Are they Tearing Down the Driving Machines???

Tony M

Remember 1999
Sep 19, 1999
If the Sylvester McMonkey McBean's Driving Machines(or whatever it's called) is not ever going to open to human riders,
Why can't they do some sort of animated character rotation?
Just to add more atmosphere to Suess Landing.
I thought I remembered seeing several animated characters riding around once. Does anyone else remember seeing them?
I remember seeing the Sneetches riding around in a car.

Anyone know more about the ride's future?


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
When we were there two weekends ago there were some characters riding around in cars on the tracks ... I think maybe three different cars. When we were there last weekend ... nothing ...


BTW, being an engineer, I'm curious what exactly went wrong with this ride?
From what I've heard, there is nothing physically wrong with the ride as far as operation. The problem is with getting people off the ride should it break down, and it would have capacity almost as bad as the flyers in Jurassic Park. I'm sure Earl knows the exact problems.

Why is that more of a problem than JP Flyers ...

My impression was there was a design flaw somewhere that made it unsafe as is.
People need to learn how to look back at old posts..

Reasons for closure:

Inability to handle expected capacity.
Fire Safety Hazard (Inablity to unload, mid-ride)
Defective Ride Design (The cars can't go up the hills when the track is the slightest bit slippery.. like when it's raining or humid in FL)

I always thought the easy solution was to install a series of mini-lift hills throughout the ride, each one with a little load/unload station, but even that wouldn't fix every problem.
Loric's in the ball park. The track is the biggest problem, plus the evac isseus. Really bad design by soem Brits.

Anyway, there are two "Sneech Mobiles" that cruise around the track. They out running around unless they have a techinical problem, and then they can be out for a while. They are the only two in the world, and when something breaks, the new part has to be made by hand.
I could care less if the "ride" ever opens,
but the track overhead really added to Seuss Landing. To remove it would take away from the overall feeling of the Island.
I remember the Suess books as creating a complete fantasy world and the 3-dimensional aspect that the "old" track gives to the island fits in that theme. Especially with the Circus McGurkus as part of it's travels. Imagine even more characters than the Sneetches just decorating the Skyline of Suess Landing and drawing your attention to more than what is earthbound.
That's is much more interesting than Humans circling Suess Landing as part of the original ride concept.
I hate rides overhead. I always want to open an umbrella when walking under them "just in case".
I vote leave the tracks, add characters.
What i have read, is that the machines will not progress production..for now. Acording to, they will be delaying production on the ride for who knows. They may even can the ride all together. The sign that read coming in 2001, is being taken down until production starts up again, and they have a secure open date. For more details, go to screamscape .com to find out more.

To bad the stupidscape never quite gets it right. Just my personal opinion.
I stopped reading stupidscape a good couple of months ago.. They are almost always wrong about Universal and Disney, and all fo their information they steal from other web pages who bother to do their homework.
I hope that they put Earl in one of those cars all day so he can whisper secrets to us. :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
But what if it breaks down? He'd be stuck out there! Maybe extend the track to his office? Just remember the sun screen.

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
If Earl gets stuck, they'll just toss the sunscreen up. He can get a tan! :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."


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