An interpretive dance for the jealous...


DIS Veteran
Jan 6, 2005
Everyday I come to the Dis, I find myself lurking on those single digit dance threads. "How long before my recital, my glorious solo performance?" I ask myself. The answer is to long, always to long. We who will not be going soon have no way of expressing our angst, we have to keep it hidden away, buried deep down inside. I can no longer keep it to myself, I must dance at once. A dance so passionate, so desperate, so bitter, so full of frustration. A dance pregnant with the agony of having to wait to long for my next dose of the magic.

Allow me please then, to dance for you an exhilarating and liberating piece I call the J.E.D.D. aka The Jealous and Envious Dance of Doom. Wait aminute I'll need to kungaloosh first :drinking1 Now I can begin! :dancer: Picture if you will an angry scowl in place of his happy little smile and you will have some idea of the intensity of the dance.

Care to join me? Go ahead! let it out! Release your inner frustration. You'll feel so much better. :Pinkbounc Feel free to add some grunting and mutterings, even some moans and groans. :rockband: Dont worry about the beat just go with the feeling. :mad: :crazy:
Is there no one else not ashamed to admit that they need to dance the J.E.D.D.? Is there no one else brave enough? pirate:
I will dance with you...we are going to DL/DCA this summer due to a family reunion, so no WDW for us..and it kills me to pay the points for a hotel room and not have a kitchen or washer and dryer plus some space.. just a hotel room., that's it!!! I am having serious WDW/OKW/BCV withdrawal pains..:dancer: :dancer:
Come on people I can feel the frustration right through my monitor. Liberate yourselves! Bare your souls! We probably wouldn't have so many heated debates on the Dis if we would deal with the real issue at hand, our frustration over having to wait for our next WDW fix.

:dancer: :charac2: :rockband: :eek: :scared: :crazy2:Perhaps you are waiting to pass ROFR or maybe youre waiting for your wait list to go through whatever your reasons for frustration J.E.D.D. will give you an outlet. :guilty: :mad: :( :dancer:
Not a DVC member but have to have a dance of my own...
:banana: :banana:
Replace these happy faces with more happy faces.. I take my DS18 for his graduation present in 13 days!
:p (sorry, it had to be done)
Count me in...I don't have any trips planned. :sad2:

Dancing..... :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :rockband: :cool1:

:mickeybar , just for good measure. Got to keep up my energy!
Schweet said:
Not a DVC member but have to have a dance of my own...
:banana: :banana:
Replace these happy faces with more happy faces.. I take my DS18 for his graduation present in 13 days!
:p (sorry, it had to be done)
:sad2: Not nice at all!
Schweet said:
Not a DVC member but have to have a dance of my own...
:banana: :banana:
Replace these happy faces with more happy faces.. I take my DS18 for his graduation present in 13 days!
:p (sorry, it had to be done)
Arrrggghhh!!!!!slkfjiotndjfie;ojf!!! Well I suppose I had it coming. I danced the J.E.D.D on a few celebritory threads. :mad: :eek: :eek: :scared: :scared: :crazy2: :crazy2: :dancer: :rockband: :drinking1 :mickeybar :crazy:
SHould have know you were causing trouble again! ;)
wtpclc said:
SHould have know you were causing trouble again! ;)
I can't help it. :confused3 I see you're over on the Hanname tripple posting.
Just as soon as I'm all danced out I'll be over there to join you. ;) :sad2: :crazy: :cool1: :banana: :mickeybar
wtpclc said:
:sad2: Not nice at all!
Sorry, but if it makes you feel any better... I've only been to WDW once in my life and that was 6 years ago! Can I dance again? Thanks! :banana: :banana:
I suppose we'll just have to let you have your little happy dance then. :sad2:
How ever you might want to dance a J.E.D.D. because you haven't gone on as many trips as us. ;) :confused3
:rockband: :dancer: :dancer: :crazy: :sad2:
Schweet said:
Sorry, but if it makes you feel any better... I've only been to WDW once in my life and that was 6 years ago! Can I dance again? Thanks! :banana: :banana:
Now that's something to dance a JEDD to!!! Have a great trip!
I really do like you and your posts, mamaprincess :goodvibes :teeth:

In honor of you, I am going to dance a J.E.D.D. for all those years I waited to see WDW before I bought into DVC :dancer: :bored: :rockband: :headache: :scared: :crazy2: :rolleyes1 :cold:

BUT, don't look at my counter :earseek: ;)

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