Anyone else sailing 2/2/02??

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents worth also . . . I just got back this morning from a business trip to Washington D.C., and came home to find my 3yo DS sick with a cold, with only 5 days before we leave for the cruise!! 3 weeks ago, I announced to the family that there was a new household rule . . . "nobody is allowed to get sick before (or during) the cruise". I guess kids just don't want to listen!! It doesn't seem too serious and he claims that he feels fine. I'm just worried about the rest of us (Me, DW and DD 6mo) catching it too later in the week. What is it about getting sick RIGHT before a vacation????
WOW- I have alot to catch up on--- here it goes~~~

I was out ALL day today getting Last min. things with Ryan (2.11) and a fever -- which ended our trip fast-- Thank goddness for Papa Guy (Italian Grandfather -- who would have guessed-LOL)
He came over so My mom and I could run around together!

So- I am all set on clothes for EVERYONE-- I know y'all (how's that Gina?) are already packed and have your bags sitting on the curb--- but this is the one that catches on slow-- remember?

Soo- now y'all (I like that word) are tanning Queens-- LOL ~~I am going to find a place around here and get some color-- especially since Gina reminded me of a very important point! You look thinner when you are tan! How many times would I have to go to lose 20? LOL
I haven't been tanning since before Rachael-- boy I loved the lay down beds-- such peace-- These stand up beds scare me--- only 4-8 min--- how hot is it in there? And when you are standing up -- do you have to lift any parts of your body that have gone south since having children? I know I would--- (now you guys are really seeing my true colors) HAHA

Kendall- Your poor face-- hope it's better tomorrow!-- Then you can go again! Is it true-- as they get bigger their problems get bigger? Oh -- what will I do-- I am one of those anal moms--- The ones I thought were crazy when I taught 2nd grade! YEP---I became one!-- I'll fill you all in on that on the ship!

The Mate Match game-- I thought everyone could play-- didn't know they picked you! Trust me -- don't put any money on us! The longer we are married-- the less we agree--- because-- us Italians-- are usually right! And we have to have the last word! Or is that just my job as a wife? LOL

Tracy-- A night to yourself-- how awesome! Hope you got alot done! It's amazing how much you can get done without your little helpers! How's DH's rash?

Kathy-- I am not real worried about the food either-- If I don't have to cook it OR serve it-------I WILL LOVE IT!

Gina-- I bet there will be some single Disney Dads-- if not you can always flirt with the crew! A few free drinks wouldn't be sooo bad? J/K Don't worry-- We'll be able to pick out a few available men in 2600 people! LOL

How funny-- someone is reading our notes-- I forget that others can read-- this could get me into trouble girls!

SuperDisneyDad- Glad you joined us! Isn't that the way it always is! A big scare before vacation -- it's only so you can enjoy it more!

Well -- I have said too much --but it was fun! Thanks for chatting-- Talk to y'all tomoorw!
GMM, you are so funny .... "the parts that have gone south" ..... LOLOLOL, I am not showing any of those parts anyway so I don't care if they tan!!! I really couldn't figure out how to stand correctly in there either, besides having panic over the heat of it. The only time I tanned was 20 years ago in a regular bed and I don't remember it being hot. And my face is fine now too, I think I was just too hot in there. Next time I'll do the whole 4 minutes and should be OK.

And don't worry now about the kids growing up, people always told me that too, "little kids little problems, big kids bigger problems" but you just deal with things as they come (just like with little kids) and it's not as scary as it sounds. I work with a lady who has grown children and she STILL worries about them, she says it never ends. Burst my bubble of illusion, that's for sure. Day at a time, that's all you can do.

"Kathy-- I am not real worried about the food either-- If I don't have to cook it OR serve it-------I WILL LOVE IT!"

I AGREE!!! (same with cleaning too!!!) My teen daughter says she is going to just eat all week, she is not shy about eating well. She usually cooks for herself since she eats at odd times so I know she will feel the same as we do.

SuperDisneyDad, hope all is well at your house by week's end. I remember reading about one Mom on these boards who had 3 year old twins and kept them home as much as possible for a month before their trip so they wouldn't get sick (kind of a tough job). Well, just think of having a cold as building up immunity!!! And take Vitamin C and zinc lozenges if you feel a cold coming on, really helps!!

Gina, you will be SO tan, and I think a cruise is a great place to read romance novels. My DH never even notices what I'm reading.

