A week at the Marriott as it happens - Conclusion & Days 1-7 photos added


DIS Veteran
Jan 27, 2006
I haven't got round to typing my trip reports for my last 2 trips, even though I made notes every night, so this time I am going to try & do it online every night.

Me - Karen
DH - Denis
DD1 (7) Nicole
DD2 (2) Natasha

We were up, fed, last minute packing & away at 10.08 am, only 8 mins behind schedule. We were delayed for about 10 mins enroute to Belfast International Airport due to an accident (lorry stuck in the ditch), so had an hour before boarding during which we had our lunch. We were boarded on time & set off at 13.15 - ahead of schedule. Landed in CDG about 10 mins early at 15.55 after a great trip - Natasha was very well behaved & neither of the girls had sore ears. Collected our suitcases & our taxi driver met us at arrivals to take us to the Marriott.

It took about half an hour to check in (our house wasn't ready), but eventually we were allocated no 1003 at the very entrance to the resort. So off we went, but when we got there it reeked of cigarette smoke (we had requested a non smoking house) and outside the patio door, about 3 feet away was a pond. I couldn't have let Natasha outside at all because she would have been in it (she is one of those very lively toddlers with no fear) so we went back to reception to request another house. Eventually, after being told that they had very few nonsmoking houses free, we got allocated 2002 & it is brilliant - very close to the reception building & with a playground close to our patio & more importantly no pond just outside the door! We had actually requested a house in this location (we have stayed there twice before & knew the layout) so we were very pleased. We are a few doors away from the house we were in in October.

While Denis took the girls to the playground (they were out the patio door as soon as they saw it), I did some unpacking & cooked some pasta (brought with us) for tea. The picture shows our house - green door - in the background.

After we had eaten we went to the Champion Supermarket 10 mins walk away to stock up for the next few days. The girls & Denis went back out to the playground when we got back while I unpacked the groceries. Then we tried to put them to bed as it was nearly 9pm. Natasha hadn't had a nap during the day, but isn't a great sleeper, but we were hopeful she would go to sleep. We put them in the same room (they have separate rooms at home), but Natasha was back up after about 30 secs, while Nicole went straight to sleep. So I decided to put Natasha in her pram and went for a walk, but after 40 mins walking it was getting very dark & she was still wide awake so I went back to the house & put her in our bed. She fell asleep waiting for me to get ready for bed (she thought I was joining her) but Denis & I are enjoying a glass of wine & some pringles. Looks like she'll be in with me for the week & Denis will be in with Nicole, as it has been every other time we have gone anywhere!

Plans for tomorrow - We'll probably go for a swim in the morning, go for a walk to Bailly Romainvilliers & visit the supermarket again because we forgot to get coffee and they had no semi-skimmed milk tonight. After lunch we'll head to Disney. I have to get my annual pass sorted out (I have a thread on the main Disneyland Paris board about the saga of trying to get it renewed by post!). We hope to go to the Disneyland Hotel at 4pm to see the characters doing their meet & greet there, we might see Anamagique because Natasha will sit and watch this. I am anticipating it to be very busy as it was a national holiday here on Friday & alot of French schools have been on holiday recently and start back on Monday, so I think we'll avoid the rides. We have Cafe Mickey booked for 6.30 pm & the park is open until 9 pm, so hopefully it will have quitened down later on & we can get a few rides done after dinner (probaby Fantasyland).

I'll try to do another update tomorrow night.
Glad you got there safely and got the house you wanted in the end! We're arriving at the Marriott next Saturday! Any advice re house requests: I haven't really taken notice of where is best to be despite the fact that we've been twice before! A playground nearby would be really handy!
Have a great day tomorrow!
Sounds like a great start.

Enjoy the rest of your trip and I'll be watching out for further live updates. I hope the park isnt too busy after today and you get to do loads of rides and everything you want to do.
Good luck with sorting the AP as well - I read about your problems on the other thread
Live updates are so exciting! Can't believe your actually there now, you jammy peeps! :goodvibes Hope you've had a great first day at the parks today, and I can't wait to join you there myself next week!
ooh a live update, how exciting !!

sounds like a great start :goodvibes

looking forward to hearing more, happy holiday !!!
ooooooooooo i love live updates!!!

hope today is going to plan, it was a good start yesterday & glad u got a better house - wud be worried with that pond too!!
Looking forward to reading the rest. We will be there in a few weeks, and have requested one of the 2000's houses. I cannot wait. Does your house have the new flat screens, lamps, and bedding yet?
Looking forward to reading the rest. We will be there in a few weeks, and have requested one of the 2000's houses. I cannot wait. Does your house have the new flat screens, lamps, and bedding yet?

