8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC #10

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Home from the ER. DS was taking out the trash and comes inside calling for me to get him a band-aid right away because he cut his leg and he's bleeding. As soon as I washed it off I could see he needed stitches - he sliced it open on a broken wine glass, the glass acted like a scalpel and made about a 3 inch laceration across the bottom of his knee - deeper on one side and more like deep scrape on the other. So off to the ER and 3 stitches later we're home. They gave him a needle to numb him up before they did the stitches, I couldn't watch - Pete said it was huge.

So I'm sure you're wondering HOW he cut his knee on a broken glass in the trash...well the stupid kid picks up the trash bag and walks with it plastered to his side. I had packed up the broken glass in newspaper and had it in the middle of the trash bag with other stuff around it but with the way he was handling it, it shifted around.

And YES, there was wine in the glass when it broke:sad1:. I had just filled it and put in on my end table and went to wind up the cookoo clock when one of the pulleys hit the lamp knocking it over which fell on the wine glass sending it crashing to the floor.

ouch! will the stitches be out by the TOAL?
ouch! will the stitches be out by the TOAL?

Yes, TG! Actually they will take them out next Wednesday - we just have to go back to the ER and they will do them then. Normally they would have us go to his regular doctor, but his doctor passed away unexpectedly last week and the practice is stell reeling from it.
Hi Sil! I haven't talked to you in ages. How's everything going? Tell Marg. we said hello:goodvibes
Home from the ER. DS was taking out the trash and comes inside calling for me to get him a band-aid right away because he cut his leg and he's bleeding. As soon as I washed it off I could see he needed stitches - he sliced it open on a broken wine glass, the glass acted like a scalpel and made about a 3 inch laceration across the bottom of his knee - deeper on one side and more like deep scrape on the other. So off to the ER and 3 stitches later we're home. They gave him a needle to numb him up before they did the stitches, I couldn't watch - Pete said it was huge.

So I'm sure you're wondering HOW he cut his knee on a broken glass in the trash...well the stupid kid picks up the trash bag and walks with it plastered to his side. I had packed up the broken glass in newspaper and had it in the middle of the trash bag with other stuff around it but with the way he was handling it, it shifted around.

And YES, there was wine in the glass when it broke:sad1:. I had just filled it and put in on my end table and went to wind up the cookoo clock when one of the pulleys hit the lamp knocking it over which fell on the wine glass sending it crashing to the floor.

Lorri, what an evening! Glad to hear it wasn't more serious:hug:
k Jack, u convinced me.

Another question for the motley crew... Every year for the past 13 years I attaned a fantasy football draft (usually in Atlantic City) on the Friday a week before Labor Day. That is the day we are in ACA. One of the guys in the league will be getting me a satellite phone to use in the draft (yes, this is serious). In ACA will be be on Pacific or Mountain time? And if I am early dining, is there anyway to flip to late dining for just one nite?

I hate to miss Mexican nite...

On the flip side, do satellite phones work indoors?

finally.... please please please dont tell my co-workers I have a sat phone on board!

Satellite phones don't always work outdoors. DH had one for work in Alaska. Our house was in a river valley. The phone didn't work there. It worked at our friend's house, less than 1/2 mile from us, but higher in the valley.

DH's Commander promotion board meets 8/18. They don't release the promotion list until all those who didn't make it are personally notified. He's a bit concerned that he'll get called to the Magic bridge to answer a radio message. I said I would see if I could arrange for Mickey (in his Captain outfit) to deliver the news. Maybe DH could just use your satphone? :rotfl2:

Ummm, who ya draftin'???

Home from the ER. DS was taking out the trash and comes inside calling for me to get him a band-aid right away because he cut his leg and he's bleeding. As soon as I washed it off I could see he needed stitches - he sliced it open on a broken wine glass, the glass acted like a scalpel and made about a 3 inch laceration across the bottom of his knee - deeper on one side and more like deep scrape on the other. So off to the ER and 3 stitches later we're home. They gave him a needle to numb him up before they did the stitches, I couldn't watch - Pete said it was huge.

