Are you obligated by family to travel for the Thanksgiving and/or Christmas holidays?

We used to have issue with my brother and SIL. We live about 2.5 hours away from them and that is where I grew up. For several years, we traveled up there every Thanksgiving and Christmas and I finally said we would like to host one holiday every other year so they and my parents would have to travel a whopping 25% of the time. My SIL was a flat NO. She was so insistent that her kids wake up in their bed Christmas morning, but who gives a crap where her niece wakes up, right? We finally just told them delightful. Funny enough, we all actually get along REALLY well.
When my kids were little, I unapologetically cared that my kids woke up at home and that we stayed home. If others didn’t like that, too bad so sad. That said if my parents chose to celebrate at a sibling’s, I’d understand given the decision I had made.

As they’ve gotten older, I’ve become more flexible with it. But I did what was right for us when they were little.
I come from a family that does not do the Santa thing, so the whole "staying at home for Santa" thing never figures in. We're children of the Irish diaspora, and while my mother was alive, the US branch of the family did a command performance near her home for Xmas and Easter. It's understood that you don't have to go home to Ireland from America on holidays, but absolutely expected that you will do your utmost to visit with your parents on these holidays if you are in the same country and not prevented by work obligations or lack of money. Mom died 23 years ago, but my eldest sister kept up the expectation that everyone would come for at least one major holiday, & as she lived in a place that was fun to visit, we kept going to her home for one a year until she, too, passed away 4 years ago. As it happens, our own son moved out of state that same year, and he lives near the beach, so now we go to him, as he doesn't get much vacation time. (My MIL lived here, so it was never difficult spending holidays with her.)

My cousins whose parents are still alive still go home, as expected. Our cultural tradition is that you go until they die, and by that time you probably have your own adult kids, and will expect them to spend the holiday with you. We do prefer that happens (though we certainly don't give our kids grief if they can't make the celebration for whatever reason), but we don't have a preference as to where, except that it's always nice to go where the weather and the available food is best.

I should add that in recent years, we've leaned toward creating a sort of generic Visit-the-Relatives Holiday, a weekend that pointedly does NOT coincide with any recognized holiday or sporting event that would normally cause lots of people to request time off, or cause airfares to become inflated. We've been finding that we get a lot more people when we do it this way, because it is easier to schedule and cheaper for everyone concerned.
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No way I'd participate in either of those events, OP. I'm sorry y'all feel stuck; I hope you're able to make your own traditions!
Nope. I like to see my family and see them often but we are not obligated to travel for any holiday. I let my family know early on in my adult life that I have firm boundaries and people may request things of me but it is ultimately my choice where I devote my time and effort. If I see others not putting any effort in then why would I give them mine?

I'm with everyone who says OP needs to put the foot down and make your own family traditions. Better to not have the building resentment over this.
You don't HAVE to do ANYTHING just because other people expect it. The situation you've described is, honestly, ridiculous. Your ILs live WITH you, yet because all the rest of your ILs refuse to travel, you AND your ILs "have to" travel 250 miles away, rent a hall, and put on a massive Thanksgiving feast?

That's dumb. Especially if your ILs are getting quite elderly now. Especially if putting this on every year has become more and more difficult for them.

Nobody can take advantage of you without your permission. This has continued because you have CHOSEN to go along with it.

What will happen if you just say, "Enough. Not this year. We're not going"? Will they all get upset? Probably yes. But you know what? They'll get over it. The people who really want to see your ILs will come to see them where you are instead.

You CAN start your own family traditions. You SHOULD start your own family traditions. Just because this is how it's always been in your extended family doesn't mean that's how it always SHOULD be. Stand up and take charge of your own life.

Very well said -

We have tried traveling for both holidays on different years and got the stink eye both times.

So what. You can be perfectly nice & polite about it and move on with life, and enjoy your holiday the way you & your immediate family would like to.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are other family members who also lack the intestinal fortitude to speak up for themselves who would be grateful that someone else finally did.
Those out of town in laws seem stubborn and set in their ways and unlikely to budge, so a compromise probably wouldn’t work.

Besides, often a compromise backfires. I learned long ago that when you try to please everybody you usually end up pleasing nobody.

OP, focus on what makes YOU and your immediate family happy, even if it means cutting others out of your life.
When my kids were little, I unapologetically cared that my kids woke up at home and that we stayed home. If others didn’t like that, too bad so sad. That said if my parents chose to celebrate at a sibling’s, I’d understand given the decision I had made.

As they’ve gotten older, I’ve become more flexible with it. But I did what was right for us when they were little.

