as a way to help someone in need. Plus, my friend Heather loved Maddie like she was her own child. I'm glad to see a peice of Maddie will be in her home now.

Well, I'm off to go eat something before I get dizzy. I'll be back in a few hours.
I'm supposed to be to work in 15 minutes but I just had to call and tell them I'm going to be about an hour late. I just suddenly got sick to my stomach. I'm wondering if I should have just said I'm not coming in at all. I hate situations like this because I can't help if it hit me all of a sudden but I dont want to call out 15 minutes before my shift. I think worrying about it is making me feel worse...
QOTD1: For some reason I don't usually have trouble with after dinner snacking. It's the late afternoon that kills me! When I do want something after dinner I tend to go for chocolate milk or if I need to chew something then I measure out some nuts or eat a breakfast bar.

QOTD2: We fly across the country to get to WDW so landing at the airport makes me feel like we're finally there! But I really love hopping on ME.

Can't chat because my kiddo wants the computer, and I really should break out the vacuum cleaner!

To those of you who think you have fallen off the wagon--beeep beeep that's the horn tellin ya we're outside. Hop on!
Well I ended up calling out. Sorry but I need to take care of myself. I did email a couple of my students and let them know I wasn't feeling well and they were very understanding which makes me feel better. And I was in tears when I called out so I guess they know I wasn't faking it? I'm holed up on the couch now updating my workout/running playlist. When I'm done I will share it, but with a disclaimer as some songs are not appropriate for...others haha. But i would say only two of them are like that.

So im not even really worrying about eating today. Maybe i'll have some soup or toast later tonight but right now i dont even want to think about food! I'm not sure what I had to make me feel like this but ugh!

I will also probably work on a playlist for our trip to the cape. I told my mom I would make us a road trip playlist. It's only a 3 hour drive but still!
Liesel, thanks for the welcome! PC'ing would be great for you when you are ready, best part is you make your own hours so you can be home with the kids when you need to be. I'm looking forward ti Tink, but have a LOT of work to do between now and then.

Maria-for the most part my snacks are just premade things. I cook from scratch most of the time for dinner, but for snacks I'm all about quick and easy!
QOTD, Thursday June 30th: After dinner and before bed is a REALLY tough time for me. What do YOU do after dinner in order to stay on plan? Do you have a snack? What is it? A rule that you can't eat? A drink of water? How do you fight those little demons that say "eeeaaaatttt" when you're watching tv or doing whatever you do at night??

My best advice/trick/strategy is to make a rule that food will only be eaten "at the table". No eating on the couch! I'm not 100% at following this rule, but I have learned that if I eat something while sitting on the couch watching TV, I will just get up and go get more over and over until I finally go to bed. If I eat at the table, I'll generally just finish my meal or snack and move on to something else.

Disney QOTD, June 30th: What's that one thing that really makes you feel like you're at Disney? A ride? A special walk down Main Street? A treat?

Honestly, it's real for me as soon as I exit MCO and I smell the Florida air. And then I'm a little more "there" when the ME bus begins to roll. And a bit more when we pass under the WDW arch. And more again when we check in at the resort. I think it's really and truly completely real when I'm waiting at the resort bus stop to head to our first park on the first day. That is the epitome of the anticipation phase of the vacation and THAT is awesome!
Alright, I logged on to post the WIN results last night and then I got distracted with actual WDW planning stuff. I will do my very best to post results this evening!
ONE MORE THING... (not weight-loss-related, but very much Disney-travel-related...)

Could you please share your best/favorite ideas for a countdown-to-vacation project and for character-autograph-collecting???

Pretty much since DD was born, I've been telling her that we're gonna go to WDW "someday". She is 4 and I need some tangible way of communicating that it's REAL and there is a set number of days between now and then. I like the idea of a paper chain but I was wondering if anyone has done this and did you include anything of interest on each link of the chain?? If you've done any kind of countdown calendar, can you describe what made yours fun or unique?

