Are there Single's lines at Universal or Islands of Adventure?

MiB definitely has a single riders line. I've seen single riders lines on E.T., Hulk, Spiderman, and Fearfall. This may all change when Universal Express is fully implemented.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I always laugh when this question is posted since people think Disney "invented" single riders lines (which, of course, isn't true) - and they still only offer it at one ride.

Anyways, even with Universal Express, the following attractions offer single rider lines:

Men In Black
Doctor Doom
JP River Adventure
Ripsaw Falls (offers Doubles line)

Note: Singles lines are typically not opened unless the stand-by line is 30 minutes or more.
How is the single rider line going to be handled for Doom? The new Express line appears to be the old singles line.
(for the time being)

Singles will proceed up the exit (through Kingpin Arcade) - then into a roped-off queue leading to the child swap area (opposite direction of Express queue).
A question on the single riders lines -- do you miss most/all of the queue for an attraction (meaning some of the theming, like with Deuling Dragons) by going single rider?

If so, which rides with single rider lines does it not make any difference if you miss the queue?



(Links will return when I find a new place to host the sites)


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