We have the new flat screen TVs, but the lamps & bedding still looks the same.
Glad you got there safely and got the house you wanted in the end! We're arriving at the Marriott next Saturday! Any advice re house requests: I haven't really taken notice of where is best to be despite the fact that we've been twice before! A playground nearby would be really handy!
Have a great day tomorrow!

As you probably know, there are 2 playgrounds. The one near reception (with the blue slide) would be convenient to 2001 - 2005 or 2101 - 2104. The other playground would be just outside 3701 - 3707 or 3601 - 3605.
Just a quick note for anyone coming to Marriott soon (especially those you have been here before), if you don't have a car (like us) the shuttle bus which takes you to the train station is no longer free. It is now much smaller (a minibus) and costs 2 euro per person per trip & picks up at reception. On the way back, it is not allowed to stop at the station, so you may be lucky to see it & can get on & be brought back for free. Today we used the number 34 bus which stops on the main road & it only cost us 3.20 euro each way. I just asked how much, the driver looked at us & that is what he charged. I don't know what age you start paying for children, but my 7 yr old probably looks young for her age. So I think I will be using the public bus (which is much more frequent) fromo now on.

Anyway, off now to type the next installment.
Thanks for getting back so quickly :goodvibes

Yes, the feedback that owners have been giving is that rather than our maintenance fees cover the bus, it would be better for people who use it to pay. As many owners either have their own car or do not even go to DLP, it makes sense really. It is a real shame they cannot pick up at the DLP end though.
After a very unsettled sleep with Natasha beside me (she’s got a bad cold), we got up at 10 am, but Natasha didn’t wake until 11 am (having only really fallen into a deep sleep at about 8 am). I went to the shop and picked up a roast chicken for the dinner & the forgotten coffee from yesterday. Still no semiskimmed milk. I cooked a lovely Sunday dinner while Denis entertained the girls at the playground. After dinner Natasha & I made a quick visit to reception to get someone to fix the broken chain on our front door & the lock on our patio door because Natasha keeps trying to escape! I asked them to photocopy Natasha’s passport in case I needed proof of her age because she is very tall & looks more than her 2 years. I had been stopped last October & asked her age (when she was still 1) so I didn’t want to take any chances. I didn’t need it today. After a quick trip to the playroom with Natasha we got the 34 bus at 15.07, getting us to the train station for 15.18.

We went to guest relations to get my entrance ticket. I paid my 189 euro and would have to get the card bit at the passport office. Then we called into the shop in the Disneyland Hotel to get new autograph books for the girls. Natasha wanted the princess one this time & Nicole wanted the Mickey Mouse one & just outside the shop they changed their minds as soon as we had taken off the wrapping. Luckily we were able to swap them round & everyone was happy! I liked the new decorations along the corridor outside the shop – won’t say what they are in case anyone wants to go & get surprised. Then downstairs for the meet & greet. There were only 3 characters today – Tigger (Natasha’s favourite) & Chip & Dale and it was after 4.10 pm before they got started. Natasha got so excited when she saw them. It was lovely to watch her. She also loved the new music & was bouncing round to the beat. We got all 3 autographs & photos, but there was a mad scrum around Tigger.

We had planned to go to Anamagique at 4.35, but wouldn’t have made it in time so headed into the main park. Denis & the girls watched the parade while I went to the Passport Office. After an hour and a few CMs who hadn’t a clue what they were doing with the supervisor having to be consulted about 4 times I got my new passport with the 6 months added backdated to 20th March which is when my last one ran out. So now it is valid until 20/09/2010.

By the time this was all settled, Denis & the girls had joined me. It was also too late to make it to the 17.30 Anamigique, so we went on IASW (no queue), then the Storybook Ride (also no queue) as I have only done this once before and that was Sep 2004, then Casey Jnr (about 10 min queue). Then it was time to go to Café Mickey for our 6.30 reservation. We met loads of characters – Gideon, Gepetto, Mickey, Captain Hook, Mr Smee, Tigger & Eeyore.