So I'm sure you're wondering HOW he cut his knee on a broken glass in the trash...well the stupid kid picks up the trash bag and walks with it plastered to his side. I had packed up the broken glass in newspaper and had it in the middle of the trash bag with other stuff around it but with the way he was handling it, it shifted around.

And YES, there was wine in the glass when it broke:sad1:. I had just filled it and put in on my end table and went to wind up the cookoo clock when one of the pulleys hit the lamp knocking it over which fell on the wine glass sending it crashing to the floor.

Yow! I hope he's OK. At least the stitches will be out for TOAL.

BTW don't post this on the main boards - you'll be a bad mom who hurts her kids by drinking wine! :lmao:

Have no fear though, Stace will defend you to the death.
Yes, it was the shots. She had two so they are not sure which one she reacted to. Next time they said they will pretreat her and then watch her for a couple hours afterward. It was very scary. I was glad the boys were not with me. I was not sure what was going on. It was at PetSmart so I could see through the glass and there were 3 nurses and a doctor working on her. The nurse came out and said they were trying to stabilizer her. She stayed there most of the day. When I went to Starbucks after I left her there, as I was paying, they asked me if I was having a good day. I started to cry and said no and told her why. She gave me my money back and said my drink was on her - which made me cry more!:sad:

She is better but I won't feel better for a few more days when I stop having to give her Benadryl. :sick:

I will let you know how she is doing in a few days. Thanks to all!

I'm so sorry that must've been very scary! :hug:

That is really neat about your brother getting to time at the meet! My dad & brother just got back from Omaha. One of my Uncles died. :sad1: I had really wanted to go to the funeral but, I have no one that could watch 10ds & 7dd.
I didn't want to take young children to a funeral. We are a very close family and he will be missed.
My brother emailed me a pic of the house we lived in the year we lived in Omaha (my dad is retired Navy and we were stationed there 68/69).

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle! :hug:


OK. I've got that out of my system.

Carry on.


Woohoo!!! :yay:

hi everyone! i havne't been on in a few days! hope everyone had a great weekend. mine was very stressful! my boys went to the hosp last friday to get the tubes put in their ears. youngest ds fared pretty well fri, but the anesthesia knocked the older one for a loop! he had the procedure done at 8am...with very little anesthesia...and he was still throwing up when he went to bed that nite! i felt awful for him!! youngest ds was hit harder the next day. he had his adenoids done also..and the pain got to him on saturday. the pain meds make him very whiny and loopy...so it's been a difficult past few days! we also had a yard sale on saturday. i mistakenly thought i would have time to work on pricing things on friday...but that never got done due to ds's not being well! so...i stayed up late on friday nite with the intentions of pricing sale stuff. i decided to check emails at one point, and when i got online, i started chatting with an old freind....and we ended up staying up all nite chatting...i never went to bed! not what i needed to do when i ws short on sleep anyways!
oh well...things are settling down now...so i can finally check back in here! has there been any more info on the busses from hojo to the port? any other imp info i should know about? i guess i'd better go check out the pirate board...and try to get caught back up!
have a great nite everyone!

That must've been awful to have to go through! :hug:

Did I forget to mention it's a one way ticket? :rotfl2: Since the airlines cancelled the flight before......... I am trying not to get to excited. This will only be the 3rd attempt to her getting here.

Then comes getting her ready for school next month. Poor kid doesn't get a break, she just finished school in NY.:sad2:
I am trying to work on my schedule so I can spend some time with her. I will be working Sun. but only taking phone calls. We are taking her to the beach !:) Thanks for asking. It's been a longggg 4 months without her.:sad1:

Tina I bet it's been very tough! Enjoy your time with Brooke!!! :hug:

right now..we got a new problem..with our new neighbor...over by our
recreational land.....basically, he isn't happy..where the property boundaries
are....which are in realities. nor does it helps..he 's drinks a case of beer
per day..& loses self control....& now becoming destructive. our response
is to gather...evidence, as we devised ways to protect our properties...

* he got drunk..& dropped nails....but also an empty cigarette package,
special finishing screws...and pieces of his new carpet. [ he can't
tolerate..our no~trepassing signs...& when he gets drunk...demonstrating
poor impulse control...

