the $59.90 membership fee?


Feb 18, 2000
I was hoping those who are members of could give me their opinions on this "club". Is it worth it? We don't fly fact this will be our very first time flying! And with four kids I really don't know if we will fly again. :eek: So any opinions would be greatly appreciated!
I have subscribed twice, with a year break in the middle. I rejoined to see a special promotion. Most of the stuff you can see on their website. I have never been able to use the airfare, its hard getting through and they wont confirm dates and times. So I just book my own with southwest, etc.
I dont know if i will renew again this summer? I dont use any of their other stuff. The entertainment book seems to have alot of the same coupons? So I would say its not worth 59.00. Hope this helps.
I have never joined, but from what I have read on another board regarding the same topic, the membership is a big waste of money. Almost everything that they offer 'members only' can be found elsewhere on the internet for free.

<h5>DISNEYLAND: 5/99</h5> <h5>WDW:6/96,5/97,5/98,7/98,6/99,1/00,7/00,<font color="red">2/01,7/01</font></h5>

I was a member for 1 year, also found better deals using good travel search engines, and didn't renew.

Or at least I didn't think so. Come to find out THEY renewed me without asking me. I had to email and call to get them to remove the charges.

Whew! Glad I didn't go ahead and subscribe. I have decided to try and get a good airfare through Priceline. And I said that I never would use them again. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face"> Oh, well.....never say never. Thanks to all who replied!

I had tried everywhere for cheap airfare. then i sent out a plee here and was refered to and after playing with departature times and friday instead of saturday I was able to get TWA from Portland,OR. to Orlando for 3 adults for $1059. this was cheaper than all other options for us the next lowest was$1498. So, we felt lucky!! Especially as we are going in march 2001 which turned out to be a blackout period for southwest. :eek:

P.S. our layover is in St.Louis,Mo

[This message was edited by tink2dw on 12-30-00 at 03:33 AM.]
Well, we used Priceline last night and got two tickets out of Kansas City to Seattle-Tacoma, WA for $130 + $50 bonus money. (This doesn't include taxes) I feel really good about this so I better not run across any great sales or I will cry. The flight times were great! So we got really lucky! I used to find the cheapest airfare and it was $225/ticket. Now I am off to find rental cars and hotels! Wish me luck! If anyone has any suggestions on good hotels in the Seattle/Tacoma area let me know! :)
I am currently a member but will not renew...I just don't travel enough to justify the cost. The magazine they send is just a rehash of what can be found on the website...most of which can be seen without joining!
You must cancel the subscription before it renews or they automatically charge the card you first paid for the subscription with and renew you!
knowing what I do about air travel I wouldn't join either.

<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> First Inaugural Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders!!--yeah baby! </marquee><font></font></font>

good for you with your airfare, frisky kitten!
I used for a hotel when we went to Cleveland last summer and was very satisfied. I am the biggest skeptic and after I booked a Hilton in Cleveland through them I was so nervous because it was such an excellent deal, that I called the hotel to ask if they had a reservation for us...and they did, at the agreed upon price! It was MUCH MUCH lower than the web site and much lower than any other hotels we searched in the area! Take a look and see if it helps you!



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