5 Adults, 2 Staterooms, 1 Amazing Western Caribbean (C) Cruise on the Disney Fantasy!

Rachel and Minnie by vshingl, on Flickr

I'll be honest - what I really love about captain's receptions are the free beverages. Most cruise lines have bartenders circling the room with complimentary champagne, but I was really disappointed to find out over spring break that Carnival had done away with complimentary champagne for the captain's night. I was happy to learn that Disney Cruise Line not only offers complimentary beverages, but they have the largest variety that I've seen. While there was no champagne, Disney served cocktails, wine, and beer.

My family snagged a high-rise table at the Vista Cafe, and we were served cocktails by Jesse who really looked out for us. Typically at a captain's reception, you get one or two beverages... more if you drink fast and are good at seeking out bartenders. Jesse, however, brought us at least three - maybe four or five - rounds of drinks to us at the table. Whenever a glass was empty, Jesse was there to replace it!

Formal Night by vshingl, on Flickr

Tonight's menu was French cuisine at the Royal Palace. Of the three rotation restaurants (and of the four restaurants we had dinner in, for that matter), Royal Palace was our favorite venue. It's a good thing, too, because our dining rotation had us eating there three different nights!

Escargot Gratines by vshingl, on Flickr

For an appetizer, I had the escargot.

Breaded and Deep Fried Brie by vshingl, on Flickr

And I substituted my salad for another appetizer - the Breaded French Brie!

Oven-Baked Salmon Royale by vshingl, on Flickr

The entrees didn't feel especially French. I had the oven-baked salmon.

Rack of Lamb by vshingl, on Flickr

Rachel had the rack of lamb.
Quest is not a new game for my family. We began playing over ten years ago on Royal Caribbean and are two-time champions. Since then, the other cruise lines that we sail have begun playing the game. Each line does it slightly different, but the concept is the same - crazy x-rated scavenger hunt. The "Quests" will start out simple and innocent. "Bring me a piece of fruit." "Bring me someone wearing two left shoes." But the game progresses into, "Bring me three bras." "Bring me a lady wearing a man's pants." Until the final Quest when men dress up as females and compete in a drag pageant.

Being two-time champions, we're quite competitive. We had scouted out the crowd the prior evening at Match Your Mate and realized that we had a really good chance, even as just a small team of five. So we arrived at the Tube early and snagged a table on the front row in the middle of the room.

The good thing about adult Quest being held in the Tube in the evening is that there were absolutely no children. Usually cruise lines have difficulty keeping the kids out and will have to continuously remind parents that this game is for adults. On our Royal Princess cruise, the game was completely taken over by children. Disney keeps Europa adults-only after 9:00 PM each night, so children crashing the adult entertainment is never an issue. The entertainment team also played family Quest a few nights that week, so kids had their own chance to play the crazy game.

What is fun about playing Quest on a different cruise line is that the Quests are almost all surprises to us. Disney's Quests were rather tame in comparison to Royal Caribbean and Carnival. Usually team members are stripping articles of clothing at Quest 5 or 6, but Disney didn't ask for anything R-rated until the second to last Quest asking for a bra, and then the last quest requesting a man wearing a bra (over his shirt... on other cruise lines, the man would be shirtless, probably pant-less, and in as much female clothing as possible). The crowd, however, was surprisingly almost as rowdy as always. Coming back from one Quest, I was knocked onto the ground by another woman and trampled over. I actually had a bruise from where I was stepped on which was rather painful the next few days. There was one Quest where everyone was called to canoe on the dance floor which was absolute madness - several people were injured doing that.

The Quest that gives you the winning edge is the final Quest - the drag pageant. We wanted Max to be our girl because Dad has been our girl before, and he sucked at it. Max, however, refused, so we had to send Dad up there again. Disney asked for the men to impersonate female Disney characters. The entire time Dad stood in the line-up, he looked miserable - like he was going to blow it. Then when it was his turn, he strutted down the runway and said in a shockingly high-pitch voice, "Hi, I'm Minnie." The crowd loved him.

They tallied up the points and called out third place... second place... first place...