I agree, I cared. We were the ones who lived out of town and it was important for me that my kids woke Christmas morning in their own home to their own tree and Santa presents.
We knew we missed some family get togethers due to not wanting to travel on Christmas Eve and we were OK with that. We just made sure we celebrated the holiday another day with everyone. The important thing was making sure we spent some time together, for us it didn't have to be Christmas Eve or even Christmas Day.
We've thankfully avoided this as most of my family is local. When I was a kid the farthest we went was about 30 minutes away to my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve, then 10 minutes away to my other grandmother's house on Christmas Day. Even now, most holidays are at my aunt's house (my one remaining grandparent lives with her now) about 15 minutes from my house.
Nope... This is one of the very few benefits of dead parents and no other family (on my side) lol. And yes, I know that sounds harsh, but dark humor helps. That aside tho, I actually am very much looking forward (in a way) to when we no longer have to do santa and can go somewhere for the holidays. Like on a big vacation.

My husbands bday is Christmas eve, so when we still saw all of his family, Christamas eve would just be about him and his bday and any kids could open the presents from whoever's house we were at that year. Now the only family we see is his sister and her family. They live 30 min away. Depending on the plans they have with her husbands family, we may see them on christmas eve or day. We just alternate, we do thanksgiving at one house and christmas at the other. It's pretty low key and I like it that way. I'd hate the stress of having to go to all these different places.
Family dynamics are so fun. NOT! My sis-in-law would control my life (and where we spend every holiday) if we let her. Nope. She doesn't get to control my life.
FWIW, my ILs hardly every come here at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Hardly ever have.

STORY TIME! :joker:
They all live in southern CA. We (me, DH, ODD, YDD) live in Arizona. Used to live in the Tucson area, now we're in the Phoenix metro area. When we lived in Tucson, drive time to the closest relative in the San Diego area was 6-6.5 hours, depending on traffic, how many time we had to stop for bathroom breaks, and whether DH wanted to stop to eat at Dave's BBQ in Yuma (which was often). Now based on where we live, it's about a 5.5 hr drive.

We've lived in AZ for a really really long time. My BIL & SIL have come out here at the holidays about 4 times in almost 20 years. AIL & UIL have come to visit about 4 times as well. FIL died just before ODD was born 15 1/2 years ago, so he's not a factor. When ODD was a year old, MIL moved to AZ.

BIL is a homebody. He hates going places. Even before they started having kids, he never wanted to go anywhere at the holidays. That's fine. It doesn't bother us. They do their thing and we do ours.

When all of our kids were little (Nephew was an infant at the time), ONE year, we did one big Xmas celebration at UIL & AIL's house (they live a 45 min drive from BIL & SIL). My kids were big into Santa at the time...YDD was 3, ODD was 5. That Christmas was fun, but a lot of work and a lot of hassle and stress. Just getting all of those Santa gifts to UIL & AIL's house was a chore all on its own. I'm glad we did it, but we did not make it a repeat thing after that.

BIL & SIL have never spent Christmas w/us here in AZ. They, like us, prefer for Christmas morning to be calm, relaxing with their kids with everybody lounging around all day in their pajamas, playing with new toys, etc. No stress of "hurry up! We have to get to Grandma's before 10 am, and then we have to drive to so-and-so's house to make an appearance this evening!" In the past, UIL & AIL would drive over to BIL & SIL's late in the afternoon on Christmas Day and they'd have Xmas dinner together. We rarely see them at Christmas. That's ok.

When we moved into our current house 3 years ago, they all came here for Thanksgiving. That was fun, but also a hassle for them and I know that they all don't like the drive. However, periodically, they will all comment to 1 of us about they'd like to see us, and 'when are you coming out here next?" That sort of thing. Are they frustrated that they don't see us every holiday? Perhaps, but you know what? They're not exactly making any effort themselves. It's a 2-way street, not a one-way street.

Doing things with everyone in my IL's extended family is always a big production. Nobody can ever decide when we'll get together, what we'll eat when we do get together, time of day, etc. Everybody for years looked to me to be the cruise director and organizer of the get togethers. I got tired of playing phone tag and Chief Drama Manager between them all and just stopped catering to the game playing. Childish nonsense like, "Well, WE are busy, too, and AIL & UIL NEVER drive down here to OUR house, so we are NOT going to them. If they want to see us, they need to make an effort." Ok fine, whatever, WE (me, DH, ODD, YDD, MIL) are driving 6 HOURS ONE WAY TO SEE ALL OF YOU, FOR PETE'S SAKE!

So I stopped playing the game. I stopped participating in the nonsense. We usually end up going to Disneyland every 12-18 months. We've been to DL on 3 different occasions in the past 5 years when we didn't actually meet up with ANY of my ILs. You know why? DH & I just got tired of it being a constant circus.

