8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC #10

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Satellite phones don't always work outdoors. DH had one for work in Alaska. Our house was in a river valley. The phone didn't work there. It worked at our friend's house, less than 1/2 mile from us, but higher in the valley.

DH's Commander promotion board meets 8/18. They don't release the promotion list until all those who didn't make it are personally notified. He's a bit concerned that he'll get called to the Magic bridge to answer a radio message. I said I would see if I could arrange for Mickey (in his Captain outfit) to deliver the news. Maybe DH could just use your satphone? :rotfl2:

Ummm, who ya draftin'???

Yow! I hope he's OK. At least the stitches will be out for TOAL.

BTW don't post this on the main boards - you'll be a bad mom who hurts her kids by drinking wine! :lmao:

Have no fear though, Stace will defend you to the death.

I wonder if a NY based Sat Phone will work in Acapulco? Are they tuned to a particular satellite..... will you be able to get that one there?
Funny story.....one time, someone dumped tires in our dumpster....which we would have to pay money to dispose of. The idiots also were stupid enough to dump their daily garbage in there too. The sheriff wouldn't do anything, so we got the illegal dumper's address off the mail in their garbage, loaded all their junk into my husband's truck, and dumped it back in their driveway. We never heard a word. :rotfl:

So thankful that she is okay. I can't believe I never heard of this happening before and now I am scared to take my dalmatian in for her shots next week. I think I will mention it to the vet just to be on the safe side, not that I can prevent it from happening. Thank goodness you took her back and they were able to stabilize her. My dog is like my oldest kid so I would have been a mess. Just reading about your visit to Starbucks left a tear in my eye......there are some good people left in the world!

Be sure you let us know how it goes for you! Sorry to scare you but it is good to know that it could happen.

..wow, where's my manners...." :welcome: "..to all the new swabbies &

..wenches [ my favorites, :yay: ]...."sea band, ginger, aloe, tums, pepto,
colace, & tweezers..to name a few. *must be more rooms on the ship than
i realized. :rolleyes1

speakin of rooms..it looks like..some of us....are going to be assign @ the last
second. crash?!...fyi, i am claiming..the top bunk...

reading materials?...by google...i'm bringing some of my favorites..."calvin &
hobbes"...(something drooling under the bed!)..see....why i'm sticking to the
top bunk?

..ok, justm? ..i have not made up..any stories..lately..wanta me to try?
...{it's not every day...someone..thinks...your special..with a lil'gift,:cheer2:

oh, if it offends..anyone..blame crash..he's guilty as the new fallen snow!

yes! ...i can imagine..making a "teddy's bears (even naked)....out of granny's
panties...remember all those personalized...mickeys ' @ magic kingdom?
..the designs..could..be endless { :laughing: } . maybe even top~less or
top~booty, pending ..the selection process/processors? :hippie:

....my guess....sell like "hottie" cakes....+ hemp! * would..there ever be a
better smuggler? sleepness..."locks monster"...with green eyes...tracking
down...smokey & his bandits. by pamama red?

:laundy: , so~ sorry..if my observation....made you " :blush: " or cross
yourself...sweet dreams, pixiedust:

sooooo? have you decided...on freakin flag , yet? & colors? :stir:

the current rumor, by swabby....yo! sealion pic., :thumbsup2 , jus
darling..while showing..the real yo~girl..:angel: ...that's the prefect
signature...seen around..these..parts... @ world's end, by elizabeth
singing..her swanie's "river" song! :sail:

Oh my goodness! I have a hard time reading your posts. I have to lean back from the computer and squint my eyes and try to read 'really fast'. It doesn't always work. Anyone else have this problem?

Speaking of laundry, I still haven't found Dropps. I tried Super Wal-Mart, Target and Bed Bath and Beyond, but nobody had them. I did see small packages of Tide(2 wash size) at Target for .99. I might just pick those up instead.

I found a bag of 20 Dropps (dye and scent free) from our WM for about $5. Would you like me to get you some?

Home from the ER. DS was taking out the trash and comes inside calling for me to get him a band-aid right away because he cut his leg and he's bleeding. As soon as I washed it off I could see he needed stitches - he sliced it open on a broken wine glass, the glass acted like a scalpel and made about a 3 inch laceration across the bottom of his knee - deeper on one side and more like deep scrape on the other. So off to the ER and 3 stitches later we're home. They gave him a needle to numb him up before they did the stitches, I couldn't watch - Pete said it was huge.

So I'm sure you're wondering HOW he cut his knee on a broken glass in the trash...well the stupid kid picks up the trash bag and walks with it plastered to his side. I had packed up the broken glass in newspaper and had it in the middle of the trash bag with other stuff around it but with the way he was handling it, it shifted around.

