9/16/2017 Magic Transatlantic from Barcelona

Do any of you fine people plan on writing trip reports or posting your Navigators? We're booked on next years WBTA and would love to hear most specifically about debarking on the last morning, but also everything else. ;-) The problems sound terrible! Those of you who've done the longer DCL cruises, did you feel 11 days was plenty? We've gone a couple of 15-days and 11 sounds short. Thanks for any and all info. We've already bought our plane tickets so this cruise is a go!

I am planning on when I get 5 mins just haven't yet

That really did turn out to be such a nice idea and more easily transportable than gifts. I think it was gismo1554's idea and a big thank you for that one.

Thank you! I got the idea from previous cruises! I hate FE's as end up with too much to carry (although had an extra 14kg of stuff somehow). Postcards are easier as don't take up too much space.
I am planning on when I get 5 mins just haven't yet

Thank you! I got the idea from previous cruises! I hate FE's as end up with too much to carry (although had an extra 14kg of stuff somehow). Postcards are easier as don't take up too much space.

Plus they fit in a photo album and make a nice souvenir.
Hi, I don't know who might still be around checking this thread; but I have a question.

Did anyone get really sick (aside from possible noro) after this cruise? I'm talking above and beyond a normal cold. The day after we got home went straight back to work. I worked every day (including Saturday and Sunday), and by the end of the following week I was burning a fever over 102 (normal temp is below 98) and had pneumonia. I'm trying to reconcile my sickness with the ridiculous hours I put in for my job rather than the fun time I had on this cruise for my own peace of mind. The last time I had this much stress at work I got shingles on my leg, right before we left on our Adventures By Disney vacation. I think my body is trying to tell me something.
Hi, I don't know who might still be around checking this thread; but I have a question.

Did anyone get really sick (aside from possible noro) after this cruise? I'm talking above and beyond a normal cold. The day after we got home went straight back to work. I worked every day (including Saturday and Sunday), and by the end of the following week I was burning a fever over 102 (normal temp is below 98) and had pneumonia. I'm trying to reconcile my sickness with the ridiculous hours I put in for my job rather than the fun time I had on this cruise for my own peace of mind. The last time I had this much stress at work I got shingles on my leg, right before we left on our Adventures By Disney vacation. I think my body is trying to tell me something.
That's terrible! I'm so sorry you were so sick and so stressed. :sad2:

We did not get unusually sick on the cruise or after it: a bit of a cold here, a bit of jet-lag recovery there. I know how stressed we were before and after, but yours sounds extra-special bad.
I hope you're feeling ok now?
On the site which shouldn't be named there were also a lot of people reporting they got sick, I think somebody asked, and after a while somebody counted 42 families of which at least one person got sick. I'm glad to report we didn't get sick

Yes, I am, thank you! Here's the long version of what happened.

I thought I was having issues with seasonal allergies. Then I developed a bad cough and felt pretty terrible, but I wasn't running a fever yet. On the evening of 10/5 my temperature started rising pretty quickly over a short period of time. The next morning I took my temp, and it was over 102. I decided I needed to call my doctor at that point and went to take a shower. I blacked out in the shower and woke up a few minutes later on the bathroom floor with the shower curtain and curtain rod beneath me. I managed to get back up and tried to finish my shower (sans curtain) but felt dizzy again. I last recall putting my face against the shower wall. I woke up on the floor of the tub (second blackout). Somehow I was able to finish my abbreviated bathing by holding on to the wall and lowering the water temperature. I called my doctor's office as soon as they opened and got an appointment. My husband drove me there; I was falling asleep on the waiting room chair so they put me on an examine table to rest.

After my doctor did a preliminary check, he said my blood pressure was too low and my fever was high. He sent me to the emergency room at the hospital down the road. I had all types of blood work done, a chest x-ray, and a CT scan of my lungs. That's when they determined I had pneumonia and decided to keep me overnight for observation. They gave me an IV antibiotic and fluid to rehydrate me. I went home with two antibiotic prescriptions that I just finished up earlier this week. The only thing I have left from this experience is a huge bruise on my right outer thigh.
Yes, I am, thank you! Here's the long version of what happened.