The Quest by vshingl, on Flickr

We won!!!

The Quest by vshingl, on Flickr

This was Max's first time ever playing Quest (we watched on the Carnival Breeze). Maybe next time he'll agree to be our girl.

The Quest by vshingl, on Flickr

The prize wasn't nearly as good as that spa package they had given to the Match Your Mate winner the night, but it was better than the plastic medals you get on other cruise lines. We received a DCL water bottle, journal, and keychains.
Hypnotist Ricky Kalmon (adult show)

I've seen a few hypnotists, now - all on cruise ships. The first hypnotist I saw was on the Carnival Dream in 2010, and to this day, his show was the most entertaining that I've ever seen. I tried to be hypnotized on the Island Princess in 2012 and ended up dismissing myself from the stage because I realized that I wasn't "hypnotized". Rachel had chosen not to go on stage to be hypnotized with me, so I was a little surprised when she jumped up and claimed her spot on the stage on the Disney Fantasy.

Hypnotist by vshingl, on Flickr

See her second from the left end?

Hypnotist by vshingl, on Flickr

Rachel (and another girl) was actually soon dismissed from the stage because she wasn't hypnotized. She was supposed to smell something incredibly bad when he said "Atlanta," and she missed that cue. A "good hypnotist" wants to make his show as entertaining as possible, so he'll dismiss the people who aren't "hypnotized" or cooperating. I would say that good hypnotism for entertainment is more about the ability to read his or her subjects and decide who is the most likely to do the most outrageous things.

What was really weird is that he dismissed the guy wearing the grey Mickey Mouse shirt (to the right of Rachel in the photo). Then just a few minutes later, whoever was beside this guy - his father, I think - stood up and said that he was hypnotized again. Then Ricky Kalmon announced that this guy wanted to be up there so bad that he had self-hypnotized himself, and he invited him back on the stage. The entire situation was bizarre, and in my opinion, took credibility from Kalmon.

I'd have to say that of all of the hypnotism shows I've seen, this was the least entertaining. He spent way too much time having everyone sit in chairs and smell or feel things, rather than having them get out of their seats and do things. Maybe it was just a bad show, but I was far from impressed and am wondering why he is the "#1 Most Requested Hypnotist in the Country".

Towel Animal by vshingl, on Flickr
May 12, 2014 - Cozumel, Mexico

We docked that morning at the Punta Langosta pier in downtown Cozumel.

Cozumel, Mexico by vshingl, on Flickr

That morning after eating breakfast in Cabana's, Rachel and I realized that it would be the perfect time to ride the Aqua Duck. Sure enough, there was no wait (wait time was listed at 10 min). After each round we'd look at each other and say, "Just one more time!"

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Dad can't resist a photo op...

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr
After we got off the Disney Fantasy and had an up-close look at her, we realized how beautiful the ship truly is. The paint job is incredible, and the ship is really clean.

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Cozumel, Mexico by vshingl, on Flickr

It's been several years since I've docked at Punto Langosta. More recently, I had been on ships docking at the Puerta Maya Cruise Center. It appeared that the Carnival Sunshine was docked over there. It was good to be downtown, again.

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr
There is a great picturesque lookout at the end of the pier which allows for great photos of the ship.

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

Cozumel, Mexico by vshingl, on Flickr

Now, the plan was to go to a beach. Rachel and Mom had been to Cozumel in March and had visited Paradise Beach, but didn't really care to go back there. I had read about several great Cozumel beaches online and remembered Mr. Sancho's and Nachi Cocom. Now, I knew that Mr. Sancho's was an all-inclusive beach and that perhaps an advance reservation was required. I didn't realize that Nachi Cocom was the same deal. Luckily, our cab driver asked us if we had reservations which was a red flag that we probably shouldn't go there. We asked him how much it cost, and he really didn't know and guessed $75.... more than we wanted to spend. Our cab driver recommended Playa Mia at around $30 per person.