And for character autographs, I might just go with a regular old autograph book or I like the index card idea so I can put the autographs and character meet photos in a book together... Thoughts?? Other ideas?
Question, I'm looking at the W.I.S.H. Teams and I have no idea which one I should join...anyone have any suggestions?? Bias opinions welcome!
Good morning fellow losers! Off to cook this morning (I'm a personal chef) I love cooking for today's clients because they are on WW too and that gives me an excuse to test new recipes :woohoo:

QOTD: I always save points for after dinner snack(s) I usually have a mini bag of microwave popcorn or a Skinny Cow.

Disney QOTD: Mainstreet! I just LOVE walkig down Mainstreet. That makes me feel that I'm in Disney more than anything else.

Feel free to share any recipes that are successful!

Can y'all swing back by my house with the wagon???

I totally fell off! I really need to get back on but don't have the motivation to run after it. This week has been terrible, I just want to quit, say screw it, what's the point.
Scale isn't moving, clothes are tight, eating like crap (although a smidge of light was the Turkey tacos we had last night, the kids didn't even notice the difference) And of course I know the bad food choices are making the scale go up and making the clothes tighter but I don't care!!!

UGH, how do I move past this??????

Off to take the kids to swim, get DS10 and figure out what the heck to have for lunch, and dinner.

Like someone else mentioned.... of COURSE you care, or you wouldn't be here.

My advise..... one day. Take one day (preferably tomorrow) and commit to making a totally OP day. Workout, food, water, all of it. But just one day. And tell yourself (over and over if necessary) that if it is TOO MUCH to handle, that the next day you can all off the wagon again if necessary.

For that one day, plan ahead. Plan all of the meals the night before and prep for them if necessary. You could even PRE-JOURNAL the food... exactly the portions you will eat and the calories in each portion. If it isn't planned/written, you DO NOT eat it!

Come on here and tell us all about your plan... what you will eat, what kind of exercise you will do. Commit to it with us.... and then plan to come back and tell us how it went. You KNOW if it doesn't work out we won't be upset or judging you. And if you DO stick with it.... we'll be there to WOOO HOO with you!! :hug:

Artichokes are a labor of love for me - I love them so much, I honestly don't mind that they take quite a bit of time to prepare. :)

My eggplant recipe is a Weight Watcher-ized version of an Eggplant Gratin from Ina Garten (Food Network's The Barefoot Contessa). You can always substitute the fat-free dairy with full or reduced fat if you prefer. The only thing I never chintz on is the fresh grated parmesan cheese.

Eggplant Gratin


• 3/4 pound eggplant, sliced 1/2-inch thick (peeled or unpeeled, depends on your preference)
• 1/3 cup fat free ricotta cheese
• ½ cup eggbeaters
• ½ cup fat free half-and-half
• 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan
• Freshly ground black pepper
• 1/2 cup marinara sauce
• ¼ cup shredded mozzarella cheese


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Partially pre-cook the eggplant slices (in a single layer) in the microwave for about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix together the ricotta, egg, half-and-half, Parmesan, and 1/8 teaspoon pepper.

In a square casserole dish, layer sauce, eggplant slices, ricotta mixture and marinara sauce. In an 8X8 pan, you should get 2 layers.

Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella on top..

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the custard sets and the top is browned.

Serve warm.

13 PointsPlus total

- Laura

This recipe sounds terrific! I'm definitely planning it for next week!!! Thanks for sharing!

I was very happy to read about your plan! My mom and I are heading to the cape next weekend to stay with my grandmother and three younger cousins. We will be there friday afternoon/night, all day saturday and come back sunday night. We will probablly be eating out more than anything but I still worry because I get in the "vacation mode" and just want to eat everything! I do plan on running sat and sun and I'm very excited to be able to run by the beach! I think my mom will help keep me on track as she's been very supportive with all this!

I'm so glad that your Mom is supportive.

Be careful of running ON the beach... I find that the angle of the beach kills my knees.... plus the sand is tough to move in!

I'm printing up my plan and carrying it with me along with my food journal. I probably won't journal everything, but I'll do my best. If I don't think ahead and go into a situation like this with a plan, I end up trying to make decisions on the fly and then all of my good intentions go out the window. You know the old saying..... "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Kind of my motto.

