Aimee & Brent's Dream Wedding~09/17/11 Castaway Cay~Update Wedding

Thanks! Brent and I are both sick (sadface) and our at home reception is this Saturday.

I'm working on the trip report but it may take til next week or so to finish. Somehow it takes much longer than it should to create.
Day 1 ~ Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Travel Day! So very exciting (side note: I don't use the thesaurus so be prepared to read exciting over and over again).

Our plans: Flying Southwest. Driving my mom's car to the airport's long term parking lot (she was on her pre-wedding cruise vacation and I had dropped her and my stepdad off at the airport) for them to pick up the car when they returned from vacation. We were staying at Pop Century for the night, meeting up with my maid of honor and Brent's parents at the hotel, and heading to EPCOT for the evening.

So we:
Depart ST LOUIS MO (STL) at 07:45 AM
Arrive in ORLANDO INTL (MCO) at 11:00 AM

We live 20-30 minutes away from the airport, and trying to be prepared, aimed to get to the airport at 5:45 (Yuck!). So I woke up at the awful hour of 4:45 am, took a shower, was dressed ready to go, had the car partially packed.... and Brent finally got out of bed and decided about 5:15 he wanted to shower.

Needless to say, lots of nagging later (something along the lines of Brent, I am not missing the plane to get to my wedding) we left at the time I wanted to be at the airport originally (5:45). It was pouring down rain and chilly the morning we left, not fun for me to drive in. However, despite driving in the rain in the dark, we got parked, on a shuttle, luggage checked and through security pretty quickly.

We ended up in different boarding groups, so it was slightly strange to board the plan without my (future) husband. But we were only separated by the families. We managed to get seats together, and I annoyed a bunch of people by trying to lay my dress out on top of luggage in the overhead bin, but it wouldn't fit, so I ended up rolling it (and not as nicely) and stuffing it back into my suitcase. Once the flight was all the way boarded, there was a completely empty overhead bin right across from us, so I proceeded to annoy Brent with "I'm worried about my dress, I wish I could lay it out" about 5 million times. Impressive on a 2 hour flight. He was actually really nice and assured me 5 million times that it really would be okay, they press it on the cruise.

The nice cool, calm, non-nervous bride I had been up until this point went completely out the window, or got left behind in St. Louis, because I was a nervous wreck.

And then I made Brent take a picture, so I could document every step of the process.


This documenting and taking lots of pictures, by the way, went out the window once I got tired during the Disneymoon. :rotfl:

Our flight wasn't bad, with 2 exceptions.
  1. The flight was extremely bumpy because of aforementioned rain
  2. A kid cried for about an hour straight on the plane. (And yes I realize I was going to Disney, but even if you don't want to admit it, you don't like listening to a kid cry for an hour straight either. I did feel bad for the parents though, they were trying really hard).
We did not use the luggage service with Magical Express. As we were (or I was) worried if our stuff didn't make it, we wouldn't find out with enough time to find it before the cruise left on Thursday.

Umm, we should have used it. We struggled with our many suitcases, got lost a few times as Magical Express was on the other side of the airport than our luggage was, so finding it was a tad stressful trying to balance all the luggage. Side note: I did re-roll my dress waiting on the luggage at baggage claim which made me feel a little better during this ordeal.

Once we found magical express, I had to hand the suitcase with my wedding dress over to be put under the bus. I had a reaction to that :scared1: maybe a sort of dance/scream freaking out pre-wedding tribal ritual? and Brent just rolled his eyes at me.

Once I sat down on the bus, I was tired and happy. We were on our way!

Brent's shirt is awesome! Do you have the same one on or a different one? Traveling can be so stressful and it seems every time I am coming home (I live in Orlando) there are kids crying on the plane. :scared1:

I am glad you made it in one piece and all of your baggage did too! You are doing a great job on your TR. I am sorry you are sick!
So glad you are starting your TR. I love your siggie photos! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well and hope you are better for your home reception.

I know first hand how long it takes to write a TR, it took me so long on some that they got moved to the 'complete' section and I couldn't add to them any longer :(

Cannot wait to hear/see more.
Brent's shirt is awesome! Do you have the same one on or a different one?

