8 tips


Nov 1, 1999
As I am getting ready to go to WDW on May 16th, I got out a list of old tips from this board. Thought I post them again.

1. Use 3x5 cards. On the front put down the day, and what rides and attractions you want to do. On the back put down the PS and places you want to eat. Make sure you don't throw them away after your trip like I did, because then you have to do the research over again. Some people like to laminate these cards.
I also have a card with all our hotel resevations, phone numbers, Tiffany Towncar reservation etc.

2. If you are going on the Disney Cruise, bring a highlighter for your daily navigators. There are so many things going on, it is nice to be able to highlight what you are interested in.

3. Bring $1 rain ponchos from Wal-Mart, and if you have a stroller, bring a cover for the stroller to. Make sure you nametag your stroller.

4. If you fly in kids can have ear problems. Get EarPlanes from a drug store, or from drugstore.com. They really do help. I also brought an ear thermometer in case the kids get sick at WDW. Last year my daughter had an ear infection. I also had tylenol with us. This made me feel a little bit more in control, since I could monitor her. We then got antibiotics from the ships doctor.

5. Bring moleskins for your feet in case you get blisters. Make sure you only bring broken in shoes.

6. In case you need to do laundry, bring a couple of the laundry detergent tablets. The resorts and the cruise ships have washers and dryers.

7. Plan, plan, plan and plan again. Then be ready to throw the plan out the window and be flexible with your plans. We spent a lot of time letting the kids play in water fountains, and spend time on things that caught their eyes. We followed our plan most of the time, but when they saw something they wanted to do, we made time for it, since we are going to WDW for their sake.

8. Smile, you are on vacation.
Moleskin is indeed a wonderful thing to have with you at WDW. Saved my feet from sandals that I thought I had broken in before the trip but really hadn't. (Standing in line all day at Six Flags was not the good test run I thought it would be!:eek: )
These are great tips! Thanks for sharing! :D
Couple more - when you buy those Walmart ponchos - make sure they are any color EXCEPT YELLOW - the WDW ponchos are yellow and you will run into a SEA of people in them - if yours are another color, you have a better chance of spotting your group!

Also - when you bring moleskin - either get the kind precut to various shapes or BRING A SMALL PAIR OF SCISSORS - my kids were rolling on the floor laughing at the sight of mom trying to cut moleskin with a plastic knife from the foodcourt - I really mutilated it!!
Good tips...thanks

Has anyone ever tried 2 pair of socks or a pair of nylon socks and regular socks to help eliminate blisters


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