Best tip for first timers

Make a list of all Your must Rides,Must SEE , and MUST DO!! then be fexible, we really wanted to do the WINNIE THE POOH ride but the 3 days we tryed you couldn't get near it!! So,we left never having rode it. But we rode tons of stuff in Tomorrowland that was probably more age apporperate,and had a terriffic time! and we have something to try for next time!!PLus we saw REGIS in person at MGM!!

and then slow down and enjoy the magic. There's no way to ever do it all, so just be sure and enjoy what you choose to do.
Prepare beforehand! I don't know how many people I've talked to that are going to Disney that have no idea what's there. With all the information in print and online there's no excuse for it. If you don't know what rides hitting first before you get to the park, you haven't done your homework. Yes, I have commando tendencies, but I've gone in summer and still managed to see most of what I've wanted.
I have to admit that I was one of those people who hardly prepared on our first trip. Ah, I remember it well. Dumbo, (uncovered at the time and out in the scorching heat), with a horrible wait of 1 hour. I did read Birnbaum's - but it wasn't very helpful to me (and there was no internet in my house).

THese boards, together with the Unofficial Guide, are a tremendous help.

Oh, and you'll still see the people that walk into the parks and say "ok, what do we do now"!!

Have a wonderful honeymoon.

If you really want to get noticed, wear the Mickey and Minnie groom and bride ears. They are so cute! You can pick them up at World of Disney (Downtown) and I think the parks sell them too, but I can't remember a specific place.
Definitely read up! Buy the Unofficial Guide and also buy Birnbaum's Official Guide.
See the Hoop-De-Doo-Revue!
But remember to go with the flow! If it rains, buy a $5 poncho and get out there and have fun in the parks!
Have a wonderful Honeymoon!

<font color=#FF0066 size=4 face="Comic Sans MS">Kim</font>

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Plan as much as you can but when you get there relax and feel the magic of Disney. Expect to get hooked and be coming back often. Then you will have all these other opportunities to see the things that you didn't get to the first time.


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do epcot backwards! this was our best crowd beater! we had a late breakfast at spoodles on the boardwalk then walked over to the world showcase at 11am when it opened. we had a nice look around the world, then had a laste lunch about 2 or so, then we hit the front of epcot, just as the crowds were making their way to the world showcase.
We have wonderful memories from spending part of our Honeymoon at DL fifteen years ago.
We only have one regret...were interested in purchasing a cell. I believe they were about $150 and up. We decided not to buy one. Well, when we went to WDW to celbrate our 10th...the purchase was over $900.
Guess what I am trying to say...if you find something that will be a lifelong memory of your honeymoon....but it!
You won't be able to see some for future honeymoons. We are celebrating 15 years with DCL/WDW in just 2 weeks...been on a honeymoon everyday of my life.

Have a wonderful time.


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