I thought I was having issues with seasonal allergies. Then I developed a bad cough and felt pretty terrible, but I wasn't running a fever yet. On the evening of 10/5 my temperature started rising pretty quickly over a short period of time. The next morning I took my temp, and it was over 102. I decided I needed to call my doctor at that point and went to take a shower. I blacked out in the shower and woke up a few minutes later on the bathroom floor with the shower curtain and curtain rod beneath me. I managed to get back up and tried to finish my shower (sans curtain) but felt dizzy again. I last recall putting my face against the shower wall. I woke up on the floor of the tub (second blackout). Somehow I was able to finish my abbreviated bathing by holding on to the wall and lowering the water temperature. I called my doctor's office as soon as they opened and got an appointment. My husband drove me there; I was falling asleep on the waiting room chair so they put me on an examine table to rest.

After my doctor did a preliminary check, he said my blood pressure was too low and my fever was high. He sent me to the emergency room at the hospital down the road. I had all types of blood work done, a chest x-ray, and a CT scan of my lungs. That's when they determined I had pneumonia and decided to keep me overnight for observation. They gave me an IV antibiotic and fluid to rehydrate me. I went home with two antibiotic prescriptions that I just finished up earlier this week. The only thing I have left from this experience is a huge bruise on my right outer thigh.

Thank heavens you did not hurt yourself worse when you blacked-out in the shower!!
So Sorry to hear you were sick. Much like you my mom ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, she started having problems the day we arrived in New York, we just thought it was the air there.

We ended up in ER after flight home.

She is doing well now. Never had this happen before
So Sorry to hear you were sick. Much like you my mom ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, she started having problems the day we arrived in New York, we just thought it was the air there.

We ended up in ER after flight home.

She is doing well now. Never had this happen before

Wow, I'm sorry to hear this but glad she's better. I was hoping it wasn't something that I caught on the ship. It seems like it might have been and then compounded by the crazy work hours I put in immediately after vacation.
I am sorry to say you are all not alone! My Mum, who is 84, ended up with pneumonia too and was admitted to hospital for six nights when we arrived in Orlando after the cruise. I've had a bad chest infection and am still ill now. I thought we had just been unlucky but seems this was more widespread. We are home in the UK now and she has recovered well, but it was scary for a while!
I am sorry to say you are all not alone! My Mum, who is 84, ended up with pneumonia too and was admitted to hospital for six nights when we arrived in Orlando after the cruise. I've had a bad chest infection and am still ill now. I thought we had just been unlucky but seems this was more widespread. We are home in the UK now and she has recovered well, but it was scary for a while!

Wow! I'm so sorry for everyone who got sick. :(
I am sorry to say you are all not alone! My Mum, who is 84, ended up with pneumonia too and was admitted to hospital for six nights when we arrived in Orlando after the cruise. I've had a bad chest infection and am still ill now. I thought we had just been unlucky but seems this was more widespread. We are home in the UK now and she has recovered well, but it was scary for a while!

That is very scary, especially for someone elderly. At least I am local to the NYC port and didn't start showing symptoms until days later.
Hope everyone is feeling better. It seems like there was something going around and I hope people have reported the issues they have had. Stay healthy x x
These numbers are extreme of how many families were affected with at least one person ill. I don't ever remember that on any of our other cruises. I am sorry so many were so sick and that it lasted so long! Passing out in the shower is no where near normal -- that is some serious infection.

Best wishes to all for a speedy recovery.
Thanks, Sarah!

So overall, despite some people getting sick, skipping Newfoundland and the bizarre docking in Cadiz, was it a good itinerary and sailing? Were the seas calm? Would you all do it again?

Coming from one of the sickly ones, my answer would be yes. I love sea days so this was perfectly relaxing for me. I would say except for one day the sea was very calm. If the same ports were on the itinerary, I would probably skip all but Newfoundland. Our cruise next month is the only cruise where we are repeating an itinerary in our 11 DCL sailings.


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