And YES, there was wine in the glass when it broke:sad1:. I had just filled it and put in on my end table and went to wind up the cookoo clock when one of the pulleys hit the lamp knocking it over which fell on the wine glass sending it crashing to the floor.

Wow! What a bummer! I hope he is feeling better soon.:hug:

Thanks so much for all the well wishes for our dog Belle. She seems to be feeling much better today. The boys are paying a lot of attention to her, more so than normal! It was very scarry for all of us.
Hi Sil! I haven't talked to you in ages. How's everything going? Tell Marg. we said hello:goodvibes

Hi Paula.

Ive not been on the board in months until recently. Finally booked air to LAX.

I try to make the chat each week. But often I dont get on until after 11PM.

Work has been miserable largely due to Bear Stearns (working till Midnight) with no end in sight. In fact, I have to go into work on Saturday. So work has been no fun. Today I left early - 7pm.

Hope you and the family are well!
I wonder if a NY based Sat Phone will work in Acapulco? Are they tuned to a particular satellite..... will you be able to get that one there?

I dont know much about sat phones... one of the guys in the draft is taking the sat phone from his place of employment. He says others in the office have used it in the Himilayas or in Safaris...

I will have to submit a paper draft in case there is a satellite issue...
I wonder if a NY based Sat Phone will work in Acapulco? Are they tuned to a particular satellite..... will you be able to get that one there?

Depends on which system. This is the G* coverage map (Orange == ok reception):

Oh well, yeah....me too. Same shorts and tanks. I was just thinking dinner clothes. I am going to mix & match though.
That's my plan too. Neutral skirts/slacks and tops in 2-3 colors (that's the plan anyway:confused3 )

My money is on Virginia......

Please:rolleyes: , not all of Virginia is bad. We like where we are:confused3

This must be more common than I thought it was! I have a terrible time with background noise. Unless I stare directly at the person speaking to me (and 1/2 read their lips) I can't separate their voice from the crowd noise. This is the hardest part of dinner on the cruise...
I can't tell you how relieved I am that I'm not the only one..

Knowing this crowd, Tink would be a popular addition
:thumbsup2 Tink's cool:cool1:

I love the nametag as is Chrissy:worship: Thanks so much:hug:

Yow! I hope he's OK. At least the stitches will be out for TOAL.

BTW don't post this on the main boards - you'll be a bad mom who hurts her kids by drinking wine! :lmao:

Have no fear though, Stace will defend you to the death.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: OMG, You are so right, I can just imagine the self-rightous comments on the main board:rolleyes:

I have alot of those moments. :confused3 :sad2:

Oh we do too. Going a whole meal without food on the clothes is NOT the norm for us:lmao:
Hi Paula.

Ive not been on the board in months until recently. Finally booked air to LAX.

I try to make the chat each week. But often I dont get on until after 11PM.

Work has been miserable largely due to Bear Stearns (working till Midnight) with no end in sight. In fact, I have to go into work on Saturday. So work has been no fun. Today I left early - 7pm.

Hope you and the family are well!

I haven't made it to chat in what seems like months:sad2: I am into my busy time at work and in the midst of a full blown remodeling of my Shell station. (Never did get something worked out with traffic--so I just torn down most of the interior walls and that has been more time consuming making coolers fit the existing walls. Try not to work so long and hard --I know way easier said than done.

Glad you got your af to LA! It may be the 1st of next month before I make it to chat again.
Good evening from Pennsylvania. Just getting used to my new laptop -- trying to keep up. Two days in a row. I'm sure I'll get behind again next week when DD moves to CT.

Spent the day with both DD's and the grandkids walking the Boardwalk at Ocean City, NJ. Everything tastes better on the Boardwalk. We are starting to work on our packing list. Finally broke down and got DH a tux. I'm assuming that the tux will be OK for both formal and semi formal nights??????

Just talked to DH who is home in Florida. I know the economy (more specifically the cost of gas) is making changes in our life. He works early on the 4th and would have usually driven down to WDW to see the fireworks -- but we don't make those quick trips any more.

We are staying at the Doubletree before the TOAL -- should we be considering taking a cab or do you think the free shuttle will be OK. DH always wants to be at the terminal when it opens.

If I have you on the email list you should have recieved an email from me. If you didn't and you want to be involved (I know that I probably missed a few people! I'm sorry!!!) please email me @ aol dot com.

This is what the email said (I also included everyone's email addy & Dis name)

Here are the names & email addy of everyone that I have so far -- I hope I haven't missed anyone! I am sure I have probably missed a few people but, I hope to rectify that soon!

As you can see there are a couple that I don't have Dis names with........

