8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 15

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Good Morning everyone.
Andy, thinking of you & yours today.

All right everyone, let's be safe out there.


Ditto... lets' keep it safe out there folks!​
:rotfl2: Does this sound funny to anyone else? Dang, us Girl Scouts parents only get to sell cookies. Now,THAT is my idea of a fundraiser!:thumbsup2

Well, we weren't selling beer TO the Cub Scouts :rotfl: .

Actually, we kept our affiliation hush-hush because selling alcohol is not really in keeping with Scouting (and now that I am committee chair for our Troop, I have to be careful of such things). The Jaycees run a 'beer tent' and organizations send volunteers and you get a cut of the sales based on the number of people you provide and hours worked.

But the group did get free beer at the end of the night.
Well, we weren't selling beer TO the Cub Scouts :rotfl: .

Actually, we kept our affiliation hush-hush because selling alcohol is not really in keeping with Scouting (and now that I am committee chair for our Troop, I have to be careful of such things). The Jaycees run a 'beer tent' and organizations send volunteers and you get a cut of the sales based on the number of people you provide and hours worked.

But the group did get free beer at the end of the night.

Alot of our school athletic and scouts work the beer and food tents at Churchill Downs for Oaks and Derby. It is alot of work but many organizations earn 10-25K in the 2 days.:)

Welcome to Castaway Cay


Naked Rugby at 11am

Roger--I can't believe we are already at CC!!! Where did the 2 weeks go? But I am thoroughly going to enjoy my day in paradise.:goodvibes

dear pbager:....your insights..are very special! i "see' our boys are
following the same routines...:eek: , "those darn naughty girls...now
if they would only...keep their "eyes" out...for a very nice princess: ,
just like ..dear :love: ...mom! :hug:

Yes LG! I am not always thrilled with Adam's decisions, but as a whole he is a great young man. I just can't figure out where all the years have gone--they have passed too quickly:)
Happy Birthday Bill


o.k I notice a name in sand..........please disregard.
Andy & Family
Tracy & family..................

There will come a day
when your tears of sorrow
will softly flow into tears of remembrance...
and your heart will begin to heal itself...
and grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy...
and you will hear the whisper of hope.
There will come a day
when you will welcome the tears of remembrance...
as a sunshower of the soul...
a turning of the tide...
a promise of peace.
There will come a day when you will...
risk loving...
go on believing...
and treasure the tears of remembering.

Stace: Congrats on the wireless.:cheer2: Chuck got it for me but I haven't used it yet. Actually waiting for him to show me how.:confused3 My DD knows more about a computer then me, it's sad I tell ya. She laughs at me when I remind her that when I was in High School we had to take a typewriter class and it was the manual kind.:rotfl2:

Cheryl: We will make it to your neck of the woods again someday. Just think around festival time next year we will be getting back from our cruise.:goodvibes

Debi: You can always tell your BIL to go to festival and he can take pictures. I didn't even realize how close we lived to Naperville. It's a very nice area.
Roger: Thank you for taking us on this journey.:goodvibes I hope the weather next year is just as good.
Andy & Family
Tracy & family..................

There will come a day
when your tears of sorrow
will softly flow into tears of remembrance...
and your heart will begin to heal itself...
and grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy...
and you will hear the whisper of hope.
There will come a day
when you will welcome the tears of remembrance...
as a sunshower of the soul...
a turning of the tide...
a promise of peace.
There will come a day when you will...
risk loving...
go on believing...
and treasure the tears of remembering.


Andy & Family
Tracy & family..................

There will come a day
when your tears of sorrow
will softly flow into tears of remembrance...
and your heart will begin to heal itself...
and grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy...
and you will hear the whisper of hope.
There will come a day
when you will welcome the tears of remembrance...
as a sunshower of the soul...
a turning of the tide...
a promise of peace.
There will come a day when you will...
risk loving...
go on believing...
and treasure the tears of remembering.


So beautiful, so true. Thank you for writing this!
Well... then he needs to work on his mannerisms! No need getting mad that someone else can do his "job" better than him. He needs to get INTO that character. hehe

At the P&P party last week i found it odd that Disney broke rule #1 about not having a character be two places at once.....

Seems they had a Capt doing private picture audiences in Adventureland and he was in the parade at the same time. (We had just come from pics and then watched part of the parade as went from Liberty Square to in front of the castle.