Prince John & Sheriff of Nottingham were in the room but we left before meeting them. I had also noticed Raffiki downstairs when we arrived, but he hadn’t made his way upstairs while we were there. Nicole ate very little & Natasha ate hardly anything, so it was a bit of a waste of money for their meals. I had planned to go back to the park for the last hour & get some rides done & judging by the queues earlier we would get loads done, but Nicole just wanted to go home (she doesn’t have great stamina). Natasha was still rearing to go & was talking about going on the horses, so I talked her into going to the playground (again!) at the Marriott & we caught the number 34 back again. After the promised trip to the playground, Nicole was in bed first & Natasha still wouldn’t go to sleep so I had to lie in the bed with her while Denis went for a swim. Needless to say, she was asleep within minutes – what is it about toddlers refusing to go to sleep when they are absolutely wrecked? – and when Denis came back I went for a swim. Unfortunately there was a group of kids in so I couldn’t really get much of a swim so I got into the Jacuzzi instead & was enjoying that when the lights went off for everyone to get out. Bit of a waste of effort as I had only been there 10 mins! So I am back in the house again, enjoying another glass of wine & plan to watch the next episode of Lost when I have finished typing this.

Thanks to everyone so far for reading & for your comments. I will be able to update it with photos when I get home next week.
Glad you are sorted Karen and got the villa changed :thumbsup2

Enjoy your trip - will be keeping up with your instalments :goodvibes
Day 3 4th May 2009

After a better night’s sleep, although not perfect, Natasha & I got up about 10 am (that’s when she woke up for the day). Denis & Nicole were already up & had been to the playground. Nicole wanted to go swimming, so after breakfast that’s what we did. We had the pool to ourselves & Natasha stayed in for 15 mins – which is very good for her. If there had been anyone else there, I don’t think she would have lasted 15 seconds! So I got out with her & we got dressed & back to the house to get the dinner ready – sausages, spuds & beans. I also made a pot of chicken fried rice with the leftover chicken from yesterday for when we come home later on.

After dinner we got the bus at 14.10 to Disney. Today we just stayed in the Studios. First we went to the Flying Carpets. The sign said that there was a 10 min wait, but when we got inside, we knew that it would be more like 40 min, so we left. Natasha would be too hard to keep occupied for that length of time! Cars was showing a waiting time of 15 min, but again the queue was very long, so we gave that a miss too. Nicole spotted Remy out for a meet & greet, so we queued for about 5 mins to meet him. We had met Emile there a few times, but she was very pleased to meet Remy for the first time. Then we queued to meet Buzz (about 10 mins) which was another first. He doesn’t sign, but the CM was stamping autograph books.


Next we stopped for a chocolate break & then split up. Natasha was getting grumpy & wanted to go to sleep, so I walked around for 1 hr 20 mins while she slept in her pram while Denis & Nicole watched the High School Musical Show (the highlight of Nicole’s day). They must have been standing in the right spot, because Nicole got picked to go up to bang drums, another time to throw the basketball into the net & a third time to dance. She was really excited. Then before we met up again they met Clarice (another first) and Lilo & Stitch.


I had a walk around the studios, in & out of the shops (but didn’t see anything I wanted to buy). On my travels I noticed Goofy over where the raining umbrella is & Donald in front of Cinemagic, neither with a crowd round them!

We met up outside Anamagique & woke Natasha to go in. It was 10 mins late starting so she was about 20 mins in total waiting & getting very bored! The show was excellent as always, but over too quickly. Then I queued for ages to get a bag of chips for the girls, which took us up to nearly 6 pm. We had a turn on the flying carpets – about a 10 min wait despite the sign outside saying 15. Maybe they don’t update them too often! Then it was time to see the parade. I told Nicole about getting autographs behind the stage as I had read about this on the Dis & that’s what she wanted to do. So she headed off with Denis while Natasha & I watched the parade go by. We then had 3 goes on Cars – a walk on each time. Natasha screamed with laughter the first time round & then wanted to go again & again. Then we watched the parade again as the cars drove back. Natasha waved the whole time & got loads of waves from the characters. I thought it was lovely.

Meanwhile Nicole had got 2 autographs – Gaston & Snow White. The Queen from Snow White was coming to Nicole next when she got called away, so I know she’ll be wanting to go back there again later in the week to try and collect some more. Last October she filled one autograph book & had to get a new one & she’s hoping to fill this one this time. It wasn’t like her last night in Café Mickey to want to go home when there were 2 characters in the room she hadn’t got autographs from yet – she must have been so tired & just wanted to go home!

We met up again at the Sorceror’s Apprentice statue & went for the bus. It was well timed – one was pulling up as we arrived. Back at the Marriott, Denis brought the girls into the playroom for a while, then we gave them some supper. Denis & I enjoyed our chicken fried rice while the girls did jigsaws – well Nicole did them & Natasha wrecked them! Nicole went on to bed, while Denis took Natasha to reception to book our taxi for our return journey to CDG on Saturday & to see if we can keep the house until 2pm on that day (they have to get back to us on that). I watched Eastenders while Denis put Natasha to bed twice. The second time I promised I would come up when my programme was finished – she fell asleep waiting!

