Approved ?


Jul 26, 2001
Do they let you know if your loan has been approved? We sent our paperwork in Jan 25 & we talked with Susie & she said we were set to close Feb 15 or something like that. We have not heard anything as to being approved or when for sure we will close. Is this normal......
I heard on this board (day or 2 ago) that they are swampted with contracts and they are 10 days behind. Wait a few days and see what happens.
we bought in november and received a letter in the mail indicating that we had been approved and that we were set to close on a specific date...
i would guess that once you have been issued a closing date that you have been approved from a credit perspective....
have fun!!!!!
Originally posted by goofymomof2
Do they let you know if your loan has been approved? We sent our paperwork in Jan 25 & we talked with Susie & she said we were set to close Feb 15 or something like that. Thanks

We sent our notorized paperwork back to Disney by Fed Ex on Tuesday, Jan. 29th. Just this past week, perhaps Feb. 13th, I rec'd a letter from DVC, dated 2/4, stating that our financing had been approved. We are scheduled to close on FEb. 21. I would call and check on your financing. I am sure that no news is good news.
Yes they send a letter to tell you were approved for financing. We sent our paperwork in and got the letter saying we were approved for financing just a week or so later. I think it was dated around the 24th (check cleared 25th for rest of downpayment), so they moved quick on that as they only recieved the papers back on the 22nd (according to the FedEx tracking system)we had sent the 21st.

We Fed-exed our notarized paperwork on January 26, then I called our guide about a week later to verify that everything had gotten there correctly. He told me then we'd been approved. Several days later we got an approval letter from DVC. Then on Valentine's Day I came home from work to find a message on our answering machine from our guide that our deed had been recorded and that we'd receive more info soon. Maybe you should check with your guide. Perhaps something got lost in the mail (that's such a frequent occurence where we live that I'm quite used to it).
According to FedEx tracking the rec my paperwork on Jan 28th. The rest of our down payment was due Feb 12th. Like I said when my DH called and spoke with Susie she said everything was set. The reason he called was I had forgot when the down payment had to be there & she said to make sure it was there by Feb 18 for closing. Maybe I should call today to ck on it. Thanks for all your help with this. We can't wait to become members.
Simbas Mom you are so right about mail in Texas. I have just put a call in to Susie & she is cking on it for me. We were able to make ressies for our Thanksgiving & New Years trip and MS said we were in the computer. I just would like to rec a letter stating that we are now members.
Just got off the phone with Susie & we are set to close next week. She said she was not sure what happend with the letter but would get them to issue another one. I am so excited that its going to be offical next week. Thanks again for everything.

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