Since getting back and doing my research (yeahhh... probably should have done that pre-cruise rather than post-cruise), I can tell you that Nachi Cocom limits its day guests to 100 people and is all-inclusive (all you can drink, all you can eat) at the rate of $55 per person over 16 years of age. Mr. Sancho's doesn't require reservations and is $55 per person 18 years of age and older. Mr. Sancho's also offers packages with activities like parasailing and horseback riding.

So back to the cab. We realize that Nachi Cocom is not going to work out, so we decide that we might as well just go to Paradise Beach because we would at least know what to expect. And then we saw the billboard for Playa Mia which has a "waterpark". Rachel, Max, and I had been talking earlier that day about wanting to go to a waterpark. We asked our cab driver if it was too late to switch. This poor cab driver had now been told three different destinations!
Playa Mia Grand Beach + Waterpark

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia is as all-inclusive as you want. Starting at $30 per adult, you get all-inclusive beach, pool, waterpark, and non-motorized watersports. At $45 per adult, you can get all of that, as well as all-you-can-eat. And at $60 per adult, you can get all of the above, as well as all-you-can-drink. We went with the base package at $30 per person.

She's basic...

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr
The beach was typical of Cozumel beaches - kind of rocky with grainy sand. It's definitely not the most comfortable sand to walk on.

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Rachel, Dad, Max, and I soon headed out to the aqua park to give it a try while Mom quite contently stayed in her beach chair. It was a long swim out against the current. We were exhausted by the time we got there! The entire aqua park was actually a giant obstacle course which was a lot more challenging than it looked. I felt like an idiot as I wiggled my body to crawl across the inflatables without falling in. It turned out to be quite the workout, but it was great fun and hilarious! And I don't know if I laughed harder the entire trip than I did as I watched my dad climb up the repelling wall. I really wish that we had taken a camera out there (but then again, we were having enough trouble with nothing in our hands).

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

We then decided to cool off in the pool. I was carrying my silver Castaway Club beach tote and realized that I had to be careful because everybody was carrying that bag! I made sure to leave something sticking out of the top of mine so that hopefully no one would grab it by mistake. Still, we kept a close watch on it at all times.

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

After a few runs, we determined that the blue slide was faster than the red one.

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

When we went back later to do the water slides with my dad, the lifeguard gave Max a tip on how to go really fast - lay on your back and lift up your butt, putting all of your weight on your heels and your shoulders. You fly!!! I ended up using this tip on water slides for the rest of the week. The lifeguards got a real kick out of Max and would shout, "Tsunami!" as he flew down the slide.

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Chicken nachos were $11 which I thought was rather high, but actually comparable to restaurants in the US. We walked away at first, but Max was hungry and decided that he really did want the nachos.

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

They were actually very good, and I'm glad he got them... and was generous enough to share with me!

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Dad's typical turn-around to realize that no one is following him.

Playa Mia by vshingl, on Flickr

Strike a pose.

We had a great time at Playa Mia, and I thought that it was a good value. We enjoyed the water slides and aqua park, and the overall facilities were in great shape. I would definitely visit Playa Mia again in the future and would recommend it to others.
Glad you posted this on the Dis! I've actually been reading the report over on your website. :) I found your Breeze review on CC about a month ago and really enjoyed it. I was excited when you mentioned going on the Fantasy and I eagerly awaited this report! Love your writing and professionalism, keep it up girl! Can't wait to hear more and glad you came back to cruising DCL> :thumbsup2
Long time lurker, first time poster! :)
I'm really enjoying your trip report! You have really peaked my interest in Playa Mia. We are on the Halloween western and have recently started thinking about excursions. Thank you for all of the fantastic photos! And congratulations on your graduation!:thumbsup2
I am soo excited you went to playa mia, we are looking forward to checking it out next year. Did playa mia provide towels, or do you bring them off the ship? were the kayaks/tubes/and other water equipment free to use(included in entry price)?
Really enjoying your trip report! We've done several Disney cruises, but this October will be our first time in Jamaica, so I'm looking forward to hearing about your day there. Thanks for posting!
Enjoying your TR. The mixology class looks like a lot of fun. And Playa Mia looks like a blast! Your pictures are great!


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