Ugh guys I need a vacation! Can I just vent for two seconds about my job? I think alot of people my age (25) complain about having to work a "real job" but I don't even have a "real job". It's a job that doesn't pay me enoough that I have to be at every day and should be a part time job and causes my more stress than i need! Ugh. I know its a job and I SHOULD NOT complain but sometimes you just cant help it you know? I think having such a nice day off yesterday makes today that much worse. Thursdays are my most hated days as it is, my classes are all awful and i dont get any breaks. I would really just like 2 days off in a row instead of one every two weeks!

I suppose I should go find something for lunch. It has to last me till 9 tonight so it better be something good i guess...11:30-9 with no opprotunity for food..that's normal right? :sad2:

Sorry about the job woes.

And of course I know the bad food choices are making the scale go up and making the clothes tighter but I don't care!!!

Of COURSE you care, or you wouldn't be beating yourself up right now... you just momentarily FORGET that you care in "the heat of the moment."

Well said!

To whoever asked about the "always thirsty" thing, nope, not diabetes... I thought about that after I typed it... it's actually caused by a medication I'm on. On the upside, I've never had a UTI in my life... :)

Oh good..... I was a bit worried.

QOTD: We tend to eat dinner really late… like between 7 and 8, but sometimes later… then go to bed between 9 and 10, so this isn’t really a problem for me… for me it’s 3:30… 3:30 is a doozy. It’s a long time after lunch, it’s before I’d prefer to eat “snack”, but it’s near the end of the work day, I’m bored, I want a pick-me-up… you get the point… If we had early dinner (I’m exhausted so we get drive-thru at 6pm on the way home, for example, I might want something, and in that case I like cereal… it feels guilty, but you can get a lot for less calories…

With DD's swim schedule, if we don't eat really early, then we end up eating really late.... practice is 5:30 - 8 pm Mon-Thurs (with a 30 minute drive in each direction). When we can, we eat together at 4:30 and then have a snack at 9pm. I like the family to eat together whenever possible, but sometimes, with that schedule, it is just tough. It ends up being eating early, not eating together, or eating really late.... not very good choices.

With the earlier eating, it has definitely changed the 3:30 afterschool snacking time. I'm always telling to kids to skip the snack and stay hungry for dinner! But sometimes they just can't wait, so I let them have a piece of cheese and/or fruit to hold them until 4:30pm. I HATE eating that early (like the early bird senior citizen dinners!!), but we have to make it work.

Disney QOTD: I like seeing the castle from the ferry.

Man… I’m going to strangle you guys… we’re weighing-in tomorrow and you’ve all got me wanting pizza and eggplant parmesan.

I agree!

We are bringing our towing company down from TX. Alan has done a lot of talking with the highway patrol and they've basically said there aren't a lot of towing companies around the Kissimmee area. They are having to use companies out of Orlando. So, we're bringing the flat bed out to FL and our realtor is going to help us find a impound yard that we can lease.

I finished my degree in hospitality management (i.e. hotels) so I'm shooting for the stars: DISNEY CAST MEMBER! :woohoo: However, any other hotel would work as well. I just spent 3 years getting that degree. I'm going to put it to use.

I'm going to sit down today and work a budget (kind of) out today for FL. I can already tell you are bills are going to be somewhat less if not non existant.

No house phone or security system because the security system is already provided and you can give them your cell number. ADT it was REQUIRED you have a land line. Our electric bill will be DRASTICALLY reduced because we're going from a 2 story to a 1 story. No gas bill because the house is all electric. No gym membership because the closest one is in Orlando and we will have a fitness center in the community. I'm liquidating all of my credit cards but two. We're only keeping one tow truck so the insurance will go down drastically in that department. We're just overall going to be a lot more happier. :)

Sounds like you've got everything planned!

Ugh, I have the same problem. I've done okay the last few nights, and normally I try to snack on healthier things, like cheese and crackers or fruits. But I like what Pamela does, and might look into the WW ice cream treats for the evening!

