A week at the Marriott as it happens - Conclusion & Days 1-7 photos added

I'm loving your reports Karen! Sounds like you're all taking everything in your stride, and enjoying every minute. That's the advantage of having longer there.

Enjoy the rest of your trip - and keep the reports coming!:thumbsup2
Day 5 6th May 2009

We all made it to Disney this morning for 10.30 am – having to wake Natasha! First we watched the Mary Poppins show & got Bert & Mary’s autographs afterwards – that was the worst scrum I have seen so far.

Nicole & I called in to see the dragon while Denis pushed the pram round the castle. Natasha would have been terrified. Nicole has seen the dragon loads of times, but as soon as he moved she wanted to get out of there! It’s nice to see that she still thinks it’s real! We walked through Fantasyland & I picked up a fastpass for Peter Pan for Natasha & I (valid 12.45 – 13.15). Then we went on POTC. Natasha enjoyed it – a bit of a change from last October when she had wanted to get off! We went to Annette’s for lunch as Natasha was getting hungry & Denis popped into the Studios enroute to get fastpasses for himself & Nicole for TOT. The burgers were delicious as usual. Natasha has discovered that she likes chips this holiday (we hardly have them as home or maybe my ones don’t taste as nice!) so she only ate the chips and not the salmon which she usually loves. We got 2 more pink Frisbees to take home to add to our growing collection of them.

Natasha & I had to rush off before the end to make it back in time for our fastpass for Peter Pan. I was asked on my way in what age Natasha was, but luckily wasn’t asked for proof as Denis had the passport photocopy with him. Anyway we just made it for 13.15 & Natasha came off saying that she wanted to go again, but there was no way I was going to stand for ages in the main queue, so I distracted her with suggesting the carousel. Denis & Nicole had met up with us & he took the girls on while I waited with the pram etc. I took a walk into the shop nearby & spotted 2 Minnies, but couldn’t buy anything because I had no money on me (this will be very important later on!).

We had a quick visit to the baby centre to change Natasha & then Denis & Nicole headed off to the Studios as it was near their 2.00 fastpass time for TOT. Natasha fell asleep & I looked into some shops on Main Street before going to meet them. I saw 2 nice tops for the girls, but again my lack of money meant I couldn’t buy them. Then in the Studios, it took me ages to find the exit to TOT. I eventually had to ask the CM at the entrance – I should have known Disney would have an exit that goes through a shop! When they came off, Nicole said that it had been very scary – so I don’t think she enjoyed it too much, but I think she was very brave to go on it at all.

While Natasha slept we queued up to meet Emile & get his autograph. Nicole gave him a big hug & a kiss. He looked really cuddly.

As I had missed the High School Musical show on Monday, we went to see it at 3.30. We were one of the first people waiting (about 3.10 pm), so we got a great place. Nicole amused herself running in and out of the raining umbrella & getting wet. Goofy was close by being mobbed for autographs & Donald Duck was being driven about in his car. Just as the show was about to start, I woke Natasha. I think the music was too loud for her when it started because she asked me to turn it down! & then started to cry, but came round after I gave her a dummy. I thought the show was very good. Nicole got picked to participate in everything again.

A man asked us to do a survey about it afterwards.

Then we went over to the motorbike to take some photos sitting on it. Natasha thought it was going to move with her on it because of the noises it was making! Donald Duck came past in his car & parked up beside us, so the girls got a hug from him before we went to get the bus home.

Back at the Marriott, Denis took the girls to the playroom while I got their dinner ready (same as last night as we had made extra). Then I went off to the supermarket while they ate, and just as I was about to queue up at the cashier, I realised that I didn’t have any money – again! So I left my full basket & went back to the Marriott to get some. This time I brought Natasha with me so that I could carry it all back in the basket under her pram as I had got water & a few other heavy things. Back home and Denis & the girls went to the playground (just outside our backdoor, but Natasha needs to have someone constantly supervising her to stop her killing herself by climbing on something she shouldn’t) while I made us some fahitas for our dinner. We put on a Barney DVD so that we could get to eat them in peace! Nicole, as usual, went to bed no problem, but Natasha, also as usual, took a few attempts & after an hour I got in beside her to try & settle her. I was so comfortable I could have stayed there! I didn’t have the energy for a swim tonight, but Denis did. He is happy now because he has just found some football to watch on French TV!

