3rd and Final Annual Pass Trip PTR


DIS Veteran
Jan 7, 2014
Hi all,

This is my first PTR. I haven't done one before as I hadn't found this board and you lovely people until relatively recently! Plus I plan SO far in advance, I've been done and dusted so far! But I thought I'd have a go at a PTR for our forthcoming, last Annual Pass, trip!

Date: 12th/13th - 17th October

Hotel: Santa Fe (2 days free deal), 2 rooms booked with one adult (and one child in one room) per room.


Me! :crazy: Female, 32, Dream AP, DLP mad and obsessive planner. Happy to go on any ride, but not keen on anything that goes upside down..... but I have a ride challenge (see below!). Favourite rides - BTM and Tower of Terror.

DH - :wizard: Male, 37, Dream AP, not in to big rides, and would be happy not to do ANY rides as long as he was able to go on Buzz! lol Big shopper, and gotten DD into pin trading!

DD - princess: Female, 4 years old, Dream AP, loves characters. Favourite ride is Slinky Dog, last visit took a dislike to Pirates and Parachute, although previously liked both! Weird. This morning's discussion though gave me some hope! She's asking for bribary!! If she goes on Parachute, can I buy her a Minnie Lolly?! :rotfl:

GM (Grandma) - ::MinnieMo - (My mum) Female, late 50s, really looking forward to staying on site as never has done before! Quite happy with most rides (has been on SM before so is probably up for most things!).

GD (Grandad) - pirate: - (My dad) Male, very early 60s, not overly looking forward to the trip as has previously only had one-day-mad-boiling-hot-long-queue-middle-of-August experiences in DLP!! I keep trying to tell him it will be SO different.......! Also happy with going on rides!

This will be a lovely change for me to have people coming who would do the slightly more grown up rides too! DH is happy with this, as is DD, as they can go pin trading while waiting for the rest of us to do a scary ride!

GM & GD have also NEVER been to the Studios (it wasn't built the last time they went!) or had much experience in the Village.

NONE of us have ever been there for Halloween either, so that's great!

We're all driving. DH, DD and I in one car, GD and GM in another. Using the Eurotunnel.

December 2013 trip (DD, DH and I) was lovely, Monday to Saturday, and very laid back - waking when we wanted, no rush for breakfasts, and the only day we did EMH was the final day, early nights when we wanted....

March 2014 trip (DD, DH, N & B and I - see trip report!) was just as lovely, Monday to Friday, but felt a little more rushed - mad really, we did everything we wanted to do but we seemed to be waking DD in the mornings most mornings, evenings seemed a little later.....

This is defintely the LAST trip we'll be doing to DLP for a good few years as we're planning on a little brother or sister for DD next year! ;)

I have quite a few things left to plan:

Extra Night - DH, DD and I have decided, as we have annual passes anyway, and after DD suffering a little on our last trip due to lack of sleep, that we'll head to DLP a day earlier than planned, on the 12th, book a night in a hotel, nice meal in the Village, and start fresh on the Monday. This way we don't have to leave mega early to allow us to get to DLP by lunch (the day's almost gone!!), and knowing there will be a few late nights (Dreams!), she can have a good night sleep that Sunday to set her up for the week. We can then rock in to the park whenever we're ready, meet GD and GM when they arrive around lunch time, and off we go. Plus if there's any rides that are closed the rest of the week, HOPEFULLY they may still be open on the Sunday....

We're currently thinking of the Kyriad (easy access to the village) but need to ring DLP to see how much it would cost to add a night, room only, to our existing Santa Fe booking......


I LOVE planning the restaurants for the week! But I don't have COMPLETE free reign as DH is a picky so-and-so! GD and GM will eat with us most of the time to take advantage of the Dream AP money off! Here are my current notes.

GD & GM only - BBWWS (maybe, they haven't decided yet. We did it last trip, and it was great, but a bit overpriced to do it again, especially as DH didn't eat the food - I had his so I did REALLY well!!), Agrabah Cafe (so completely up their street, but DH hates that type of food, and I don't mind not going there).

