B&P's VR 11/10/2012 UK/AAP/UKDP Day 1 Arrival & Epcot 6/10

Glad you finally got motivated to finish the TR...hahahaha. Maybe that's what I needed to update mine...maybe.

Yummy...tonga toast!!! I've never had the pancakes, but they look amazing. ;)
Hi Bethie,
Nope no Thursday travel for us. DH won't be taking that day off, and the kids will all have school Thursday. :( I know the flight prices are better that day. I think we will end up flying out of Providence in order to save $110. per person x 6! and that is just to fly down!!! But it would have been nice to bump into some of your guests at the airport/flight.

Lucky you with the storage unit! What a good idea if you have basement issues. Actually, good idea if you even need temporary space.

The 3 month mark is so exciting, but yes, it can be nerve racking.

That would have been funny, if you were on the same plane. The 9yo FG definitely will be telling everyone why they are headed down to Florida. She can't wait! I wish Providence was convenient for us.

The storage unit is a must. We couldn't function without it. We have a tiny house, but DH's grandparents bought it in 1928, so we won't be leaving anytime soon.

Seeing the monorail from your room looks great!

It was definitely a highlight to our stay!

The Tonga Toast close-up is making me salivate. And the bacon!!
Time will fly and November will be here before you know it.
Bet the boys were happy to have you back home.

The breakfast was awesome. Will definitely be going back.

I kinda need time to slow down a bit, I need to get stuff done. :rotfl:

The boys are always happy to have us come home. Thanks!

Thanks for the update Bethie. The pictures of the monorail are great! I enjoy watching the monorail also. I can picture relaxing on that balcony. Was the road very busy?
Looking forward to seeing more DIY and YAY! on the dress coming in. Can't wait to read more....

Thanks, Dee! It was a foot path and didn't seem that busy most of the time. Had some resort staff in golf cards, but that was about it.

The good stuff is coming up in the next couple of days. The FGs wore me out today. :rotfl2:

Glad you finally got motivated to finish the TR...hahahaha. Maybe that's what I needed to update mine...maybe.

Yummy...tonga toast!!! I've never had the pancakes, but they look amazing. ;)

Maybe it was our lunch, Lacey! I had such a great time. Let me know when you want to do it again, I will be happy to come out.

Both of our meals were awesome. Highly recommend the pancakes. There are no WW points in them. Truly magical. :rolleyes1

Plan for Vow Renewal Trip

Now that the TR is over, I can start moving on to other plans. I made all of our dining reservations in May and now have a general idea for our trip. Here is our tentative schedule.

Tuesday, November 6th - Arrive at MCO around 7:30. Head to BC and stay 1 night on the hotel side for our free night. Plan on having dinner at Big River Grille or ESPN club, if there is a Bruins game that night.

Wednesday, November 7th - Moving to a 2 bdrm villa for 5 nights today. Will be heading to the business center at YC to collect our boxes and hopefully find a space to organize them and put together the welcome bags. Picking up a rental car to run some errands too. Deliver bins to Franck's and welcome bags to BC and CSR. Head to Publix to lay in some supplies for the next 10 days. Some friends are starting to arrive that afternoon. Our plan is to do EMH at Epcot and have dinner at Via Napoli.

Thursday, November 8th - Taking our friends who already arrived to morning EMH at MK. Probably head over to Epcot for lunch at the F&WF. More friends and family arrive late in the day. I have made a group reservation for dinner at Big River Grille.

Friday, November 9th - I am taking the FGs to Norway for the Princess breakfast. This is to celebrate the 7 year old's birthday (a month late, but she is still excited). Both of her grandmothers, mom, 2 aunts and 3 cousins are also joining us. I assume they will be staying in Epcot for the morning. I am headed back to the BC for hair & makeup and for Carolyn Allen's to come and steam our dresses and bring Paul's tux. Not sure what Paul is planning on doing (after he returns the rental car), but it will probably involve playing cards. At 12:15, the girls will head to the Asbury Patio at the YC for our tea and the boys will head to Raglan Road. Tea is over around 2:30 and the boys should be back around 3. Maybe head into Epcot for a little bit in the afternoon, who knows. Welcome dinner is at 6 at the Boardwalk. After the welcome dinner, Paul and I plan on taking a quick dip in the pool. We did it the night before our first wedding and want to do it again. I will be getting to bed very quickly after that.