An idea I had (actually Cheryl & I had it about a year ago! LOL!) was to do *page kits* to swap. Sandwich baggie size. :-) But, I am open to whatever y'all want to do......

Since we know the themes (I'm putting them where they were for the Westbound, I don't know which nights they'll be for us!!!) that they had on the Westbound Repo and the Ports we will be visiting.... I thought I would list them to get us started with ideas ---

Cabo San Lucas
Puerto Vallarta
Panama Canal
Castaway Cay

Minnie's Fiesta Grande
Prince and Princess
Tropical deck party
Pirate's in the Caribbean
Formal Nights

If any of you remember something that I have left off...tell us. :-)

Not participating but a few things that came to mind for me were

Sail Away
Til We Meet Again
Character Breakfast
Dirty Jobs......**sigh***....gotta love Mike Rowe....:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

Hey M! What do you mean, wear the same outfits? Can I really do that? I made my list with 15 different outfits. CARP. I can cut back...whooo hoooo:banana:

I am going to try to take as many different outfits as the suitcase allows. I usually coordinate DD & my dresses and then pack shirts for the guys that go with them. There are enough to last us 15 days BUT the problem is the suitcases. Since we are flying Southwest both ways we will be allowed two checked bags and a carry on each so we should be okay. I just have to get a couple more big bags for us before I pack us all up. DD has to bring her princess dresses too ... and those don't get worn to dinner. If I cut back on anything it will be shoes. I have always filled a medium sized suitcase with shoes for me and the kids ... black sandals, white sandals and cream sandals for dinner, a couple pairs of crocs for the daytime, sneaks for excursions...and trying to figure out what I can take with us for horseback riding with a safe heel. I am really hoping that I don't have to do laundry on the ship. THAT would be a great vacation.

I am going to handle dirty clothes the same way that I have in the past in the cruise. Hamper will be set up under the desk. I will probably bring a couple of stick up deodorizers to toss in the bags since it will be for 2 weeks this time. Every 3 - 4 days I will sort the clothes into dark and light in trash bags and pack them up in one of the suitcases under the bed. The day before CC I pack up everything that has not been worn in the last suitcase leaving out our dinner outfits, for both nights, 1 set of PJs for each person, swim suit for CC, change of clothes to wear after dinner and show before TWMA and wear the last morning to leave the ship. The suitcases go out in the hall before we leave for dinner. All I need to pack that night is our HBA carry on stuff, dinner clothes from the last night and swim suits. Much less stress and we are free to roam the ship the last night instead of packing. :)
right now..we got a new problem..with our new neighbor...over by our
recreational land.....basically, he isn't happy..where the property boundaries
are....which are in realities. nor does it helps..he 's drinks a case of beer
per day..& loses self control....& now becoming destructive. our response
is to gather...evidence, as we devised ways to protect our properties...

* he got drunk..& dropped nails....but also an empty cigarette package,
special finishing screws...and pieces of his new carpet. [ he can't
tolerate..our no~trepassing signs...& when he gets drunk...demonstrating
poor impulse control...

I don't know what is wrong with some people. Hopefully he straightens up LG.:sad2:
did anyone..sailed..the sept 24, 05 cruise? somehow..we misplaced our
grand cayman..navigator..we were hoping to saved?

Hope your able to find one:)

Hey LilG....re: your property/neighbor problems. I can't figure out what this world is coming to.
We've had the same problems with people misusing the outer edges of our property....and with people dumping garbage in the dumpster behind our business.
The sheriffs told us that before they would even consider doing anything, we had to post NO Trespassing, No Dumping, Private Property signs. :confused3

Isn't is obvious to these people that they don't own any of it?? I mean, come on...they don't pay the monthly dumpster bill, and they don't pay the taxes on our land......:sad2:
Something is really wrong with the world when we have to do that. It's like "Property Laws for Dummies".

And take lots of pictures.
Stace we keep our dumpster areas in a locked fenced area. It is amazing the stuff people will throw in there. It was way worse at the 2nd store--there was always furniture and carpet in there.

Funny story.....one time, someone dumped tires in our dumpster....which we would have to pay money to dispose of. The idiots also were stupid enough to dump their daily garbage in there too. The sheriff wouldn't do anything, so we got the illegal dumper's address off the mail in their garbage, loaded all their junk into my husband's truck, and dumped it back in their driveway. We never heard a word. :rotfl:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
At least I'm not going to dinner naked.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:yay: :yay: :yay: ME ME ME!!!! Did ya see that, Shelley????

I did TOO play with dolls when I was a little girl....despite being a tomboy. My Barbies beat up my brother's GI Joes all the time!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Okay Stace, you are funny tonight:goodvibes
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