For a few years in a row, we'd end up taking 10 days off in order to do 3 days at DL, followed by driving all over San Diego county spending time with AIL & UIL and then driving to BIL & SIL's and spending a couple of days with them. None of the rest of them were actually willing to go out of their way to meet up anywhere at one common central location. We, the ones who literally drove hundreds of miles to get there, were the ones expected to cater to them.

Well, forget that. We basically ended up spending almost all of our vacation time running around to the relatives. DH got fed up. I got tired of it. So we stopped.

Now when we go to DL, we'll usually spend a night or 2 w/good friends who are a 60 min drive from Anaheim...those same friends also often meet up w/us at DL for 1 of our DL says (when we're at DL, we usually stay in a hotel right across the street). We always tell the ILs that we're going to be in Orange County and ask if they'd like to meet up somewhere halfway between Anaheim and San Diego. They never take us up on their offer. On 2 separate occasions, SIL was supposed to meet up w/us closer to our friends' house, but she flaked. I cannot tell you how disappointed my children were at the time that they would NOT, in fact, get to see their cousins that day because Aunt So-and-So flaked and totally forgot.

So...forget it! We're done. The Christmas after I had cancer surgery, I told DH that all I wanted for Xmas that year was a stress-free Christmas and I did NOT want to run around all over San Diego county catering to the ILs. We did not see the ILs at all that Christmas. We spent Christmas w/our friends an hour from DL. The ILs found out about it afterwards and were all ticked at me over it. I don't care that they were mad. I was the one who'd had a double mastectomy that year, not them. And I've gotta say...there's something about staring death straight in the face to make you think about some things in your life and I decided that playing the role of Cruise Director for all of them again was not going to be on my agenda anymore.

This year, BIL & SIL's marriage is on the rocks and there's been talk of them possibly divorcing, possibly not. SIL talked about maybe coming out here at Christmas, but she's dropped that topic, which means that she won't be coming. MIL, meanwhile, can't stand BIL and hasn't liked him for years. She finally announced, "You know, I think that BIL knows that I don't like him very much." LOL, no kidding. It's been 5 years since BIL saw MIL in person. If I were him, I'd be avoiding her, too. Honestly, the next time BIL comes to AZ will probably be for MIL's funeral. Even though MIL doesn't like BIL, she still expects him to come periodically and pay homage to her. MIL is a difficult, passive-aggressive, and demanding person. For example, she expects that when she is a guest in someone else's home, that person or couple will give up their master bed for her. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

SIL makes an annual trek out here w/Niece & Nephew in the summertime for MIL's birthday. Usually just for a weekend. We see her, Niece, & Nephew for ONE day. MIL wants everyone to sit around in her family room for 8+ hours (kids included) and talk about the same topics that she's been talking about for over 20 years. The kids get totally bored and leave the room to go play video games. Outdoor activities like biking, hiking, going for a walk, etc. never happen because MIL can't do any of those things and we mustn't upset MIL, so it's an entire day of basically sitting around. Usually there's an entire hour spent discussing what we will be eating for lunch and dinner. DH & I always end up convincing everyone to go see a movie in order to give the kids SOMETHING not boring to do. Lather, rinse, repeat. That's how it's been every year now for 5 years.

But you know what? I'd take that any time over driving my ILs 250 miles away, helping to prepare a holiday feast for dozens of people, have to do set up and all of the clean up afterwards with no help, and have to them drive my MIL & FIL 250 miles back home...and then do it all over again in a month for the next holiday.

On MY side of the family, my dad wants, expects, & demands that we periodically go stay with him for a week w/him and 2nd Wife in his home on the east coast. There's nothing to do where they live. My mother died 12 years ago from pancreatic cancer. He started dating 1 of my mother's best friends 3 months after my mom died. He also got rid of all family mementos from his life with my mom (they were married for 39 years). Basically erased us out of his life. When he was dating his now wife, she was still married and tried to add her to his health plan at work as a domestic partner. :rotfl2:2nd Wife is NOT a nice person.

I got scolded, lectured to, yelled at, and received some of the most scathing emails from my Father Unit (FU) re: his requirement that we do regular visits to him to pay homage because:
  • he "had to" do the same with HIS parents and my mom's parents when my sister & I were kids
  • now that he is retired, he is "ENTITLED" to have us come to him
  • "this is just how things are done"
He's been furious with me for years because I am not willing to play the game. He has millions of $$ at his disposal, no longer works (so has plenty of time off), plenty of money for plane tickets to come any time he wants to see his only grandchildren (my sister doesn't have kids).

You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be right. In my dad's case, he has decided that he wants to be right. So we never see him. The last time he came here to see us was when ODD was 7 & YDD was 5. They are now 15 and 13. During that last visit, he told my sister & I that he supposedly was an abused spouse because while my mom was going through daily radiation therapy and weekly chemo for 6 months for pancreatic cancer, she didn't want to have marital relations with him.