Well, I must proudly admit I finished my packing tonight, and I am not one usually to get packed early. So it is really an accomplishment for me. And I weeded through stuff trying to pack light, and it was tough. I think I packed just enough so that maybe I won't have to do laundry (another thing I need a vacation from). And my kids aren't totally packed but they're getting there and I will have to check their stuff too. I have the child who refused to pack shorts for Florida in August if you recall.

well, getting sleepy here, busy day and spent WAAY too much time on these boards today too, at least now I have a good excuse, gathering last minute info!! See y'all SOON!!!
11:30 on a Saturday night, and where am I? Lurking around the cruise board again! Just another Saturday night of wild and reckless abandon... Woo Hoo!! :D

Actually, I did get more stuff done tonight -- finished packing the clothes. I kept putting it off so it would all have less time to wrinkle, but I couldn't wait any longer. ;) Plus, I know that once Monday gets here, it'll be another crazy work week and I need to have most everything done by then. Ooo, I found a lime green headband at Target today! Which brings up a question I keep meaning to ask of you vets -- how windy is it up on deck?? My hair is pretty long, and will be a tangled nightmare if it's terribly windy and I don't have it put up. I'm just wondering if I'll even get wear my headbands at all, or need to pack more scrunchies!

I almost wet myself laughing over the "parts going south" thing. :D That's why the lie-down and stand-up beds work so well in tandem -- when you lie down, parts go east and west... when you stand up, parts go south, but then you can tan the places covered up by the parts when they went east and west. ;) And every man reading this thread has just run screaming in horror. LOL!!

Well, time to go find the bed under the suitcases so I can maybe go to sleep... :)

Super disney Dad, I had to laugh when I read that you told everyone not to get sick. My standard speech before we go away to all the kids is to avoid getting near anyone who is ill. My now 21 yo just rolls her eyes at me[ the little one still listen though heh, heh!]
We will be on the Magic too next Sat [Yipee!!]:D .we have me, Patty 42, hubby Joe 47, MIL-Marie, FIL-Joe, kids-all girls ages 21-Bridget [well, not quite a kid], Shannon age 10- a teenage wannabe!, Jenny age 7, same size as Shannon, I swear she grew like this so she won't get picked on anymore, and Jenna, [a very quiet] 5.
Now if I can just find some lime color something or other to wear. Hope to see you all there!!!:D :D :D :D
I wish I had more time to write like "Y'all" (I don't think I can pull that off- I'm from NJ). I'm not going to tan (I'm a nutcase sometimes about worrying about future health issues). I would love to do it though. I'll be the pale person going crazy w/ all the kids. I am going for a pedicure though in about 1/2 hour. My older son (the one who was throwing up last week) has a fever of over 103. I just hope the other 3 don't get it. Every time we go away, someone or all, gets sick. My babies were all premature so I sheltered them for years from others w/ sicknesses and now their in school, or should I say germ-heaven. They now get all the colds, etc. that they missed ou on when they were smaller. Have a nice Sunday-Kathy
PS I think my 4 yr old DD already acts like a teenager (I'm in huge trouble)
mommyinmd, I didn't know you were on our 2-2 cruise!! I had replied to your St Thomas/St John post yesterday. Your 10 year old may want to meet up with my 12 year old, they may be a good pair. When I booked this cruise 12yo was still a "kid" now she's a "tween" and I was hoping Oceaneers would still enthrall her like it did before. I think they would be in the same Oceaneers group (10-12).

Did you see our meet time Saturday Deck 10 starboard near ESPN lounge area at 445pm (sailaway party time) with tentative 2pm meet Sunday near Goofy pool in case people want to party on Deck 9 during sailaway. These are informal meets, if we wear our lime green stuff I hope we will run into each other anyway if anyone misses a meet.

Gina I like the headband idea!!! I have been letting my hair grow out and it is wild, and yes it is very windy up on Deck 10 especially. Also when I was packing last night my frou frou green ribbon got stuck to some packing tape and got pulled out of shape, there goes 99 cents (still wearable but even more sad looking now)!!! I think I will look for some hair things in lime green today.

P.S. hi KathyV ...we must've been posting about the same time!
Hi Northsouth,
I'm sure Shannon would love to have a buddy she would know in the club. What is your daughter's name, and I'll tell Shannon to watch for her? We are frantically working today on book reports that are due the day she leaves [and the Mon after the cruise ]aaaargh.........
All the kids enjoyed the kids club on our Magic cruise in 2000. It was hard to get them to leave the club once there:bounce: Shannon at this point is begging me to let her write a quick note to your daughter, so I will-

hi! I'm shannon
I hope I see you in the club! I'm really looking forward to meeting
you!See ya soon :cool:

Well , I am off soon to check the prices on snorkle vests at Sport's Authority- still undecided on the St John's Snorkle Disney excursion possibilities.....So many choices, so little time !:D :D :D
I'm back from Sport's Authority- no snorkle vests whatsoever-nada! I tried calling the local dive shop where we got our Rx goggles- cheapest vest for adults or kids is 45.00: :(
That pretty much determines that we will do the Disney excursion which includes the snorkle equipment- unless you can rent them very cheaply on St. John's Trunk Bay Beach .I'm a bit disappointed, but at least it makes the decision easier!:( :rolleyes
I am starting to run to get those last minute things that somehow I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT BY NOW!
Okay, I know I'm being a little obsessive here- 3 posts in a row, but have you guys seen kearbys cruise report website- really good and lots of pixs

The link is:

I had found it earlier today and forgot who posted it. It's really excellent with lots of detail- most definately worth a look!!
Patty, we have masks and snorkels but no fins or vests, I know at Castaway Cay they will give you a vest to use free, not sure about fins. I read on the boards that on St John you can rent fins and vests also, separately from mask and snorkel. hope this helps.

