Any way to get a discounted DC card?


Earning My Ears
Mar 5, 2001
I am in the process of making ressies for my September visit. Looks like there is a good possibility that I could get a resort discount if I have DC card. Does anyone know of a way to get the card for less than $39.95? Thanks for any suggestions.
If you have an Annual Pass it's 29.95


Wilderness Lodge Dec.'00
All-Star Movies Oct. '01
Wilderness Lodge Dec. '01

Addicted to Disney After Just One Trip

Yes, but you're better off buying the DC first to get the discount on the AP. Entertainment Card was offering the chance to buy the DC on their webiste.
An entertainment card gets you a discount. Also, members of the old magic kingdom club get a discount. If your company participated in MKC, you can get the DC at a discounted rate, but you need the group number
Hi Gillian --

Your post intrigued me. I was a member of the Magic Kingdom Club about 10 years ago, through my work. Does this mean I could get a DC membership at a discount now? I guess I was under the (hazy) impression that my MKC expired and that was that.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.



When I called to sign up for the disney club, the cm told me that if I was a mkc member I could get a discount. I didn't have the card anymore, but he told me if I knew the number for my company ( can't remember what that number was called) he could use that to get me the discounted rate. He thought HR might know it.

hope you can get it!



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