Ask for Ketchup at the Whispering Canyon Cafe...

Mr Mannn

Who da Mannn? He da Mannn!
Oct 13, 2013
Three friends have told me to make a point to ask for ketchup there.
I know my friends, they're probably setting me up.

So what happens? A chef comes out and curses me in French? The waiters break out in song?

whats the catch(-up)?
Are you sure you want to know? It might spoil it for you when you go there. We even asked for ketchup for breakfast! :-)
I really hate to be embarrassed. I'm avoiding all character meals for just that reason.

Yes, lay it on me.
My husband is the same way. Well, in that case, all they do is the server yells ketchup and everyone in the restaurant that has a bottle of ketchup delivers it to your table so you end up with about 15 bottles of ketchup. It's usually the kids that deliver them. It was really harmless. And pretty soon some other unsuspecting person asks for ketchup and it goes on.

Well, the character meals I've been too haven't been embarrassing at all. Garden Grill was especially nice. We had a booth on the outer ring. The restaurant revolves very slowly. Chip, Dale, Mickey, and Pluto come to the table one at a time and pose for a picture and then they move on to the next table. I suppose you could ask them a yes/no question if you wanted. Maybe ask Mickey if he grew all the veggies being served. He comes out in his farming coveralls.

We went to breakfast at Crystal Palace last time. It was pretty calm too. They had us fill our plates and explained the characters would come to our table one at a time for photos.

The one thing my husband will never do again is that comedy theater in Magic Kingdom. I forget the name of it now. He did not get picked on. But now that he knows they talk to people in the audience, he doesn't want to go back in. It was a cute show.

He is very comfortable with 50's Primetime though. Those servers are funny! I think the worst thing that ever happened there was they got after him for putting his elbows on the table.

Have fun on your trip!
You should also ask for a little bit more water. Nothing embarrassing, I promise!!

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My husband is the same way. Well, in that case, all they do is the server yells ketchup and everyone in the restaurant that has a bottle of ketchup delivers it to your table so you end up with about 15 bottles of ketchup. It's usually the kids that deliver them. It was really harmless. And pretty soon some other unsuspecting person asks for ketchup and it goes on.

I think I want to make a ressie at WCC now... :rotfl:
In our case (twice), the server brought us a bottle of ketchup. :confused3. My bow were very disappointed. It isn't always over the top, surely you can request a less flamboyant experienc.
I asked cause I really needed it and got about 15 bottles of ketchup that our waiter brought out on a tray and he put them all in front of me.
My SIL thought she was clever and "did not want to draw attention" to the table so she STOLE a bottle of ketchup from another table.

That is much worse than asking for ketchup. LOL

Hilarity ensued.
We loved WCC! At lunch, I was particularly thirsty and after my 2nd refill of soda our waiter brought a huge glass of soda. Then announced that I was a heavy drinker! I thought it was funny, but if you are easily embarrassed you may want to ask for a server that is toned down.
It does depend a little on the crowds at the restaurant and your server. I've seen the full ketchup trick happen, but I've also been there when almost nothing happened. We were having a late breakfast and the restaurant was probably about a third full (at most). Someone asked for ketchup and the server called for it. Nothing happened, so he called again. Finally one boy got up and delivered the bottle from his table, but that was the extent of it. has a list of some of the things that might set off some kind of antic. As you can tell, what happens can be anything from over the top to nothing at all.

If you want to avoid most of the antics, you can ask to be seated in the quiet area or library. It's the back room (beyond the fireplace). You can't really hear/see the dining room from there and it tends to be quieter. I usually sit back there and the antics are pretty minimal (like almost none).
We didn't like the antics or the food. The food was horrible.

The guy at the table behind us called the server a waitress and there was a big to do about that. I don't know what all she said and did but we heard her giving that man a hard time the entire time they were eating.

One of them had a HUGE glass jar cup that looked like it held about a gallon of soda and had a 2 foot long straw sticking out of it.

One guy had a paper bag hat on his head.

And we intentionally did not ask for Ketchup so that we didn't have strangers bringing 20 bottles of Ketchup to our table.

Then at one point they had all the kids running in circles around the restaurant with little wooden horses screeching and making loud noises.

If you want a nice, peaceful, quiet dinner WCC is not the place to go.
Three friends have told me to make a point to ask for ketchup there.
I know my friends, they're probably setting me up.

So what happens? A chef comes out and curses me in French? The waiters break out in song?

whats the catch(-up)?

Don't do it. It just encourages them. :rolleyes1
I always wanted to go for the food, but as a family we do not appreciate these type of actions during our meal. If we would ask the waiters to refrain from the nonsense would they oblige?

I always wanted to go for the food, but as a family we do not appreciate these type of actions during our meal. If we would ask the waiters to refrain from the nonsense would they oblige?

Yes, they probably would. At least for you but the madness will go on around you. Honestly, the food at WC isn't that great to make it a place to go for just the food.


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