BCV add on


A kid at heart!
Nov 14, 2001
Well, my guide called yesterday about BCV. I played dumb like I didn't know what the incentives were :) I asked her to send up some paperwork for a 130 point add on. I figure with our 250 at WVL, we can bank and/or borrow the BCV points every other year and spend a week there.

Before my wife and I make it official, I would appreciate any comments or suggestions about our add on figure. I know more is always better, however, I feel good about this amount. Also, the dues will be more manageable!

Thank you in advance for your input,

We'd like to do an add on as well. DH think we should add on at our current resort (HH) but I would like an add on "on property" and having just seen someone's BCV photos, I think I am in love! I would feel most comfortable with a 50 point add on but of course you don't get the $5 rebate that way. 100 points is just a little too much for us budget wise right now so we are mulling things over. Like you, I see banking and possibly borrowing every 2 years to work best for us if we do the add on at BCV which will give us one week during Adventure season in a one bedroom. Decisions, decisions, decisions . . .

We just did a 50 point add on at HH, our home resort and the location of all our points. I to was thinking about BCV but we took advantage of the MB at HH. With 4 different resorts at WDW I figured we would not have a problem finding a room at our first or second resort choice. Beside you can't stay at HH in the summer without the 11 month window.
Fenceman - you think just like my DH. I was wondering if anyone had HH or VB as a home resort and had added on points there. I admit I like the idea of having all our points in the same place and being available at the same time. I also know we will only be going to Disneyworld every 2 or 3 years so owning points on-site is not that much of a priority because we are pretty flexible where we stay. And thirdly, I would like to take advantage of the mb available at HH. I wish I could just make up my mind! :D

Before I'd buy 130 points I'd seriously consider 150 so you could easily sell, will, or transfer your ownership if you ever wanted or needed to.
Why the importance on 20 points? Couldn't I will, sell, or transfer the 130 point contract?

Originally posted by newarknut
Why the importance on 20 points? Couldn't I will, sell, or transfer the 130 point contract?


Yes you can sell the 130 point contract but only to a fellow DVC'r.... if your contract is for 150 anyone can buy it.... even first timers..... Hope that helps :)
We just added at Vb to give us 110 there. We have our main pts at OKW, so we have the 11 month window there and never have a problem booking a resie on Disney property.
We wanted to get the 11 month window at VB for the winter months, which I think down the road, will be just as hard to book, as the summer months at HH. There are not any small re-sales (50-100 pts) at most of the resorts. Thats why we did the MB's at VB.
For your case, if you are flexible with your vacations, I would do what your husband says, add at HH. This way you have access to more points at any Disney DVC resort at the 7 month window. Between all the on-site reorts, I would bet to say you would get your 1st or second choice of resorts on disney property.
Thanks Nick and Cindy! We are really leaning toward adding on at HH and its nice to know you guys think this is a good strategy.

Laura, being unable to unload a resale less than 150 points other than to a current member is news to me.

There are currently two resales on one of the boards of 100 points. I would be surprised if the seller is limited to transacting with a current DVC owner. Perhaps Disney could invoke ROFR, but beyond that they are limiting an individual's right to sell what he owns.
There are currently two resales on one of the boards of 100 points. I would be surprised if the seller is limited to transacting with a current DVC owner.

Well, prepare to be surprised then! The minimum contract for a new member is 150 points. Add-ons start at 25 and must be the same use year as your contract. A 100 point resale could only be bought by an existing member who already has a contract in the same use year.
Well, prepare to be surprised then! The minimum contract for a new member is 150 points. Add-ons start at 25 and must be the same use year as your contract. A 100 point resale could only be bought by an existing member who already has a contract in the same use year.

Actually I think the surprise will be yours. Our guide told us that while new members purchasing through Disney are required to have a 150 point minimum, that minimum does not exsist for resale purchases. And, you are not required to have teh same use year for the additional resale, it is just recommended to make tracking points easier.

Check it out. If I'm wrong, I'd like to know, but you'd better have your facts straight before you go up against our guide, she's wonderful!

Check it out. If I'm wrong, I'd like to know, but you'd better have your facts straight before you go up against our guide, she's wonderful!
OK, I'll check with my guide.

Everything that I have read here and on various other DVC lists and news groups has said that the minimum for any new DVC owner is 150 points buying from Disney or buying a resale. I also have read that add-ons must be your same use year from Disney or by resale. I also read that if you add on a whole contract, that over 150 points, you may but any use year.

I can admit when I'm wrong, but I'm not yet convinced. I'll call my guide next week as well as a resale broker. You have my interest piqued :). And if you're right ... I'll be surprised.
I just spoke to my resale broker at TTS. He told me in no uncertain terms that he could sell ANY size contract to ANYONE, current member or not.

Now if Disney doesn't want a sub 150 contract going out to a new owner, they can always execute their ROFR, but, beyond that, there is nothing preventing a new member from purchasing a small contract on the resale market.

For what it's worth.
OK! I've been surprised :eek:!

Thanks CaptainMidnight and CRobin (and others) to convince me that I was wr ... wro .. gasp wrong. I'm an adult. I can admit it ;).

I didn't check myself because I had a bad day yesterday (I had to put down my 14 year old kitty), but I can see that a person can indeed buy a smaller contract than 150 points on the resale market. I guess I thought that there was something in the contract itself that precluded that.
I bought resale and I called Disney about the contract size prior to signing. Disney will NOT let you own less than 150 points. I don't know if they excersise their right of first refusal or just refuse to record the contract.
It says right on my 50 point BCV contract, I can sell it, will it, trade it, etc. The same wording is on my 230 point BCV contract.

The 150 point minimum applies to new first purchases through Disney.
Hi Chip! The magical beginnings offer at Hilton Head is currently a $10 per point buy back program. I believe if you purchase at least 50 points at Hilton Head or Vero Beach, Disney will buy back your first year's points and you can use that as part of your downpayment. When we purchased in December the mb program was $13 per point buy back.

What is so good about this program to me is that if I purchase a 50 point add on before my new use year in August, I get all of this year's points (to sell back) and then a fresh batch of 50 points on August 1st. Hope this helps ya' out!


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