A Princess, Pirates and Pixie Dust!

Tammy, I am so sorry to hear about Mav. Now he finally has found a home where he is truly loved and now maybe he has to leave again. So not fair.

As for MM, I hope that everything goes well and that all the legal work will be done soon.
You guys are all saints! :hug:

so very very sorry to read about Mav. I hope and pray it works out well for him. MM sounds like he is doing great. Foster to adopt is such a wonderful thing but wow, so heartbreaking too. Hugs to all of you as you wade through this!

Chiming in to say sorry to hear about Mav.
Pleased to hear MM is doing well though.

So sorry to hear about Mav as well. It seemed like good things were really happening for him. I hope he does well with his aunt.

Glad to hear about MM. Let's hope things continue to work out for him.

So sorry about Mav !!! That is so hard!!!

What a roller coaster and not a fun one at all. I hope it all works out for the best and the way it is meant to be.

Being a Foster is so hard on the heartstrings. Hang in there and :grouphug:

Thank you all - or as they say here in Texas, "Thanks Y'all!:goodvibes I feel so blessed to have such caring DIS friends here :grouphug: We found out tonight there will be a mediation next week for all parties to agree on what will be best for Mav, and then a formal court date for April 8 to finish the proceedings. His aunt in KS will come and get him then. As much as we love him and will miss him, I'm glad they will get it over quickly - the older he gets, the harder it will be for him. :sad1:

I finally caught up on your TR, so glad y'all loved your trip! :goodvibes

When there are so many people/families involved you are never sure if it's going to work out, so happy to hear it did. :thumbsup2

However I am so sad to hear that little Mav is not going to be able to stay with your family. I'm praying God will make happen what needs to happen for him to have a safe and good life, bless his little heart.
So heartbreaking and such an emotional rollercoaster to try and adopt, it's no wonder more people don't try.
The courts really need to get their poop-in-a-group so families are more willing to go through the process. It obviously takes special people to go through the process, thank goodness you brought up a great young man to be able to do it.

Do y'all know your dates for May yet? Tyler and I are talking about doing a May trip together. :goodvibes

Thank you! You are so sweet and encouraging. I am pretty proud of the kids, but I think the biggest part was not me, but God.

Our dates in May should be May 2-9 I believe! Mason's birthday is May 4th!:cheer2: What dates are you thinking? A DIS meet would be fun! (although I guess we could accomplish that here too. :goodvibes)
Speaking of May 2015 and our birthday boy, how about some ideas? Ryan and I have been throwing some ideas out for something special to do on his day - he will be turning 7. Suggestions Please?
Thank you all - or as they say here in Texas, "Thanks Y'all!:goodvibes I feel so blessed to have such caring DIS friends here :grouphug: We found out tonight there will be a mediation next week for all parties to agree on what will be best for Mav, and then a formal court date for April 8 to finish the proceedings. His aunt in KS will come and get him then. As much as we love him and will miss him, I'm glad they will get it over quickly - the older he gets, the harder it will be for him. :sad1:

Thank you! You are so sweet and encouraging. I am pretty proud of the kids, but I think the biggest part was not me, but God.

Our dates in May should be May 2-9 I believe! Mason's birthday is May 4th!:cheer2: What dates are you thinking? A DIS meet would be fun! (although I guess we could accomplish that here too. :goodvibes)


Is there any hope that the option of Mav staying will come up in mediation or is it a done deal? I hope for his sake that whatever decision is made is best for him.

Jill in CO
You know - when I read your previous post I thought Mav was staying. But now that I reread I see I misinterpreted it.

MM sounds like he is thriving wonderfully. Doing fist pumps - OMG that is precious and pulls at my heartstrings.

I worked with a woman who was a foster parent to teenage kids and it was remarkable what she and her husband would do.

What a wonderful gift to be a foster parent.

Yay for a May 2015 trip and birthday celebration. I would love to stay in a 2BR at OKW!
I know all things work out the way they are supposed to - just feel so bad for him. Thanks for the :grouphug:

Lindsay met with the caseworker for MM last night and asked if they could push the adoption through because rights were termed a year ago - it seems he's not in a hurry to act on it. :rolleyes:

Things do work out the way they are supposed to even when they aren't in our favor. :grouphug: and love for you and your son/daugther!! (Even though they are probably the same age as me!! :rotfl2: )

Ok sorry to say but that SUCKS!!! I hope they are able to get things move through quickly for MM's sack. Poor boy has been through enough already. :sick:

I'll PM you in the next few days once I know what our plans are for our drive to and from Orlando. I'd love to see you again!!!