Option up your PM feature and I will send you a note (PM is pretty safe).
Back again, phone keeps ringing today...didn't you just love that trip report?? I spent 45 minutes reading it last night, very entertaining. Funny photos and comments, I enjoyed it a lot.

Also today for the first time I saw the DCL "souvenir" commercial, cute!!

GG, still doing last minute stuff so I won't be in a panic this week!!
Okay, everybody take a deep breath.... AAhhhhh.... :) I know we're all panicking over last minute stuff and sick kids, but just think how soon we'll be there and it'll alllll be better. :D :D

mommyinmd -- So glad you found us! I sure hope you can make the sailaway party meet!

Speaking of meets, did anyone want to go ahead and schedule other "official" meets, or just play it by ear? I know I most likely won't be able to make the 2pm Sunday one -- that is definitely naptime. Possibly even for my son. ;)

Time to fix dinner -- talk to y'all later!

I enabled the PM function. I never realized it wasn't on automatically.
I think I'll post a question to see what they would charge for snorkle vests rental. Sports Authority does have fins for kids approx. $17-20. These are nice fins by Bodyglove- they also have cheaper buckle in the back to fit type too.
I wonder if there is a good alternative to snorkle vests. I know I didn't use one when we were in Maui a few years ago. I don't remember any problems without it, but our kids are not good swimmers, so the vests would be a good idea.

Hi Gina,
I hope to make either the Sailaway party or the Sun meet[ more probable].

I misspelled kearbey's name above- sorry about that:rolleyes:
Good evening!

Well- the suitcases qre upstairs-- however -- my 5, 4 and 2 year old are laying in them playing vacation! Whatever keeps them quiet-- right!

Kathy-How's the toes? I have mine scheduled for Thursday evening-- trying to start my vacation early--- that's my goal to get everything done by then!
How far apart are your twins? I can't imagine 4 kids under 2 or 2 1/2! My sister-in-law- had triplets in Feb last year-- and I have watched and helped her-- and I always walk away amazed how she can do it! I had 3 under 3 at one time--- but it was a piece of cake compared to 3 at once!

You were right gina to take a deep breathe-- I am starting to get nervous-- like not sure if I can do it all--- alittle edgy-- that's why I got back on DIS-- to calm me!

Mommyinmind-- you crack me up! I think you fit in very well! Anyone that posts 3 in a row is our kind of gal! I hope we can all meet up--
I am thinking we will be seeing alot of each other-- at least in the evening hours! What is everyones cabin numbers or deck levels-- just curious to see if anyone is close! I have to look mine up again-- I will post later tonight!

Gina-- The good thing about lay down beds-- is when east and west meet up again the cleavage looks nice and tan! Been there!LOL -

I will check out the site thanks for the address mommyinmind!
What PM stand for? I am so new at this--- also once again -- showing a little slowness--- I am much quicker for I have a few!

Well -- I am going to kick the kids out of the suitcases! It's amazing-- thousands of toys in this house and they are playing with suitcases! Go figure!

PM is private message just for these boards, very handy if you want to "message" with someone without making the info public for everyone who reads the boards. Such as, maybe you want to keep your room # fairly private, or only let your fellow DIS cruisers know what it is. I don't know, maybe I'm paranoid, but a lot of boards have lurkers so it's good to be kind of safe about things. Do you all think I am paranoid??

anyway, to get to your PM's (I only discovered this a couple of months ago) I go to the main DIS forum page ( and click "user cp" that is one of the options near the top right, and you will arrive at "my vb home" I think it is. It's like your own private control panel/homebase for these boards, kind of. Gina probably knows a better way to get there (she is a computer pro) , but that is how I do it.

I am not sure about the Sunday meet for myself either (though *at this time* I would probably say I could be there), so maybe those of you who plan on Deck 9 for sailaway may want to plan a Saturday, Sunday or Monday meet that is convenient for you. I'm all for playing things by ear, I have a lot of trouble just keeping up with my own family sometimes, so hate to plan things and then find out I can't go.

