Agitated ... high...confused


DIS Veteran
Jun 29, 2012
I used to love life. Never questioned the small things and always had a positive out look on life...okay that's not 100% true because I had my share of disappointments but that feeling went away with another thing.

But now I don't feel anything...except paint. Aggitated because I don't know what's what any more. I feel light headed most of the time and sometimes dizzy. I feel like I just don't know how to live.

I recently lost a really good least I thought she was a friend. In December of 2015 she planned a trip to my state to visit me for 7 days. But she ended up cancelling 3 days prior to the trip only because she couldn't meet her other pen pal which made me feel that she was using me. I was upset because I trusted her. Now we're no longer friends.

Does anyone have any success about over the counter anti-depression or what ever I have? My parents are no help because they don't believe in taking drugs and I feel like I'm lost. I suffer from chronic pain and not sure what I am supposed to do. LIke I don't have a purpose. My mom makes me feel worse because I am over weight and all she thinks is that I have to wear modern clothes. I hate that she thinks being friends depends on people's looks. like no one can care for me about who I am rather than what I look like. But at the same time my parents are all the people i have

Anyway... I know this might not make much sense. But I really do need help. My mind is always blank. It feels like I feel no emotions what so ever like I'm sitting in a room all day in one spot just starring out into spare when all I feel is numb and all I have in my head is nothing..complete silence. Like i'm brain dead..

I feel like I'm wasting time. I never feel tired and no motivation what so ever to do anything. It's like I a brain dead because I feel numb.
I would see a dr. as soon as possible and ask for a prescription for depression. I am avin trouble wit my key board as you can see. after a couple of weeks it will kick in and little by little you can start to address your oter problems. Also o to and click on to forums. Teir is excellent forum on depression and many more people to elp you alon. Sorry for te missin letters..
I read a book once that asserted that happiness comes in three types, and you won't ever be truly happy unless you are happy in all three areas: 1) socialization, 2) pleasure, 3) meaning. Really... do you socialize enough, in real, face-to-face contact? If not, look for ways you can - join a club that interests you or something. Pleasure - do you do things that make your heart feel joy? Meaning - what does your life mean? Volunteering can be a great way to accomplish both 1 and 3. We as human beings are usually pretty good about indulging (or over-indulging) in pleasure.

But I also agree that you should speak with a medical professional. All the introspection in the world can't help if you have a chemical imbalance or other medical issue. It could even be something as simple as your thyroid - an underactive thyroid can cause weight retention and gain and feelings of depression and sluggishness. So go see a doctor, for sure.

Hang in there...
I don't socialize. I stay home..or go shopping. Stay myself though.
No motivation. I still feel empty. I feel like I can't relate to anyone. I have a trip planned for Vegas next week but I feel like all I will be doing is sitting in the hotel room. I always feel like I'm just walking in a daze...permanent confused sort of mental state. U make money to spend money and nothing has a point. I always see everything in a paradux...a circle no purpose. All friends have gone, family has their friends etc. I do arts and crafts and just everything is a waste. I try to make $$ with my crafts and sell stuff on ebay. its not going great. :(. I just feel like I'm worth-less. I don't sleep any more. Never feel tired and have head-aches that I can't describe. I just feel like if I (ever) get happy again that someone/something will take it away from me.
You are severely depressed. Depression is linked to a chemical imbalance and many people need medication to get them out of the deep pit of depression. Unless you've been there people can't understand what you're feeling or not feeling.

You need to see a doctor that will prescribe an anti-depressant for you and that you can talk with and work through your issues. Taking medication is just one of the steps to getting healthy.This depth of depression does not go away by itself. It sounds like your mother doesn't understand and doesn't know how to handle it. Often family members will back away because they have no answers. You need to be your own advocate. It will not get better on its' own. Depression is not like a cold or virus that gets better in a week or two.

The first step is always the hardest. If finding a psychiatrist is too difficult for you (they can prescribe medication. Psychologists can't) then go and see your PCP and talk to them and get a referral to one. The Affordable Care Act requires insurance carriers to cover mental health issues. If you don't have a PCP look online for one in your area and GO!

Again, what you are experiencing will not go away on its' own. Get help and get healthy. Believe me. I know all about it.
I have also been through this. In my early 20s, I was nothing but happy go lucky, loved life and the people in it. I have always had a great deal of issues in my life, but this didn't start affecting me until maybe the age of 26. I had a full blown panic attack where my BF at the time had to call 911 and ever since then I've never been the same.

I complain a lot, I get easily irritated with people, I'm negative a lot... There are life experiences I've had that make me understand why I feel this way, but that doesn't make it okay. I studied psychology in school so I should know the tell tale signs of anxiety and depression, but I've definitely struggled with this for a while.

I have been on anti-depressants and while I didn't like my experience on them, that's not to say they wouldn't work for someone else.

My suggestion to you would FIRST be to make an appointment with an actual psychologist. I say this because I've tried licensed therapists and life coaches, but I just don't feel like they really help. An actual psychologist is the best place to begin. There might be some outlets before medicine is a last resort. I might also recommend meditation and yoga as they really help me to stay grounded and put things in perspective. Regardless, I'm happy to help or let you vent :)


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