Thanks! I had on the same shirt (but for a bride). The top said "I'm getting married" under the bride/groom it said "On the Disney Dream" and under that the date "September 17, 2011". My mom got them at the "Make a t-shirt" store in Downtown Disney last year.

Brent did NOT want to wear his at all (and it doesn't help that his dad called him a "tool" when he saw him). I don't get it, as in my family we never cared much for our "image", I mean really its just a t-shirt, and its super cute. We got lots of comments (mainly from women) around the park, saying how cute they were and many looks from their partners that said "oh no, now she is going to want one".

So yes, I appreciate that he was a good sport and wore it all day with a smile on his face.

Thanks for posting the picture. I love them! Brent is a great sport for wearing it and gets major points!! Remember that! LOL
So happy to see more pictures :) I think you have a wonderful husband for getting in the spirit of things, who cares what others say! I am SO having my hubby to be wear the Mickey ears and he is dreading it! :rotfl:
So happy to see more pictures :) I think you have a wonderful husband for getting in the spirit of things, who cares what others say! I am SO having my hubby to be wear the Mickey ears and he is dreading it! :rotfl:

I didn't even try with the Mickey ears. It would NOT have happened.
So happy to see more pictures :) I think you have a wonderful husband for getting in the spirit of things, who cares what others say! I am SO having my hubby to be wear the Mickey ears and he is dreading it! :rotfl:

I didn't even try with the Mickey ears. It would NOT have happened.

OK, now when it comes to Mickey ears, the best I could do was some engagement pictures with them. We even had to do traditional ears and not the bride and groom ones. LOL Men are so funny. :rotfl:
Day 1 ~ Wednesday, September 14, 2011 (Continued)

So we arrive at Pop Century! Get checked in and we get Happily Ever After buttons, and even more exciting, a post-it note with Laura's room number on it. Laura is my maid of honor/Italian sister; she lived with my family my senior year of high school as an exchange student and flew over from Australia to be at my wedding.

We again struggle with the suitcases, check into our amazing room. It was in a nice quiet area, but still a closer building.


And I get my dress hung up, kick Brent into the other room, aka the bathroom, and check the damage. It actually looked fine.


We try to get a hold of Laura, but there is no answer at her room. So we decide to get lunch as its 12:30ish Florida time, (so I sent her an international text saying we went to eat if you want to join us).

At this point I've been up since 6 am Florida time and I'm starving, and I get MEAN if I don't eat. However....

Brent's parents call about this time saying they just made it to the resort, so instead of getting food we are waiting on them. And go to find Laura instead. Walking up the stairs to find her in her building, she is walking down cause she got my text. Yay! :banana: The happy reunion!


Just for fun.


We eventually meet up with his parents, and its lunch time! I got a bacon cheeseburger and Brent got a bacon hamburger. But our burgers were disgusting :sick: neither one of us ate much of it. It was NOT real meat. Yuck!

So we head out to EPCOT, which I'm really nervous about as EPCOT was essentially my pick as no one else I was with had been to Walt Disney World before. And I HAD to go to EPCOT first, as I heart figment.

We get there and Brent's parents are like, as my family would say, "love you, see you, bye" and take off on their own.

So Brent, Laura and I spend a half day at EPCOT together. And for whatever reason, I don't have a picture of all three of us from that day so you get two pictures instead...



We ride (with the verdict from the other two, I love them all):
  • Spaceship Earth: eh it was okay, but Brent "thought we were going to be able to see out of the big ball" (being from St. Louis, you can see out of the arch)
  • Test Track: awesome (with some miscommunication over how fast you go as Laura doesn't know mph)
  • Figment: which Brent got a good warning of "don't you dare say anything bad about figment because you aren't going to get it and he is different now than he used to be...." and the verdict from him.... "I see why you like it, its a musical" and he didn't dare say anything else :rotfl:
  • Soarin: really awesome,
  • Living with the Land: "this is boring" until we hit the greenhouse part, it got a "huh, thats interesting"
  • The Seas with Nemo: Laura said "the aquarium part is way better than the ride part"

And we moved on to the World Showcase starting in Canada. Which everyone liked, we enjoyed talking to people in the countries and we just explored and shopped and such. Some random pictures...

