5 YO and stroller



We have a 5 year old that has not been in a stroller for a long time but we are wondering if we should bring it for the long days in the parks?

Will it be more hassle than it is worth?

Our daughter is going to be almost five when we go in September and we will be taking a stroller just in case. It not only is nice if she gets tired half way throught the day but we also like to take a jug of water and store other misc. items we may pick up during the day. If you do not mind carrying your 5 yr old if they are tired then do not bother with the stroller.
Absolutely!!! We have taken ours the past 4 years in a row and it has been a major life saver. It gets very hot and there is alot of walking. I'm sure if she doesn't want to ride in it at first by the middle of the day she will be begging to sit in it.
For an opposing view - We spent a week at WDW with our 5 year old twins the first week of April. I was sooo happy that for the first time in 5 years we did not have to manhandle 2 strollers all over the park! I have always hated trying to get through crowds without taking out someone's ankles or moving in a shop without knocking off some crystal goblet or something.

The girls did very well. The only time I carried them all week was to see the last Main Street Electrical Parade.

I would suggest, though, that you pay special attention to their feet. They are not quite old enough to realize the are creating blisters or hot spots until the are already bad. Good tennis shoes (or equivilent) with socks kept dry and on the feet are a must.

When we were there we saw kids of all ages in those purple double stroller!! Older siblings were Begging to ride,even just sit for a few moments.

I would be prepared for a lot of riding!!!And think of it this way,if it makes life easier,and your child is happy,having fun and not whining and having a major melt down,isn't it worth it to have fun enjoyable family memories??? ;)

In '99, we rented one everywhere we went for our almost 3 year old. Sometimes we got a double and our 8 year old rode too!!!!! This time we are hoping to only get one at the MK when we are not taking a break during the day. They are a pain, especially having to go get them after an attraction and trying to figure out which one is yours. But we are prepared to get one every day in case our 5 year old gets to tired. We'll be too tired if he wants to be carried.
Tahnks for your help. What I really want to know is how much time do you waste retrieving the stroller after a ride? and how hard is ti to get into a popular attraction (show) managing a stroller?
We went at Christmas 2000 with our then 4 year old and friends with a 4 year old ( both turned 5 within two months of our trip). We flew to WDW and took our own stroller!! I checked with others on this board many times and almost did not bother with lugging the stroller on the plane.
However, I am VERY GLAD we took a stroller and it was our OWN and it didn't look like everyone else's. And the lines to rent strollers were very LONG. I can only imagine that it is worse during the summer months.

We tied lime green ribbon on our stroller which made it easy to identify and also let others know we were DIS board members. The CM's constantly move the strollers around to prevent gaps and make neat rows, but it is a little (only a little ) aggravating that it is not exactly where you left it when you go back to get it. Most shows, you have to leave it outside. But it was well worth the small aggravation. Our son did not ride it it the whole time, but it was nice when he got tired and we always had it to carry souvenirs or our backpacks if we they got too heavy.

Here's a vote to take your own stroller. Avoid having to find a WDW stroller that looks the same as everyone else's and avoid the hour long line to rent one!! ;)

<img width="150" src="http://disneyclipart.simplenet.com/Movies/101_Dalmations/dalm01.gif">
just another thing I found - renting off-site! a little less per week, I believe and, they deliver to your hotel. Can't find the URL but, 1-800-728-6506, All About Kids. They rent almost anything kid-related, playpens, monitors, etc. Call them first and ask for URL, check them out that way first.

Plan on a stroller at some point, though!

Have a Great Trip! :D


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