All of us?-
Cafe Mickey (DD's favourite - been before)
Blue Lagoon (DH will only eat the main course, so could be a great one for Friday lunch before leaving... - been before)
King Ludwigs (our favourite from last trip! Obviously been before.)
Rainforest Cafe (loved this when we went in December! Obviously been before.)
Manhatten Restaurant (know very little about this but the menus look good on DLRPMagic - need to run it past DH! Not tried.)
Earl of Sandwich (I REALLY want to try this!! lol Not tried, but DH has!)
Walt's (DH is happy with the menu on DLRPMagic, so could be a nice lunch option when GD & GM go to Agrabah? Not tried.)
Hakuna Matata (we were supposed to be going here in March, but it was closed!! Gutted!! We wanted to try the crispy chicken!! IF it's closed this time, does Cowboy Cookout do something similar? Not tried.)
A back up lunch option is Toad Hall, as I've heard the fish and chips is pretty good.

Anyone have any recommendations, suggestions or any comments on the above?

Ride Challenge!

I have challenged myself to go on EVERY ride during these 3 trips!! So far, I think I've done everything except the following, but feel free to check me! So I still need to go on:

Indiana Jones (NEVER been on)
Ratatouille (NEVER been on - obviously!)
Crush (Never)
RC Racer (Never - and scares me a bit!)
Star Tours (been on years ago, but not this year)
Nautilus (I know it's only a walk through...but not been through it this year)
Robinson Crusoe tree house (as above)
Captain Hook's ship (closed last few visits!)

Is there anything less obvious that I might have missed out on? I haven't been on the boats around BTM, so I suppose I should add that!!

Rides for GM & GD

In addition to the rides above, they've never been on any rides in the Studios, or seen any of the shows there too. So we need to spend plenty of time in there for them to have time to do what they want. They've also never done Buzz, Indiana Jones, possibly not Casey Jnr or Les Pays..... Maybe not Orbitron either..... So I obviously want to make sure they get to go on the rides they want to too.

On a side note, Peter Pan was closed in March so DD didn't get to go on it, so that's in the plan this time too. EDITED TO ADD - Also, I should probably take her on the rope bridges, explore Robinson Crusoe's tree house, the pirate ship, Pocahontus village...anything I'm missing over that way??

Obviously all of the above is baring any closures!!!

Pixie Dust

We were very lucky in March with Pixie Dust in our room (gold coins, a rose, and a plush Thumper!) and a special free breakfast at the Hotel New York one morning too. So I'm not sure how to ask for the room pixie dust this time around......

Any other Must-Not-Miss moments?
Well, obviously, any Halloween related stuff, but can't plan any of that until closer to the time.
We've done Cafe Fantasia, Decent of the Stairs.....DD is too young for the park tours.
DD wants to see a Princess in the Pavillion again (grrrrrrrr), so I'll be queuing in EMH one morning for that then.....

Right, that's enough for now, this is long enough! When I think of more things, or make any first plans or decisions, I'll post! :)

C x
Following along! Sounds like you have it all well planned already!
I'm in too! Love the sound of your ride challenge!! Great idea :thumbsup2

Lovely restaurants on your list too - we spent the last two days chatting about this and King Ludwigs was a certainty from both kids too! I suppose its just so different from what is on offer in all the other restaurants. Had a gorg pizza there last time and the french onion soup is amazing!

Wait til you see DLP decked out for Halloween!! Its great plus the meets with the Villains are a cool addition.

RC Racer is actually pretty cool once it gets going!! I screamed expletives for a few seconds but ended up loving it!!

Aaaawh planning a new addition :cheer2:
Best wishes for that next big adventure. Somedays I think I'd have a house full if DH was so inclined!