Saturday, November 10th - Hair and makeup for me at 4am!!! :eek: The girls and their mom will be joining probably around 6. I will be out the door at 7:30 for our first look. We plan on taking pics at the BC and YC until about 8:30 and then head over to Epcot for our 9am ceremony. Reception runs from 9:30 to 2. After the reception, I plan on a nap for a while. :woohoo: We have dinner reservations in France with my brother and SIL at 6. Right after dinner, we head to the Dessert Party at 8. (I am so excited about this day!)

Sunday, November 11th - Farewell breakfast at 8:30 to 10:30 at Asbury Patio. My plan is to spend most of the day at the pool, with maybe a break going into Epcot for some lunch at F&WF. I have booked dinner for about 20 at Yachtsman early that night (5ish). If we get done early enough, head over to DHS to see the Osborne lights and then maybe head to MK for EMH.

Monday, November 12th - Most, if not all, of our guests leave. We will be downgrading to a one bedroom villa that morning. Since F&WF has an extra day, we will probably go over in the afternoon. Our plan is to head over to MK to see the Castle lighting before MVMCP. Dinner at Narcoosee's that night.

Tuesday, November 13th - Hair and makeup around 6 for our Epcot shoot at 8:30. After Epcot, we meet Regina at the BC to do a 3 hour, 3 resort shoot. We are doing BW, WL and GF with her. We are very excited about this. We are having dinner at the Hacienda in Epcot.

Wednesday, November 14th - No real park plans for the day, but we are trying lunch at Biergarten, which we have never been to. We then have dinner at 50s PTC, which is one of our favorites.

Thursday, November 15th - Again no real plans, but since we have never been to SciFi, we are having lunch there. And then dinner at Rose & Crown that night.

Friday, November 16th - Headed over to MK for breakfast at CP, which is a must do for us every trip. We will finish off our trip with dinner for 2 at Yachtsman and ice cream at Beaches and Cream, which is our last night tradition.

Any suggestions or comments are always welcome. Have a great night!
Everything sounds amazing! I'm sure we will bump into each other at some point.
Hey Bethie! I didn't disappear...lol

Love the pictures of the monorail, lovely view.

Tonga toast looks so yummy, I need to try it sometime.

Your plans for the VR trip sound good, really sad that we're not going in November lol

I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by, your big day will soon be here! :cheer2::cheer2:

•I always had departure day, too. What a crummy feeling. :guilty:
•LOVE Kona and Tonga Toast! Mmmm. I'm hungry now.
•Hooray for booking all your ressies! They look great. Makes me want to come down for our anniversary...not just to meet you, but to dine with you too! :lmao:
Everything sounds amazing! I'm sure we will bump into each other at some point.

Dee! I am sure we will see each other during our trips. I am looking forward to it. :cool1:

Hey Bethie! I didn't disappear...lol

Love the pictures of the monorail, lovely view.

Tonga toast looks so yummy, I need to try it sometime.

Your plans for the VR trip sound good, really sad that we're not going in November lol

I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by, your big day will soon be here! :cheer2::cheer2:


Okay, Ruth. My bad! You didn't disappear, but I did for a few weeks. I have a lot of stuff to post in the next couple of days, so I won't disappear again!

Thanks for all the kind words. We are really getting excited about it. We spent 4th of July with a bunch of our guests and they are really excited too, which makes me feel good.

I do kind of want time to slow down a bit, so I can get more stuff done! :) I also really need to stop adding stuff that I think is cool to my list. Also making a definitive list would be a start. :rotfl:

•I always had departure day, too. What a crummy feeling. :guilty:
•LOVE Kona and Tonga Toast! Mmmm. I'm hungry now.
•Hooray for booking all your ressies! They look great. Makes me want to come down for our anniversary...not just to meet you, but to dine with you too! :lmao:

*Glad I am not the only one who feels bad. I love going home, especially to see our boys, but I hate leaving Mickey too!
* Paul had never had Tonga Toast before and I think he is still mad at me for keeping him from it. :)
* I was so happy to get everything. We may switch Monday and Tuesday night's dinner around since Food & Wine is running through Monday, but haven't done anything about it yet. Better get on that.
I have been a very DisBride about updating, but I have been busy doing VR stuff, just haven't been back on to let everyone know what I have been up to.

One thing I have not updated is that THE BOUTS ACTUALLY ARRIVED!!! They are fabulous. We did end up getting 6 items and I am so happy that we did. Here they are....

This one is for Paul and his best friend, Todd. Todd isn't really in the wedding this time (he was the BM the first time), but his 2 daughters and his wife are, plus I know he would love this as a souvenir.


I also got one for my brother. He is, also, is not in the ceremony, but I wanted to do something for him and when I saw these I knew he would love it. I acutally have a couple of Cardinals things for him that he doesn't know about.


