A Fantastic Framily Frolic Far Far Away - COMPLETE (6/23)


DIS Veteran
Jun 10, 2014
Hee hee. I like that title.


So here it is, trip report #3! This post will be a run down of the basics and then we can get the good stuff started.

Me - 39 years old, live in Missouri, work in education, have a 4 year old daughter and a husband who isn't a big traveler.
DD - the aforementioned 4 year old.
My mom - 70's, lives in Albuquerque and enjoys travel and spending time with family and friends.
My dad - 70's, lives in Albuquerque, used to love travel but less these days. He is a surprised cruise convert. While he loves us all, he's an introvert and too much together time can wear on him.
The framily - that would be a combination of the words friend and family. This was also a 3 generation group. The grandparents and my parents have been friends for 50+ years. All us kids grew up together. They have 2 daughters. Each of their daughters has one daughter of her own. So our framily had 2 grandparents, 3 parents, and 2 girls age 10 and 7.

This brought our travel group to 11. Woah.

Why were we traveling?
Spring break, so my dad could see if 7 nights was "too long," and a chance to get our group all together.

Itinerary - Western
3/18 - Embark at Port Canaveral
3/19 - At sea
3/20 - Cozumel
3/21 - Grand Cayman
3/22 - Falmouth
3/23 - SWDAS
3/24 - Castaway Cay
3/25 - Disembark at Port Canaveral

Me - 7521 a standard inside (11b)
My parents- 7520 a navigators verandah (7b)
Framily - 10514, 10516, and 10518 verandas on deck 10

All rooms were forward.

Dining Rotation

Links to TR Posts (for the future to skip questions and comments)
Day 0
Day 1 Part 1
Day 1 Part 2
Day 1 Part 3
Day 2 Part 1
Day 2 Part 2
Day 2 Part 3
Day 3 Part 1
Day 3 Part 2
Day 3 Part 3
Day 3 Part 4
Day 4 Part 1
Day 4 Part 2
Day 5 Part 1
Day 5 Part 2
Day 5 Part 3
Day 5 Part 4
Day 5 Addendum
Day 6 Part 1
Day 6 Part 2
Day 7
Day 8
Reflections Etc.
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Planning - If you're interested, I wrote a PTR that can be found here. When we originally booked this cruise we debated whether to take this cruise or the one after. I decided I wanted a slower reentry time, so we took the earlier dates. I ended up being happy with that decision because I never would have been able to wait another week! Heck, with the cold snap including snow right before we left, I was packed almost a week early!

Day 0 - Travel Day

As I mentioned, this was a spring break trip. DD is in Junior K, so I felt fine taking her out of school for the day. Unfortunately, our employee handbook does not allow me to take vacation time the week immediately before or after major breaks. This meant that the earliest flight I could get was at 6:00 Friday evening. This arrived at MCO at 9:30 which is way too late for DD. Our solution was for DD to take a morning flight with my parents.


My alarm went off around 4:30 so I could shower, pack the toothbrush and toothpaste, and load the car. Of course I had planned to put all that stuff in the biggest suitcase that needed to be loaded first.

I woke up DD, got her dressed, kissed DH goodbye, and we were on our way to get my parents! I wish we had taken a picture of the car all loaded up with luggage. It was crazy. I have a Ford Escape and it was packed to the ceiling!

Airport drop off was smooth. I realized I'd forgotten to pack my hat though, so I had to drive all the way home to get it. At least I got to kiss my husband again then it was off to work.

I spent the day running PCR reactions and aliquoting samples. We had a full community walk and then I had class last period. That was pure torture.

I've been trying to pin down curriculum from an off campus program for months and we needed to talk so I made that call while I drove to the airport. With that finished, I walked out of the door free and clear for vacation. The valet at the parking garage was less than helpful but I couldn't force myself to care.

Security was super easy and my flight was essentially on time. While sitting at the gate, my friend posted on Facebook that she was drinking wine at an airport bar. I looked up and there she was! What a happy coincidence! We had a drink together before we both headed off to get ready for boarding. I grabbed a fabulous dinner of an Aunty Ann's pretzel.

Once on board, I realized Southwest was offering free drinks for St Patrick's Day. Hooray!


We took off and I chased the sunset all the way to Florida.




When we were landing, I looked out and was treated to the fireworks shows at the parks. I've seen lots of blogs on how to photograph fireworks, but no one has ever suggested how to get the best shots from above the show while moving very fast.


I hadn't checked a bag, so MCO was easy. I met the framily at baggage claim and we took the shuttle to the Homewood Suites. Everyone was in Orlando!

DD was already asleep. My parents had a bottle of wine open so I had a glass then it was off to bed. A long day, but I was excited for tomorrow.
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Great start to your trip report! I am looking forward to reading it all!

When we were landing, I looked out and was treated to the fireworks shows at the parks. I've seen lots of blogs on how to photograph fireworks, but no one has ever suggested how to get the best shots from above the show while moving very fast.

I am soooo envious!! I had so many late evening departures from Orlando (international flights to Europe) and always hoped to see some fireworks, I never even managed to figure out where WDW was. I guess your fireworks were Illuminations at Epcot? Looks like they form a circle.
Seriously, you were able to see fireworks! I have never even been able to find WDW when flying into Orlando. Of course, I am almost always in an aisle seat so that might be the problem. :crazy:

Great solution for your daughter, having her fly with your folks. I have the same problem when I fly with my mother (age 90). Often the flights arrive too late in the evening or the lay-overs are too long for her comfort level.
Woohoo, I'm in!!!:flower1:

Yay! I'm still enjoying seeing your adventures too.