Looking forward to reading along.
I'm in too! Love the sound of your ride challenge!! Great idea :thumbsup2

Lovely restaurants on your list too - we spent the last two days chatting about this and King Ludwigs was a certainty from both kids too! I suppose its just so different from what is on offer in all the other restaurants. Had a gorg pizza there last time and the french onion soup is amazing!

Wait til you see DLP decked out for Halloween!! Its great plus the meets with the Villains are a cool addition.

RC Racer is actually pretty cool once it gets going!! I screamed expletives for a few seconds but ended up loving it!!

Aaaawh planning a new addition :cheer2:
Best wishes for that next big adventure. Somedays I think I'd have a house full if DH was so inclined!

Looking forward to reading along.

Thank you! I'm worried I've missed something obvious with the ride challenge - I think I may have to print off a park map and literally mark them off! lol What about playgrounds?! Should I include them? DD would enjoy them and we haven't been to any yet....

That's why we liked King Ludwigs - granted DH LOVES a schnitzel, but I tried the pork shank which was gorgeous and when we went back I had one of their mega thin pizzas - and the tiramasu type dessert in a beer glass was delicious. Lovely to have 'different' things!

Can't WAIT for Halloween, and DD can't wait to meet the baddies!! lol

RC Racer - I hate Pirate Ship type rides, you know the ones that swing back and forth, makes me feel sick, but I think I just need to go for it! lol

C x
Following along! Sounds like you have it all well planned already!

Thank you! I'm a bit OCD with planning, and everyone made fun of me for the last trip, but they all also agreed that it was such a smooth trip because it was so WELL planned. And with the added pixie dust we had last time too.....!

Feel free to suggest anything I may have missed though!

C x
DLP Secrets

Ok, so this was kind of on my plan of things to do in March, but it didn't happen, but GM and GD might be up for hunting with me! I'd love to find more of the Disney secrets! Here's the list I have, and the ones I've found so far. Can anyone add any more, or help me as to where to find the ones I haven't found yet? Or any news on any of them (like if the rain thing works with the umbrella any more....).....

1. The Dragons Lair under the Castle - DONE

2. Lighting effects - you can change the lights inside studio 1 at Walt Disneys Studio Park, in front of Club Swankadero and in the Tiki Lounge

3. Take a phone call - pick up the phone next to Walt's bureau inside the photo shop and listen for a message (try other shops)

4. Get breezy - approach the fan at the exit of the Armagenddon attraction - DOES THIS STILL WORK?

5. Heavy rock - sit on the stone underneath the suspended bridge in Adventure Isle, it rocks from side to side

6. Puppet parade - be at 'it's a small world' on the hour for a parade of characters - DONE

7. Sit on the motorcycle outside Cafe des Cascadeurs in disney studios to hear some sound effects - DONE

8. Get a hair cut in Dapper Dan's period barber's shop - WON'T GET A CHANCE

9. Make it rain - stand underneath the umbrella next to the Backlot Express resturant in disney studios

10. Make some music - try the working keyboard in the back of the technician's van outside the Rock'n'Roller Coaster

11. Watch the giant pink tea pot near Alice's Curious Labyrinth for a while and you might catch a glimpse of something! - DONE

12. Look up at the airship as you enter Videopolis. See the doves in the cage? Are they real - or not?!

13. Go and stand next to the fountain in the middle of the covered queue line of phantom manor. Listen carefully!

14. On your way out of phantom manor go and put your ear next to the big tomb on boot hill. Hear anything?!

15. Look for PUSH the bin in Studios! - WHERE? Does he come out any more?

16. Hear one of the residents of Main Street do their morning routine! - DONE

17. (Thanks Kizzabel!) Also over by the cool post in Adventureland is the Cool Post - you'll see a Coca Cola chest - lift the lid and have a listen!

Anything I've missed, or any tips on the above??

C x
DLP Secrets

Ok, so this was kind of on my plan of things to do in March, but it didn't happen, but GM and GD might be up for hunting with me! I'd love to find more of the Disney secrets! Here's the list I have, and the ones I've found so far. Can anyone add any more, or help me as to where to find the ones I haven't found yet? Or any news on any of them (like if the rain thing works with the umbrella any more....).....

