Back to pre preg weight!9 days of DxDP w/3 kids! UPDATED 4/25!


DIS Veteran
Apr 8, 2009
What was the point of losing it all when I'll more than likely gain at least a few pounds during this adventure?? ;) Ugh, I know I'm totally in for it right? lol.

I figure I will go ahead and start a dining review so that way I can update easily once we arrive @ WDW in under 2 weeks from now!!! We will be on the DxDP and have NEVER attempted this before but this time around it just seemed to be the plan that would work best for us. It's our 10 year anniversary and our little guy will be turning one at the end of April so why the heck not right?

Let me start with some basic info about us. First up we have me, myself and I. A 29 year old wanna be foodie who really dislikes cooking but LOVES baking (and am pretty darn good at it if I must say so myself!). I am a very fussy eater and since losing over 100 pounds years ago I have totally changed the way I eat for the most part. I don't do butter, melted cheese, most canned or fried food, ice cream, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. Yea, the list could go on and on if I let it:scared1: Some foods that make me nervous are clams, mussels and anything that makes a noise when you crack it(think crab legs....shudder). Though I am fine with trying new things and can totally eat crab...I just don't like to see it in tact I guess :cutie: I do enjoy a good steak, chicken, grilled shrimp, some fish, I love thee! I need to add that I LOVE nearly all desserts. Chocolate, Caramel, Cakes, etc...YUM!

DH-29 year old typical guy. He loves meat, esp. steak. Likes fried food, pretty much willing to try anything new. The only think that I know of in which he will not eat are peas. He can put away a good amount of food for the most part. Though he likes desserts as well he doesn't share the love that I have for them. If something is over the top wonderful he'll still say it's "Pretty good". I find this annoying personally and am going to make him rate his meals during this trip according to my guidelines hehe.

DD #1, Lily (9)-While she is getting more adventurous with trying new things she still tends to go with what she knows food wise. She likes pizza, chicken, steak, Chinese food, Italian and appreciates a good dessert. She is much more adventurous when it comes to desserts. She will be very blunt if something isn't to her liking and can be quite the critic when it comes to her food.

DD#2, Violette (3 1/2)- Ohhh my Vi Vi. She is a little foodie! She frequently visits the Disboards on the food porn and cake threads lol. She loves looking at different kinds of food and enjoys watching Food network shows with DH and I. At the moment she is currently requesting noodles and cheese for lunch (as it has been for about the past week!). She loves soup, cheese, fruits, veggies,popcorn, chocolate, frosting... butter...yea I have to hide the butter from this child because she will eat it :confused: Though she does a big ol "Ewww" when she sees us eating lobster or something we don't eat often she overall seems intrigued by it and I'm hoping to get her to start trying new things this visit ;)

DS Preston (almost 11 months!)- Well little man is basically onto all table foods and is pretty dang content with whatever you give him as long as he gets some food lol. He does seem to have a passion for Bananas, mac n cheese and goldfish crackers. Oh and Lorna doone cookies too! He's such a little sweetie and I cannot wait to take him to the character meals !

So there it is. Next up, where we will be dining at!
Congrats on losing your baby weight! I'm working on that as we speak (also so that I can gorge myself at Disney) Looking forward to your review :)
Onto the ADRs. Ugh, first thing I'd like to state is that it's been a long, difficult journey to get to where we are at with these ressies! DH is so passive that I have had to do all of the official decision making when it came to these. I think the only thing he made the final decision on was actually upgrading to the DxDP. Oh yea, he was ALLLLL for that lol. Anyway, after much tweaking here is our line up!
Delta air treats post #51
Pop Lunch post #52
Narcoossee's Dinner post #57
3/29- Hollywood & Vine Breakfast
Brown Derby Fantasmic Lunch/Dinner
Grab a bite from POP later on if needed

3/30- MSB breakfast
Cinderella's Royal Table Lunch
Ohana Dinner

3/31- Tusker House Breakfast
Yak & Yeti Lunch
Jiko Dinner (bye bye girls to Simbas!)