I don't have them every night, usually about 3 x week (and none at all in the past two months, since I've been watching the carbs), but they are a GREAT treat!

Blargh. Last night I didn't do anything I planned. I didn't run because I was just so exhausted. I ended up not eating the chicken empanadas because my GERD was acting up and there are tomatoes, onions, and chili powder in those. I stopped at the Target Pizza Hut instead. Mom and I shared a personal pan cheese pizza and 3 breadsticks, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but I know it wasn't the best choice. (The sauce on their pizza doesn't aggravate the GERD much for some reason...) I had some other bad things too, but I did write it all down, and I'm getting back on track today.

glad you're back on track today.

Here's a couple more pics from my road trip. The first one is a small shot of DS and I at the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns. You can hike all the way down (750 feet) from the natural entrance of the cave. There is also an elevator. We did this hike and 2 others, about 3 1/2 miles total. When we told the ranger what we were planning, he was concerned that the kdis wouldn't be able to handle it, but they were great! They were in much better shape than many of the adults doing this hike (there weren't that many) and we actually passed a few groups, even taking time to enjoy everything. They enjoyed looking at the cave formations so much that they didn't complain once! There was a wildfire here when we arrived and the park was closed for 2 days. They think someone tossed a lit cigarette near the visitor's center and the area just went up in flames!

This is a cute shot of DH, DD, and DS at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. It is currently closed due to the wildfire (the one by Los Alamos) and I think about half the park has burned (they are working to defend the archeological sites). You can see how dry it is there, but still lovely. What a crazy wildfire season, its so dry in the southwest.

Love the pictures! I'll bet it was a great trip!

I'm with you on this one -- totally by accident I picked one up and started reading it, and realized it's centered around hockey, with tons of talk about the Vancouver Canucks. I thought that was pretty funny, it's been amusing me every since! :rotfl:

I grabbed this one from the shared book rack at the school. It's old and pretty harmless and "G", but good enough to put me to sleep at night!

Everyone have a great day, and do make a plan for the holiday weekend. I know we can report on Tuesday we did well, if we make a plan and a pact that we will get through it together! :thumbsup2

Maria :upsidedow

OOOOh.... a plan pact!!! I'm IN!!!!!

Morning everyone! :)

We made it home safe and sound around 930 last night. I immediately went to bed and caught up on DVR'ed shows. I'm not even sure what time it was when I fell asleep. I woke up around 930 and have just been putsing around the house. My cleaning bug usually doesn't bite til aroud 1, :laughing:. I need to eat something and get into cleaning clothes.

My plan for the day:
Throw all of our clothes that we took to FL in the wash

Figure out something for dinner

Clean out from under our bathroom sink

Start going through our closet and figure out what's going and what I'm getting rid of

Work on the two upstairs closets that mainly have Josh and Maddie's things in them and get that stuff packed up.

Work on the downstairs closet

Most of Maddie's big items (crib, crib mattress, bassinet, etc) I'm giving to my best friend who just found out she's having a baby girl. She was shocked when I told her that I was going to do this. She was afraid that it was going to be hard emotionally. I explained to her that I wasn't going to have the space in the new house and that I'd rather give it to her then a complete stranger. I know she greatly appreciates it because it keeps her from having to go out and buy everything.

She did ask me if she could have any of her clothes. I told her I had already pretty much gave away the stuff that I was comfortable with parting with. Most of the stuff I still have is stuff that has sentimental value or I just can't emotionally part with.

Alan asked me last night on the way home if I was okay with giving Maddie's stuff away. He kept reassuring me, "You know you don't have to do this. We could find a way to make it work." I told him that I was okay with it and just looked at it as a way to help someone in need. Plus, my friend Heather loved Maddie like she was her own child. I'm glad to see a peice of Maddie will be in her home now.

Well, I'm off to go eat something before I get dizzy. I'll be back in a few hours.

Awwww....:hug: I'm sure that it will be tough to give away the stuff, but I'm glad you can see the good in it.

