Anyone get Lowes 1st free upgrade at HRH?


DIS Veteran
Apr 30, 2001
I was told by a reservationist that they don't do that at the HRH. I wasn't able to get one the first time we stayed there. Has anyone?
I'm not quite sure what "Loews 1st free upgrade" is but I heard you could get upgrades with your Loews card so I took it out.

When we got to HRH desk, I held onto it but in full view. I didn't give it to him but he saw it and said that they could give me my free upgrade to a pool view from a standard view. I was very happy! Then he took it to write down my number.

We did not get the milk and cookies but my DD's did get a welcome gift at the front desk. A bag filled with cute little toys and sunglasses. Nice surprise.
That's great, I'm glad you got an upgrade. We did get the milk and cookies on our first trip but not the upgrade. But we had a great room anyway so I'm not complaining - I just wondered if the reservationists tell people that so they don't expect anything or if it really never happens.

I think I'd like the kid's welcome gift even more than the milk and cookies!
Showed my Loews 1st card (which I had just gotten the day before) when I checked in Dec'01 at the HRH. The desk clerk immediately upgraded me from a std to a pool view. Considering I got the room for $99 I thought it was pretty good.

Nice hotel too!



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