Seriously, you were able to see fireworks! I have never even been able to find WDW when flying into Orlando. Of course, I am almost always in an aisle seat so that might be the problem. :crazy:

Great solution for your daughter, having her fly with your folks. I have the same problem when I fly with my mother (age 90). Often the flights arrive too late in the evening or the lay-overs are too long for her comfort level.

I haven't been to the parks since I was a kid, but this was a really cool thing. I plan to take DD when she's a bit older and we don't need to worry about naps and such.

I feel so lucky that the travel arrangements worked out so well. I'm very lucky to have the parents I do.



Sounds fun already!

It really was amazing. I can't wait to relive it.

Joining in!

Thanks! :butterfly

I'm here too!! Can't wait to see how your trip was since it was right after mine!

Trip reports really are THE best aren't they?
Day 1 Part 1- Travel to PC!


Woohoo! I love seeing this. However, I am very disappointed that they don't have fireworks over the suitcase any more. Those were so festive.

If you've read my previous trip reports, you'll know I never sleep well the night before we board. Tonight was no exception. At least being up meant I remembered to take my Bonine. I'd had a bit of seasickness last time but patches are soooo expensive. I thought I'd give this a try.

DD woke up before me and just started laughing that we were sharing a bed. We had a two bedroom suite at Homewood Suites, but both rooms only had one bed. I didn't mind sharing but I did have some bruises from being kicked at night. I swear she was drawn to me while she slept because I know we were not close when I fell asleep!

We got up and headed to the breakfast buffet. The van from Happy Limo was due to pick us up at 10:30. He arrived a bit early so we loaded up! Thank goodness he had a luggage trailer because 11 people have a TON of stuff for a week long cruise.

We stopped at Publix for some wine and a couple forgotten items. We also grabbed a few snacks like nuts.

Then it was back on the road for the short distance left to the port.

Before long we spotted NASA.

One of our friends had never seen the building before and I was saying how big it was and that it had its own atmosphere at the top. I showed him my favorite picture that I got from a previous TR here on the DIS.


Look at how big it is compared to the capitol building! Or the Washington monument! You'd never guess it when you only see ocean around it.

After NASA we spied a beautiful thing.

There she is! The kids literally shreiked with joy.



And then we stopped.

Woah. Traffic was so bad! There were several other ships boarding that day so the port was very busy. It took about 20 minutes to get from the entrance to the correct pier.


But we made it! Porters were eagerly awaiting our arrival. We quickly moved water bottles into carry ons and added a tag to the booster seat.

FYI- the porters will try to tell you to check your water. I don't know what would happen, but we opted to follow the dcl policy as written. :confused3

Soon we made it through the initial document check and were directed to go through security upstairs. Then it was into the port!
That's funny you mention the water. When my mom and I checked in, we saw a porter taking 2 cases of water and a case of Powerade from a family who was checking-in. I'm assuming it was in their room when luggage was delivered, lol!!!
It's a beautiful sight :thumbsup2:cheer2::cheer2:

Water in the checked luggage? Nope.....nope....nope!
Day 1 Part 2 and Things I Forgot

Things I Forgot

Before we left I got my nails done. She did great on my toes and added some Minnie bling to my fingers too.



Also, the morning in the hotel, DD woke up at like 6:00. That's 5:00 central! I consider it evidence of my outstanding parenting skills that I convinced her to go back to sleep until 7:30. Or maybe it was just Disney Pxie Dust. pixiedust::rotfl:

Day 1 Part 2 - Embarkation, Lunch, and Room Tour

Looking at my notes, we cleared security at 11:45 am. Everyone decided we would get checked in and reconvene at Enchanted Garden after we boarded. There was no line at the return cruisers desk, so we used up 2 agents and checked in. Then DD wanted a quick photo with Goofy. Next, we walked through the Mickey Ears! Since our previous sailings had been concierge, this was a fun first. We opted to skip the boarding photo.

Now, at this point DD got a little hangry. She almost refused to pull her carry on. A couple nice CM's got her going again and we were being announced before you knew it!

We took the stairs down to 2 and checked in at EG. Because we were a party of 11, they gave us 2 tables. At this point, I checked my watch Andy it was 12:15. Only 30 minutes total including a character photo! I thought that was great.

We looked over the menu (no more buffet option.) Our friends still weren't on the ship but DD was about to lose her mind so we ordered her meal. I have no idea what it was. Pizza maybe? I know I ordered a drink of the day post haste. :drinking1

Our friends finally arrived. They had done kids club check in in the terminal. No biggie. We ordered lunch and enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere. I had the muffuletta and it was quite good.

Now, my plan had been to get everyone set up with Navigator chat during lunch. However, the app didn't update and gain functionality until the Muster Drill!! Very frustrating and two people in our party didn't even download it because they didn't realize it had chat functionality. :worried:

By this point it was about 1:40 so we all headed for our rooms.

My parents were very pleased with their navigator's verandah. I didn't take pictures though.

I did take pics of our 11B standard inside cabin.

Bed with magic porthole.

Overall layout. You can see how close the sofa is.

Desk area.

Closet and a half.

Single bathroom.

Now, let me be honest and say I was very worried that we wouldn't fit all our stuff in the room. These rooms don't have 2 full closets and they are missing a set of drawers and a set of shelves that the other rooms we've had include. Somehow though it worked out. But no way would I suggest putting 4 people in this room. Even we were tripping over each other.

Our luggage arrived around 2:45 while DD was napping. I met Enrique our stateroom host and got our door decorations placed. I was very pleased with how they turned out.


This is what the closets looked like once I unpacked.


Cute nails!! Wow your room does seem pretty tight for 4 people. But you're on a Disney ship, so who cares! But yes even with 3 people in a verandah room does get tight - but we didn't mind. Plenty of space elsewhere on the boat! Cute door decor! I love decorating my door. It's like one of the most fun parts of the cruise!


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