So plans for tomorrow – Mickey’s Playhouse at 11.15 (that one is in English). I would like to see the show at Central Plaza all the way through – I have caught bits a few times when I have been walking round while Natasha is napping. Maybe the Stitch show too. Nicole wants to do Star Tours & Buzz, so we’ll definitely fit them in. We might have lunch in Lucky Nugget, but haven’t booked anything yet. Ideally I would like to bring in some dinner for Natasha to have at 5pm so we can stay until closing (7pm) as she’ll probably only eat chips at lunchtime, so I’ll have to cook some potatoes & veg in the morning to bring in with me because I haven’t the energy to do it now! Then I’ll make some pizza for the rest of us when we get home.
I am loving reading your trip reports :thumbsup2

Sounds like you are having a fantastic time. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Love the 'live' trip report.

Really sounds like you are having a great time. I'd really like to try the Marriot but the cost everytime we look is prohibitivly expensive :sad1:
Love the 'live' trip report.

Really sounds like you are having a great time. I'd really like to try the Marriot but the cost everytime we look is prohibitivly expensive :sad1:

It depends on when you go Capt Jack. If you book off season, the rates are really good, and by taking lots of food and drink from the UK, you can save a fortune.

I love the Marriott Vacation Club with a passion and feel it is also very much better value than DVC.

Thanks for the report Karen, it is getting me very excited for our trip in a couple of weeks time. I love how laid back the MVCI feels compared to DLP. So it's the best of all worlds.

Can you please share with us the sorts of activities they have on at the MAZE right now?
Can you please share with us the sorts of activities they have on at the MAZE right now?

Monday 10.30 - 11.30 Kids French Class
12.00 - 13.00 Family French Class
15.00 - 16.00 Nintendo Wii Kids Club
18.00 - 18.30 Welcome Drink in Bar

Tues 11.00 - 12.00 Movie with cookies & face painting Kids Club
12.00 - 13.00 Nintendo Wii & History of Art Class : Monet @Kids Club
15.00 - 16.00 French Class

Wed 11.00 - 13.00 Modelling Clay & Collage & Nintendo Wii Kids Club
17.30 - 18.00 Crepes & Cider Tasting in Bar

Thurs 10.30 - 11.30 History of Art : Money in Lobby
12.00 - 13.00 Colouring & Water Painting @ Kids Club
15.00 - 16.00 Nintendo Wii @ Kids Club

Fri 11.00 - 13.00 Nintendo Wii & drawing @ Kids Club

Sat & Sun - nothing specific, just a list of suggested activities eg Sealife, Golf, Paris, Bike Rental etc.

Hope this is of some use to you! The only thing we used was the Niintendo Wii in the afternoons when we came back from Disney. I'm sure you'll have a great time when you're here. I hope you get one of the houses in the 2000s as you requested because it is so handy (except for walking back from the supermarket with loads of shopping!)
Love reading your TRs Karen - it sounds so relaxed!!! Hope you manage to catch Mickey's show tomorrow :)
Day 6 7th May 2009

Natasha woke me up this morning! It was 9 am & the first thing she said was ‘Me go to the playground now’, so I told her to go downstairs & see her Daddy & I rolled over for another 15 mins! This morning (after preparing a dinner for Natasha to bring with us), we left the house at 10.20 & arrived in the Studios about 11.00. We watched the Playhouse Disney show at 11.15. We don’t have sky at home, but I’ve seen it occasionally at my parents’ house. Natasha liked the interactive bits in it, the dancing & bouncing & especially the bubbles. I don’t think we could get her to come & sit down again until they were all burst!

We went over to Buzz to collect fastpasses for later, but they were showing a time just 30 mins away, so we decided that we would be better getting ones after lunch in case we didn’t make it back in time! Nicole found someone’s entrance ticket that they had left in the fastpass machine. It was a 7 day one from 7th – 14th May. I handed it into the CM on duty & only hope that it was reconciled with its owner. Then we went to Lucky Nugget for lunch where we met Friar Tuck, Goofy, Pluto & then Mickey, Prince John & Mr Smee. We were seated on the floor area & in the second batch of characters we were missed by Mickey & Prince John. I had to call Prince John over because we hadn’t met him this holiday. They obviously don’t have a system in place to go round the tables! They had sausages on today, so Natasha ate them & after asking for them, she didn’t eat the chips! I was just glad she ate something. She also had some yogurt.

After lunch we went to Buzz to pick up fastpasses for later, but the queue was showing 15 mins, so we decided to do it there and then. The queue didn’t start until well inside the inside part, so the wait was more like 5 mins. My gun didn’t work. When we came off we went back round again as the girls had enjoyed it so much & this time I did much better, but Nicole’s gun didn’t work. I hope this ride is due a refurb soon! Then we thought we would get a fastpass for Star Tours, but the queue time was only 5 mins, so I went on with Nicole while Denis amused Natasha on the arcade games in the exit.