Oh Canada! Subtitled: you can't go to EPCOT without trying on silly hats


Visiting my Italian sister in Italy


We met up with the (future) in-laws in Germany as his families heritage is German. Brent enjoyed a German beer and we split the best bratwurst ever. Well, in reality wasn't that good, but I was starving after lunch sucked so bad.

We stayed with his family the rest of the way around World Showcase and we ride (without them as they chose not to ride) the two boat rides in Norway and Mexico (verdict being: its nice to sit down). In the front of World Showcase we wait out Illuminations. But Brent's parents get scared away by talking to someone about the "crowds" (which in reality are fantastic in September) and walk back to the bus right before the show starts.

We stay and enjoy the show... Well they do, I try the best that I can as I really hate fireworks and I'm the grown up that always has their fingers in their ears. We walk out, catch the first bus back. And go to bed.

All and all an EXHAUSTING but good first day!

Quick update:

At home reception turned out really nice (despite being sick). Thanks mom!

I'm planning to work on my TR later, I've been really busy. A friend of the family's father died last week so I was busy with funeral stuff . My husband and I decided to paint our bedroom on Sunday (about 3 pm) so that took a couple days to get the house back to normal. And I've been obsessively working on our free photobook the past couple weeks as our Disney Photopass pictures are about to expire.

I am behind in my disboarding duties but am back... I sent the order in this afternoon for our book.
Day 2 ~ Thursday, September 15, 2011

This was the first day of the cruise, legal wedding day, and the day of a zillion problems....

The day started well enough, by repacking the wedding dress.




Brent's parents went to get the rental car (mini van). Which starts problem 1 of the day; the shuttle for them to get the rental car was late. The first car they tried to give them was broken. So it got rejected before they made it out of the parking lot. With mini van # 2, it still had a car seat in it. Soon enough they got it straightened out and were back at Pop to pick us up.

But in the mean time, I get a phone call from my mom (who was getting off of a pre-wedding Carnival cruise) who told me someone took her luggage. :scared1: Carnival had the guy's cell phone and he answered, but was arguing with the agent over having his luggage. Eventually he was convinced and turned around to head back to port to give my mom her suitcase back. So lots of text hugs to my mom while we were driving to port.

About 45 minutes to an hour after leaving Orlando we get to port. We drop off the car and hop on the shuttle to the Dream!



As we get in line... My mom is there, with her suitcase!!!! Mom tells us, its a good thing she opened her suitcase to check on stuff, because the guy left a fanny-pack and house keys in her bag. Seriously!?!? How do you take the wrong suitcase, open it and put stuff in it? But the good thing is she got her suitcase back.

The happy reunion of host mom / exchange student.


Port check-in was smooth. We got there around noon, checked right in (while in the process losing Brent's parents, & my parents/Laura) but found my Aunt Kitty & Uncle Dan and Grandma & Grandpa, and walked right on the ship. FYI to any future cruise brides: Brent & I received boarding group 1 so if we were there earlier we could have boarded with the first group. They were on group 6 or so by the time we got there.

Next thing you know we walk on the ship and are announced as "The Future XXXXX Family" :goodvibes
Day 2 ~ Thursday, September 15, 2011 (Continued)

Without fail, the FIRST thing I was doing once on board was ditching the wedding dress. I dropped it off at guest services the second I got on board.

So we were anxious to see our room, but we couldn't get in yet so we went to the buffet for lunch and ran into my dad & stepmom and "Vegas Uncles".


After lunch we went to explore the ship and finally our room was available.



We then ran off to the dismeet, met a couple peeps (as everyone got distracted by the Dream, not too many showed).

Soon enough it was time for our legal ceremony. We got a card/letter at embarkation, and our room saying to meet Tom at 3 pm at Guest Services. We get there at 3 pm (with the 'rents in tow) and the cast members at Guest Services looked at my like I was crazy when I asked for Tom. He wasn't there.... :confused3 About 10 minutes late he showed, very apologetic, but I guess a meeting with a different bride ran late.