4/1- WPE Lunch
Garden Grill

4/2- LeCellier Lunch
California Grill Dinner

4/3- 1900 PF Breakfast
Citricos Dinner

4/4- Akershus Breakfast
England CS Lunch
POP Dinner

4/5- POP Breakfast
Yak n Yeti Lunch #2


I will also be reviewing the Patisserie in France, Main Street Bakery and some cupcakes from Starring Rolls for sure! Probably several other snacks and such. I'd also like to mention that at this point in time I am not sure if I will be keeping the Le Cellier ADR for lunch as I have one for evening of 4/1 for Dinner and an Akershus for lunch instead. I'm just torn with all of the new talk about meat quality, atmosphere, etc.. when it comes to Le Cellier. I'm also just considering nixing it all together and doing Artist Point or something else for that matter for 2 TS. Once I make my mind up (which needs to be soon here!) I will edit if needed.

Next up, how I plan on rating our food!
Congrats on losing your baby weight! I'm working on that as we speak (also so that I can gorge myself at Disney) Looking forward to your review :)

Aww thanks! The best part is that I didn't really have to try too hard this time around ;) Congrats on your twins I'm assuming?? Girls are just sooo much fun ! Enjoy them while they are tiny. I just cannot come to terms with the fact that my DS will be turning a year in a little over a month! NOT possible :eek:
Well, you know your a Dis'er when you are waiting patiently at your local walk in clinic with 2/3 sick kids (and yourself as well!) thinking about the dining adventures that wait for you in the near future and all of a sudden get inspiration from the pain level chart that is posted on the wall :)

I always hate it when they ask me to rate my pain or whatever with that scale lol. Isn't that the point of having the faces so they don't really have to ask?? Then I thought this would be a unique way to rate our meals while in WDW! Ding ;)
For your viewing pleasure....


I have decided to rate all of our meals based upon this chart. Ratings from 0-10. 0 being ZERO problems wrong, the BEST possible meal you could ever hope to have. PERFECTION, YUMMINESS, the kind of meal you dream about! 5 being a Meh...been there, done that and in no hurry to do it all over again any time soon. Not horribly bad, not fantastically good but just MEH. 10 being a "give me some drugs STAT!" sort of meal. Would have to be the worst case scenario meal wise. Everything from the food to the service to the atmosphere of the restaurant. It's a rating that means you want to run far, far away and never come back to this place. And those that fall in the middle of the scale will be explained at the time of review :cutie:

I plan on rating the food, service, atmosphere and overall experience so 4 areas to clarify any problems that we may encounter along the way. Let's cross our fingers that we won't need to use the higher numbers in my reviews but just in case I do there is no need to fear. I will for sure be writing about all of the gorey details and such :scared1:
Count me in! Take lots of pictures for us to drool over!
One more thing! I will for sure be posting pictures of everything we order, including the kids meals because I'm such a faithful Dis'er ;) I know how much ya'll have helped me with things and how helpful the reviews from others have been!

Now with all of this said, let the countdown begin!!!
This is going to be fun:thumbsup2 I am thinking of doing the DXDDP with my family but am wondering if to much time will be spent in restaurants,I look forward to hearing what you think.Also so glad you are going to take pictures especially the kids meals because I have a very picky eater and if things dont look like what he is use too he wont eat it:confused3
I am so in - cannot wait to read your reviews!!! Have a great time! :cool1:
Count me in.Like your rating system. I'm hoping you like O'hana dinner. I keep reading mixed reviews and not sure if I want to change to Kona. Really looking forward to the snack pics and reviews :thumbsup2
I am definitely in! :thumbsup2 Hope no one is too :sick: !