The guy who did the private pics did a great job. My DH thought he talked to fast though and i found his comments so obscure...so Jack-like.....

So, in the good news department, the office manager (who I've already interviewed with) and I are trying to convince the two principal architects at her firm that they should take a chance on me & let me help them with their accounting...

Sure you want to work with architects? They're a strange bunch....

(DH is in architecture and i have many friends in the profession too.)

I was able to get NQQ3- the same thing I had already booked... in building one. When I booked it online -it did say "highway side" though. I have no idea what side I would have been on anyway. But that's the building I want to be in- it's near the things I want to be near and a tiny bit less walking to DL. :)

I wanted building 1 too but didn't like the layout of the NQQ3's as much and that whole HIGHWAY thing was disconcerting....

It's really not that much further and hey, the more walking the better.....
Got make room for mickey bars and chocolate souffle.... (Insert former mickey bar smiley here. Guess the DIS deleted it cause someone felt the need to add 10 billion stupid wish smiles.)

Guess it's a mute point for now.... Seems that rate code doesn't work anymore... Guess we took all that availability...

PS ONE MORE POST TILL THE BIG 5K for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andy & Family
Tracy & family..................

There will come a day
when your tears of sorrow
will softly flow into tears of remembrance...
and your heart will begin to heal itself...
and grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy...
and you will hear the whisper of hope.
There will come a day
when you will welcome the tears of remembrance...
as a sunshower of the soul...
a turning of the tide...
a promise of peace.
There will come a day when you will...
risk loving...
go on believing...
and treasure the tears of remembering.


Thanks Tina. This was nice of you.
Hi everyone!

Happy birthdays to those I missed the last few days. :cake: My sympathy to Winotracy and her family and Andy and his family and friends. :sad2:

It's been a busy week here, but things are starting to wind down. Hopefully, I'll be able to chat a while tonight!

I think the weekend is going to be pretty nice here. We only have some lessons Saturday morning (DS8's Karate & my hammered dulcimer lesson) and a party on Sunday. The rest of the weekend is open and I am hoping to be able to take DS to the pool one last time before they close it for the year. Maybe I'll even get the house cleaned also!:laundy:

I completely agree. I don't see how it's legal to keep the children from their parents. Usually once the parents pick up child or sign them out (even during a normal school day for whatever reason) the school is no longer liable for that child. So I don't get refusing to allow the children to leave with their parents- after all, the parents are the ones ultimately in charge of their child's welfare- as it should be. I cannot even imagine the mayhem that would happen if they kept the kids inside here like that. I don't even want to imagine that...

I totally agree! I've heard an even weirder story from a friend here - we had HUGE storms last Thursday which included a couple tornados, high winds and a lot of damage. I certainly understand the schools locking down the kids during this storm - the weirdness is that one school also locked down parents! It was the time the school normally lets out and a lot of parents were there to pickup their kids. They herded them all to the library (where they expected to line up to sign out their kids) and then LOCKED THEM IN!!! They were not allowed to leave and they were not with their children. The kids weren't even told their parents were there, so some of them were panicking that their mom or dad must be outside the school waiting for them in the storm. How crazy is that! I could see telling parents that they "could" take shelter in the library, but LOCKING them into the room seems totally crazy. :crazy:

Pamela (pdarrah)
Andy & Family
Tracy & family..................

There will come a day
when your tears of sorrow
will softly flow into tears of remembrance...
and your heart will begin to heal itself...
and grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy...
and you will hear the whisper of hope.
There will come a day
when you will welcome the tears of remembrance...
as a sunshower of the soul...
a turning of the tide...
a promise of peace.
There will come a day when you will...
risk loving...
go on believing...
and treasure the tears of remembering.


Thanks Tina, this brought a smile to my face this morning..........:hug:
PS ONE MORE POST TILL THE BIG 5K for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rule is that a milestone post such as your next one must be something profound.

Choose your words wisely, grasshopper........ (need Crash to insert picture)

Who makes these rules, anyway?? :confused3 :lmao:

:mickeybar :mickeybar :mickeybar They were hiding....probably from the WISH smilies. :rolleyes1
I need some pixie dust! DH hasn't been getting overtime lately and that makes his checks HALF what they are when he gets overtime. Makes things hard to save up for the TOAL! That's for sure...

pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: Happy to share

Oooo.... Sara....