Sorry your neighbor is giving you trouble! Sounds like you are handling the best way possible! :hug:

Funny story.....one time, someone dumped tires in our dumpster....which we would have to pay money to dispose of. The idiots also were stupid enough to dump their daily garbage in there too. The sheriff wouldn't do anything, so we got the illegal dumper's address off the mail in their garbage, loaded all their junk into my husband's truck, and dumped it back in their driveway. We never heard a word. :rotfl:

Ah I love it!!! :thumbsup2

A thread for them would work too. But DS is often looking over my shoulder on Friday nights asking when he could chat. And he has a lot of fun chatting on MileyWorld. I just figured a weekly chat would be fun for them.

My kids always ask to chat too! In fact Cade snuck on one night when I ran to the bathroom. I'm sure some of you will remember! ;)

If I'm around, I'd be happy to moderate. We are hopefully going into Boston this Friday so we won't be around, but I'm usually here on chat night if you want to do it before the adults get on.

Can't mix and match much with a sundress. You'll see the same dinner outfit on my bod 2x.

Same here! I will definitely be in the same outfit or sun dress at least a couple of times. Hopefully people will be having too much fun to notice what this slob is wearing! ;)

Home from the ER. DS was taking out the trash and comes inside calling for me to get him a band-aid right away because he cut his leg and he's bleeding. As soon as I washed it off I could see he needed stitches - he sliced it open on a broken wine glass, the glass acted like a scalpel and made about a 3 inch laceration across the bottom of his knee - deeper on one side and more like deep scrape on the other. So off to the ER and 3 stitches later we're home. They gave him a needle to numb him up before they did the stitches, I couldn't watch - Pete said it was huge.

So I'm sure you're wondering HOW he cut his knee on a broken glass in the trash...well the stupid kid picks up the trash bag and walks with it plastered to his side. I had packed up the broken glass in newspaper and had it in the middle of the trash bag with other stuff around it but with the way he was handling it, it shifted around.

And YES, there was wine in the glass when it broke:sad1:. I had just filled it and put in on my end table and went to wind up the cookoo clock when one of the pulleys hit the lamp knocking it over which fell on the wine glass sending it crashing to the floor.

OMG!!!! You broke a wine glass with liquid gold in it????? :scared:

Sorry I couldn't resist! I am really sorry to hear DS got cut! That would've freaked me out! :hug:

My DS decided to reach over the end of the couch today to get something on the floor & he flipped over the end & hit the table where my computer sits. The crash made me go running, and he knew I was panicked so he jumps up & says, "I'm fine! I'm fine!" Kids! Gotta love em! :headache:
Home from the ER. DS was taking out the trash and comes inside calling for me to get him a band-aid right away because he cut his leg and he's bleeding. As soon as I washed it off I could see he needed stitches - he sliced it open on a broken wine glass, the glass acted like a scalpel and made about a 3 inch laceration across the bottom of his knee - deeper on one side and more like deep scrape on the other. So off to the ER and 3 stitches later we're home. They gave him a needle to numb him up before they did the stitches, I couldn't watch - Pete said it was huge.

So I'm sure you're wondering HOW he cut his knee on a broken glass in the trash...well the stupid kid picks up the trash bag and walks with it plastered to his side. I had packed up the broken glass in newspaper and had it in the middle of the trash bag with other stuff around it but with the way he was handling it, it shifted around.

And YES, there was wine in the glass when it broke:sad1:. I had just filled it and put in on my end table and went to wind up the cookoo clock when one of the pulleys hit the lamp knocking it over which fell on the wine glass sending it crashing to the floor.