Well, eveyone have a good week and don't stress!! This time next Sunday I plan to be sitting in my formal waiting for some delicious food to be served to me, what a thought!!
Originally posted by northsouth
anyway, to get to your PM's (I only discovered this a couple of months ago) I go to the main DIS forum page ( and click "user cp" that is one of the options near the top right, and you will arrive at "my vb home" I think it is. It's like your own private control panel/homebase for these boards, kind of. Gina probably knows a better way to get there (she is a computer pro) , but that is how I do it.

ROFL!! "computer pro" sounds so much nicer than the"computer dork" that I usually get called!! LOL!! And hey, as far as i know, the way you explained is the only way to get to your user control panel. But once you are set for PM's, you can just go down to "forum jump" at the bottom of most pages and select "private messages" at the top of the list to go straight to your PM box.

I keep repacking things... does anyone else do that?? Decide "no, I want that over there" or whatever. Possibly I'm just strange. ;) I tell you this, I don't see how anyone could pack light for a cruise!! Sheesh, one big suitcase, 2 rolling pilot cases, and a softside attache all for two people -- one of whom is quite small. But it's so different than packing for a WDW trip!! For those trips, all we need are shorts and shirts and underwear and socks, clothes-wise. For the cruise, we need all that, plus all the swim stuff, plus formal clothes, plus in-between clothes for dinner, plus shoes and foundations for all of the above! How on earth do big families do it??? They must have a dozen pieces of luggage!

Someone, please tell me I'm not the only one going through this... I think I'll take my own advice and take a nice deep breath now. Oo! And a Corona. Might as well start the vacation now. ;)


Update: I just realized that you can alos get to the User CP via Forum Jump! How cool! :)
WOW, I think I was just on the board yesterday but do I have some catching up to do!

You guys are all too funny with the all the East, West and South talk. Believe it or not I just bought my first push-up bra last week! At first I wanted to call it the fall out bra because the little buggers kept falling out! But, they must be used to it now because they haven't escaped in a few days. ;)

Welcome mommyinmd, there are lot's of 5 year olds in our group for your dd to play with.

Speaking of panicking, I just noticed they have my ds's name as Alex on all his docs and air tickets. His name is Alexander(I know I told them this, don't know why they shortened it)Do you think this will be a problem?

DH tans red so his rash has finally blended in!LOL I tried tanning once but became claustrophobic and had to get out. I usually don't burn(except that time we were 4 leagues from the equator and I slathered myself in oil!) Yes OIL.

Gina~ I'm not repacking but I do find myself going through the suitcases to make sure I packed this, that and the other thing! I should have made a list up of everything in every suit case and taped it to the front it would save me alot of trouble! Speaking of packing we have a whole suitcase dedicated to shoes~ Yes shoes!! Ds's have 3prs each I have 4 and Dh has 5! (He insisted on bringing his basketball shoes, I tried to tell him to wear them down but apparently they can't touch concrete. What is THAT all about???

I envy those of you going for pedicures, I will polish mine if I remember. But it sure would be nice to have someone polish them for me. Hmm maybe DH would do it for me. :D

Gina I take my Corona with a lime please, no salt:p
Originally posted by luvmy2boyz
You guys are all too funny with the all the East, West and South talk. Believe it or not I just bought my first push-up bra last week! At first I wanted to call it the fall out bra because the little buggers kept falling out! But, they must be used to it now because they haven't escaped in a few days. ;)

ROFL again!!!! OMG, the way we all sound now, can you *imagine* what we're all going to sound like once we have a few squiffy drinks in us??? LOL!!!! ;)

Gina, you are not alone!! now that I am supposedly packed I keep rearranging stuff and thinking of little things I can't pack til the last minute. and even though I did pack "light" (for me) we still have 2 large duffles, one hardside (shoes and snorkel gear mostly), one medium size bag, and one carryon *just* for me and DH.

And luvmy2boyz, yes the SHOES are driving me crazy!!! the alex/alexander thing *may* be OK. I know if a name is misspelled it can be a problem but maybe you should call DCL just to be sure. Re: pedicures, I just polished my own nails yesterday, that's enough for me.

I am going to cal DCL today to see if they'll tell me my dining rotation; probably not but I am obsessed with which night to book Palo and I want to know NOW. Obsessive planner strikes again.

And my teen is saying once again that she doesn't need shorts, she will just wear her swimsuit or jeans. She is so hardheaded. At least we are planning to go to RonJon's Friday so if she needs something can maybe get it there. She only has one swimsuit too, I think she needs two, but she wouldn't consider getting a spare when I offered. I am looking at her suitcase now, it is not even half full and she says she is mostly packed.

and since we're having "bra talk" (sorry if any guys are here LOL) I am practicing wearing a strapless bra, told DH it is my training bra coz I am training for the cruise. Feels like it is going to fall off but it doesn't.

well, time to hit my short workweek now, it will be so hard to work this week, I still can't believe we're almost there!!!


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