Back from 7 nights at HIFS


Aug 28, 2000
Had a great holiday any questions?
Both hotels were fantastic! Just read the post about the coffee, our first stop after the border was TIMS (thank god). Although I was pleasantly surprised by the in room coffeee at HR. Me&DH both agreed the best coffee we had in Florida being in a nice mug instead of styrofoam probably helped as well!

These are the parks we did........ 1 day DIS, 1 day BG, 1 1/2 SW, 1 day IOA&1 day USF.

Character dinnere Liberty Tree Tavern, very good.
1 night without the kids, dinner at Emerils (pricey but delicious)

Kids 10,7&4 voted IOA as favorite park.

And yes were going back next year, some friends might be joining us on the next trip. Only 1 week next time but better then nothing!!

Glad to answer any questions you have1 Brenda
Hi Brenda

We will be going to HIFS in May for ten nights, could you tell me everything about this place, as l am very excited about going. We have two children 3&7. Would they like Universal and IOA?
My son is crazy about dinosaurs!! We have a five day hopper for WDW, but we haven't got any passes for universal. We thought when we are down there that we would decide to go if time and energy
allowed us. Any opinions or thoughts and your experience at this hotel would be greatfully appreciated. We also will have a car. Thanks alot, Karen
sad isn't it. So tell us, how was everything. Did you like HIFS? What about HRH? Did you ride spiderman. Did our time estimations bring you to Cordelle, GA when you thought it might. Which Disney park did you go to. C-mon, spill it.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
I'll try to answer some ? for you. With regards to HIFS this hotel was wonderful&we rally had no complaints. We were on the thrid floor pool view which we loved. Excellent free buffet breakfast every mornig for all. We had there dinner buffet twice which was around $13.00 ea. with the 3 kids free. The food was good when we had it although I had read a couple of negative posts about the dinner before we left. The pool was wonderful with fountains&squirty things etc. I'm sure your'e 7&3 yr would love. Two hottubs, shuffleboard,mini putt&ping pong all in the pool area. Theres no being bored here!!! I highly recommend this hotel to anyone, the kids suites for families are great. If we go next year we will be staying there again.
As for USF&IOA its hard for me to say if it would be good for youre kids depending on how daring they are. I can tell you my 4yr pretty much went on everything at USF.....JAWS,TWISTER etc. Lots of stuf at IOA for little ones, Seuss Landing was great. Some bigger thrill rides there as well but we took turns&kids were never bored. (sorry my minds a little blank right now&I can't even think of some of the rides) My 7&10 yr liked this park the best.
Oh yea Spiderman is the best ride we all love it. Did it twice. The Hulk was also a great coaster.

We stopped in Macon GA for the night so yes time estimations worked pretty well, we could have made it to Cordelle but decided to stop for the night. These boards were a tremendous help to us!!!

Now for the HR.....very cool hotel&would also recommend it. Rock&Roll music playing in the lobby, elevators&pool area at nice level. Rooms were very trendy&comfortable. At check in kids were given a bag (paper but resembled a fur purse) with stickers&black sunglasses which they thought was really cool.

Pool was lovely with waterslide&sand beach on 1 side. Lots of free floaties, nerf basketballetc. for kids. Only drawback was the pool closed at 10:00pm. Used the kids club 1 night when we went for dinner&kkids loved it. Definetly more expensive food&drink wise but we ate aat the parks or offsite.

As soon as we arrived we pulled up in front, my door was opened "Welcome to the HRH"&started getting us unloaded very fast&friendly. I checked in&we were in our room within 10mins. I found the staff at HR VERY friendly like anyone walks by you they ask how you are lifeguards, housekeeping etc.
I hope this gives you some idea of the hotel. I can answer any specific questions you may have.

And yes I'm sad to be back but really cant complain for 11 nights of beautiful weather&2 great hotels. (So glad we switched from Nikki to HIFS) Brenda
I'll try to answer some ? for you. With regards to HIFS this hotel was wonderful&we rally had no complaints. We were on the thrid floor pool view which we loved. Excellent free buffet breakfast every mornig for all. We had there dinner buffet twice which was around $13.00 ea. with the 3 kids free. The food was good when we had it although I had read a couple of negative posts about the dinner before we left. The pool was wonderful with fountains&squirty things etc. I'm sure your'e 7&3 yr would love. Two hottubs, shuffleboard,mini putt&ping pong all in the pool area. Theres no being bored here!!! I highly recommend this hotel to anyone, the kids suites for families are great. If we go next year we will be staying there again.
As for USF&IOA its hard for me to say if it would be good for youre kids depending on how daring they are. I can tell you my 4yr pretty much went on everything at USF.....JAWS,TWISTER etc. Lots of stuf at IOA for little ones, Seuss Landing was great. Some bigger thrill rides there as well but we took turns&kids were never bored. (sorry my minds a little blank right now&I can't even think of some of the rides) My 7&10 yr liked this park the best.
Oh yea Spiderman is the best ride we all love it. Did it twice. The Hulk was also a great coaster.

We stopped in Macon GA for the n
Sorry I forgot the DIS park we did was Magic KIngdom. We were there from open to close. Saw afternoon&evening electrical parade&pretty much got in all the rides we wanted. Fantasy land was a little busier then we would have liked but still fun.
I would love to try the HRH on my next visit, it looks beautiful. Now for your next trip you have the remaining 3 Disney parks and the water parks to look forward to. Any freebie pizzas from bingo and kareoke. My kids were dragging us there every night.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
NO freebies, kids watched a magic show one night but never made it to karoke or bingo the whole time we were there. The weather was so nice we were at the pool in the evening. Kept planning on going but between dinner&swimming it didn't happen.

Next visit we plan on going to IOA again as we have 1 day left&abolutely loved this park&probably a 4 day hopper. Only a week this time so hope we can have a couple of days to relax.


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