2. Lighting effects - you can change the lights inside studio 1 at Walt Disneys Studio Park, in front of Club Swankadero and in the Tiki Lounge Thats so cool! Must look for this one next month!

3. Take a phone call - pick up the phone next to Walt's bureau inside the photo shop and listen for a message (try other shops) In the Market House Deli - lift the phone and have a little easedrop :thumbsup2

4. Get breezy - approach the fan at the exit of the Armagenddon attraction - I think so - not 100% though!

5. Heavy rock - sit on the stone underneath the suspended bridge in Adventure Isle, it rocks from side to side We need to explore here more! It confuses me and I tend to get lost!

9. Make it rain - stand underneath the umbrella next to the Backlot Express resturant in disney studios Still in operation

13. Go and stand next to the fountain in the middle of the covered queue line of phantom manor. Listen carefully! Never did this either! Im a slacker!

15. Look for PUSH the bin in Studios! - Haven't had the pleasure yet but I believe around RnRC and Blockbuster cafe. If you google him he does look a little different to the bins that don't ramble about. Happy stalking :)

Anything I've missed, or any tips on the above??

C x

Hope this helps!

Also over by the cool post in Adventureland is the Cool Post - you'll see a Coca Cola chest - lift the lid and have a listen!
Restaurant Update!

Ok, Manhattan Restaurant is out (DH doesn't fancy anything off the menu we've been sent!).

But he now really fancies the Inventions buffet. Unfortunately we can't guarantee we'll be there in time for Sunday brunch, so we're looking at the Sunday dinner, or if GM & GD fancy it, possibly do it altogether on another day instead of Cafe Mickey.

Which characters are standard in Inventions? (as standard as they can be! You know, like in Cafe Mickey you're almost guaranteed to see Mickey, Minnie, and every time we've been - 3 times - we've seen Tigger, Pluto, and 2 times Goofy...)

Will be chatting about restaurants more with GM & GD over Easter, so if nothing else I'm hoping to know if they're going to do BBWWS or not. I know that they want to roughly plan for two 'free-stealing-from-breakfast' lunches to save a bit of money, but it depends how bonkers it is in there in the mornings! We'll do counter service the days they do that....

C x
Right, note for myself. This is what I need to find out from the parents so I can put together the restaurant plan!

1. Do they want to do BBWWS?
2. Do they want to go to Agrabah Cafe?
3. Do they want to do an Inventions character dinner?
4. Do they want to go to Walts?

Once I have that, I can do a rough plan! Will have to wait until closer to the time to find out which rides are closed and when (which parks we're in each day depend on closures).... then will set it in (sort of) stone!

C x
I was sure I had already posted on this , great plans the Santa Fe rooms look great with the cars style.
Congrats on the baby planning.
I was 33 when I had the boys so watch out you may get double trouble they say your mid 30s is perfect time for twins.
We just miss you we are there the 27th xx
I was sure I had already posted on this , great plans the Santa Fe rooms look great with the cars style.
Congrats on the baby planning.
I was 33 when I had the boys so what out you may get double trouble they say your mid 30s is perfect time for twins.
We just miss you we are there the 27th xx

Oh no, don't say anything about twins!! lol We've hoarded everything from DD so we have to buy very little 'big' things when we get around to baby number 2...twins would mean more buying!!! lol

That would be very bizarre our paths crossing AGAIN in DLP. WHere you staying in October?

C x
Oh no, don't say anything about twins!! lol We've hoarded everything from DD so we have to buy very little 'big' things when we get around to baby number 2...twins would mean more buying!!! lol

That would be very bizarre our paths crossing AGAIN in DLP. WHere you staying in October?