Tomorrow we plan to get to Disney for 10 am, bring a packed lunch & come home in the afternoon. I would like to have dinner at the Creperie in Bailly Romainvilliers tomorrow night, so it is important that Natasha has an afternoon nap, so she’s in form to sit in a restaurant. I have some sets of stickers with me that she hasn’t seen yet that should keep her quiet. Will let you know tomorrow how we get on.
I'm loving the live tr and reading about your dd's makes me smile. It's quite a job to juggle things to ensure you can sit down and eat a meal in relative peace ;) Hope you manage to get lots more autographs today. Have fun :yay:
Day 4 5th May 2009

Can’t believe that we are on Day 4 already. Natasha woke as usual at 10 am. By this time Denis & Nicole were already in Disney & I had made a dinner & mashed it up with gravy for Natasha & sandwiches for the rest of us & tidied up. Then it was a mad rush to get out for a bus at 10.30 because there wasn’t another one for an hour! Natasha wouldn’t eat her breakfast, so in the end I hadn’t time to wait any longer, so off we went with her only eating about 6 teaspoons of cereal!

We arrived in Main Street at about 11 am & first thing Natasha wanted to do was to have her dinner! So I gave her a few squares of chocolate & then we did IASW (walk on) and the Carousel twice (5 minute wait each time). Then it was 12 o’clock and time to meet Denis & Nicole. They had done Crush (60 min wait) and watched Playhouse Disney & caught the last 10 mins of Mary Poppins. We heated up Natasha’s dinner & fed her in the baby centre & then we had our sandwiches at one of the tables in the arcade. We heard the music of the Character Express, so Nicole got to meet Rabbit (a first).

Then we headed off to Frontierland for BTM fastpasses for Denis & Nicole. To pass the time we went to Woody’s Roundup & met Konai, Cowboy Goofy, Mickey & Minnie together, Pluto, Woody & Donald all in the space of about 40 mins.


I was really impressed with the organised meet & greets. Donald was good fun, Goofy was really cool, but Mickey wasn’t too interested.

Then we split up. I headed off to the baby centre to change Natasha & then to walk round until 3.30 pm while she had her nap. I called into City Hall and booked Auberge for 12 noon on Friday. I did some shopping & bought Tinkerbell & her fairy friends tshirt for Nicole and some Minnie Mouse slippers for Natasha. Meanwhile Denis & Nicole did BTM, PM, Pirates & met Jack Sparrow (another first).

When we met up Denis was Disneyed out, so we went back to the Marriott. Denis took the girls to the playroom where Nicole played on the Wii & Natasha coloured in. I went into BaillyRomainvilliers to check out the menu at the Creperie. I didn’t think there was anything that my kids would eat (unfortunately). Nicole would probably try it, but unless it is spuds or pasta, Natasha wouldn’t try it! So I popped into the supermarket instead. I took over supervising in the playroom while Denis cooked tonight – potatoes, salmon, carrots & broccoli. After dinner Denis took the girls to the other playground for a bit while I cleaned up & hoovered downstairs. Then was bedtime. Nicole went off no problem, but Natasha was put to bed & while Denis went for a swim she came back down to join me while I watched Eastenders. After eventually getting her to sleep, I went to the pool when Denis came back, but spent most of the time in the Jacuzzi. I logged onto the internet & checked my email. My Mum had checked my post & emailed me to say that Natasha got a Nursery place from September in the one just up the street from me – probably less that 5 mins walk door to door, which is great news. Just have to start toilet training her when we get back!

Nicole had a brilliant day. She loved getting on BTM & Crush & gets so excited when she meets a new character. Hopefully tomorrow, we’ll be in Disney for 10 am. Denis said that Natasha would enjoy the Playhouse Disney show, so we’ll aim to see that. We will probably have lunch there – maybe Annette’s – and come home for dinner.
sounds like you are having a great trip. thats great she got a nursery place i have to potty train ash for september too i am not looking forward to it lol
I have loved reading your trip reports over the last few days, as we are about to leave for Liverpool airport in 10 minutes to catch our flight to DLRP! The crowd levels sound as if they have been pretty reasonable, so that has cheered us up :) I hope you have a fab rest of your trip, and will look forward to reading the rest of your trippie when I get back.


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