A DARE TO ALL DIS'ers . . . . (Inspired by my "You make a difference" thread)

Mickey's sunshine

<font color=darkgreen>Had a blast at MGM's Super S
May 23, 2000
Okay so that thread got myself thinking...... I dare all you DIS'ers out there to pass on 2 blue ribbons to DIS'ers that make a difference to you! Maybe ones that you do not regularly talk with but you fell they are an asset to our community!

Here is a link to my thread click here

You can use this clipart if you would like:

http://www.debsfunpages.com/animated gifs/ribbon_blue_md_clr.gif


I am off to send mine out. :)
Well that is a FUN idea! I loved the original post too. :)
Any instructions for us technically challenged:D
So cool. I just received my ribbon. And just sent out my first.

This is such a nice idea!!!
Limiting this to only two is very difficult.

I sent my two :)
What a wonderful idea Christine!!

I'm with Kath and Bonnie... limiting this to two is so hard!!! There are so many people here that have become such an important part of my life and blessed me in so many ways, not to mention all of those that contribute to the Dis in countless ways every day! Gee... can we really only send to two? :p
LOL! I ended up sending twenty two. No way could I limit it to just two. Too many people on this board have touched my life!
lol...I did it early this morning when I read your origial post. Can I send it to two more?


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