Oh my word, let me tell you that I hope not either lol. It's been a viscous cycle this year with all of us getting sick. Currently we have DD#1 w/ Strep throat, DD#2 with a UTI/Upper respiratory and little PJ dealing with possible asthma and getting over an ear infection ! Not to mention that I just finished off Zithromax myself. The clinic and Walgreens pharmacy knows me by name after this cold/flu season since we have seemed to become their #1 customer lol. I've already made a decision to keep the kids in a bubble until we leave for Disney:laughing:
This is going to be fun:thumbsup2 I am thinking of doing the DXDDP with my family but am wondering if to much time will be spent in restaurants,I look forward to hearing what you think.Also so glad you are going to take pictures especially the kids meals because I have a very picky eater and if things don't look like what he is use too he wont eat it:confused3

It took me a lot of time wondering whether or not we should do it and in the end I'm hoping I made the right decision. In our experiences counter service seems to take just as long as most TS meals(and sometimes longer IMO). I just didn't want to deal with the huge lines of CS people, having to grab a seat (or in some cases fight for them lol), make sure everyone has ketchup, utensils, etc...With 3 kids to wait on and a DH it makes meal time even more chaotic it seems.

Also, the DxDP gives the kids a chance to actually order some real food...which both of my girls will for sure appreciate ;)

This sounds like it is going to be fun :)

Let's hope so lol! Welcome :)
I am so in - cannot wait to read your reviews!!! Have a great time! :cool1:

Thanks! I am beyond excited ;)

Can't wait!

Me either lol!

Count me in.Like your rating system. I'm hoping you like O'hana dinner. I keep reading mixed reviews and not sure if I want to change to Kona. Really looking forward to the snack pics and reviews :thumbsup2

We liked Ohana last time....I'm not into a lot of meat but I love the salad and pot stickers and of course the dessert ;) FWIW I also loved Kona! I just wanted to try a lot of different things this time around and couldn't find a place to squeeze it in at :( I will totally be keeping you posted about Ohanas!

Sounds like you have a great trip planned. Can't wait to hear all about it!

I hope it plays out as great as it looks typed out :banana:
Not that you asked but I am going to tell ;)

Personally I am really looking forward to 3 places the most (and in this order). Flying Fish, Jiko and Cali Grill. I'm still undecided on what to do with LeCellier :confused3 I really don't want to spend 2 TS on dinner there BUT at the same time I don't want to have a icky meal with a bad cut of meat for lunch either. I feel if I don't go for Dinner then we won't be getting a good meal really. Suggestions anyone??? It's an open evening for us as we are just planning on heading to DTD then dinner then to Epcot for EMH???

Anyway, back to the original subject at hand. I am really going into the first two places with high expectations. I have been dreaming about the snapper @ FF and the crab cake...and the banana dessert ;) Pretty sure @ Jiko I'll be getting the filet and the Tarzanian Chocolate, though undecided about what my appy will be. With California Grill I am totally going for the sushi, the spicy kazan roll in particular! And I LOVE BBQ on my steak so I'll probably get the filet here as well.

Yea, I'm one of those crazies who spends her spare time looking over the menus and trying to figure out in advance what to order. I like to tell DH its because I am trying to tally up the tips roughly before hand but at this point I'm not sure he is buying it :laughing: Oh well, at least I'm not alone in my obsessions, right??

DH is probably just excited to be able to engorge himself. Ok, that was mean. Ummm...actually he is just happy to be getting the opportunity to eat different foods that are not available back home. I'm telling you, its the same ol' same ol' here when it comes to going out to eat. My kids love going out for nice dinners but we are pretty limited. Red Lobster which I have to rate as a 9 on the pain scale lol, Big Boy which is probably a 9.5, and so on and so on. I've gotten to the point in which nothing even sounds good here and I think we are all just dying to try some new, exciting (to us) food.

The girls are exciting about everything but for some reason are really looking forward to dining in France for whatever reason. Give me creme brulee and I will be content :cloud9: Lily is also talking about Ohana a lot and how much she can't wait to do the coconut races there.

They do not know they are going to BBB and they are totally unaware of our ADR for Cinderellas Royal Table. That was one secret I was able to keep, thankfully .

*sigh* the time has come for me to go back to the real world now. The laundry is calling my name...Ah well, in 11 days from now I will be flying out of Detroit Metro on my way to WDW!!!!


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