The legal ceremony was short and sweet, except Brent keep taking this huge breathe/gasp before he spoke.



We had a quick meeting with Tom after the legal wedding to go over details for Saturday. At this meeting started the next problem of the day (which I'll come back to). Shanda had told us all of our guests couldn't sit together at dinner, instead we would be split into different tables. I told her thats fine but these 6 people would have to sit together and not with other guests (as they were two sides of a divorced family). When we got on board I noticed every guest had the same Table number for dinner. I asked Tom about it and he said it couldn't be correct, but it would be by dinner.

So we got through muster drill (sooooo exciting they don't make you carry the lifejackets anymore). And went to the sail away party. But on the way I met a fellow disbride in the elevator.



And Then Comes Dinner....

Dinner was in the Royal Palace restaurant. We get there and the table isn't set for 19 people. Lots of confusion ensues, my stepmom gets upset and leaves dinner before we begin. I start crying.

The dining room staff was very nice but really confused also. They moved a table for us and we were able to all sit together (and my stepmom came back). Talking to the staff at dinner, Tom had called them and said that the 6 people mentioned above could NOT sit at the table with other guests, so the dining room staff and moved and table as asked by Tom.

LOTS of miscommunication.

The dining room staff moved the table back so we all could eat together. The food itself was lovely.



Also at dinner I found out about invitations. All of our guests were meant to get invitations at their room when they got on board. My grandparents invite was sent to my dad and stepmom's room (with their room number on it). Not good as they are my mom's parents and he got paranoid they were going to be in his cabin. Note: Their invite was also sent to their room. One of my "Vegas Uncles" (and vegas aunt's) invite was put on the wrong room altogether. It was put on the wrong side of the ship. So port instead of starboard. They found it because they went to the wrong side when first searching for their room.

After Dinner....

I go back to our cabin for seasick stuff before the show. On our door is a letter, so I open it and its for "Jessica and Michael's Wedding" on Castaway Cay, Saturday September 17, 2011. I am NOT HAPPY and storm out to Guest Services.

I get there and try to explain what happened. And just start crying and crying. Eventually when I get words out at Guest Services I try to explain it but somewhere along the lines the words "DO I LOOK LIKE A JESSICA?!?" come pouring out of my mouth. Between everything that day, I just lost it. Chalk it up to nerves, but in my mind if Disney couldn't get my name correct there was NO WAY they could get my wedding correct.

Laura just happened to be there to book her excursion for Friday, figured out what was happening and went to tell my mom what had happened. She came up to Guest Services they had called Tom so we were waiting on him. He came by was very apologetic, and my mom sent me to the show. She expressed her frustrations to him and he brought her a new letter.

I went to the bathroom outside the theater, and found my saving grace, Gillian. Gillian was the restroom attendant and the loveliest cast member I met. She was soooo nice to me, asked me what was wrong, so the whole story comes pouring out. She gave me a hug, told me she's seen the weddings and they are beautiful and assured me everything would be okay.

I went to the show, and remembered why I love Disney. The show put me in a great mood. It was the Golden Mickey's, which I had saw a version of at Hong Kong Disneyland.

After the show, we went back to the room and found champagne (great, but I don't drink it) and my dress back. The dress had a ticket on it which said $50 bucks. So I called Tom. He sent the champagne up as an apology (nice gesture) and assured me the $50 would not be charged to us, they just have to "charge" it to us at first for accounting purposes, but its removed before anything is actually charged to us. That's fine, but he or Shanda really should have warned us.

Brent and I decided to go shopping. Fun. And then to the Aqua Duck. We called my mom and the three of us went about 11:30 that night. It was a BLAST! Everyone should ride. Brent and I spent some time in the Mickey adults only pool after the Duck and went to bed around midnight.

All and all the day was emotional. :rotfl:
Love your report and pics!(especially that one of the couple in the elevator;))

Did you have any other trouble with Tom? I'm curious how he's been doing with the weddings now? Keep the trip report coming. I'm really enjoying reading yours!
The only other trouble we had that I can think of at the moment is he put the wrong date on our wedding certificate (haven't got there yet in the TR but might have mentioned it on the cruise thread).


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