The Stitch dance show was starting in 10 mins, so Nicole decided to watch that while Denis went to the baby centre to change Natasha & then walk round while she had her nap (he watched the show at Central Plaza).

Nicole enjoyed the Stitch show & tried very hard to get the moves right! Then we popped into Videopolis & sat down for about 45 mins watching cartoons. Some of them were very funny – I especially liked Mickey’s Trailer (or something like that). I think she would have sat there all day if we didn’t have to meet Denis & Natasha at 4 pm in the Disneyland Hotel. We were there for the meet & Greet – Tigger, Chip, Dale, Goofy & Pluto. We had already met them all this week, so Nicole didn’t want any more autographs – but Natasha did! They both got a cuddle & photo with each one as there weren’t many there today.

Then we went to the playground in Frontierland – it was the best part of the day according to Nicole & Natasha! Then I wanted to watch the show at Central Plaza, so Denis took the girls to the baby centre to feed Natasha & Nicole was hungry too so I think they shared the dinner! Then Natasha & I walked round while Nicole collected autographs from Raffiki & Big Al (both of which she had never got before) and nearly got Jessie (who she hadn’t got yet this holiday), but it was time for her to go. Natasha loves waving to the characters on the train when it goes back up Main Street.

Then we went to the Studios for Nicole to try and collect more autographs – she is determined to fill this book! While Denis & Natasha had 2 goes on Cars. She was happy to get the Queen from Snow White & Jessie (who she had just missed earlier) & she nearly got Aladdin, but he had to go.

We met up again & got the bus at 1910. Back at the Marriott the girls & Denis went to the playground while I cooked a pizza & after tea I sat down & watched Eastenders while Denis put the girls in the bath (to wash off all the suntan lotion). Then it was bedtime & the first time that Natasha has gone to bed & stayed in bed this week! It was too late for a swim tonight – the pool closes at 10 pm, so we are enjoying some champagne I bought in the supermarket yesterday (much cheaper than at home!)

Plans for tomorrow: We have booked the Auberge at 12 noon for the princess lunch. I am sure the park will be very busy as it is a public holiday in France. I would like Nicole to see the show at Central Plaza as I think she would enjoy it. Anything else we do will be something with a small queue. I would love Nicole to get a few more autographs, but I have just looked at her book & she still has 19 empty pages (she has got 32 autographs), so I don’t think we’ll manage to fill it this time.
Karen, this is all wonderful...You and your lovely family are my bedtime reading, I'm going to miss you when you go home!!!

Thanks for doing this:thumbsup2
Karen, this is all wonderful...You and your lovely family are my bedtime reading, I'm going to miss you when you go home!!!

Thanks for doing this:thumbsup2

I have just shown your comment to my husband - who has never been on these boards before & he said 'Aww, isn't that lovely'.

He's going to read the whole of this thread now while I have a shower so he can see the other nice comments people have made too.
Monday 10.30 - 11.30 Kids French Class
12.00 - 13.00 Family French Class
15.00 - 16.00 Nintendo Wii Kids Club
18.00 - 18.30 Welcome Drink in Bar

Tues 11.00 - 12.00 Movie with cookies & face painting Kids Club
12.00 - 13.00 Nintendo Wii & History of Art Class : Monet @Kids Club
15.00 - 16.00 French Class

Wed 11.00 - 13.00 Modelling Clay & Collage & Nintendo Wii Kids Club
17.30 - 18.00 Crepes & Cider Tasting in Bar

Thurs 10.30 - 11.30 History of Art : Money in Lobby
12.00 - 13.00 Colouring & Water Painting @ Kids Club
15.00 - 16.00 Nintendo Wii @ Kids Club

Fri 11.00 - 13.00 Nintendo Wii & drawing @ Kids Club

Sat & Sun - nothing specific, just a list of suggested activities eg Sealife, Golf, Paris, Bike Rental etc.

Hope this is of some use to you! The only thing we used was the Niintendo Wii in the afternoons when we came back from Disney. I'm sure you'll have a great time when you're here. I hope you get one of the houses in the 2000s as you requested because it is so handy (except for walking back from the supermarket with loads of shopping!)

Thank you Karen, you are amazing. My kids love the Maze clubs at all the Marriott resorts. We may do the art classes and French classes.

As for shopping, we drive across from the UK, so that's not an issue for us. I could see it being a problem when flying in.

Your trip report has been fab so far and makes me come back again and again. I hope you have a great rest of the week.