OH NO!!! Did you get the wine stain out of the carpet??? sorry...couldn't resist. Poor kid!!
OMG!!!! You broke a wine glass with liquid gold in it????? :scared:

Sorry I couldn't resist! I am really sorry to hear DS got cut! That would've freaked me out! :hug:

My DS decided to reach over the end of the couch today to get something on the floor & he flipped over the end & hit the table where my computer sits. The crash made me go running, and he knew I was panicked so he jumps up & says, "I'm fine! I'm fine!" Kids! Gotta love em! :headache:

Thank goodness I'm not the only smart-add.
All this laundry talk -- my big tip is to bring Tide to Go sticks (more than you think you need -- they are wonderful!) and some things can be worn more than once without washing. I used these on the Med and Med repo cruises last year and was able to take little stains out of things and then reuse them or me or the girls . . . it was wonderful and really cut down on laundry. I have bought 2 packs of 3 sticks to take this year.
I bought one stick. Do they not last very long :confused3 I was thinking that we could rewear dinner clothes especially if we change after dinner and use the tide sticks for the "oops I spilled food on me" moments;)

Yeah, it was a gamble I took and I lost. I took the risk but I want you all to know I in no way blame Laura! This is in NO WAY her fault and I know it's a lot of work what she's doing with the secret mickeys. As I said in my post- she said it just turned out a lot of the girls didn't want girly stuff. That's not her fault at all- she has to work with what she has, yanno? I just don't want children disappointed if we're their SM- that's all. I appreciate all of Laura's hard work and in no way fault her for anything!
I emailed her that I think it would be best if we just withdraw from the secret mickey- because I don't want to cause her more work than she's already doing with this and I also don't want to disappoint other kids. I can just put these things in my kids FE's and I know they'll like them PLUS I'll have extras I can just randomly surprise other kids in their FE's--- and it would be extra, not as their SM, so they won't be disappointed. I don't want anyone to wish they hadn't got us as SM's- yanno? And this is in NO WAY Laura's fault- it's mine. I took the risk buying things ahead of time and little by little so I could afford it better- and I'm glad I did because we really couldn't afford to buy stuff at the present time. We're already buckling down as much as possible to pay for everything on the cruise with all our bills and gas going sky high (I know everyone is feeling the pinch too!) But I took the risk of buying things ahead of time and then turns out there's no one to match me up to that WANTS those types of things. That's totally my fault-not hers in any way. I just want to make that clear.

Thanks so much for all that you're doing Laura! We all appreciate you so much! :love:
Bip, before you decide to pull out, maybe you can swap with someone:confused3
I was kinda surprised too by my DD and her friends' idea of "cool":confused3

Hey M! What do you mean, wear the same outfits? Can I really do that? I made my list with 15 different outfits. CARP. I can cut back...whooo hoooo:banana:
There are going to be a lot of "little black dresses" out there getting worn more than once:rolleyes1
Yow! I hope he's OK. At least the stitches will be out for TOAL.

BTW don't post this on the main boards - you'll be a bad mom who hurts her kids by drinking wine! :lmao:

Have no fear though, Stace will defend you to the death.

Yeah... I hope the CM's appreciate my defending their tip raise!!
Happy Birthday Claire!!!

Home from the ER. DS was taking out the trash and comes inside calling for me to get him a band-aid right away because he cut his leg and he's bleeding. As soon as I washed it off I could see he needed stitches - he sliced it open on a broken wine glass, the glass acted like a scalpel and made about a 3 inch laceration across the bottom of his knee - deeper on one side and more like deep scrape on the other. So off to the ER and 3 stitches later we're home. They gave him a needle to numb him up before they did the stitches, I couldn't watch - Pete said it was huge.

So I'm sure you're wondering HOW he cut his knee on a broken glass in the trash...well the stupid kid picks up the trash bag and walks with it plastered to his side. I had packed up the broken glass in newspaper and had it in the middle of the trash bag with other stuff around it but with the way he was handling it, it shifted around.

And YES, there was wine in the glass when it broke:sad1:. I had just filled it and put in on my end table and went to wind up the cookoo clock when one of the pulleys hit the lamp knocking it over which fell on the wine glass sending it crashing to the floor.

Sorry to hear that. Hope he fully recovers before the TOAL!

BTW don't post this on the main boards - you'll be a bad mom who hurts her kids by drinking wine! :lmao:

Have no fear though, Stace will defend you to the death.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

k Jack, u convinced me.

