There's a reference number for the purchase in your cart (Cart ID ...) below the Check Out button. I made note of that in case they say they're "sold out"
You can also screenshot your cart that is visible behind the Woody figure, if you want more evidence.
Maybe they're working on it. On 1 of my devices I just went to the annual pass page and get the 7 dwarves saying the systems are unavailable as we're currently making updates
Precisely. Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure have been offering this for a decade or so. It's not new and exotic tech. Not sure who hosts them, but I agree with others that their IT people appear to be beyond incompetent. Unless there is some other data I'm not aware of that prevents them from being their true IT selves, and there almost always is. :D
If I was to guess, I would say they are using all in-house servers which can't scale.
Good to know that I’m not the only one up and frustrated with Disney IT at stupid o’clock whilst on “holiday”.
Dear Disney - I’ve tried everything, I’ve logged in and out and in again. I’ve emptied my cart just like you asked and restocked. Stop with the 504 gateway error, and endless hanging - just take my money so I can go back to sleep!!!
Ug, need to go refill my coffee. I'm using a Toy Story Alien mug with the 'the claw is our master' on it. Maybe it'll be fixed by the time I get back. LOLOLOL
Oooh! I got to "order summary" for a second, then it all went white, then the Gateway thing. Maybe making progress...
If I was to guess, I would say they are using all in-house servers which can't scale.
It's still possible to scale at a local level. You overbuild your server array and the system sleeps some servers when they're not needed for efficiency and brings more online as necessary. Of course there is a ceiling to this and can't scale on the same level as AWS.

It would seem beyond silly to me that they are running their own server farms, GPU clusters, but I guess it's possible.
You know, I was hopeful it wouldn't be this bad, as so many people on the other thread kept stating that most DVC members didn't care about the AP...
It's still possible to scale at a local level. You overbuild your server array and the system sleeps some servers when they're not needed for efficiency and brings more online as necessary. Of course there is a ceiling to this and can't scale on the same level as AWS.

It would seem beyond silly to me that they are running their own server farms, GPU clusters, but I guess it's possible.
Yes, but you pay for all that hardware. AWS you pay for what you use.

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