I'm supposed to be to work in 15 minutes but I just had to call and tell them I'm going to be about an hour late. I just suddenly got sick to my stomach. I'm wondering if I should have just said I'm not coming in at all. I hate situations like this because I can't help if it hit me all of a sudden but I dont want to call out 15 minutes before my shift. I think worrying about it is making me feel worse...

Hey.... vomit happens. If you are sick, you're sick. They need to understand.

ONE MORE THING... (not weight-loss-related, but very much Disney-travel-related...)

Could you please share your best/favorite ideas for a countdown-to-vacation project and for character-autograph-collecting???

Pretty much since DD was born, I've been telling her that we're gonna go to WDW "someday". She is 4 and I need some tangible way of communicating that it's REAL and there is a set number of days between now and then. I like the idea of a paper chain but I was wondering if anyone has done this and did you include anything of interest on each link of the chain?? If you've done any kind of countdown calendar, can you describe what made yours fun or unique?

And for character autographs, I might just go with a regular old autograph book or I like the index card idea so I can put the autographs and character meet photos in a book together... Thoughts?? Other ideas?

I love the index card idea, but I can't get my kids past the traditional autograph book. oh well.


Afternoon friends! Only a minute to say hi and I gotta run! It was a good day, had a nice bike ride with DD!

Off to the Y now!.......................P
ok, just had a sec to skim and do a few replies.

Nancy--Fabulous job coaching this week. Thank you so very much!:goodvibes Have fun camping! I have had chipped beef gravy before--but a loaf of bread--OMG!!!!! Can you say poison---uggh, it makes me feel sick just thinking about it! And the Aunt Ann thing--hysterical!

Liesel--great pics!

Dona--I have an almost 20 year old and despite all the comments from the 20somethings in my office, I KNOW I am not old, so you can't be either.:thumbsup2 Have fun at Wicked!

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 3
#10-NewlyDisneyCrazed .33%
#9- Worfiedoodles .41%
#8- JacksLilWench .46%
#7- gudrench3 .5%
#6- KristiMc .62%
#5- connie96 .70%
#4-liesel 1.37%
#3-graciesmom 1.37%
#2- ScubaD 1.84%

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 3 Biggest Loser is:
#1- tggrrstarr 1.88%

Congrats to all the Losers, especially Kelli!

And DAVE--great to see your name on the list!:goodvibes

Pamela--that would the University of South Carolina Gamecocks I was referring to yesterday--back to back NCAA College World Series Champs!!!!! DS will be a junior there this year.:goodvibes Have a fabulous weekend! And fwiw--I totally have to bring my own food everywhere now, and you know what? I don't care what anyone else thinks. I think you have a good plan--just do what is best for you.

Deb--have a super time this weekend!:goodvibes

Can y'all swing back by my house with the wagon???

I totally fell off! I really need to get back on but don't have the motivation to run after it. This week has been terrible, I just want to quit, say screw it, what's the point.
Scale isn't moving, clothes are tight, eating like crap (although a smidge of light was the Turkey tacos we had last night, the kids didn't even notice the difference) And of course I know the bad food choices are making the scale go up and making the clothes tighter but I don't care!!!

UGH, how do I move past this??????

Off to take the kids to swim, get DS10 and figure out what the heck to have for lunch, and dinner.
Ok Buffy. Here's my pep talk. I know you want to quit. I have been there so many times. But you can do this. It's not always easy and it's definitely not fast, but it's doable. Focus this weekend on two things--drinking enough water and getting at least 15 minutes of exercise a day--by yourself if possible--you need some recharge Buffy time. Hang in there.:hug: It really is worth all the effort in the end--because NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels.:hug:

Ok, I am out of time. I will try to get on tomorrow morning to update some stuff. Have a great night everyone!

--almost forgot--got my workout in today! I did not want to report to you all that I was slacking!
I wanted to point out that on the EATING HEALTHY section of the WISH boards we do have a BL meal/recipe thread. I kept forgeting to point this out for the new folks. On the first page there is a post with all of the recipes and where they can be found. It's mostly updated--I think I am a couple behind. Please feel free to add recipes if you would like.:goodvibes
ONE MORE THING... (not weight-loss-related, but very much Disney-travel-related...)