Is there any hope that the option of Mav staying will come up in mediation or is it a done deal? I hope for his sake that whatever decision is made is best for him.

Jill in CO

That was the original plan, but with the family pushing and the laws in Texas, it is the safest for him to go to KS. We have learned that the grandmother actually kidnapped him and headed for Mexico the night he was taken from the home. She has said she won't stop until he is hers. She is a scarey woman and the kids have come to the point that they don't want to put the rest of their children in danger.

You know - when I read your previous post I thought Mav was staying. But now that I reread I see I misinterpreted it.

MM sounds like he is thriving wonderfully. Doing fist pumps - OMG that is precious and pulls at my heartstrings.

I worked with a woman who was a foster parent to teenage kids and it was remarkable what she and her husband would do.

What a wonderful gift to be a foster parent.

Yay for a May 2015 trip and birthday celebration. I would love to stay in a 2BR at OKW!

We are proud of our kids for what they are able to do. I'm so excited to try the 2 bdrm! I hope we can get in at 7 months.

Things do work out the way they are supposed to even when they aren't in our favor. :grouphug: and love for you and your son/daugther!! (Even though they are probably the same age as me!! :rotfl2: )

Ok sorry to say but that SUCKS!!! I hope they are able to get things move through quickly for MM's sack. Poor boy has been through enough already. :sick:

I'll PM you in the next few days once I know what our plans are for our drive to and from Orlando. I'd love to see you again!!!

They usually have a waiting period of 6 months - just to be sure you are serious and no family will step up, but no family has come forward for him for 2 yrs, so I think it is safe to say this should just happen.

Yay! I will be waiting to hear from you! :banana:
They usually have a waiting period of 6 months - just to be sure you are serious and no family will step up, but no family has come forward for him for 2 yrs, so I think it is safe to say this should just happen.

Yay! I will be waiting to hear from you! :banana:

That's just so sad for MM. I couldn't be happier that he's found your family and hope it does go through quickly.

Just as soon as we talk about it I'll let you know. I think we're going to be making a couple night stop in Alabama to see some friends we haven't seen in 10 years!!! He was in our wedding and they met us in New Orleans a few days before we left for our honeymoon cruise so it will be great to see them. I'll be sure to let you know just as soon as I can get anything from DH. :yay:
I will be keeping all in my heart and prayers, especially that previous boy.

Good news on resort being chosen.
So glad the case is resolved but so sad that Mav is going to KS but it does sound like it is the best course of action for him.

Prayers sent to keep him safe and happy. :goodvibes
Oh so sorry to hear that little man had to go. I was really hoping things would work out for your family to keep him, but I hope and pray that this truly was the right decision for him. Hopefully your paths will cross again one of these days. I'm sure he'll remember the wonderful people that took him to WDW and cared for him. God bless your family during this time as well. I know it can't be easy. :grouphug:
Very impressed with Lindsay.
Sad that you can't hang on to Mav, but it sounds like Lindsay knows what's best for him, even if it might not be what's best for the rest of you.
Glad to hear Mav is moving to a good place. That was very brave and strong of Lindsay to put him first. He is a cutie!!
Ah Tammie, what a heartbreak to let this cute little man go.

Your DIL is one very strong lady with a huge heart, to put his needs first. Hugs to all of you! :grouphug:
What a sad heartbreaking situation but bless her for doing what is best for him.

And oh he is CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
Tammie, Only slightly caught up on what has been happening; however, I will say you all deserve a very

Tammie, Only slightly caught up on what has been happening; however, I will say you all deserve a very


Thank you so much! You deserve it way more! I hope your day is wonderful and full of love! I haven't kept up much lately. Seems like when I do have DIS time, I've been researching how to get the most out of FP+ for our next trip! :lmao: God Bless You!:hug:
Still catching up, but I am getting the general gist of the situation. I really hope the KS situation works out best for Mav as well as your family. Very brave to let him go!
Hey Mark! Thanks for going back to read. We have had a lot of developments since then, which I will post very soon in my PTR to become a TR. I don't have a whole lot to share about packing and buying groceries so I usually just wait in til I get back.
But little Mav was thriving last we heard. We are concerned because aunt took him to the beach with mom and grandma which is forbidden in Texas, but he was turned over to KS so who knows? She stopped communicating with DDIL once the third foster arrived in their home. I would say it is Def better for our family that he is not here, but we still love him. He is one scary child . So sad how people destroy these little lambs before they have a chance.
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