Lol !!
We are staying in VDE in a apartment there 5 of us going now supposed to be 6.
The onsite prices are mad for that half term week.
I'm 40 on the 26th is we are having the full week to celebrate
Lol !!
We are staying in VDE in a apartment there 5 of us going now supposed to be 6.
The onsite prices are mad for that half term week.
I'm 40 on the 26th is we are having the full week to celebrate

Oooo lovely. Yes, with DD being only 4, and having had a chat with her lovely head teacher, we're making the most of still going during term time while we can!! I will have to hint towards a similar celebration for my 40th I think! Although I've also hinted that I want to do the tasting menu at Heston Blumenthals restaurant for my 40th......!!

C x
Oooo lovely. Yes, with DD being only 4, and having had a chat with her lovely head teacher, we're making the most of still going during term time while we can!! I will have to hint towards a similar celebration for my 40th I think! Although I've also hinted that I want to do the tasting menu at Heston Blumenthals restaurant for my 40th......!!

C x

You can not get to speak to our head is a nightmare.
Our next trip is feb half term but it's the twins birthday week so it makes sense to go then, we are still having a few extra days staying off site we will need them right :confused:.

Oh a girl after my own heart
I do love a good feed trying to find a good afternoon tea option in london for my actual birthday.
Kiddie friendly and that won't Break the bank.
Need to start my PTR soon x
You can not get to speak to our head is a nightmare.
Our next trip is feb half term but it's the twins birthday week so it makes sense to go then, we are still having a few extra days staying off site we will need them right :confused:.

Oh a girl after my own heart
I do love a good feed trying to find a good afternoon tea option in london for my actual birthday.
Kiddie friendly and that won't Break the bank.
Need to start my PTR soon x

We are very lucky with our head. With our school to be honest.

Half term falling over the twins birthday is perfect then really!

Oooo yummy afternoon tea! Enjoy!

Yes, start your PTR! I might redesign my opening post with more pics, especially after seeing tinks_1989 lovely start!! lol :thumbsup2

C x
Restaurant Update!

Ok, so my parents have had a think about meals, and have decided that they won't bother with Buffalo Bills, and definitely want to do Agrabah Cafe, King Ludwigs, Hakuna Matata and Earl of Sandwich. My dad is interested in Blue Lagoon (not sure if we'll fit it in!) and I know my mum wants to see DD interact with characters at a meal. Inventions will be too expensive, so Cafe Mickey it is.

So I'm getting a rough plan sorted, but it's all subject to change depending on which days we're in which parks, which will all relate to any ride closures and any Halloween themed activities! DH, DD and I will probably go to Inventions on the Sunday night (as parents aren't interested), and as they won't be there in time for lunch on the Monday, we'll probably do Hakkuna Matata JUST IN CASE it's closed later int he week (DH was gutted last time! lol). Only other definite plan is that when the parents go to Agrabah Cafe we'll go to Walts (DH doesn't fancy Agrabah Cafe, they don't want to do Walts), but when that will be yet, I'm not sure!

So to sum up:

Inventions (3 of us)
Hakkuna Matata (3 of us)
Walts (3 of us) AND Agrabah (2 of us)

To also fit in the week we will have:
Earl of Sandwich
Hakkuna Matata again
King Ludwigs (early dinner to grab happy hour!)
Cafe Mickey (ideally a lunchtime)
Cafe des Cascadeurs (if open!! - if not, Restaurant en Couilisse has always been fine and I have a childrens meal to save money!)

And maybe....
Blue Lagoon
Rainforest Cafe

Back up main park restaurants:
Toad Hall
Cowboy Cookout

Getting there!! lol

C x
Some great meal plans :rotfl2:
Having a mare with mine but got 3 days off so going to plan meals make a few phone calls and hope to start my PTR
Some great meal plans :rotfl2:
Having a mare with mine but got 3 days off so going to plan meals make a few phone calls and hope to start my PTR

What you having trouble with?

I'm getting REALLY frustrated that I have so long to go so don't know yet when the restaurants are open or when halloween shows and events are happening! lol Talk about OCD....

Think it's because I was spoiled with our last trip. I started planning in January ready for March! Nice and quick!

C x


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