Could you please share your best/favorite ideas for a countdown-to-vacation project and for character-autograph-collecting???

Pretty much since DD was born, I've been telling her that we're gonna go to WDW "someday". She is 4 and I need some tangible way of communicating that it's REAL and there is a set number of days between now and then. I like the idea of a paper chain but I was wondering if anyone has done this and did you include anything of interest on each link of the chain?? If you've done any kind of countdown calendar, can you describe what made yours fun or unique?

And for character autographs, I might just go with a regular old autograph book or I like the index card idea so I can put the autographs and character meet photos in a book together... Thoughts?? Other ideas?

I did a very simple countdown calendar for myself! If you have a Home Depot nearby, get a bunch of the Mickey head paint chips. Then buy a piece of posterboard. Carefully peal the Mickey heads from their backing, glue them on the board, write whatever fun things you want on them and there you go! I fully intend to make another one this year.

As for the autograph book, this year I just plan to buy one of the Disney ones and go from there, but last year I made one using the Creative DISign board, specifically Donatalie's designs (she has several different varities of autograph book pages). I took a page for each character I thought we might meet, put two of those pages per page in a Word document, printed it, hole punched, and put them in a binder. I don't want to carry the binder around again this year, but I would do it again. Then when I came home, I was able to cut out the autographs and paste them next to the pictures in my scrapbook. Another option is to put together a photobook on say, Shutterfly, but that can get a little pricey. Here's a pic of one some of the pages from last year's book (the characters loved it!):

In that case, I had grouped them together by where we were going to be each day, and then went to various character meeting sights to find out where they would be-Steve Soares' page is great!
ONE MORE THING... (not weight-loss-related, but very much Disney-travel-related...)

Could you please share your best/favorite ideas for a countdown-to-vacation project and for character-autograph-collecting???

Pretty much since DD was born, I've been telling her that we're gonna go to WDW "someday". She is 4 and I need some tangible way of communicating that it's REAL and there is a set number of days between now and then. I like the idea of a paper chain but I was wondering if anyone has done this and did you include anything of interest on each link of the chain?? If you've done any kind of countdown calendar, can you describe what made yours fun or unique?

And for character autographs, I might just go with a regular old autograph book or I like the index card idea so I can put the autographs and character meet photos in a book together... Thoughts?? Other ideas?

Probably somebody has already answered this, but I've seen some really cute count downs made out of posterboard and Disney paint samples. Try the creative boards, I think they have a ton of ideas.

We are cheap and use sketch pads for the autograph books. It's spiral and about 5x7ish costs $3 and has a ton of pages. It works for us because I tear out the page and stick it on the scrapbook page with the character and my kiddos. Found it in the art section of our local one stop store. I think Target has them too as well as Michael's.
Healthy Habits Week3 Results

Congratulations to Our Participants:

Congratulations to this Week's Prize Winner: buzz5985! Please PM me your address and I will send you your prize.

Congratulations to Worfiedoodles for earning all 15 HH points!
your next trip sounds fabulous!!! disney AND hawaii?? my two favorites!!! when is it??

what did you think of the treehouses? we stayed there in january with my aunt, uncle, and their three kids (11, 9, and 8) and had an absolute blast! in fact, we're planning on staying there again may 2012 but this time it'll just be me, dh, ds, and the new baby. we will have points from not going in january and figure we'd be nice and isolate ourselves in case of lots of baby crying!

We loved the treehouse villas. Very quiet, lots of room. It was truly a home away from home.

Morning all,

BAD night last night. Mom was in horrible pain and then had me up about every hour to go to the bathroom. I'm am beat and just hope I can get through another 4 nights of this. Of course the last night I have to be up early anyways for my flight. I have a headache which I have when I don't get much sleep. Just had my shake and I just put the kettle on for my tea. I should probably have 2 cups of that this morning.

Dr and chemo at 11:20. Hoping to stop at the grocery store and maybe another store if Mom is up to it! I MUST Nap today! I have a feeling I will sleep a lot once I get home.