Another question for the motley crew... Every year for the past 13 years I attaned a fantasy football draft (usually in Atlantic City) on the Friday a week before Labor Day. That is the day we are in ACA. One of the guys in the league will be getting me a satellite phone to use in the draft (yes, this is serious). In ACA will be be on Pacific or Mountain time? And if I am early dining, is there anyway to flip to late dining for just one nite?

I hate to miss Mexican nite...

On the flip side, do satellite phones work indoors?

finally.... please please please dont tell my co-workers I have a sat phone on board!

Acapulco is on CENTRAL time.
One of the guys in the league will be getting me a satellite phone to use in the draft (yes, this is serious).

On the flip side, do satellite phones work indoors?

They don't work indoors. I have a GlobalStar but only use it for when I'm out in the Mojave. Which brand is it? Globalstar is repositioning Sats this year and coverage is hit and miss - see: http://www.globalstarusa.com/en/news/update.php

Funny story.....one time, someone dumped tires in our dumpster....which we would have to pay money to dispose of. The idiots also were stupid enough to dump their daily garbage in there too. The sheriff wouldn't do anything, so we got the illegal dumper's address off the mail in their garbage, loaded all their junk into my husband's truck, and dumped it back in their driveway. We never heard a word. :rotfl:

Same type of incident, only it was someones household trash they dumped on our farm. I went through it and found a whole box of their blank checks. Decided I would share the wealth and drove all over town dropping books of checks in areas where low lifes hang. It wasn't long before bad checks started turning up from thier account:thumbsup2
Satellite phones don't always work outdoors. DH had one for work in Alaska. Our house was in a river valley. The phone didn't work there. It worked at our friend's house, less than 1/2 mile from us, but higher in the valley.

DH's Commander promotion board meets 8/18. They don't release the promotion list until all those who didn't make it are personally notified. He's a bit concerned that he'll get called to the Magic bridge to answer a radio message. I said I would see if I could arrange for Mickey (in his Captain outfit) to deliver the news. Maybe DH could just use your satphone? :rotfl2:

Ummm, who ya draftin'???

Yow! I hope he's OK. At least the stitches will be out for TOAL.

BTW don't post this on the main boards - you'll be a bad mom who hurts her kids by drinking wine! :lmao:

Have no fear though, Stace will defend you to the death.

TG for Stace!

Hopefully your DH will be one of those who doesn't get the call!
I bought one stick. Do they not last very long :confused3 I was thinking that we could rewear dinner clothes especially if we change after dinner and use the tide sticks for the "oops I spilled food on me" moments;)

I have alot of those moments. :confused3 :sad2:
Another question for the motley crew... Every year for the past 13 years I attaned a fantasy football draft (usually in Atlantic City) on the Friday a week before Labor Day. That is the day we are in ACA. One of the guys in the league will be getting me a satellite phone to use in the draft (yes, this is serious). In ACA will be be on Pacific or Mountain time? And if I am early dining, is there anyway to flip to late dining for just one nite? Andrew or Roger are best on the times. They might be on Central even (and you may need to adjust for daylight savings if they don't celebrate!)

I hate to miss Mexican nite...

On the flip side, do satellite phones work indoors? Sometimes, if near window. They are really designed for line of sight to the satellite. Post Katrina, most of the calls I was on where Louisiana or Mississippi was on the sat phone, the caller had to go outside and the reception was awful.

finally.... please please please dont tell my co-workers I have a sat phone on board!

What's it worth not to tell your co-workers?
OMG!!!! You broke a wine glass with liquid gold in it????? :scared:

Sorry I couldn't resist! I am really sorry to hear DS got cut! That would've freaked me out! :hug:

My DS decided to reach over the end of the couch today to get something on the floor & he flipped over the end & hit the table where my computer sits. The crash made me go running, and he knew I was panicked so he jumps up & says, "I'm fine! I'm fine!" Kids! Gotta love em! :headache:

Diane, when I broke the glass I was more upset about losing the wine then about the stupid glass!:lmao:

Glad to hear that your DS didn't get hurt. I know what you mean about hearing those noises and panicking, so much for it getting easier as they get older.
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