

Earning My Ears
Jan 27, 2001
Ok, all you universal Geru's I need help here, I'm so confused.
We have a 3day/2 Park pass. Staying off site.
I wanna know are we allowed to come 2 hrs early?
on specail EE days?
Or is it that we have FOL for 2 hrs 9-11am?
Any help would be appreciated.
There is no early entry for multiday parkholders -- only onsite resort guests. You can use Universal Express, which runs from 9 am to 11 am daily. You can have FOTL all day if you are staying onsite.

Earl says that this will all change in the next few weeks, so stay tuned! :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
When we were there last June provided you had a multi-day pass (i.e. two/three days) you could enter the park very early (can't remember exact time but something like 0700). You were then given an express ticket so that when the park opened at about 0900 you could still get on the rides before the people who had came in at 0900. Is this not still going on?
It was like that when we went at Easter Shirley. I believe they changed to 9:00 entry in September. According to this site they will be doing away with Universal Express soon and replacing with some kind of Fast Pass system.

Disneyland Paris Halloween 1999 & Christmas 2000
Off site Easter 2000 & Easter 2001


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