Brian said my car is squeaking loudly again! It better not be something else since I just spent over $400 on brakes last month. He said he didn't know when he'd have time to take it over to the shop which is just around the corner. I emailed him at 4 and said I will need it on Tuesday for work and he has today after his meeting at work and tomorrow when he could take it over to be checked out. Theyare good about checking it out quickly! It needs to be taken care of before I get back as I will have a lot to catch up when I get back as I will have the kids with me too.

Ash's last day on crutches is today. So hopefully they will be able to get around easier until I get back.

Gotta try and wash my mom's hair now.

TTFN :tigger:

I can understand you wanting to get home. Who is going to help your parents when you're gone? Your sister must be absolutely warn out since she's been dealing with this hands on since day one :hug:

ONE MORE THING... (not weight-loss-related, but very much Disney-travel-related...)

Could you please share your best/favorite ideas for a countdown-to-vacation project and for character-autograph-collecting???

Pretty much since DD was born, I've been telling her that we're gonna go to WDW "someday". She is 4 and I need some tangible way of communicating that it's REAL and there is a set number of days between now and then. I like the idea of a paper chain but I was wondering if anyone has done this and did you include anything of interest on each link of the chain?? If you've done any kind of countdown calendar, can you describe what made yours fun or unique?

And for character autographs, I might just go with a regular old autograph book or I like the index card idea so I can put the autographs and character meet photos in a book together... Thoughts?? Other ideas?

We took a poster board and made one giant calandar with however many months we had to go. We had saved the Mickey stickers that they always hand out and would cover each day that passed. You could use Disney stickers that you find at a local store. We wrote the number of days remaining until the trip in the bottom corner of each daily square. We've also done the paper chains with the days remaining written on each link.

I did a very simple countdown calendar for myself! If you have a Home Depot nearby, get a bunch of the Mickey head paint chips. Then buy a piece of posterboard. Carefully peal the Mickey heads from their backing, glue them on the board, write whatever fun things you want on them and there you go! I fully intend to make another one this year.

As for the autograph book, this year I just plan to buy one of the Disney ones and go from there, but last year I made one using the Creative DISign board, specifically Donatalie's designs (she has several different varities of autograph book pages). I took a page for each character I thought we might meet, put two of those pages per page in a Word document, printed it, hole punched, and put them in a binder. I don't want to carry the binder around again this year, but I would do it again. Then when I came home, I was able to cut out the autographs and paste them next to the pictures in my scrapbook. Another option is to put together a photobook on say, Shutterfly, but that can get a little pricey. Here's a pic of one some of the pages from last year's book (the characters loved it!):

In that case, I had grouped them together by where we were going to be each day, and then went to various character meeting sights to find out where they would be-Steve Soares' page is great!

I have a folder somewhere on my desktop with almost 200 individual autograph pages. I made it several years ago so I probably don't have the most recent characters. It is formatted for 8" X 8" cardstock. Now we just make the cards for any new characters and bring along the ones that we didn't come across on previous trips and just search out those characters.
Welcome to Healthy Habits!
My name is CC (like see-see) and I will be your Healthy Habits (HH) coach for the Summer 2011 BL Challenge. I big thank you to donac and jenanderson for showing me the ropes.

Here's How HH Works: Each week, there will be 2 "things" to do each day. You earn 1 point for each day you do each "thing." So, if you do each "thing" for all 7 days, you earn 14 points. There will also be 2 mini-challenges each week. You earn 1 point for each mini-challenge you complete for a total of 16 possible points each week. At the end of the week, please PM me your total points. Here is an example:

4/7 eating 2 fruits
3/7 drinking 6 8 oz. glasses of water
1/2 mini-challenges completed

I will post the top scores as well as a list of the participants each week on/about Tuesday. You have until Tuesday at 5 PM EST to send me your points. Everyone who participates (regardless of his/her total points) will be entered into the drawing for a prize. It will be something related to the week's HH. You will need to PM me your address so I can send you the prize. If you do not WISH to be entered into the prize drawing, please let me know.

Healthy Habits Week 5

In honor of the holiday weekend, I thought I'd go with some essentials.