... it seems I MADE A MISTAKE... here is the corrected posting tally....

LOL. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Thanks for the promotion, Tom.

Sure you want to work with architects? They're a strange bunch....

(DH is in architecture and i have many friends in the profession too.)

Thanks for the warning, but I've done it before and I'm willing to go back. :upsidedow I actually like working with creative people. It makes me feel like the numbers I work with actually mean something.
At the P&P party last week i found it odd that Disney broke rule #1 about not having a character be two places at once.....

Seems they had a Capt doing private picture audiences in Adventureland and he was in the parade at the same time. (We had just come from pics and then watched part of the parade as went from Liberty Square to in front of the castle.

The guy who did the private pics did a great job. My DH thought he talked to fast though and i found his comments so obscure...so Jack-like.....

Sure you want to work with architects? They're a strange bunch....

(DH is in architecture and i have many friends in the profession too.)

I wanted building 1 too but didn't like the layout of the NQQ3's as much and that whole HIGHWAY thing was disconcerting....

It's really not that much further and hey, the more walking the better.....
Got make room for mickey bars and chocolate souffle.... (Insert former mickey bar smiley here. Guess the DIS deleted it cause someone felt the need to add 10 billion stupid wish smiles.)

Guess it's a mute point for now.... Seems that rate code doesn't work anymore... Guess we took all that availability...

PS ONE MORE POST TILL THE BIG 5K for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to work for the architects that did the Empire State Building in the 70's. Theywere an odd bunch.
We are also in Building 2. I think the scooter will be coming with us so it won't be a problem.But we are working on getting his stamina up.

Premature Congrats on the 5000.

Hi everyone!

Happy birthdays to those I missed the last few days. :cake: My sympathy to Winotracy and her family and Andy and his family and friends. :sad2:

It's been a busy week here, but things are starting to wind down. Hopefully, I'll be able to chat a while tonight!

I think the weekend is going to be pretty nice here. We only have some lessons Saturday morning (DS8's Karate & my hammered dulcimer lesson) and a party on Sunday. The rest of the weekend is open and I am hoping to be able to take DS to the pool one last time before they close it for the year. Maybe I'll even get the house cleaned also!:laundy:

I totally agree! I've heard an even weirder story from a friend here - we had HUGE storms last Thursday which included a couple tornados, high winds and a lot of damage. I certainly understand the schools locking down the kids during this storm - the weirdness is that one school also locked down parents! It was the time the school normally lets out and a lot of parents were there to pickup their kids. They herded them all to the library (where they expected to line up to sign out their kids) and then LOCKED THEM IN!!! They were not allowed to leave and they were not with their children. The kids weren't even told their parents were there, so some of them were panicking that their mom or dad must be outside the school waiting for them in the storm. How crazy is that! I could see telling parents that they "could" take shelter in the library, but LOCKING them into the room seems totally crazy. :crazy:

Pamela (pdarrah)

Just an update. They kept them in on Wed. as well but for only 30 min. Caused her to be late for Soccer etc. But this is the interesting and frustrating part. She had a talk with the nurse on Monday. Detailing Moragans medical condition which she said she was well aware of as her dog had it:confused3 We didn't know it was something dogs had. Anyway she said we are aware of condition blah blah.... You can leave the injectable here for the paramedics if they need it, but I am gone when the school day is over. So this means they are aware of his situation but should they have another lockdown after hours, it seems the whole process breaks down as no one would be able to get his info or the meds, but the nurse.Privacy etc.... So she still is back to square one. Now should she allow him to carry his oral meds with him unbeknown to the school in case this does arise?None of the schools so far have allowed this. The nurse has to have them in her office.(see above)If he gets caught it really means trouble as it is against policy and can result in his suspension. Or will she go to the school board and maybe get an attorney involved.( Again she never should have moved. ARRRRGH The fire stations here all carried the meds for the 2 kids and were so accomodating they even had a conference call with the dr to learn more about the condition.)
The only good thing as far as he is concerned is she is now letting him carry an old cell phone to school each day now as she just got so disgusted after speaking to the school and not getting an answer as to why they didn't let the kids call home.
I'm getting off my soapbox now and really need to get out of the house to return my Mammogram films and drop off his car payment........
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