How's the weather?:hippie:
How's the weather?:hippie:

We have been really lucky with the weather - we haven't seen a drop of rain so far. The start of the week was cloudy, Tuesday was very overcast & we thought it was going to rain, but it didn't. Then yesterday (Wednesday) the sun broke through after lunch & I got a bit of sunburn on my face (but I burn easily anyway). Then today the girls & I had factor 40 on! The day started with clear bue skies, but it clouded over a bit as the day wore on. There may be some rain tonight, but it is to be nice again tomorrow, then rainy on Saturday (when we're going home)! The dry weather makes such a difference to the holiday, but staying at the Marriott, there are always other options for when the weather isn't so good.

I hope you get dry weather too for your trip.
Day 7 8th May 2009

We made it into Disney for about 11.30 am, walked slowly to Fantasyland, changed the girls into their princess dresses & were first in line outside Auberge at about 11.50, ready for our 12 o’clock reservation.

Needless to say, we were 3rd family inside the doors as 2 other rude parties barged in in front of us. What was their big hurry? Did they think the princesses were going somewhere? First we were met by Cinderella & then shown to our table, which was, for the first time
ever, on the dancefloor.

Suzy & Perla were there & Suzy danced with Nicole which she loved.

Natasha was in her high chair & refused to get out of it to meet anyone, so for all photos the princesses had to stand beside the high chair! We also saw Sleeping Beauty & Prince Philip, Snow White & Ariel, so Nicole got 6 more autographs for her book (she had already got Snow White earlier in the week).


Denis, Nicole & I really enjoyed our meal, but Natasha didn’t like any of the starter or her ground beef dinner – even though she had loved it in January – but filled up on the chocolate desserts! We bought the photographs because it was the only family one we had got this holiday, even though I don’t think it’s that great! We had forgotten how expensive the meal is there – 170 euro to include the photos & that is with the AP discount. The last time we had the vouchers, which are great value!

Then we split up. Denis took Nicole to see the show at Central Plaza at 2 pm & I brought Natasha to the baby centre & then went for a walk because she said that she wanted to go to sleep – but she didn’t! It must have been all that chocolate keeping her awake! I did some shopping – bought the tops & minnies I had seen the other day when I hadn’t any money on me. Met up with Denis & Nicole again at 3.30 pm. They had watched the show, picked up another autograph at the Character Express (The Genie) & visited the dragon.

They had tried to do Pirates, but the queue was too long. The queue was also too long for Buzz & the fastpasses were showing 18.25, so they bother getting one. We decided to let Nicole buy something with her birthday money that she had brought with her. She picked a beautiful Tinkerbell that you wind up & it plays music. I also bought myself a Belle pinbox (I already have the Snow white one) as they were on offer for 59 euro – down from 99 euro.

Then we went to the Disneyland Hotel for the character meet & greet. Natasha was getting very grumpy from her lack of sleep, but she perked up when the characters arrived (Tigger, Chip & Dale). Today was the first time she joined in for the dance around reception & she loved the next dance – especially the bouncing bit!

I think Nicole was disappointed that there was noone new there – she had hoped to see Launchpad McQuack who was always there on our last few holidays. We decided to go back to the Marriott as the queues were so long & Natasha was in no form for waiting. Nicole was a bit disappointed that she couldn’t get the chance to fill her autograph book, but I pointed out that there was no way we would meet 12 new characters today anyway!


Back at the Marriott, they spent time at the playground (they love that playground!), fed the ducks & then visited the playroom before bed. Nicole wants to come back again soon, but I haven’t told her that I have booked for August – just me & her. I think Natasha would be just as happy to go somewhere with a playground – or anything that she can climb on!

Plans for tomorrow: I have pop to the supermarket in the morning to get a few things for dinner, go for a swim, pack, have dinner & check out at 1pm. Taxi is to pick us up at 2 pm to CDG for flight at 4.35 pm to Belfast & then it is an hour & a half’s drive home.
What a lovely last day, meeting the princess'. Your wee ones will have a wonderful lasting memory.

Hope you have a good trip home:thumbsup2
Hi everyone, I have arrived home, very late because we took a detour on the way home to see my brother. I have unpacked, the washing machine is on & I am off to bed & will post my last bit & conclusion tomorrow & will try to up load a few photos to go along with the trip report.
Thanks for all your posts while you were at DLRP Karen, its been great reading about it all "as it happened" :love:.
Just caught up with this report. Sounds like you had a great trip:goodvibes
Fab TR Karen - can't wait to see your photos. We are off to Center Parcs tomorrow for the week so I too will know how you feel about washing all too soon :rolleyes1

Glad you had a great trip and you were so lucky with the weather!


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