My best friend, John, is doing a reading for us. He is not into sports, but he is a wig designer on Broadway. When I mentioned this to the designer, she said she had the perfect item. She was right!


Our officiant is a very good friend of our who is a Methodist minister in Iowa. She is a friend that we met through our love of Bruce and totally gets us. She is an U of Iowa grad and a lifelong Cubs fan, so we had them make her this...


Since I didn't want to be left out and wanted to show my love for teams, I had her make me something to go into my flowers. She asked me if i wanted the logos to be girlie and with some sparkle. Of course, I said yes!! :cool1:


I know that dealing with this company was a huge hassle, but the product in the end was so worth it. We had the time to wait and eventually they did deliver.

One of the other big pieces of news is that my dress is in!!! When I got the call, I ran and put makeup on, grabbed my tiara, shoes and jewelry and took off for the shop. Luckily, the shop is just in the next town and I got there in 15 minutes. They brought her out and we went into the dressing room. I was so nervous, since I ordered it a size too small and wasn't sure if I had lost enough, but IT FITS!!!! I am so excited! And without further ado, here is my Isadora Ann...


As I had her on, I asked about a veil. I have become a huge fan of Say Yes To the Dress, especially Atlanta. Well, I love the part when they put the veil on. The first time around I just bought a fingertip veil because I needed one and it was inexpensive. I certainly didn't love it and don't even know what happened to it. I really wish that I had gone with a long, flowing veil, but
I know that, technically, I shouldn't wear one since it's a VR, but I asked to try
one with the dress. She put one on my head and I liked the look of it. She told me not to fall in love, yet, since she had one that just came in that morning. She went and grabbed it and I fell in love! It goes with my dress perfectly! Let me know what you think.


Here she is from the back...


I am over the moon with how she looks and how I look in her. I am going to pick her up tomorrow and will keep her at home until my first fitting after Labor Day.

Thanks to everyone for still reading along. I promise more updates sooner rather than later.
I admit, I'm more of a lurker than poster, but I have to say that your Isadora Ann is absolutely stunning on you! I was never a huge fan of the tea length dress, but I think you may have changed my mind!
You look beautiful!! The dress is gorgeous. And... Congratulations on loosing enough!! YAY YOU! The veil is perfect.

The bouts are so cute. I'm so glad they came in plenty of time, and you don't have to stress about them anymore. I think the broadway one is awesome too! How creative.

I am certainly going to recognize your VR party! Look forward to bumping into you as well.

Glad you updated. Can't wait to see more updates.

I've been reading your PJ, but I don't think I've ever commented.

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your dress!!! It is beautiful!

I LOVE LOVE the veil with your dress! So amazing!

You look stunning in your dress, she is perfect!

Can't wait to read more. Your VR is going to be awesome!
You look so pretty in your dress!! It's so beautiful and sparkly!!! I bet you can't wait to wear it on the day!!!!

The veil is perfect too!

Congratulations on finding such a perfect dress for yourself!!!!! You are going to be GORGEOUS!!

Those bouts are so adorable and unique!

Yay for your dress arriving. You are absolutely beaming in the dress, it looks great on you. I just love the giant smile in the pic, you can tell that you adore your dress.
I admit, I'm more of a lurker than poster, but I have to say that your Isadora Ann is absolutely stunning on you! I was never a huge fan of the tea length dress, but I think you may have changed my mind!

Thank you so much!! The dress really is lovely. Glad she may have changed your mind. :):)

You dress is beautiful and I love it with the veil! You will look amazing for your VR.

Thank you!!! I am really starting to get excited. :cool1:

You look beautiful!! The dress is gorgeous. And... Congratulations on loosing enough!! YAY YOU! The veil is perfect.

The bouts are so cute. I'm so glad they came in plenty of time, and you don't have to stress about them anymore. I think the broadway one is awesome too! How creative.

I am certainly going to recognize your VR party! Look forward to bumping into you as well.

Glad you updated. Can't wait to see more updates.



I can't wait to see you either. Thanks so much for following along and all your kind words.

I've been reading your PJ, but I don't think I've ever commented.

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your dress!!! It is beautiful!

I do too!!! :goodvibes Thank you so much for reading and your compliments.


I LOVE LOVE the veil with your dress! So amazing!

You look stunning in your dress, she is perfect!

Can't wait to read more. Your VR is going to be awesome!

Thanks, Amanda! I really do love the dress. I am so happy I got her. It's getting so close now. Can't wait to read all about your fabulous wedding and honeymoon too!