For All 7 Days:
1. Drink 8 8 oz. glasses of water or a total of 64 oz. of water.
2. Eat 2 or more servings of protein.

Mini-Challenge 1: Journal your food at least 4 days. (You can decide what "journaling" means to you.)
Mini-Challenge 2: Get in 3 20 min. or more workouts.

Feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!
*That sounds good and I'm going to try that, do you know the calories breakdown? I don't do points...

I've never figured out the calories for the Eggplant Gratin, but I read somewhere recently that each WW Point is "roughly" 40 calories. Using that unscientific calculation, the entire recipe would be about 520 calories. I normally get four servings out if it, so we'd be looking at about 130 calories per serving.

I had a serving of it tonight mixed in with some whole wheat pasta - added a little extra marinara sauce - yummy. :thumbsup2

Hope that helps,
Could you please share your best/favorite ideas for a countdown-to-vacation project and for character-autograph-collecting???

Pretty much since DD was born, I've been telling her that we're gonna go to WDW "someday". She is 4 and I need some tangible way of communicating that it's REAL and there is a set number of days between now and then. I like the idea of a paper chain but I was wondering if anyone has done this and did you include anything of interest on each link of the chain?? If you've done any kind of countdown calendar, can you describe what made yours fun or unique?

I did the paper chain with DD when she was 4, disaster!! I had it color coded so each kid cut their color off when it was their turn but DD kept cutting them all off in a day.

I like the mickey heads. If you can't pilfer the paint chips let me know, I can cut mickey heads on my cricut and mail them to you.

I can't help you with the autograph book because I don't have the first page done and we've been to WDW 12 times!! LOL

Like someone else mentioned.... of COURSE you care, or you wouldn't be here.

My advise..... one day. Take one day (preferably tomorrow) and commit to making a totally OP day. Workout, food, water, all of it. But just one day. And tell yourself (over and over if necessary) that if it is TOO MUCH to handle, that the next day you can all off the wagon again if necessary.

For that one day, plan ahead. Plan all of the meals the night before and prep for them if necessary. You could even PRE-JOURNAL the food... exactly the portions you will eat and the calories in each portion. If it isn't planned/written, you DO NOT eat it!

Come on here and tell us all about your plan... what you will eat, what kind of exercise you will do. Commit to it with us.... and then plan to come back and tell us how it went. You KNOW if it doesn't work out we won't be upset or judging you. And if you DO stick with it.... we'll be there to WOOO HOO with you!! :hug:

I :love: you!! You keep me grounded Pamela. OK, tomorrow is an OP day. I have no idea what I'm planning for food but I'll figure it out. I'll come back tomorrow and post how it went.

Ok Buffy. Here's my pep talk. I know you want to quit. I have been there so many times. But you can do this. It's not always easy and it's definitely not fast, but it's doable. Focus this weekend on two things--drinking enough water and getting at least 15 minutes of exercise a day--by yourself if possible--you need some recharge Buffy time. Hang in there.:hug: It really is worth all the effort in the end--because NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels.:hug:

I :love: you too Rose!!! And all my other WISH peeps!! You guys rock!!

OK this coming week, hopefully starting tomorrow will get me on par. DH is taking the week off which really helps alleviate my schedule. He can do swim while I get DS14 and his 3 friends from French immersion.
I need to schedule work outs, I'm hoping to get outside and do the track near the pool.
And since DH will be home cooking will be easier. We just need to sit down and create a good menu. I want to go back to Trader Joes this week too and get some more organic meats and produce. Gosh I wish it was closer!!!

Damn, why is this so hard??? I can do the workouts, that is the easy part. But the darn food stinks. I have considered Jenny Craig or Medifast but I need to learn how to do it on my own. You can't eat prepackaged food forever. And I read one of the side effects of the Medifast is hair loss, well I've done enough of that on my own. I'd like to keep the little bit of hair I have left.

OK I'm going to bed. I have to take DS to run at 5:30 and take my dad for his colonoscopy at 7:30.

Tomorrow I commit to my water, a work out, eating OP, and journalling.


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