So we don't spend the holidays with him. He makes no effort to have a relationship with my kids. Why? Because of many reasons, one of which is my refusal to always be the one to go to visit him.

So my advice to you is to stop playing the game. Just stop it. Live YOUR life how YOU want to live it. Stop being so afraid of people being frustrated or mad at you. They'll get over it, or they won't. But if you're going to continue to do the dumb 'drive 250 miles away & cater a full holiday feast twice in a month" for all of your ILs who don't appreciate it or even help out, then you need to just accept that it won't ever change and, then, you need to also stop complaining about it.

Poop or get off the pot. Do or do not. But what you shouldn't do is continue to "go along to get along" and also continue to complain about it. Either continue as is and accept it or do something to change it. Your life is not in their hands. YOU are in the driver's seat, not them.
"Can't make it this year, sorry" and then make your own traditions :confused3 tell the inlaws to go ahead, but you're not going to be able to travel. (I guess you will need to be together on that if they are the spouse's parents and there's going to be backlash and stinkeye)
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The "make your own traditions" thing is a hard concept for many people. My SIL for YEARS has cried about how she "doesn't get a family Christmas" Well.... you have a husband, your two kids and his two kids. Thats quite a group. Why she doesn't create her own special holiday beyond me. This year she sent an email invite that the "family" Christmas will be on Dec. 26. Now my family is 1200 miles away. How nice for her to consider us traveling the day after Christmas! (which I am a firm NEVER travel on. near. around a major holiday) So we're out, but so is most of the family near her. Most of the nieces/nephews now are married with their own kids. I really wish my SIL would create her own traditions, but after umpteen years.... not gonna happen.
Haha similar conversation going on in my household now. My fiancé and I have done WDW for Christmas week since we’ve been together. This will be year three, so it’s quickly become our tradition. His parents are now guilt tripping him because “you can do Disney anytime”. I, of course, would argue that we can go visit his family anytime (his parents live 90 minutes away and we’re out there a lot, so it’s more about his extended family). I actually think it’s harder for us to justify since we don’t have kids, so we can’t use making a Christmas experience for kids as an excuse.

We love doing it because we both love Disney around the holidays, it’s the only time I can take that many days off work and not have to worry about getting sucked into a big project in the middle of a vacation, and it’s fair to both of us because we’re enjoying our own new tradition instead of forcing one of us into the awkwardness of fitting into other people’s traditions. It’s funny how Hallmark movies make going to another family’s home for the holidays all warm and magical, when it’s not usually like that haha! We’re sticking with our plans for this year, but it seems this might be an annual conversation. I am trying to put my foot down early, and of course if he ever does want to do family travel instead of Disney (for his own enjoyment, not because his parents are making him), then of course we’ll reconsider. Until then, Disney it is!
FORTUNATELY there was never an "obligation".
Saying that though, I have spent every single (and also since married ) Christmas Eve with my side of the family. We all live within an hour or less to each other. ONE year and one year only, my husbands sister shouted out about getting together on Christmas eve and I pretty much stated "NO, just bacause she wants to change it up doesn't mean we're accomodating". I love my in laws but I couldn't see abandoning tradition on Christmas Eve.
Yes they live with us.

We have offered to host many times, as have my in laws but the family that lives away refuses to travel for the holidays.

Getting together with their family has become more and more important to my in laws as they age. As much as I have grown to despise the holiday travel and want to start my own family traditions, I am not going to be the one that makes them choose between their extended family and their adult grandkids.

So you don't see them! Is it an be all or end all? It's there choice to not travel yet everyone accomodates??
I feel for you. It's hard to break off and do your own thing.
My two sisters and their families, and my parents are in Maryland. My DW parents are in Delaware, her sister in PA, and her two nieces in Maryland. In previous years we switched off between traveling locally between Maryland, Delaware or PA. We moved from Maryland to the Tampa area the first of this year so this is the first year we’ve had to travel any great distance.

My DW is recently estranged from her sister and my sister’s family will be celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time without her mother-in-law so we decided to rent a house in Nags Head, NC for Thanksgiving. It’s a 12 hour drive for us (will do over 2 days) and a 6 hour drive for my parents and my youngest sister and her family. My middle sister and her family will be having Thanksgiving in NYC.

We‘re excited about doing something different and I’m happy not to have to deal with my sister-in-law until Christmas!
We went to my SIL's house once for Christmas when they lived in another state, but they recently moved here. We used to go to our MIL's house, or she would come here, but she passed away in 2014.

There was no obligation to travel. We liked to do it

We now usually host holiday dinners.


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