You look so pretty in your dress!! It's so beautiful and sparkly!!! I bet you can't wait to wear it on the day!!!!

The veil is perfect too!

Congratulations on finding such a perfect dress for yourself!!!!! You are going to be GORGEOUS!!



Thank you for your very kind thoughts. I really can't wait to wear her. I picked her up the other day and keep looking at her in closet. Just have to make sure that I don't do it while Paul is home. He knows what the dress looks like, but doesn't want to see it in person.

Bethie! Your dress looks absoultely beautiful! :lovestruc

The bouts came out wonderfully & I love the broadway one <3


Ruth!!! Thank you!!!

The bouts are really adorable. I hope everyone likes them as much as I do.

Those bouts are so adorable and unique!

Yay for your dress arriving. You are absolutely beaming in the dress, it looks great on you. I just love the giant smile in the pic, you can tell that you adore your dress.


I really do love the dress, you are right. I didn't love my first one, so this is really special for me this time around. Thank you so much!
Yay! The bouts are amazing! Totally worth the pain to get them!

And I LOVE the way the dress looks on you! And the veil looks like it was made for the dress! (and why aren't you supposed to wear one for a VR? I totally think you can if you want!)
Yay! The bouts are amazing! Totally worth the pain to get them!

And I LOVE the way the dress looks on you! And the veil looks like it was made for the dress! (and why aren't you supposed to wear one for a VR? I totally think you can if you want!)

Thanks, Andrea! I love the way the bouts turned out too. I hope everyone likes them.

Supposedly, etiquette says that you shouldn't have one for a VR, but who cares, I want one and I am going to wear it! :rolleyes1

Well, I have been terrible about updating this lately, but with about 90 days :eek: to go, I better get cracking. I have been doing alot of DIY projects and working on my BEO and trying to get as much done as I can. I am fairly limited right now to what I can work on since I have acute Achilles tendinitis in my left foot. I have been in a walking boot for 2 weeks and have another 2-3 to go before I am re-evaluated. This means that hopefully, I can get some updates up here too. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me all this time!

Our minimum payment is due on Monday and then from there, I am afraid days will go by at warp speed.

Due to some work projects, we have had to shuffle our vacations around this year, but it means we added 2 extra days to our VR trip!! Woohoo!! We are now going down early Monday morning instead of late Tuesday night. It gives us extra time to get stuff done when we get there and a couple of bonus days at Food & Wine. Plus, it means more Disney restaurants! We have added dinner on Monday night at Coral Reef (with Amanda and her husband too!) and on Tuesday we are doing the Donald Breakfast at AK and dinner at BOMA that night. Very excited now about the trip.

I do have a couple of DIY projects to share too!

The first is a completed character pin set. We are assigning a character to each of our guests. We worked really hard on this list. Some choices were the recipients favorite characters, others are based on personalities or some had no real reason at all, but seemed to be a great fit. I didn't want to just give them to guests with no explanations, so I created a card, got a box and tied it all together. They will be going into the welcome bags with Year of Significance pins.

Here are the character cards, complete with Mickey crystals...


Here is the final product...


Another project that is done is a jar that we needed for our ceremony. We did an Irish Loving Cup ceremony the first time around and we found an expanded one recently that also incorporates our guests making a wish on a pebble and putting it into a jar for us at the ceremony. I have Jess (Boston Bride) for Fashionably Ever After create the label and then I tied it on with ribbon. I will post the ceremony as we get closer, so my guests don't see it, if they are reading along too.


I also made "Bear Necessities" Bags for the Welcome Bags. Included in them are: Chapstick, sunscreen, Advil, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, lots of Disney band-aids, antibiotic cream singles, itch cream singles, bug bite wipes, and Shout wipes. I used an Avery Bag with printable toppers to package them. I really love the way they turned out.



Here they are all together.


More updates soon! I have been busy and want to share what I have done!

Hope everyone reading is doing well! Thanks for following along!
The pins are so adorable! That is such a genius idea to assign each person a character and present it so nicely and with a gift too! I just love it. That really had to take a very long time, and I am sure the sentiment and effort won't be lost on your guests :D. Love the update !
Wow! I know I've said it before but your events are going to be so amazing!!! I cannot wait to see all the amazing photos from everything!! :goodvibes

I cannot wait to have dinner with you both! Milton and I have never eaten there so it will be a first and we cannot wait!!

I'm going to be working on your stuff very soon, I need to place an order for pink crystals of course though as I used all the ones I had for the two baby shoes that I just completed last week.

I'll be sure to email you photos as I finish your products :yay:


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